/// <summary> /// 绑定属性列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> private void Bind() { int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; string strWhere = "and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and ComPid=" + this.CompID; if (ViewState["strWhere"] != null) { strWhere += ViewState["strWhere"].ToString(); } //每页显示的数据设置 if (this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToString() != "" && this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToString() != "0") { if (this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().Length >= 5) { Pager.PageSize = 100; this.txtPageSize.Value = "100"; } else { this.Pager.PageSize = this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToInt(0); } } List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList(Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, "id", false, strWhere, out pageCount, out Counts); this.rptAttribute.DataSource = l; this.rptAttribute.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 属性以及属性值添加 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string AddAttributeValue(string value, string id, string attrName) { value = Common.NoHTML(value); attrName = Common.NoHTML(attrName); int attrId = 0; if (id == "" || id == null) { if (IsExist("attributeName", attrName, "")) { return("sxycz"); } Hi.Model.BD_Attribute l = new Hi.Model.BD_Attribute(); l.AttributeName = attrName; l.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; l.CreateUserID = this.UserID; l.ts = DateTime.Now; l.CompID = this.CompID; l.modifyuser = this.UserID; l.IsEnabled = 1; attrId = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Add(l); } else { attrId = Convert.ToInt32(id); } var num = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetList("", "attributeid=" + attrId + " and attrvalue='" + value + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and Compid=" + this.CompID, ""); if (num.Count > 0) { return("ycz");//已存在 } Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues model = new Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues(); model.AttrValue = value; model.AttributeID = Convert.ToInt32(attrId); model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; model.CreateUserID = this.UserID; model.ts = DateTime.Now; model.CompID = this.CompID; model.modifyuser = this.UserID; model.IsEnabled = 1; int count = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().Add(model); if (count > 0) { return(attrId.ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 取消删除最新插入 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string DelAttr(int id) { SqlTransaction Tran = Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); try { Hi.Model.BD_Attribute model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(id, Tran); model.dr = 1; model.modifyuser = this.UserID; model.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Update(model, Tran); List <Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and attributeid=" + id, "", Tran); if (l.Count > 0) { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues item in l) { Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues model2 = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetModel(item.ID, Tran); model2.dr = 1; model2.modifyuser = this.UserID; model2.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().Update(model2, Tran); } } Tran.Commit(); return("cg"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Tran != null) { if (Tran.Connection != null) { Tran.Rollback(); } } JScript.AlertMethod(this, "失败", JScript.IconOption.错误); return(""); } finally { DBUtility.SqlHelper.ConnectionClose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑属性 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //赋值 string attributeName = Common.NoHTML(txtAttributeNames.Value.Trim()); //属性名称 string memo = Common.NoHTML(txtMemos.Value.Trim()); //属性备注 Hi.Model.BD_Attribute attribute = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(hideAttrId.Value)); var list = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList("", "id<>" + hideAttrId.Value + " and attributename='" + attributeName + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID, ""); if (list.Count > 0) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性名称已存在", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } else { attribute.AttributeName = attributeName; } attribute.AttributeName = attributeName; attribute.Memo = memo; attribute.CreateUserID = this.UserID; attribute.ts = DateTime.Now; attribute.CompID = this.CompID; attribute.modifyuser = this.UserID; attribute.IsEnabled = 1; /*****执行*****/ bool k = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Update(attribute); if (k) { Bind(); txtAttributeNames.Value = string.Empty; } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性编辑失败", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 判断某属性某值是否存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExist(string value, string text, string id) { string where = string.Empty; if (!Util.IsEmpty(id)) { where = " and id!=" + id; } bool bfg = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute> List = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList(" top 1 *", value + "='" + text + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + where, null); if (List.Count > 0) { bfg = true; } } return(bfg); }
/// <summary> /// 判断某属性某值是否存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExist(int id, string value) { bool bfg = false; if (id != 0) { var list = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList("", "id<>" + id + " and attributename='" + value + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID, ""); if (list.Count > 0) { bfg = true; } } else { if (IsExist("attributeName", value, "")) { bfg = true; } } return(bfg); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> public string Bind2(string id) { DataTable dt = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetAttributrList(id, this.CompID.ToString());//获取属性以及属性值 if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { return(ConvertJson.ToJson(dt)); } else { Hi.Model.BD_Attribute model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(id)); List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute> lsit = new List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute>(); lsit.Add(model); DataTable dt2 = Common.FillDataTable <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute>(lsit); if (dt2.Rows.Count != 0) { return(ConvertJson.ToJson(dt2)); } return("[{}]"); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据属性 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetTemplateList(int str) { string list = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttribute().GetList("", "TemplateID=" + str + " and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and ComPid=" + this.CompID, ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute item in ll) { Hi.Model.BD_Attribute model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(item.AttributeID); string str2 = model.AttributeName; if (model.Memo != "") { str2 += "(" + model.Memo + ")"; } list += str2 + ";"; } if (list.Length > 65) { list = list.Substring(0, list.Substring(0, 65).LastIndexOf(';')) + "<br> " + list.Substring(list.Substring(0, 65).LastIndexOf(';')); } } return(list != "" ? list.Substring(0, list.Length - 1) : list); }
/// <summary> /// 属性绑定 /// </summary> private void BindAttribute(int type, string id) { int y = 0; StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder html2 = new StringBuilder(); html.Append("<ul class=\"ng-scope\">"); List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID, ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { if (type == 2) { List <Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttribute().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and templateId=" + id, ""); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_Attribute item in ll) { string str = string.Empty; int attrId = 0; if (l.Count > 0) { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute item2 in l) { if (item2.AttributeID == item.ID) { attrId = item2.ID; str = "checked=\"checked\""; break; } } } html.Append("<li class=\"pointer proHover p-t-6 p-b-6 ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item.ID + "\"><span class=\"customerManager m-l-10\"><input class=\"ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid\" " + str + " type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chekAttr\" value=\"" + item.ID + "\"/></span><span class=\"ng-binding\">" + item.AttributeName + "</span>"); if (item.Memo != "") { html.Append("<span class=\"ng-binding\">(" + item.Memo + ")</span>"); } html.Append("</li>"); List <Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues> lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and attributeId=" + item.ID, ""); if (lll.Count > 0) { html2.Append("<ul class=\"ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item.ID + "\" " + (y != 0 ? "style=\"display:none;\"" : "") + ">"); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues item2 in lll) { string str2 = string.Empty; if (attrId != 0) { List <Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue> llll = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttrValue().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and TemplateAttrID=" + attrId + " and attributevalueId=" + item2.ID, ""); if (llll.Count > 0) { str2 = "checked=\"checked\""; } List <Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue> lllll = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttrValue().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and TemplateAttrID=" + attrId, ""); if (lllll.Count == 0) { str2 = "checked=\"checked\""; } } html2.Append("<li class=\"pointer proHover p-t-6 p-b-6 ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item2.ID + "\"><span class=\"customerManager m-l-10\"><input class=\"ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid\" " + str2 + " type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chekAttrValue" + item.ID + "\" value=\"" + item2.ID + "\"/></span><span class=\"ng-binding\">" + item2.AttrValue + "</span></li>"); y++; } html2.Append("</ul>"); } } } else { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_Attribute item in ll) { html.Append("<li class=\"pointer proHover p-t-6 p-b-6 ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item.ID + "\"><span class=\"customerManager m-l-10\"><input class=\"ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chekAttr\" value=\"" + item.ID + "\"/></span><span class=\"ng-binding\">" + item.AttributeName + "</span>"); if (item.Memo != "") { html.Append("<span class=\"ng-binding\">(" + item.Memo + ")</span>"); } html.Append("</li>"); List <Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and attributeId=" + item.ID, ""); if (l.Count > 0) { html2.Append("<ul class=\"ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item.ID + "\" style=\"display:none;\">"); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues item2 in l) { html2.Append("<li class=\"pointer proHover p-t-6 p-b-6 ng-scope\" tip=\"" + item2.ID + "\"><span class=\"customerManager m-l-10\"><input class=\"ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chekAttrValue" + item.ID + "\" value=\"" + item2.ID + "\"/></span><span class=\"ng-binding\">" + item2.AttrValue + "</span></li>"); } html2.Append("</ul>"); } } } } html.Append("</ul>"); this.divAttr.InnerHtml = html.ToString(); this.divAttrValue.InnerHtml = html2.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 添加属性 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (bolNum(hideadd.Value)) { Hi.Model.BD_Attribute attribute = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(hideadd.Value)); if (IsExist("attributeName", this.txtAttributeName.Value.Trim(), hideadd.Value)) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性已存在", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } attribute.AttributeName = Common.NoHTML(this.txtAttributeName.Value.Trim()); attribute.Memo = Common.NoHTML(this.txtMemo.Value.Trim()); attribute.CreateUserID = this.UserID; attribute.ID = Convert.ToInt32(hideadd.Value); attribute.ts = DateTime.Now; attribute.CompID = this.CompID; attribute.modifyuser = this.UserID; bool k = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Update(attribute); Bind(); txtAttributeName.Value = string.Empty; txtMemo.Value = string.Empty; hideadd.Value = ""; } else { //赋值 string attributeName = Common.NoHTML(txtAttributeName.Value.Trim()); //属性名称 string memo = Common.NoHTML(txtMemo.Value.Trim()); //排序编号 if (IsExist("attributeName", attributeName, "")) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性已存在", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } Hi.Model.BD_Attribute attribute = new Hi.Model.BD_Attribute(); attribute.AttributeName = attributeName; attribute.Memo = memo; attribute.CreateUserID = this.UserID; attribute.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; attribute.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;//创建时间 attribute.ts = DateTime.Now; attribute.CompID = this.CompID; attribute.modifyuser = this.UserID; attribute.IsEnabled = 1; /*****执行*****/ int k = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Add(attribute); if (k > 0) { Bind(); txtAttributeName.Value = string.Empty; hideadd.Value = ""; } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性添加失败", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlTransaction Tran = Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); try { List <int> l = new List <int>(); foreach (RepeaterItem row in this.rptAttribute.Items) { CheckBox cb = row.FindControl("CB_SelItem") as CheckBox; if (cb != null && cb.Checked) { HiddenField fld = row.FindControl("HF_Id") as HiddenField; if (fld != null) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(fld.Value); l.Add(id); Hi.Model.BD_Attribute model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetModel(id); if (model != null) { var lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrs().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and AttrsName ='" + model.AttributeName + "'", ""); if (lll.Count > 0) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "属性已被使用,不能删除", JScript.IconOption.错误); break; } model.ts = DateTime.Now; model.modifyuser = this.UserID; model.dr = 1; model.CompID = this.CompID; bool bol = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Update(model); List <Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and attributeid=" + id, "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues item in ll) { Hi.Model.BD_AttributeValues model2 = new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().GetModel(item.ID, Tran); model2.dr = 1; model2.modifyuser = this.UserID; model2.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.BD_AttributeValues().Update(model2, Tran); } } } } } } Tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Tran != null) { if (Tran.Connection != null) { Tran.Rollback(); } } JScript.AlertMethod(this, "失败", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } finally { DBUtility.SqlHelper.ConnectionClose(); } // new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().Updates(this.UserID.ToString(), l, this.CompID.ToString()); Bind(); }
/// <summary> /// 验证规格属性是否存在一、二、三级分类 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string CheckGoodsAttr(string goodsTypeId, string goodsCate3, string value, string str, int index, SqlTransaction Tran) { string goodsCateId = string.Empty; if (goodsCate3.IndexOf("@") != -1) { categoryId = goodsCate3.Split('@')[1]; goodsCateId = goodsCate3.Split('@')[1]; goodsCate3 = goodsCate3.Split('@')[0]; } else { List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsCategory> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsCategory().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and goodstypeid=" + goodsTypeId + " and categoryname='" + goodsCate3 + "' and compid=" + this.CompID, "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { goodsCateId = ll[0].ID.ToString(); } } string[] valueList = value.Split(','); //规格属性以逗号分隔 bool bol = false; //如果有不存在的规格属性,则跳出for string strValue = string.Empty; //保存属性 string listId = string.Empty; //attrId for (int i = 0; i < valueList.Length; i++) { if (!Util.IsEmpty(valueList[i])) { List <Hi.Model.BD_Attribute> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_Attribute().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and attributename='" + valueList[i] + "'", "", Tran); if (l.Count == 0) { strValue = valueList[i]; bol = true; break; } else { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_Attribute item in l) { listId += item.ID + ","; // strValue += item.AttributeName + ","; } } } } if (bol) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + 3) + " </i> 的数据有误。" + str + "不存在" + strValue + ",请修改后重新导入。"); } else { if (!Util.IsEmpty(listId)) { listId = listId.Substring(0, listId.Length - 1); strValue = value.Replace(',', ','); } List <Hi.Model.BD_CategoryAttribute> lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_CategoryAttribute().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and attributeid in(" + listId + ") and categoryId=" + goodsCateId, "", Tran); if (lll.Count == 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + 3) + " </i> 的数据有误。" + str + "不存在" + strValue + ",请修改后重新导入。"); } else { string liststr = string.Empty; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_CategoryAttribute item in lll) { liststr += item.ID + ","; } if (!Util.IsEmpty(liststr)) { liststr = liststr.Substring(0, liststr.Length - 1); } return(listId + "@" + liststr); } } return(listId); }