Write() приватный Метод

private Write ( byte dataByte ) : bool
dataByte byte
Результат bool
Пример #1
        internal short[] ReadMagData()             //TODO : When using the INT pin, this does not work at all.
            byte[] rawData = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // x/y/z gyro register data stored here
            //WriteByte(_ak8975A, AK8975A_CNTL, 0x01); // toggle enable data read from magnetometer, no continuous read mode!
            //var w = WaitMs(20);

            _mpu9150.Write(INT_PIN_CFG, 0x02);
            var w = WaitMs(10);

            _ak8975A.Write(0x0A, 0x01);
            w = WaitMs(10);

            //var rb = ReadByte(_ak8975A, AK8975A_ST1);
            //Only accept a new magnetometer data read if the data ready bit is set and
            // if there are no sensor overflow or data read errors
            //if (ReadByte(_ak8975A, AK8975A_ST1) & 0x01) > 0)) //So the return for read byte should be a byte?
            //{ // wait for magnetometer data ready bit to be set
            _ak8975A.Read(6, AK8975A_XOUT_L, out rawData);
            // Read the six raw data registers sequentially into data array

            var magData = new short[3];

            magData[0] = (short)((rawData[1] << 8) | rawData[0]);  // Turn the MSB and LSB into a signed 16-bit value
            magData[1] = (short)((rawData[3] << 8) | rawData[2]);
            magData[2] = (short)((rawData[5] << 8) | rawData[4]);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Testing detecting vibration when a foot contacts an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        internal void Start(int channel)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var avg = new double[10];
                int i   = 0;

                while (true)
                    var config = Enums.Ads1115.Config.CQUE_NONE |
                                 Enums.Ads1115.Config.CLAT_NONLAT |
                                 Enums.Ads1115.Config.CPOL_ACTVLOW |
                                 Enums.Ads1115.Config.CMODE_TRAD |
                                 Enums.Ads1115.Config.DR_128SPS |

                    var newconfig = ((uint)config) | ((uint)Enums.Ads1115.Gain.Sixteen) | ((uint)Enums.Ads1115.Config.MUX_SINGLE_0) | ((uint)Enums.Ads1115.Config.OS_SINGLE);

                    var r = _ads1115.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, (byte)(newconfig >> 8), (byte)(newconfig & 0xff) });


                    while (_stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 4)

                    r = _ads1115.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });

                    byte[] toRead;
                    r = _ads1115.Read(2, out toRead);

                    var val = BitConverter.ToUInt16(toRead, 0);

                    if (val == 256)
                        val = 0;

                    avg[i] = val;

                    if (i == 9)
                        i          = 0;
                        var outVal = avg.Sum() / 10;

                        if (outVal > 30000) //When a foot hits the floor, you get some value above this.
                            Debug.WriteLine("Value " + outVal);


            }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
Пример #3
        internal bool WriteBit(I2CDevice device, byte regAddr, byte bitNum, byte data)
            byte[] b;
            device.Write(new[] { regAddr });

            device.Read(1, out b);

            if (data != 0)
                b[0] = (byte)(1 << bitNum);
                b[0] = (byte)(b[0] & (byte)(~(1 << bitNum)));

            return(device.Write(new[] { regAddr, b[0] }));
Пример #4
        internal bool WriteBits(I2CDevice device, byte regAddr, byte bitStart, byte length, byte data)
            //      010 value to write
            // 76543210 bit numbers
            //    xxx   args: bitStart=4, length=3
            // 00011100 mask byte
            // 10101111 original value (sample)
            // 10100011 original & ~mask
            // 10101011 masked | value
            byte[] b;

            device.Write(new[] { regAddr });

            if (device.Read(regAddr, out b))
                var mask = (byte)(((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1));
                data <<= (bitStart - length + 1); // shift data into correct position
                data  &= mask;                    // zero all non-important bits in data
                b[0]  &= (byte)(~(mask));         // zero all important bits in existing byte
                b[0]  |= data;                    // combine data with existing byte
                return(device.Write(new[] { regAddr, b[0] }));
Пример #5
        private int GetFifoCount(I2CDevice device)
            if (!device.Write(new[] { FIFO_COUNTH }))

            byte[] buffer;
            var    r = device.Read(2, out buffer);

            if (r)
                return((buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]); //Get byte count
Пример #6
        internal async Task InitializeHardware()
                _ioController = GpioController.GetDefault();
                _interruptPin = _ioController.OpenPin(17);
                _interruptPin.ValueChanged += Interrupt;
                _mpu9150 = new I2CDevice((byte)Mpu9150Setup.Address, I2cBusSpeed.FastMode);
                await _mpu9150.Open();

                await Task.Delay(5); // power up 

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 0x80);// reset the device

                await Task.Delay(100);

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 0x2 );
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x04);//reset fifo

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 1 ); // clock source = gyro x
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.GyroConfig, 0); // +/- 250 degrees sec, max sensitivity
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.AccelConfig, 0); // +/- 2g, max sensitivity

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.Config, 1);// 184 Hz, 2ms delay
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.SampleRateDiv, 19); // set rate 50Hz
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.FifoEnable, 0x78); // enable accel and gyro to read into fifo
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x40); // reset and enable fifo
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.InterruptEnable, 0x1); 
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #7
 internal void SetPwm(byte channel, ushort on, ushort off)
     _pca9685.Write((byte)(Registers.LED0_ON_L + 4 * channel), (byte)(on & 0xFF));
     _pca9685.Write((byte)(Registers.LED0_ON_H + 4 * channel), (byte)(on >> 8));
     _pca9685.Write((byte)(Registers.LED0_OFF_L + 4 * channel), (byte)(off & 0xFF));
     _pca9685.Write((byte)(Registers.LED0_OFF_H + 4 * channel), (byte)(off >> 8));
Пример #8
        internal async Task InitHardware()
                _ioController = GpioController.GetDefault();
                _interruptPin = _ioController.OpenPin(17);
                _interruptPin.ValueChanged += _interruptPin_ValueChanged;

                _mpu9150 = new I2CDevice((byte)Mpu9150Setup.Address, I2cBusSpeed.FastMode);
                await _mpu9150.Open();

                await Task.Delay(100);                                     // power up

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 0x80); // reset the device

                await Task.Delay(100);

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 0x2);
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x04);      //reset fifo

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.PowerManagement1, 1); // clock source = gyro x
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.GyroConfig, 0);       // +/- 250 degrees sec, max sensitivity
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.AccelConfig, 0);      // +/- 2g, max sensitivity

                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.Config, 1);           // 184 Hz, 2ms delay
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.SampleRateDiv, 19);   // set rate 50Hz
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.FifoEnable, 0x78);    // enable accel and gyro to read into fifo
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x40);      // reset and enable fifo
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.InterruptEnable, 0x1);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #9
        private async void Interrupt(GpioPin sender, GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs args)
            await Task.Delay(10);

            if (_mpu9150 == null)

            int interruptStatus = _mpu9150.ReadRegisterSingle((byte)Mpu9150Setup.InterruptStatus);

            if ((interruptStatus & 0x10) != 0)
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x44);// reset - enable fifo
            if ((interruptStatus & 0x1) == 0)

            var ea = new MpuSensorEventArgs();

            ea.Status       = (byte)interruptStatus;
            ea.SamplePeriod = 0.02f;
            var l = new List <MpuSensorValue>();

            int count = _mpu9150.ReadUshort((byte)Mpu9150Setup.FifoCount);

            while (count >= SensorBytes)

                byte[] buffer;

                _mpu9150.Read(SensorBytes, out buffer);
                count -= SensorBytes;

                var xa = (short)(buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]);
                var ya = (short)(buffer[2] << 8 | buffer[3]);
                var za = (short)(buffer[4] << 8 | buffer[5]);

                var xg = (short)(buffer[6] << 8 | buffer[7]);
                var yg = (short)(buffer[8] << 8 | buffer[9]);
                var zg = (short)(buffer[10] << 8 | buffer[11]);

                var sv = new MpuSensorValue
                    AccelerationX = xa / 16384d,
                    AccelerationY = ya / 16384d,
                    AccelerationZ = za / 16384d,
                    GyroX         = xg / 131d,
                    GyroY         = yg / 131d,
                    GyroZ         = zg / 131d

                var gain = 0.00875;

                var xRotationPerSecond = sv.GyroX * gain; //xRotationPerSecond is the rate of rotation per second.

                var loopPeriod = 0.015;                   //loop period - 0.02

                _gyroXangle += xRotationPerSecond * loopPeriod;

                var radToDeg = 57.29578;

                var accXangle = (Math.Atan2(sv.AccelerationY, sv.AccelerationZ) + Math.PI) * radToDeg;

                var complementaryFilterConstant = 0.98;

                _cFangleX = complementaryFilterConstant * (_cFangleX + xRotationPerSecond * loopPeriod) + (1 - complementaryFilterConstant) * accXangle;

                //Debug.WriteLine("X: " + sv.GyroX + ", Y: " + sv.GyroY + ", Z: " + sv.GyroZ);
                //Debug.WriteLine("CFangleX: " + _cFangleX);
                //Debug.WriteLine("AccelX: " + sv.AccelerationX + ", AccelY: " + sv.AccelerationY + ", AccelZ: " + sv.AccelerationZ);
            ea.Values = l.ToArray();

            if (SensorInterruptEvent == null)

            if (ea.Values.Length > 0)
                SensorInterruptEvent(this, ea);
Пример #10
        private int GetFifoCount(I2CDevice device)
            if (!device.Write(new[] {FIFO_COUNTH}))
                return 0;

            byte[] buffer;
            var r = device.Read(2, out buffer);

            if (r)
                return (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; //Get byte count    

            return 0;
Пример #11
        internal bool WriteBits(I2CDevice device, byte regAddr, byte bitStart, byte length, byte data)
            //      010 value to write
            // 76543210 bit numbers
            //    xxx   args: bitStart=4, length=3
            // 00011100 mask byte
            // 10101111 original value (sample)
            // 10100011 original & ~mask
            // 10101011 masked | value
            byte[] b;

            device.Write(new[] { regAddr });

            if (device.Read(regAddr, out b))
                var mask = (byte)(((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1));
                data <<= (bitStart - length + 1); // shift data into correct position
                data &= mask; // zero all non-important bits in data
                b[0] &= (byte)(~(mask)); // zero all important bits in existing byte
                b[0] |= data; // combine data with existing byte
                return device.Write(new[] { regAddr, b[0] });
            return false;
Пример #12
        internal bool WriteBit(I2CDevice device, byte regAddr, byte bitNum, byte data)
            byte[] b;
            device.Write(new[] { regAddr });

            device.Read(1, out b);

            if (data != 0)
                b[0] = (byte)(1 << bitNum);
                b[0] = (byte)(b[0] & (byte)(~(1 << bitNum)));

            return device.Write(new[] { regAddr, b[0] });
Пример #13
        private void ConfigureMpr121()
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { SoftReset, 0x63 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { ECR, 0x00 });

            SetThresholds(4, 3);

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { MHD_R, 0x01 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NHD_R, 0x01 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NCL_R, 0x0E });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { FDL_R, 0x00 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { MHD_F, 0x01 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NHD_F, 0x05 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NCL_F, 0x01 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { FDL_F, 0x00 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NHD_T, 0x00 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { NCL_T, 0x00 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { FDL_T, 0x00 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Debounce, 0x00 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Config1, 0x10 });
            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Config2, 0x20 });

            _i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { ECR, 0x03 });

            //_i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Mpr121.GPIO_EN, 0xff });
            //_i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Mpr121.GPIO_DIR, 0xff });
            //_i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Mpr121.GPIO_CTRL0, 0xff });
            //_i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Mpr121.GPIO_CTRL1, 0xff });
            //_i2CDevice.Write(new byte[] { Mpr121.GPIO_CLEAR, 0xff });

            _gpioPin.ValueChanged += Pin_ValueChanged;