public clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse UpdateCheck(bool silent, ref IMessager iLoadFrm) { this.mFrm = iLoadFrm; this.ShowMessage(silent, ref iLoadFrm); this.SetMessage("Checking For Updates...", ""); clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse eCheckResponse; if (!this.RequestXMLVersionInfo()) { eCheckResponse = clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.NoUpdates; } else { int updateId = -1; int num = this.Updates.Length - 1; for (int index = 0; index <= num; index++) { clsXMLUpdate.clsXMLItem update = this.Updates[index]; if (update.Version > 0f) { switch (update.nType) { case clsXMLUpdate.eUpdateType.AppUpdate: if (update.Version > 1.962f) { updateId = index; goto IL_E3; } break; case clsXMLUpdate.eUpdateType.DBUpdate: if (update.Version > DatabaseAPI.Database.Version) { updateId = index; goto IL_E3; } break; } } } IL_E3: if (updateId < 0) { this.HideMessage(); eCheckResponse = clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.NoUpdates; } else { bool flag = true; clsXMLUpdate.clsXMLItem update2 = this.Updates[updateId]; if (update2.DisplayName == "") { flag = false; } if (update2.LocalDest == "") { flag = false; } if (update2.Size < 1) { flag = false; } if (update2.SourceURI == "") { flag = false; } this.HideMessage(); if (flag) { string str5 = "An update for the "; switch (this.Updates[updateId].nType) { case clsXMLUpdate.eUpdateType.AppUpdate: str5 += "application"; break; case clsXMLUpdate.eUpdateType.DBUpdate: str5 += "database"; break; } str5 += " is available.\r\n"; clsXMLUpdate.clsXMLItem update3 = this.Updates[updateId]; str5 = str5 + "Update: " + update3.DisplayName + "\r\n"; str5 = string.Concat(new string[] { str5, "Version: ", Conversions.ToString(update3.Version), " (", Strings.Format(update3.VersionDate, "Short Date"), ")\r\n" }); if (!update3.Manual) { str5 = str5 + "Size: " + Strings.Format((double)update3.Size / 1024.0, "###,##0") + " KB\r\n"; } str5 = str5 + "Notes: " + update3.Notes + "\r\n"; if (update3.Restart & !update3.Manual) { str5 += "\r\nUpdate will require the application to restart.\r\n"; } if (update3.Manual) { str5 += "\r\nThis update requires you download and re-install fully. You will be directed to the download page.\r\n\r\nDownload this update now?"; } else { str5 += "\r\nDownload and install this update now?"; } if (Interaction.MsgBox(str5, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Automatic Update") == MsgBoxResult.Yes) { if (update3.Manual) { clsXMLUpdate.LaunchBrowser(update3.SourceURI); return(clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.Updates); } this.ShowMessage(silent, ref iLoadFrm); if (this.RequestWithProgress(ref updateId)) { this.HideMessage(); if (!update3.Restart) { if (this.ApplyUpdate(ref updateId)) { this.ShowMessage(silent, ref iLoadFrm); this.SetMessage("Loading updated data...", ""); frmLoading iFrm = null; MainModule.MidsController.LoadData(ref iFrm); this.HideMessage(); Interaction.MsgBox("Update applied!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Done."); return(clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.Updates); } Interaction.MsgBox("Update not applied! Something didn't work out.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Oops."); return(clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.FailedWithMessage); } else { this.RestartNeeded = true; str5 = "Update package has been downloaded!\r\nYou need to close all other instances of Mids' Hero Designer, and then allow it to re-start for the automatic update to be applied."; if (!silent) { Interaction.MsgBox(str5, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Update Downloaded"); return(clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.Updates); } if (Interaction.MsgBox(str5 + "\r\nQuit now?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Update Downloaded") == MsgBoxResult.Yes) { clsXMLUpdate.LaunchSelfUpdate(); ProjectData.EndApp(); } } } this.HideMessage(); return(clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.FailedWithMessage); } } eCheckResponse = clsXMLUpdate.eCheckResponse.NoUpdates; } } return(eCheckResponse); }
public static void LoadData(ref frmLoading iFrm) { DatabaseAPI.LoadDatabaseVersion(); IsAppInitialized = true; iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Data..."); iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Attribute Modifiers..."); DatabaseAPI.Database.AttribMods = new Modifiers(); if (!DatabaseAPI.Database.AttribMods.Load()) { } iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Powerset Database..."); if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadLevelsDatabase()) { Interaction.MsgBox( "Failed to load Leveling data file! The program is unable to proceed.\r\n" + "We suggest you redownload the application from", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error"); ProjectData.EndApp(); } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadMainDatabase()) { Interaction.MsgBox("There was an error reading the database. Aborting.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Dang"); ProjectData.EndApp(); } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadMaths()) { ProjectData.EndApp(); } iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Enhancement Database..."); if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadEnhancementClasses()) { ProjectData.EndApp(); } I9Gfx.LoadClasses(); DatabaseAPI.LoadEnhancementDb(); I9Gfx.LoadEnhancements(); I9Gfx.LoadSets(); DatabaseAPI.LoadOrigins(); I9Gfx.LoadBorders(); DatabaseAPI.LoadSetTypeStrings(); iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Recipe Database..."); DatabaseAPI.LoadSalvage(); DatabaseAPI.LoadRecipes(); iFrm?.SetMessage("Loading Graphics..."); I9Gfx.LoadSetTypes(); I9Gfx.LoadEnhTypes(); I9Gfx.LoadOriginImages(); I9Gfx.LoadArchetypeImages(); I9Gfx.LoadPowersetImages(); MidsContext.Config.Export.LoadCodes(Files.SelectDataFileLoad(Files.MxdbFileBbCodeUpdate)); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.Opacity = 1.0; DatabaseAPI.MatchAllIDs(iFrm); iFrm?.SetMessage("Matching Set Bonus IDs..."); DatabaseAPI.AssignSetBonusIndexes(); iFrm?.SetMessage("Matching Recipe IDs..."); } DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); GC.Collect(); }
public static void LoadData(ref frmLoading iFrm) { DatabaseAPI.LoadDatabaseVersion(); MainModule.MidsController._appInitialized = true; if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Data..."); } if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Attribute Modifiers..."); } DatabaseAPI.Database.AttribMods = new Modifiers(); DatabaseAPI.Database.AttribMods.Load(); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Powerset Database..."); } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadLevelsDatabase()) { Interaction.MsgBox("Failed to load Levelling data file! The program is unable to proceed.\r\nSuggest you redownload the application from", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error"); ProjectData.EndApp(); } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadMainDatabase()) { if (Interaction.MsgBox("There was an error reading the database. Attempt to download replacement?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Dang") == MsgBoxResult.Yes) { DateTime date = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); DatabaseAPI.Database.Date = date; clsXMLUpdate clsXmlUpdate = new clsXMLUpdate(""); IMessager iLoadFrm = null; clsXmlUpdate.UpdateCheck(false, ref iLoadFrm); } else { ProjectData.EndApp(); } } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadMaths()) { ProjectData.EndApp(); } if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Enhancement Database..."); } if (!DatabaseAPI.LoadEnhancementClasses()) { ProjectData.EndApp(); } I9Gfx.LoadClasses(); DatabaseAPI.LoadEnhancementDb(); I9Gfx.LoadEnhancements(); I9Gfx.LoadSets(); DatabaseAPI.LoadOrigins(); I9Gfx.LoadBorders(); DatabaseAPI.LoadSetTypeStrings(); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Recipe Database..."); } DatabaseAPI.LoadSalvage(); DatabaseAPI.LoadRecipes(); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Loading Graphics..."); } I9Gfx.LoadSetTypes(); I9Gfx.LoadEnhTypes(); I9Gfx.LoadOriginImages(); I9Gfx.LoadArchetypeImages(); I9Gfx.LoadPowersetImages(); MidsContext.Config.Export.LoadCodes(Files.SelectDataFileLoad("BBCode.mhd")); iFrm.Opacity = 1.0; DatabaseAPI.MatchAllIDs(iFrm); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Matching Set Bonus IDs..."); } DatabaseAPI.AssignSetBonusIndexes(); if (iFrm != null) { iFrm.SetMessage("Matching Recipe IDs..."); } DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); GC.Collect(); }