Пример #1
        public int processAttachement(Attachement att, LicenseMailBodyData data, IMailMessage mail)
            int        iCount  = 0;
            LicenseXML xmlData = LicenseXML.Deserialize(att.data);

            foreach (license ldata in xmlData.licenses)
                utils.helpers.addLog("processAttachement: new LicenseData...\r\n");
                LicenseData licenseData = new LicenseData(ldata.id, ldata.user, ldata.key, data.OrderNumber, data.OrderDate, data.yourPOnumber, data.EndCustomer, data.Product, data.Quantity, mail.User, mail.timestamp);
                //if (_licenseDataBase.addQueued(licenseData))
                utils.helpers.addLog("firing license_mail event\r\n");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.license_mail, licenseData));
                //if (_licenseDataBase.add(ldata.id, ldata.user, ldata.key, data.OrderNumber, data.OrderDate, data.yourPOnumber, data.EndCustomer, data.Product, data.Quantity, mail.User, mail.timestamp))
                //    iCount++;
                //utils.helpers.addLog("start _licenseDataBase.add() done\r\n");
            #region alternative_code

             * // Request all the attachments on the email message. This results in a GetItem operation call to EWS.
             * m.Load(new Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet(Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessageSchema.Attachments));
             * foreach (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Attachment att in m.Attachments)
             * {
             *  if (att is Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment)
             *  {
             *      Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment fileAttachment = att as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment;
             *      //get a temp file name
             *      string fname = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); //utils.helpers.getAppPath() + fileAttachment.Id.ToString() + "_" + fileAttachment.Name
             *      // Load the file attachment into memory. This gives you access to the attachment content, which
             *      // is a byte array that you can use to attach this file to another item. This results in a GetAttachment operation
             *      // call to EWS.
             *      fileAttachment.Load();
             *      // Load attachment contents into a file. This results in a GetAttachment operation call to EWS.
             *      fileAttachment.Load(fname);
             *      addLog("Attachement file saved to: " + fname);
             *      // Put attachment contents into a stream.
             *      using (System.IO.FileStream theStream =
             *          new System.IO.FileStream(utils.helpers.getAppPath() + fileAttachment.Id.ToString() + "_" + fileAttachment.Name, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite))
             *      {
             *          //This results in a GetAttachment operation call to EWS.
             *          fileAttachment.Load(theStream);
             *      }
             *      //load into memory stream, seems the only stream supported
             *      using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(att.Size))
             *      {
             *          fileAttachment.Load(ms);
             *          using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(fname, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite))
             *          {
             *              ms.CopyTo(fs);
             *              fs.Flush();
             *          }
             *      }
             *      addLog("saved attachement: " + fname);
             *      iRet++;
             *  }
             * }
Пример #2
        public int add(
            string deviceid,
            string customer,
            string key,
            string ordernumber,
            DateTime orderdate,
            string ponumber,
            string endcustomer,
            string product,
            int quantity,
            string receivedby,
            DateTime sendat)
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "adding data..."));
            int  LastInsert = -1;
            bool bRes       = false;

            if (existsData(deviceid, key))
                utils.helpers.addLog("add abandoned for existing datarow");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "...data already known"));
            LicenseData licenseData = new LicenseData();

            licenseData._deviceid    = deviceid;
            licenseData._customer    = customer;
            licenseData._key         = key;
            licenseData._ordernumber = ordernumber;
            licenseData._orderdate   = orderdate;
            licenseData._ponumber    = ponumber;
            licenseData._endcustomer = endcustomer;
            licenseData._product     = product;
            licenseData._quantity    = quantity;
            licenseData._receivedby  = receivedby;
            licenseData._sendat      = sendat;

            string cmdText = "INSERT INTO licensedata " +
                             getSQLFieldListForInsert() +
                                        //"(id, "+
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[0].name +", "+
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[1].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[2].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[3].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[4].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[5].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[6].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[7].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[8].name +
                                        //") " +
                             "VALUES(" +
                             "NULL, " + //auto id
                             "'" + licenseData._deviceid + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._customer + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._key + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._ordernumber + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._orderdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," +// '2007-01-01 10:00:00', yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
                             "'" + licenseData._ponumber + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._endcustomer + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._product + "'," +
                             "" + licenseData._quantity.ToString() + "," +
                             "'" + licenseData._receivedby + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._sendat.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'" +

                using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString))
                    SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(connection);

                    string namelist = getSQLFieldListForInsert();
                    // Einfügen eines Test-Datensatzes.
                    command.CommandText = cmdText;
                    int iRes = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    utils.helpers.addLog("SQLcmd: '" + command.CommandText + "'");

                    //get id of last insert
                    command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()";
                    // The row ID is a 64-bit value - cast the Command result to an Int64.
                    long LastRowID64 = (long)command.ExecuteScalar();
                    // Then grab the bottom 32-bits as the unique ID of the row.
                    LastInsert = (int)LastRowID64;


                    //doRefresh(ref _dgv);

                    utils.helpers.addLog("added " + iRes.ToString() + " new data");
                    OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "... added " + iRes.ToString() + " new data"));
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.error, "add new data failed " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.error, "add new data failed " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// add LicenseData to DataBase, blocks for some time
        /// use manual doRefresh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="licenseData"></param>
        /// <returns>id of last inserted data or -1 if failed</returns>
        int add(LicenseData licenseData)
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "adding licenseData..."));
            int LastRowID = -1;

            if (existsData(licenseData._deviceid, licenseData._key))
                utils.helpers.addLog("add abandoned for existing datarow");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "...add licenseData abandonded for existing datarow"));
            string cmdText = "INSERT INTO licensedata " +
                             getSQLFieldListForInsert() +
                                        //"(id, "+
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[0].name +", "+
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[1].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[2].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[3].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[4].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[5].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[6].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[7].name + ", " +
                                        //licenseCols.dataCols[8].name +
                                        //") " +
                             "VALUES(" +
                             "NULL, " + //auto id
                             "'" + licenseData._deviceid + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._customer + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._key + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._ordernumber + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._orderdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," +// '2007-01-01 10:00:00', yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
                             "'" + licenseData._ponumber + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._endcustomer + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._product + "'," +
                             "" + licenseData._quantity.ToString() + "," +
                             "'" + licenseData._receivedby + "'," +
                             "'" + licenseData._sendat.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'" +

                using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString))
                    catch (SQLiteException ex)
                        if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)SQLiteErrorCode.Locked)
                            goto openConn;

                    SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(connection);

                    string namelist = getSQLFieldListForInsert();
                    // Einfügen eines Test-Datensatzes.
                    command.CommandText = cmdText;
                    OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "execute adding licenseData"));
                    int iRes = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    //get id of last insert
                    command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()";
                    // The row ID is a 64-bit value - cast the Command result to an Int64.
                    long LastRowID64 = (long)command.ExecuteScalar();
                    // Then grab the bottom 32-bits as the unique ID of the row.
                    LastRowID = (int)LastRowID64;

                     * //now add same data to drid, can not be done from separate thread!
                     * DataTable dt = (DataTable)_dgv.DataSource;
                     * DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                     * dr["id"] = LastRowID;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[0]] = licenseData._deviceid;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[1]] = licenseData._customer;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[2]] = licenseData._key;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[3]] = licenseData._ordernumber;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[4]] = licenseData._orderdate;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[5]] = licenseData._ponumber;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[6]] = licenseData._endcustomer;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[7]] = licenseData._product;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[8]] = licenseData._quantity;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[9]] = licenseData._receivedby;
                     * dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[10]] = licenseData._sendat;
                     * _dgv.Rows.Add(dr);

                    utils.helpers.addLog("added " + iRes.ToString() + " new data");
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "Exception adding licenseData: " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "Exception adding licenseData: " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "licenseData added: " + LastRowID.ToString()));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// add LicenseData to DataBase, blocks for some time
        /// use manual doRefresh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="licenseData"></param>
        /// <returns>id of last inserted data or -1 if failed</returns>
        int add(LicenseData licenseData)
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "adding licenseData..."));
            int LastRowID = -1;
            if (existsData(licenseData._deviceid, licenseData._key))
                utils.helpers.addLog("add abandoned for existing datarow");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "...add licenseData abandonded for existing datarow"));
                return -1;
            string cmdText = "INSERT INTO licensedata " +
                    getSQLFieldListForInsert() +
                //"(id, "+
                //licenseCols.dataCols[0].name +", "+
                //licenseCols.dataCols[1].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[2].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[3].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[4].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[5].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[6].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[7].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[8].name +
                //") " +
                    "VALUES(" +
                    "NULL, " +   //auto id
                    "'" + licenseData._deviceid + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._customer + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._key + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._ordernumber + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._orderdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," +// '2007-01-01 10:00:00', yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
                    "'" + licenseData._ponumber + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._endcustomer + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._product + "'," +
                    "" + licenseData._quantity.ToString() + "," +
                    "'" + licenseData._receivedby + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._sendat.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'" +
                using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString))
                    catch (SQLiteException ex)
                        if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)SQLiteErrorCode.Locked)
                            goto openConn;

                    SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(connection);

                    string namelist = getSQLFieldListForInsert();
                    // Einfügen eines Test-Datensatzes.
                    command.CommandText = cmdText;
                    OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "execute adding licenseData"));
                    int iRes = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    //get id of last insert
                    command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()";
                    // The row ID is a 64-bit value - cast the Command result to an Int64.
                    long LastRowID64 = (long)command.ExecuteScalar();
                    // Then grab the bottom 32-bits as the unique ID of the row.
                    LastRowID = (int)LastRowID64;

                    //now add same data to drid, can not be done from separate thread!
                    DataTable dt = (DataTable)_dgv.DataSource;
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["id"] = LastRowID;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[0]] = licenseData._deviceid;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[1]] = licenseData._customer;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[2]] = licenseData._key;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[3]] = licenseData._ordernumber;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[4]] = licenseData._orderdate;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[5]] = licenseData._ponumber;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[6]] = licenseData._endcustomer;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[7]] = licenseData._product;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[8]] = licenseData._quantity;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[9]] = licenseData._receivedby;
                    dr[licenseCols.LicenseDataColumns[10]] = licenseData._sendat;

                    utils.helpers.addLog("added " + iRes.ToString() + " new data");
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "Exception adding licenseData: "+ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "Exception adding licenseData: " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "licenseData added: " + LastRowID.ToString()));
            return LastRowID ;
Пример #5
        public int add(            
            string deviceid,
            string customer,
            string key,
            string ordernumber,
            DateTime orderdate,
            string ponumber,
            string endcustomer,
            string product,
            int quantity,
            string receivedby,
            DateTime sendat)
            OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "adding data..."));
            int LastInsert = -1;
            bool bRes = false;
            if (existsData(deviceid, key))
                utils.helpers.addLog("add abandoned for existing datarow");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "...data already known"));
                return LastInsert;
            LicenseData licenseData = new LicenseData();
            licenseData._deviceid = deviceid;
            licenseData._customer = customer;
            licenseData._key = key;
            licenseData._ordernumber = ordernumber;
            licenseData._orderdate = orderdate;
            licenseData._ponumber = ponumber;
            licenseData._endcustomer = endcustomer;
            licenseData._product = product;
            licenseData._quantity = quantity;
            licenseData._receivedby = receivedby;
            licenseData._sendat = sendat;

            string cmdText = "INSERT INTO licensedata " +
                    getSQLFieldListForInsert() +
                //"(id, "+
                //licenseCols.dataCols[0].name +", "+
                //licenseCols.dataCols[1].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[2].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[3].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[4].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[5].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[6].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[7].name + ", " +
                //licenseCols.dataCols[8].name +
                //") " +
                    "VALUES(" +
                    "NULL, " +   //auto id
                    "'" + licenseData._deviceid + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._customer + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._key + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._ordernumber + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._orderdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," +// '2007-01-01 10:00:00', yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
                    "'" + licenseData._ponumber + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._endcustomer + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._product + "'," +
                    "" + licenseData._quantity.ToString() + "," +
                    "'" + licenseData._receivedby + "'," +
                    "'" + licenseData._sendat.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'" +
                using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString))
                    SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(connection);

                    string namelist = getSQLFieldListForInsert();
                    // Einfügen eines Test-Datensatzes.
                    command.CommandText = cmdText;
                    int iRes = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    utils.helpers.addLog("SQLcmd: '" + command.CommandText + "'");

                    //get id of last insert
                    command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()";
                    // The row ID is a 64-bit value - cast the Command result to an Int64.
                    long LastRowID64 = (long)command.ExecuteScalar();
                    // Then grab the bottom 32-bits as the unique ID of the row.
                    LastInsert = (int)LastRowID64;


                    //doRefresh(ref _dgv);

                    utils.helpers.addLog("added " + iRes.ToString() + " new data");
                    OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.none, "... added "+iRes.ToString() +" new data"));
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.error, "add new data failed "+ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText+"\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.error, "add new data failed " + ex.Message));
                utils.helpers.addExceptionLog("add: " + cmdText + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            return LastInsert;
Пример #6
 public StatusEventArgs(StatusType state, LicenseData _licenseData)
     eStatus = state;
     strMessage = _licenseData._deviceid;
     licenseData = _licenseData;
Пример #7
        public int processAttachement(Attachement att, LicenseMailBodyData data, IMailMessage mail)
            int iCount=0;
            LicenseXML xmlData = LicenseXML.Deserialize(att.data);

            foreach(license ldata in xmlData.licenses){
                utils.helpers.addLog("processAttachement: new LicenseData...\r\n");
                LicenseData licenseData = new LicenseData(ldata.id, ldata.user, ldata.key, data.OrderNumber, data.OrderDate, data.yourPOnumber, data.EndCustomer, data.Product, data.Quantity, mail.User, mail.timestamp);
                //if (_licenseDataBase.addQueued(licenseData))
                utils.helpers.addLog("firing license_mail event\r\n");
                OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.license_mail, licenseData));
                //if (_licenseDataBase.add(ldata.id, ldata.user, ldata.key, data.OrderNumber, data.OrderDate, data.yourPOnumber, data.EndCustomer, data.Product, data.Quantity, mail.User, mail.timestamp))
                //    iCount++;
                //utils.helpers.addLog("start _licenseDataBase.add() done\r\n");

                    #region alternative_code
                    // Request all the attachments on the email message. This results in a GetItem operation call to EWS.
                    m.Load(new Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet(Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessageSchema.Attachments));
                    foreach (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Attachment att in m.Attachments)
                        if (att is Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment)
                            Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment fileAttachment = att as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment;

                            //get a temp file name
                            string fname = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); //utils.helpers.getAppPath() + fileAttachment.Id.ToString() + "_" + fileAttachment.Name

                            // Load the file attachment into memory. This gives you access to the attachment content, which
                            // is a byte array that you can use to attach this file to another item. This results in a GetAttachment operation
                            // call to EWS.

                            // Load attachment contents into a file. This results in a GetAttachment operation call to EWS.
                            addLog("Attachement file saved to: " + fname);

                            // Put attachment contents into a stream.
                            using (System.IO.FileStream theStream =
                                new System.IO.FileStream(utils.helpers.getAppPath() + fileAttachment.Id.ToString() + "_" + fileAttachment.Name, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                                //This results in a GetAttachment operation call to EWS.

                            //load into memory stream, seems the only stream supported
                            using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(att.Size))
                                using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(fname, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                            addLog("saved attachement: " + fname);
            return iCount;
Пример #8
 public StatusEventArgs(StatusType state, LicenseData _licenseData)
     eStatus     = state;
     strMessage  = _licenseData._deviceid;
     licenseData = _licenseData;