Пример #1
        public void DrawBar(Color color, int x, int y)
            float barWidth = _intervalX - barSpacing;

            if (MinimumSizeCheck()) // If the panel is too small, don't draw anything.
                if (y > 0)
                    _graphObj.FillRectangle(DrawingTools.Brush(color), _edgeLeft + (barSpacing / 2) + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * x), _yZero - y * _intervalY, barWidth, y * _intervalY);
                    _graphObj.FillRectangle(DrawingTools.Brush(color), _edgeLeft + (barSpacing / 2) + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * x), _yZero, barWidth, -y * _intervalY);
Пример #2
        public void DrawXAxle(string xAxleName, int xTop, int xBottom = 0, bool fullLines = false)
            _xTop      = xTop;
            _xBottom   = xBottom;
            _intervalX = (float)Math.Max(1, (float)(_edgeRight - _edgeLeft) / (_xTop - _xBottom));

            // Draw the x axle label
            _graphObj.DrawString(xAxleName, DrawingTools.Font, DrawingTools.Brush(Color.Black), _edgeRight - 12, _edgeBottom + 8);
            if (MinimumSizeCheck()) // If the panel is too small, don't draw anything.
                // Draw the X axle arrow
                //_graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeRight, _edgeBottom, _edgeRight - 5, _edgeBottom - 5);
                //_graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeRight, _edgeBottom, _edgeRight - 5, _edgeBottom + 5);

                // Add numbers to the X axle
                int number = 1;
                for (float loop = _edgeLeft + _intervalX; loop < _edgeRight - 10; loop += _intervalX)
                    int numberOffset = 0;
                    if (fullLines)
                        _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), loop, _edgeTop, loop, _edgeBottom + 5);
                        _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), loop, _edgeBottom - 2, loop, _edgeBottom + 5);
                    numberOffset = -((number.ToString().Length - 1) * 4); // Numbers left align offset.
                    _graphObj.DrawString(number++.ToString(), DrawingTools.Font, DrawingTools.Brush(Color.Black), loop - 3 + numberOffset, _edgeBottom + 5 + 3);

                // If yZero is not at the buttom, make a line at yZero.
                if (_yBottom < 0)
                    for (float loop = _edgeLeft + _intervalX; loop < _edgeRight * 2; loop += _intervalX)
                        _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), loop, _yZero - 2, loop, _yZero + 2);
Пример #3
        public void DrawYAxle(string yAxleName, int yTop, int yBottom = 0, bool fullLines = true)
            _yTop      = yTop;
            _yBottom   = yBottom;
            _intervalY = (float)Math.Max(0.10, (float)(_edgeBottom - _edgeTop) / (_yTop - _yBottom));

            _yZero = _edgeBottom + _yBottom * _intervalY;

            // Set the interval between numbers on the Y axle. This may still need ajustment!
            int intervalNumber;

            if (_intervalY > 7.5)
                intervalNumber = 1;
            else if (_intervalY > 5)
                intervalNumber = 2;
            else if (_intervalY > 1.5)
                intervalNumber = 5;
            else if (_intervalY > 1)
                intervalNumber = 10;
            else if (_intervalY > 0.4)
                intervalNumber = 20;
            else if (_intervalY > 0.24)
                intervalNumber = 50;
                intervalNumber = 100;

            // Draw the y axle label
            _graphObj.DrawString(yAxleName, DrawingTools.Font, DrawingTools.Brush(Color.Black), 6, 3);
            if (MinimumSizeCheck()) // If the panel is too small, don't draw anything.
                // Draw the Y axle arrow
                //_graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeLeft, _edgeTop, _edgeLeft + 5, _edgeTop + 5);
                //_graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeLeft, _edgeTop, _edgeLeft - 5, _edgeTop + 5);

                // Add numbers to the Y axle
                int number = _yBottom;
                for (float loop = _edgeBottom; loop >= _edgeTop - 0.1; loop -= (_intervalY * intervalNumber))
                    int numberOffset = 0;
                    if (fullLines)
                        _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeLeft - 5, loop, _edgeRight, loop);
                        _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeLeft - 5, loop, _edgeLeft + 2, loop);
                    numberOffset = -((number.ToString().Length - 1) * 4); // Numbers left align offset.
                    _graphObj.DrawString(number.ToString(), DrawingTools.Font, DrawingTools.Brush(Color.Black), _edgeLeft - 5 - 7 + numberOffset, loop - 3);
                    number += intervalNumber;

                // If yZero is not at the buttom, make a line at yZero.
                if (_yBottom < 0)
                    _graphObj.DrawLine(DrawingTools.Pen(Color.Black), _edgeLeft, _yZero, _edgeRight, _yZero);