public void StartNewGame(String pLevel) { LevelScene _level = (LevelScene)SceneList["Level"]; //stops the game from crashing if the level files do not exist String test = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Content\Levels\" + pLevel; if(File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Content\Levels\" + pLevel)) { _level.StartNewGame(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Content\Levels\" + pLevel); lastScene = currentScene; currentScene = _level; currentScene.isActiv = true; lastScene.isActiv = false; } }
public void SetCurrentScene(string pString) { if (SceneList.ContainsKey(pString)) { lastScene = currentScene; currentScene = SceneList[pString]; currentScene.isActiv = true; if(lastScene != null) lastScene.isActiv = false; if(currentScene.GetType() == typeof(CreditsScene)) { CreditsScene cs = (CreditsScene)currentScene; cs.StartCredits(); } } else return; if (lastScene != null) { if (pString.Equals("Editor")) ChangeResolution(1600, 920,0); else if (lastScene.Name.Equals("Editor")) ChangeResolution(1280, 720,1); } if(lastScene != null) if (lastScene.Name.Equals("Level")) HMediaPlayer.Instance.StartBackgroundMusic(); }
public void Add(Scene pScene) { SceneList.Add(pScene.Name, pScene); }