public string checkOSBootFiles(string bootString) { this.BootLoadErrors = ""; Folder folder = this.os.thisComputer.files.root.searchForFolder("sys"); bool flag = true; string newValue1 = "ERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Unable to Load System file os-config.sys") + "\n"; if (folder.containsFile("os-config.sys")) { newValue1 = "Loaded os-config.sys : System Config Initialized"; } else { this.os.failBoot(); flag = false; CrashModule crashModule = this; string str = crashModule.BootLoadErrors + newValue1 + " \n"; crashModule.BootLoadErrors = str; } bootString = bootString.Replace("[OSBoot1]", newValue1); string newValue2 = "ERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Unable to Load System file bootcfg.dll") + "\n"; if (folder.containsFile("bootcfg.dll")) { newValue2 = "Loaded bootcfg.dll : Boot Config Module Loaded"; } else { this.os.failBoot(); flag = false; CrashModule crashModule = this; string str = crashModule.BootLoadErrors + newValue2 + " \n"; crashModule.BootLoadErrors = str; } bootString = bootString.Replace("[OSBoot2]", newValue2); string newValue3 = "ERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Unable to Load System file netcfgx.dll") + "\n"; if (folder.containsFile("netcfgx.dll")) { newValue3 = "Loaded netcfgx.dll : Network Config Module Loaded"; } else { this.os.failBoot(); flag = false; CrashModule crashModule = this; string str = crashModule.BootLoadErrors + newValue3 + " \n"; crashModule.BootLoadErrors = str; } bootString = bootString.Replace("[OSBoot3]", newValue3); string newValue4 = "ERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Unable to Load System file x-server.sys") + "\nERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Locate and restore a valid x-server file in ~/sys/ folder to restore UX functionality") + "\nERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("Consider examining reports in ~/log/ for problem cause and source") + "\nERROR: " + LocaleTerms.Loc("System UX resources unavailable -- defaulting to terminal mode") + "\n .\n .\n .\n"; if (folder.containsFile("x-server.sys")) { newValue4 = "Loaded x-server.sys : UX Graphics Module Loaded"; ThemeManager.switchTheme((object)this.os, ThemeManager.getThemeForDataString(folder.searchForFile("x-server.sys").data)); this.graphicsErrorsDetected = false; } else { this.os.graphicsFailBoot(); flag = false; this.graphicsErrorsDetected = true; CrashModule crashModule = this; string str = crashModule.BootLoadErrors + newValue4 + " \n"; crashModule.BootLoadErrors = str; } bootString = bootString.Replace("[OSBootTheme]", newValue4); if (flag) { if (this.os.Flags.HasFlag("BootFailure") && !this.os.Flags.HasFlag("BootFailureThemeSongChange") && ThemeManager.currentTheme != OSTheme.HacknetBlue) { this.os.Flags.AddFlag("BootFailureThemeSongChange"); if (MusicManager.isPlaying) { MusicManager.stop(); } MusicManager.loadAsCurrentSong("Music\\The_Quickening"); } this.os.sucsesfulBoot(); } else { this.os.Flags.AddFlag("BootFailure"); } return(bootString); }
public override void LoadContent() { if (canRunContent) { delayer = new ActionDelayer(); ComputerLoader.init(this); content = ScreenManager.Game.Content; username = SaveUserAccountName == null ? (Settings.isConventionDemo ? Settings.ConventionLoginName : Environment.UserName) : SaveUserAccountName; username = FileSanitiser.purifyStringForDisplay(username); var compLocation = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.5f); if (multiplayer && !isServer) compLocation = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.8f); ramAvaliable = totalRam; var str = !multiplayer || !isServer ? NetworkMap.generateRandomIP() : NetworkMap.generateRandomIP(); thisComputer = new Computer(username + " PC", NetworkMap.generateRandomIP(), compLocation, 5, 4, this); thisComputer.adminIP = thisComputer.ip; thisComputer.idName = "playerComp"; var folder = thisComputer.files.root.searchForFolder("home"); folder.folders.Add(new Folder("stash")); folder.folders.Add(new Folder("misc")); var userDetail = thisComputer.users[0]; userDetail.known = true; thisComputer.users[0] = userDetail; defaultUser = new UserDetail(username, "password", 1); defaultUser.known = true; var theme = OSTheme.HacknetBlue; if (Settings.isConventionDemo) { var num = Utils.random.NextDouble(); if (num < 0.33) theme = OSTheme.HacknetMint; else if (num < 0.66) theme = OSTheme.HackerGreen; } ThemeManager.setThemeOnComputer(thisComputer, theme); if (multiplayer) { thisComputer.addMultiplayerTargetFile(); sendMessage("newComp #" + thisComputer.ip + "#" + compLocation.X + "#" + compLocation.Y + "#" + 5 + "#" +; multiplayerMissionLoaded = false; } if (!WillLoadSave) People.init(); modules = new List<Module>(); exes = new List<ExeModule>(); shells = new List<ShellExe>(); shellIPs = new List<string>(); var viewport = ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport; var width1 = RamModule.MODULE_WIDTH; var height1 = 205; var width2 = (int) ((viewport.Width - width1 - 6)*0.4442); var num1 = (int) ((viewport.Width - width1 - 6)*0.5558); var height2 = viewport.Height - height1 - TOP_BAR_HEIGHT - 6; terminal = new Terminal( new Rectangle(viewport.Width - 2 - width2, TOP_BAR_HEIGHT, width2, viewport.Height - TOP_BAR_HEIGHT - 2), this); = "TERMINAL"; modules.Add(terminal); netMap = new NetworkMap(new Rectangle(width1 + 4, viewport.Height - height1 - 2, num1 - 1, height1), this); = "netMap v1.7"; modules.Add(netMap); display = new DisplayModule(new Rectangle(width1 + 4, TOP_BAR_HEIGHT, num1 - 2, height2), this); = "DISPLAY"; modules.Add(display); ram = new RamModule( new Rectangle(2, TOP_BAR_HEIGHT, width1, ramAvaliable + RamModule.contentStartOffset), this); = "RAM"; modules.Add(ram); for (var index = 0; index < modules.Count; ++index) modules[index].LoadContent(); for (var index = 0; index < 2; ++index) { if (isServer || !multiplayer) thisComputer.links.Add(index); else thisComputer.links.Add(netMap.nodes.Count - 1 - index); } var flag1 = false; if (!WillLoadSave) { netMap.nodes.Insert(0, thisComputer); netMap.visibleNodes.Add(0); MusicManager.loadAsCurrentSong("Music\\Revolve"); } else { loadSaveFile(); flag1 = true; Settings.initShowsTutorial = false; } if (!multiplayer && !flag1) { MailServer.shouldGenerateJunk = false; netMap.mailServer.addNewUser(thisComputer.ip, defaultUser); } mailicon = new MailIcon(this, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); mailicon.pos.X = viewport.Width - mailicon.getWidth() - 2; topBar = new Rectangle(0, 0, viewport.Width, TOP_BAR_HEIGHT - 1); crashModule = new CrashModule( new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), this); crashModule.LoadContent(); introTextModule = new IntroTextModule( new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), this); introTextModule.LoadContent(); traceTracker = new TraceTracker(this); IncConnectionOverlay = new IncomingConnectionOverlay(this); if (allFactions == null) { allFactions = new AllFactions(); allFactions.init(); } currentFaction = allFactions.factions[allFactions.currentFaction]; scanLines = content.Load<Texture2D>("ScanLines"); cross = content.Load<Texture2D>("Cross"); cog = content.Load<Texture2D>("Cog"); saveIcon = content.Load<Texture2D>("SaveIcon"); beepSound = content.Load<SoundEffect>("SFX/beep"); if (!multiplayer & !flag1) loadMissionNodes(); if (!flag1) MusicManager.playSong(); if (flag1 || !Settings.slowOSStartup) { initShowsTutorial = false; introTextModule.complete = true; } inputEnabled = true; isLoaded = true; fullscreen = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); TraceDangerSequence = new TraceDangerSequence(content, ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, fullscreen, this); endingSequence = new EndingSequenceModule(fullscreen, this); var flag2 = Settings.slowOSStartup && !flag1; var flag3 = Settings.osStartsWithTutorial && (!flag1 || !Flags.HasFlag("TutorialComplete")); if (flag2) { rebootThisComputer(); if (!Settings.initShowsTutorial) return; display.visible = false; ram.visible = false; netMap.visible = false; terminal.visible = true; } else if (flag3) { display.visible = false; ram.visible = false; netMap.visible = false; terminal.visible = true; terminal.reset(); Settings.initShowsTutorial = true; initShowsTutorial = true; if (TestingPassOnly) return; execute("FirstTimeInitdswhupwnemfdsiuoewnmdsmffdjsklanfeebfjkalnbmsdakj Init"); } else { if (!TestingPassOnly) runCommand("connect " + thisComputer.ip); if (thisComputer.files.root.searchForFolder("sys").searchForFile("Notes_Reopener.bat") == null) return; runCommand("notes"); } } else { if (!multiplayer) return; initializeNetwork(); } }