RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers() публичный Метод

Removes handlers to events of a current business object property. It is essential that if the AddCurrentBoPropHandlers is implemented then this is implemented such that editing a business object that is no longer being shown on the control does not does not update the value in the control.
public RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers ( ControlMapper mapper, IBOProp boProp ) : void
mapper Habanero.Faces.Base.ControlMapper The control mapper that maps the business object property to the control
boProp IBOProp The business object property being mapped to the control
Результат void
        public void Test_ControlMapperStrategy_AddBOPropHandlers()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            var strategyWin = new ControlMapperStrategyWin();
            var factory = new Habanero.Faces.Win.ControlFactoryWin();
            var tb = factory.CreateTextBox();
            const string testprop = "TestProp";
            var stubMapper = new ControlMapperStub(tb, testprop, false, factory);
            var bo = new MyBO();
            var prop = bo.Props[testprop];
            const string origvalue = "origValue";
            prop.Value = origvalue;
            stubMapper.BusinessObject = bo;
            strategyWin.RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);

            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------            
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            strategyWin.AddCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);
            const string newValue = "New value";
            prop.Value = newValue;

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(newValue, tb.Text);

        public void Test_ControlMapperStrategy_RemoveBOPropHandlers()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            var strategyWin = new ControlMapperStrategyWin();
            var tb = _factory.CreateTextBox();
            const string testprop = "TestProp";
            var stubMapper = new ControlMapperStub(tb, testprop, false, _factory);
            var bo = new MyBO();
            var prop = bo.Props[testprop];
            const string origvalue = "origValue";
            prop.Value = origvalue;
            stubMapper.BusinessObject = bo;

            const string newValue = "New value";
            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newValue, tb.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, prop.Value, "The text box value is set from the prop due to the fact that the BOPropHandler is on the ControlMapperStrategy");
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text, "The text box value is set from the prop due to the fact that the BOPropHandler is on the ControlMapperStrategy");
            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            strategyWin.RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);
            prop.Value = newValue;
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newValue, tb.Text, "Updating the prop should not update the textbox since the handler has been removed");
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(newValue, prop.Value, "The text box value is not changed when the prop has changed due the the BOPropHandler being removed");