//Validation a null check public static double ValidationNull(double a) { while (a <= 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Num not equally null. Try again: "); Console.ResetColor(); a = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); } return(a); }
public static double ValidationZ(double x, double z) { while (x > z || x == z) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Need to specify a greater mileage than the first day. Try again: "); Console.ResetColor(); z = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); MainMethods.ValidationNull(z); } return(z); }
public static double ValidationPercent(double a) { while (a > 100 || a == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("The number cannot be more than 100%. Try again: "); Console.ResetColor(); a = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); MainMethods.ValidationNull(a); } return(a); }
static void Main(string[] args) { double x; double y; double z; double defaultx; int count = 1; int capacity = 0; int CalendarDay; int TrainDay; List <string> skiers = new List <string>(); string info; string again; do { //Interrogate and verify Console.Write("Having started training, the skier ran on the first day km: "); x = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); MainMethods.ValidationNull(x); defaultx = x; Console.Write("Every next day he increased mileage by %: "); y = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); MainMethods.ValidationPercent(y); Console.Write("Total mileage for all days will exceed km: "); z = MainMethods.ValidationStr(Console.ReadLine()); MainMethods.ValidationZ(x, z); //Count the distance CustomMethods.Methods.Math(x, y, z, out TrainDay, out CalendarDay, out x); //Create menu info = $"\n{count}) First day {defaultx} km.\nDistance by {y}%\nAchieved results on:\n- {TrainDay} training days\n- {CalendarDay} calendar days\nSum distance {x} km with {z} required."; //skiers.Insert(capacity, info); skiers.Add(info); Console.WriteLine(skiers[capacity]); capacity = capacity + 1; count = count + 1; //Loop again Console.WriteLine("\nAgain? Press Y to make another run or press any key to display the result: "); again = Console.ReadLine(); }while (again == "Y" || again == "y"); //Print MainMethods.PrintMenu(capacity, skiers); }