Пример #1
        public static Vector CenterOfMass(IList <Vector> coords, IList <double> masses, params int[] sele)
            HDebug.Exception(coords.Count == masses.Count, "coords.Count != masses.Count");
            Vector sum  = new double[3];
            double wei  = 0;
            int    leng = coords.Count;

            if (sele != null)
                foreach (int i in sele)
                    wei += masses[i]; sum += masses[i] * coords[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < leng; i++)
                    wei += masses[i]; sum += masses[i] * coords[i];
            Vector cent = sum / wei;

Пример #2
        // others

        public virtual void UpdateAdd(IMatrix <double> other, double other_mul)
            HDebug.Exception(ColSize == other.ColSize);
            HDebug.Exception(RowSize == other.RowSize);
            if (other_mul == 1)
                for (int c = 0; c < ColSize; c++)
                    for (int r = 0; r < RowSize; r++)
                        this[c, r] += other[c, r];
            else if (other_mul == -1)
                for (int c = 0; c < ColSize; c++)
                    for (int r = 0; r < RowSize; r++)
                        this[c, r] -= other[c, r];
                for (int c = 0; c < ColSize; c++)
                    for (int r = 0; r < RowSize; r++)
                        this[c, r] += (other[c, r] * other_mul);
Пример #3
 public static void AddTo(Vector[] target, Vector[] value, bool allowNullVec = false)
     HDebug.Exception(target.Length == value.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++)
         if (target[i] != null && value[i] != null)
             target[i] = target[i] + value[i]; continue;
         if (allowNullVec)
             if (target[i] == null && value[i] == null)
             if (target[i] == null && value[i] != null)
                 target[i] = value[i].Clone(); continue;
             if (target[i] != null && value[i] == null)
                 target[i] = value[i].Clone(); continue;
Пример #4
 public static Vector[] ExtendSegmentBeginEnd(IList <Vector> segment, double extlength_begin, double extlength_end)
     HDebug.Exception(extlength_begin > 0, "must be (extlength_begin > 0)");
     HDebug.Exception(extlength_end > 0, "must be (extlength_end > 0)");
     Vector[] extsegment = segment.HCloneVectors().ToArray();
     extsegment = ExtendSegmentBegin(extsegment, extlength_begin);
     extsegment = ExtendSegmentEnd(extsegment, extlength_end);
Пример #5
        public static void VVt(Vector lvec, Vector rvec, MatrixByArr outmat)
            HDebug.Exception(outmat.ColSize == lvec.Size);
            HDebug.Exception(outmat.RowSize == rvec.Size);
            MatrixByArr mat = new MatrixByArr(lvec.Size, rvec.Size);

            for (int c = 0; c < lvec.Size; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < rvec.Size; r++)
                    outmat[c, r] = lvec[c] * rvec[r];
Пример #6
        public static string HToString(this IList <char> chars)
            if (HToStringChars_selftest)
                HToStringChars_selftest = false;

                string str0 = "";
                foreach (var ch in chars)
                    str0 += ch;
                string str1 = HToString(chars);
                HDebug.Exception(str0 == str1);
            return(new String(chars.ToArray()));
Пример #7
        public static string ToMathematicaStringBase(object obj)
            if (HDebug.True)
            HDebug.Exception("should not reach here");
            Type objtype = obj.GetType();

            //if(objtype.FullName == typeof(Tuple<DoubleVector3, Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>[]>).FullName)
            //    Tuple<DoubleVector3, Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>[]> data = (Tuple<DoubleVector3, Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>[]>)obj;
            //    return ToString(data);
            //if(objtype.FullName == typeof(Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>[]).FullName)
            //if(objtype.FullName == typeof(Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>).FullName)
            //    Tuple<double, DoubleVector3> data = (Tuple<double, DoubleVector3>)obj;
            //    StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
            //    //data.first;
            //if(objtype.FullName == typeof(DoubleVector3).FullName)
            //    StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
            //    DoubleVector3 data = (DoubleVector3)obj;
            //    text.Append("{");
            //    text.Append(ToString(data.v0).ToString());
            //    text.Append(",");
            //    text.Append(ToString(data.v1).ToString());
            //    text.Append(",");
            //    text.Append(ToString(data.v2).ToString());
            //    text.Append("}");
            if (objtype.FullName == typeof(double).FullName)
                string text = ((double)obj).ToString();
Пример #8
        public static double HSumSub <MAT1, MAT2>(this(MAT1, MAT2) mat12)
            where MAT1 : IMatrix <double>
            where MAT2 : IMatrix <double>
            IMatrix <double> mat1 = mat12.Item1;
            IMatrix <double> mat2 = mat12.Item2;

            HDebug.Exception(mat1.ColSize == mat2.ColSize);
            HDebug.Exception(mat1.RowSize == mat2.RowSize);
            double sum = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < mat1.ColSize; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < mat1.RowSize; r++)
                    double v = (mat1[c, r] - mat2[c, r]);
                    sum += v;
Пример #9
        public static Matrix GetMul(Matrix left, IMatrix <double> right)
            int RowSize = left.RowSize;
            int ColSize = left.ColSize;

            HDebug.Exception(RowSize == right.ColSize);
            Matrix mul     = Matrix.Zeros(ColSize, right.RowSize);
            int    colsize = mul.ColSize;
            int    midsize = RowSize;
            int    rowsize = mul.RowSize;

            for (int c = 0; c < colsize; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < rowsize; r++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < midsize; i++)
                        mul[c, r] += left[c, i] * right[i, r];
Пример #10
 public static IEnumerable <int> HEnumIntByString(string str)
     string[] ranges = str.HSplit(',');
     foreach (string range in ranges)
         if (range.Contains("--"))
             string[] from_to = range.Split(new string[] { "--" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
             HDebug.Assert(from_to.Length == 2);
             int from = from_to[0].HParseInt().Value;
             int to   = from_to[1].HParseInt().Value;
             HDebug.Exception(from <= to);
             for (int i = from; i <= to; i++)
                 yield return(i);
             yield return(range.HParseInt().Value);
Пример #11
        public static int[] HIndexAllContains(this IList <string> values, string contain)
            if (HIndexAllContains_selftest)
                HIndexAllContains_selftest = false;
                string[] tvalues = new string[]
                    " abc ",
                    " ab ",
                    " cba ",
                int[] tidx;
                tidx = HIndexAllContains(tvalues, "ab");
                HDebug.Exception(tidx.Length == 3);
                HDebug.Exception(tidx[0] == 1, tidx[1] == 2, tidx[2] == 3);
                tidx = HIndexAllContains(tvalues, "abc");
                HDebug.Exception(tidx.Length == 2);
                HDebug.Exception(tidx[0] == 1, tidx[1] == 2);
                tidx = HIndexAllContains(tvalues, "abc ");
                HDebug.Exception(tidx.Length == 1);
                HDebug.Exception(tidx[0] == 2);
                tidx = HIndexAllContains(tvalues, "abcd");
                HDebug.Exception(tidx.Length == 0);
            List <int> idxs = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                if (values[i].Contains(contain))
Пример #12
 /// Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
 //public static void PutSparseMatrix<MATRIX>(string name, MatrixSparse<MATRIX> real, int elemColSize, int elemRowSize)
 //public static void PutSparseMatrix<MATRIX>(string name, IMatrixSparse<MATRIX> real, int elemColSize, int elemRowSize)
 //    where MATRIX : Matrix
 public static void PutSparseMatrix(string name, IMatrixSparse <MatrixByArr> real, int elemColSize, int elemRowSize, string opt = null)
     /// http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/sparse.html
     /// S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n)
     /// * create m-by-n sparse matrix
     /// * where S(i(k),j(k)) = s(k)
     /// * Vectors i, j, and s are all the same length.
     /// * Any elements of s that are zero are ignored.
     /// * Any elementsof s that have duplicate values of i and j are added together.
     if (opt == null)
         int m = real.ColSize * elemColSize;
         int n = real.RowSize * elemRowSize;
         //if(opt == null)
             List <int>    i = new List <int>();
             List <int>    j = new List <int>();
             List <double> s = new List <double>();
             foreach (var c_r_val in real.EnumElements())
                 int    c      = c_r_val.Item1;
                 int    r      = c_r_val.Item2;
                 Matrix hesscr = c_r_val.Item3;
                 HDebug.Assert(hesscr != null);
                 HDebug.Assert(hesscr.ColSize == elemColSize, hesscr.RowSize == elemRowSize);
                 for (int dc = 0; dc < elemColSize; dc++)
                     for (int dr = 0; dr < elemRowSize; dr++)
                         i.Add(c * elemColSize + dc);
                         j.Add(r * elemRowSize + dr);
                         s.Add(hesscr[dc, dr]);
             //for(int ii=0; ii<i.Count; ii++)
             //    if(i[ii] == j[ii])
             //        HDebug.Assert(s[ii] != 0);
             PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i", i.ToArray());
             PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j", j.ToArray());
             PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s", s.ToArray());
         //    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i = [];");
         //    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j = [];");
         //    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s = [];");
         //    int maxleng = 10_000_000; // Count = 134217728 (maximum)
         //    List<int   > i = new List<int   >(maxleng);
         //    List<int   > j = new List<int   >(maxleng);
         //    List<double> s = new List<double>(maxleng);
         //    foreach(var c_r_val in real.EnumElements())
         //    {
         //        int c = c_r_val.Item1;
         //        int r = c_r_val.Item2;
         //        Matrix hesscr = c_r_val.Item3;
         //        HDebug.Assert(hesscr != null);
         //        HDebug.Assert(hesscr.ColSize == elemColSize, hesscr.RowSize == elemRowSize);
         //        for(int dc=0; dc<elemColSize; dc++)
         //            for(int dr=0; dr<elemRowSize; dr++)
         //            {
         //                if(i.Count == maxleng)
         //                {
         //                    PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix", i.ToArray());
         //                    PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx", j.ToArray());
         //                    PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx", s.ToArray());
         //                    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix];");
         //                    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx];");
         //                    Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx];");
         //                    Execute("clear htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix;");
         //                    Execute("clear htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx;");
         //                    Execute("clear htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx;");
         //                    i.Clear();
         //                    j.Clear();
         //                    s.Clear();
         //                }
         //                i.Add(c*elemColSize+dc);
         //                j.Add(r*elemRowSize+dr);
         //                s.Add(hesscr[dc, dr]);
         //            }
         //    }
         //    if(i.Count != 0)
         //    {
         //        PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix", i.ToArray());
         //        PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx", j.ToArray());
         //        PutVector("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx", s.ToArray());
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix];");
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx];");
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s = [htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s; htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx];");
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ix = [];");
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jx = [];");
         //        Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sx = [];");
         //        i.Clear();
         //        j.Clear();
         //        s.Clear();
         //    }
         //    HDebug.Assert(i.Count == 0);
         //    HDebug.Assert(j.Count == 0);
         //    HDebug.Assert(s.Count == 0);
         PutValue("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.m", m);
         PutValue("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.n", n);
         Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix = sparse(htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.i+1, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.j+1, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.s, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.m, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.n);");
         Execute(name + " = htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix;");
         Execute("clear htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix;");
     else if (opt == "use file")
         string i_path = HFile.GetTempPath(_path_temporary, ".dat");
         string j_path = HFile.GetTempPath(_path_temporary, ".dat");
         string s_path = HFile.GetTempPath(_path_temporary, ".dat");
         ulong  count  = 0;
             System.IO.BinaryWriter i_writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(i_path, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew));
             System.IO.BinaryWriter j_writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(j_path, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew));
             System.IO.BinaryWriter s_writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(s_path, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew));
             foreach (var c_r_val in real.EnumElements())
                 int    c      = c_r_val.Item1;
                 int    r      = c_r_val.Item2;
                 Matrix hesscr = c_r_val.Item3;
                 HDebug.Assert(hesscr != null);
                 HDebug.Assert(hesscr.ColSize == elemColSize, hesscr.RowSize == elemRowSize);
                 for (int dc = 0; dc < elemColSize; dc++)
                     for (int dr = 0; dr < elemRowSize; dr++)
                         double i = (c * elemColSize + dc);
                         double j = (r * elemRowSize + dr);
                         double s = (hesscr[dc, dr]);
                         HDebug.Exception(count > 0);
             i_writer.Flush(); i_writer.Close();
             j_writer.Flush(); j_writer.Close();
             s_writer.Flush(); s_writer.Close();
             int m = real.ColSize * elemColSize;
             int n = real.RowSize * elemRowSize;
             PutValue("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.m", m);
             PutValue("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.n", n);
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ifid=fopen('" + i_path + "','r');");
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jfid=fopen('" + j_path + "','r');");
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sfid=fopen('" + s_path + "','r');");
             // A = fread(fileID) reads all the data in the file into a vector of class double. By default, fread reads a file 1 byte at a time, interprets each byte as an 8-bit unsigned integer (uint8), and returns a double array.
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.imat=fread(htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.ifid, [" + count + "],'*double')';");
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jmat=fread(htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jfid, [" + count + "],'*double')';");
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.smat=fread(htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.sfid, [" + count + "],'*double')';");
             Execute("htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix = sparse(htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.imat+1, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.jmat+1, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.smat, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.m, htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix.n);");
             Execute(name + " = htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix;");
             Execute("clear htlib2_matlab_PutSparseMatrix;");