private void strongconnect(Graph.Node v) { indexs[v] = index; lowlinks[v] = index; index++; S.Push(v); foreach (Graph.Node w in v.nexts.Keys) { if (indexs[w] < 0) { strongconnect(w); lowlinks[v] = Math.Min(lowlinks[v], lowlinks[w]); } else if (S.Contains(w)) { lowlinks[v] = Math.Min(lowlinks[v], indexs[w]); } } if (lowlinks[v] == indexs[v]) { List <Graph.Node> scc = new List <Graph.Node>(); Graph.Node w; do { w = S.Pop(); scc.Add(w); } while(v != w); StronglyConnectedComponents.Add(scc); } }
public static Elem[] BuildMinMax(Graph graph, Graph.Node source, Dictionary <Graph.Edge, double> edge_dist, IList <Graph.Node> targets) { Func <Graph.Node, bool> IsTarget = delegate(Graph.Node node) { return(targets.Contains(node)); }; return(BuildMinMax(graph, source, edge_dist, IsTarget)); }
/// Now we can read the shortest path from source to target by reverse iteration: /// 1 S := empty sequence /// 2 u := target /// 3 while previous[u] is defined: // Construct the shortest path with a stack S /// 4 insert u at the beginning of S // Push the vertex into the stack /// 5 u := previous[u] // Traverse from target to source /// 6 end while ; public static Graph.Node[] GetPathNode(Elem[] elems, Graph.Node target) { List <Graph.Node> S = new List <Graph.Node>(); Elem u = elems[]; while (u != null) { S.Insert(0, u.node); u = (u.prev != null) ? elems[] : null; } return(S.ToArray()); }
public Elem(Graph.Node node, double dist, Graph.Node prev, Graph.Edge edge) { this.node = node; this.dist = dist; this.prev = prev; this.edge = edge; if (edge != null) { HDebug.Assert(edge.nodes.Length == 2); HDebug.Assert(edge.nodes.Contains(node)); HDebug.Assert(edge.nodes.Contains(prev)); } }
public static Elem[] BuildMinMax(Graph graph, Graph.Node source, Dictionary <Graph.Edge, double> edge_dist, Func <Graph.Node, bool> IsTarget /*=null*/) { /// dist(v2) := min[dist(v2), max[dist(v1), dist(v1-v2)]] Func <double, Graph.Node, Graph.Edge, Graph.Node, double> GetAlt = delegate(double u_dist, Graph.Node u_node, Graph.Edge uv_edge, Graph.Node v_node) { double alt = Math.Max(u_dist, edge_dist[uv_edge]); return(alt); }; Dictionary <Graph.Node, double> source2initdist = new Dictionary <Graph.Node, double>(); source2initdist.Add(source, 0); return(BuildMinAlt(graph, source2initdist, GetAlt, IsTarget)); }
public int this[Graph.Node n] { get { if (cache.ContainsKey(n) == false) { return(-1); } return(cache[n]); } set { if (cache.ContainsKey(n) == false) { cache.Add(n, -1); } cache[n] = value; } }
public static Graph.Edge[] GetPathEdge(Elem[] elems, Graph.Node target) { List <Graph.Edge> S = new List <Graph.Edge>(); Elem u = elems[]; while (u != null) { if (u.edge != null) { S.Insert(0, u.edge); } else { HDebug.Assert(u.prev == null); } u = (u.prev != null) ? elems[] : null; } return(S.ToArray()); }
public static Elem[] BuildMinMax(Graph graph, Graph.Node source, Dictionary <Graph.Edge, double> edge_dist) { Func <Graph.Node, bool> IsTarget = null; return(BuildMinMax(graph, source, edge_dist, IsTarget)); }
public static Elem[] Build(Graph graph, Graph.Node source, Dictionary <Graph.Edge, double> edge_dist, IList <Graph.Node> targets) { return(BuildMinSum(graph, source, edge_dist, targets)); }
public Edge(int id, Graph.Node node1, Graph.Node node2, EDGE value) : base(id, node1, node2) { this.value = value; }
public static Edge New(int id, Graph.Node node1, Graph.Node node2, EDGE value) { return(new Edge(id, node1, node2, value)); }