Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new assetSchedule from and old assetSchedule and a new Event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 /// <param name="newEvent"></param>
 public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule, Event newEvent)
     Events = new Stack<Event>(oldSchedule.Events);
     InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;  //Should maybe be a deep copy -->not for this one
 //    Asset = newAssetSched.Asset;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new assetSchedule from and old assetSchedule and a new Event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 /// <param name="newEvent"></param>
 public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule, Event newEvent)
     Events       = oldSchedule.Events;
     InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;  //Should maybe be a deep copy -->no
     //    Asset = newAssetSched.Asset;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new endstate-safe schedule from the given schedule. (last state copied as deep copy, all others shallow copies)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule)
     InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;
     Events       = new Stack <Event>(oldSchedule.Events);
     Events.Push(new Event(oldSchedule.Events.Peek()));
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new assetSchedule from and old assetSchedule and a new Event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 /// <param name="newEvent"></param>
 public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule, Event newEvent)
     Events       = new Stack <Event>(oldSchedule.Events);
     InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;  //Should maybe be a deep copy -->not for this one
     //    Asset = newAssetSched.Asset;
Пример #5
 public SystemSchedule(StateHistory allStates)
     AllStates = new StateHistory(allStates.InitialState);
     foreach (var eit in allStates.Events)
         AllStates.Events.Push(new Event(eit));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new copy of a state history so that events can be added to it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule)
     InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;
     Events = new Stack<Event>();
     int i;
     Event eit;
     Event[] copy = new Event[oldSchedule.Events.Count] ;
     oldSchedule.Events.CopyTo(copy, 0);
     for (i = oldSchedule.Events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         eit = copy[i];
Пример #7
        public SystemSchedule(SystemSchedule oldSchedule, Stack <Access> newAccessList, double newEventStartTime)
            Dictionary <Asset, Task>   tasks       = new Dictionary <Asset, Task>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> taskStarts  = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> taskEnds    = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> eventStarts = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> eventEnds   = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();

            foreach (var access in newAccessList)
                tasks.Add(access.Asset, access.Task); //shold this be a deep copy
                if (access.AccessStart < newEventStartTime && newEventStartTime < access.AccessEnd)
                    taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, access.AccessStart);
                taskEnds.Add(access.Asset, access.AccessEnd);
                eventStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                eventEnds.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime + SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds);
            Event eventToAdd = new Event(tasks, new SystemState(oldSchedule.GetEndState())); //all references

            AllStates = new StateHistory(oldSchedule.AllStates, eventToAdd);

            /* commented out because it doesn't work yet
             * // TODO (EAM):  Changed this so we need to double check/test
             * //int i = 0; //need a double iterator
             * foreach(var assetSchedAccess in newAccessList)
             * {
             * Task task = DeepCopy.Copy<Task>(assetSchedAccess.Task);
             * if (task != null)
             * {
             * Event eventToAdd = new Event(task, new SystemState(assetSchedAccess.Item1.GetLastState(), newTaskStartTime));
             * AssetScheds.Add(new StateHistory(assetSchedAccess.Item1, eventToAdd, assetSchedAccess.Item2.Asset));
             * //TODO: double check c# implementation above
             * // shared_ptr<Event> eventToAdd(new Event(*tIt, new State((*assSchedIt)->getLastState(), newTaskStartTime)));
             * // assetscheds.push_back(new assetSchedule(*assSchedIt, eventToAdd));
             * }
             * else
             * AssetScheds.Add(DeepCopy.Copy<StateHistory>(assetSchedAccess.Item1));
             * }
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new copy of a state history so that events can be added to it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
        public StateHistory(StateHistory oldSchedule)
            InitialState = oldSchedule.InitialState;
            Events       = new Stack <Event>();
            int   i;
            Event eit;

            Event[] copy = new Event[oldSchedule.Events.Count];
            oldSchedule.Events.CopyTo(copy, 0);
            for (i = oldSchedule.Events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                eit = copy[i];
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate schedules by adding a new event to the end of existing ones
        /// Create a new system schedule list by adding each of the new Task commands for the Assets onto each of the old schedules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        /// <param name="initialStateList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual List <SystemSchedule> GenerateSchedules(SystemClass system, Stack <Task> tasks, SystemState initialStateList)
            log.Info("SIMULATING... ");
            // Create empty systemSchedule with initial state set
            SystemSchedule        emptySchedule   = new SystemSchedule(initialStateList);
            List <SystemSchedule> systemSchedules = new List <SystemSchedule>();


            // if all asset position types are not dynamic types, can pregenerate accesses for the simulation
            bool canPregenAccess = true;

            foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                if (asset.AssetDynamicState != null)
                    canPregenAccess &= asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_ECI && asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_LLA;
                    canPregenAccess = false;

            // if accesses can be pregenerated, do it now
            Stack <Access>          preGeneratedAccesses = new Stack <Access>();
            Stack <Stack <Access> > scheduleCombos       = new Stack <Stack <Access> >();

            if (canPregenAccess)
                log.Info("Pregenerating Accesses...");
                //DWORD startPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();

                preGeneratedAccesses = Access.pregenerateAccessesByAsset(system, tasks, _startTime, _endTime, _stepLength);
                //DWORD endPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();
                //pregenTimeMs = endPregenTickCount - startPregenTickCount;
                //writeAccessReport(access_pregen, tasks); - TODO:  Finish this code - EAM
                log.Info("Done pregenerating accesses");
            // otherwise generate an exhaustive list of possibilities for assetTaskList
                log.Info("Generating Exhaustive Task Combinations... ");
                Stack <Stack <Access> > exhaustive  = new Stack <Stack <Access> >();
                Stack <Access>          allAccesses = new Stack <Access>(tasks.Count);

                foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                    foreach (var task in tasks)
                        allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, task));
                    allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, null));

                scheduleCombos = (Stack <Stack <Access> >)exhaustive.CartesianProduct();
                log.Info("Done generating exhaustive task combinations");

            /// TODO: Delete (or never create in the first place) schedules with inconsistent asset tasks (because of asset dependencies)

            // Find the next timestep for the simulation
            //DWORD startSchedTickCount = GetTickCount();
            int i = 1;
            List <SystemSchedule> potentialSystemSchedules = new List <SystemSchedule>();
            List <SystemSchedule> systemCanPerformList     = new List <SystemSchedule>();

            for (double currentTime = _startTime; currentTime < _endTime; currentTime += _stepLength)
                log.Info("Simulation Time " + currentTime);
                // if accesses are pregenerated, look up the access information and update assetTaskList
                if (canPregenAccess)
                    scheduleCombos = GenerateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(preGeneratedAccesses, system, currentTime);

                // Check if it's necessary to crop the systemSchedule list to a more managable number
                if (systemSchedules.Count > _maxNumSchedules)
                    log.Info("Cropping " + systemSchedules.Count + " Schedules.");
                    CropSchedules(systemSchedules, ScheduleEvaluator, emptySchedule);

                // Generate an exhaustive list of new tasks possible from the combinations of Assets and Tasks
                //TODO: Parallelize this.
                int k = 0;

                foreach (var oldSystemSchedule in systemSchedules)
                    potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule(new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates)));
                    foreach (var newAccessStack in scheduleCombos)
                        if (oldSystemSchedule.CanAddTasks(newAccessStack, currentTime))
                            var CopySchedule = new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates);
                            potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule, newAccessStack, currentTime));
                            // oldSched = new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule);

                int numSched = 0;
                foreach (var potentialSchedule in potentialSystemSchedules)
                    if (Checker.CheckSchedule(system, potentialSchedule))
                foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in systemCanPerformList)
                    systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = ScheduleEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule);

                systemCanPerformList.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue));
                // Merge old and new systemSchedules
                var oldSystemCanPerfrom = new List <SystemSchedule>(systemCanPerformList);
                systemSchedules.InsertRange(0, oldSystemCanPerfrom);//<--This was potentialSystemSchedules
                // Print completion percentage in command window
                Console.WriteLine("Scheduler Status: {0}% done; {1} schedules generated.", 100 * currentTime / _endTime, systemSchedules.Count);
Пример #10
        public SystemSchedule(StateHistory oldStates, Stack <Access> newAccessList, double newEventStartTime)
            Dictionary <Asset, Task>   tasks       = new Dictionary <Asset, Task>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> taskStarts  = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> taskEnds    = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> eventStarts = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();
            Dictionary <Asset, double> eventEnds   = new Dictionary <Asset, double>();

            foreach (var access in newAccessList)
                if (access.Task != null)
                    if (access.AccessStart <= newEventStartTime && newEventStartTime <= access.AccessEnd)
                        taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    else if (access.AccessStart >= newEventStartTime && access.AccessStart <= newEventStartTime + SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds)
                        taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, access.AccessStart);
                        Console.WriteLine("Event Start: " + newEventStartTime + " AccesStart: " + access.AccessStart + " AccessEnd: " + access.AccessEnd);
                        taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    tasks.Add(access.Asset, access.Task);
                    if (access.AccessEnd > SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)
                        taskEnds.Add(access.Asset, SimParameters.SimEndSeconds);
                        taskEnds.Add(access.Asset, access.AccessEnd);
                    eventStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    if (newEventStartTime + SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds > SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)
                        eventEnds.Add(access.Asset, SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds);
                        eventEnds.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime + SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds);
                    taskStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    taskEnds.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    tasks.Add(access.Asset, null);
                    eventStarts.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime);
                    eventEnds.Add(access.Asset, newEventStartTime + SchedParameters.SimStepSeconds);
            Event eventToAdd = new Event(tasks, new SystemState(oldStates.GetLastState())); //all references

            AllStates = new StateHistory(oldStates, eventToAdd);
Пример #11
 public SystemSchedule(SystemSchedule oldSchedule, Event emptyEvent)
     AllStates = new StateHistory(oldSchedule.AllStates);
Пример #12
 public SystemSchedule(SystemState initialstates)
     ScheduleValue = 0;
     AllStates     = new StateHistory(initialstates);
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor to preserve the without adding a task
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldSchedule"></param>
 public SystemSchedule(SystemSchedule oldSchedule)
     AllStates = new StateHistory(oldSchedule.AllStates);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate schedules by adding a new event to the end of existing ones
        /// Create a new system schedule list by adding each of the new Task commands for the Assets onto each of the old schedules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        /// <param name="initialStateList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual List<SystemSchedule> GenerateSchedules(SystemClass system, Stack<Task> tasks, SystemState initialStateList)
            log.Info("SIMULATING... ");
            // Create empty systemSchedule with initial state set
            SystemSchedule emptySchedule = new SystemSchedule(initialStateList);
            List<SystemSchedule> systemSchedules = new List<SystemSchedule>();

            // if all asset position types are not dynamic types, can pregenerate accesses for the simulation
            bool canPregenAccess = true;

            foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                if(asset.AssetDynamicState != null)
                    canPregenAccess &= asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_ECI && asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DYNAMIC_LLA;
                    canPregenAccess = false;

            // if accesses can be pregenerated, do it now
            Stack<Access> preGeneratedAccesses = new Stack<Access>();
            Stack<Stack<Access>> scheduleCombos = new Stack<Stack<Access>>();

            if (canPregenAccess)
                log.Info("Pregenerating Accesses...");
                //DWORD startPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();

                preGeneratedAccesses = Access.pregenerateAccessesByAsset(system, tasks, _startTime, _endTime, _stepLength);
                //DWORD endPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();
                //pregenTimeMs = endPregenTickCount - startPregenTickCount;
                //writeAccessReport(access_pregen, tasks); - TODO:  Finish this code - EAM
                log.Info("Done pregenerating accesses");
            // otherwise generate an exhaustive list of possibilities for assetTaskList
                log.Info("Generating Exhaustive Task Combinations... ");
                Stack<Stack<Access>> exhaustive = new Stack<Stack<Access>>();
                Stack<Access> allAccesses = new Stack<Access>(tasks.Count);

                foreach (var asset in system.Assets)
                    foreach (var task in tasks)
                        allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, task));
                    allAccesses.Push(new Access(asset, null));

                scheduleCombos = (Stack<Stack<Access>>)exhaustive.CartesianProduct();
                log.Info("Done generating exhaustive task combinations");

            /// TODO: Delete (or never create in the first place) schedules with inconsistent asset tasks (because of asset dependencies)

            // Find the next timestep for the simulation
            //DWORD startSchedTickCount = GetTickCount();
            int i = 1;
            List<SystemSchedule> potentialSystemSchedules = new List<SystemSchedule>();
            List<SystemSchedule> systemCanPerformList = new List<SystemSchedule>();
            for (double currentTime = _startTime; currentTime < _endTime; currentTime += _stepLength)
                log.Info("Simulation Time " + currentTime);
                // if accesses are pregenerated, look up the access information and update assetTaskList
                if (canPregenAccess)
                    scheduleCombos = GenerateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(preGeneratedAccesses, system, currentTime);

                // Check if it's necessary to crop the systemSchedule list to a more managable number
                if (systemSchedules.Count > _maxNumSchedules)
                    log.Info("Cropping Schedules...");
                    CropSchedules(systemSchedules, ScheduleEvaluator, emptySchedule);

                // Generate an exhaustive list of new tasks possible from the combinations of Assets and Tasks
                //TODO: Parallelize this.
                int k = 0;

                foreach (var oldSystemSchedule in systemSchedules)
                    potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule( new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates)));
                    foreach (var newAccessStack in scheduleCombos)
                        if (oldSystemSchedule.CanAddTasks(newAccessStack, currentTime))
                            var CopySchedule = new StateHistory(oldSystemSchedule.AllStates);
                            potentialSystemSchedules.Add(new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule, newAccessStack, currentTime));
                            // oldSched = new SystemSchedule(CopySchedule);


                int numSched = 0;
                foreach (var potentialSchedule in potentialSystemSchedules)

                    if (Checker.CheckSchedule(system, potentialSchedule))
                foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in systemCanPerformList)
                    systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = ScheduleEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule);

                systemCanPerformList.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue));
                // Merge old and new systemSchedules
                var oldSystemCanPerfrom = new List<SystemSchedule>(systemCanPerformList);
                systemSchedules.InsertRange(0, oldSystemCanPerfrom);//<--This was potentialSystemSchedules
                // Print completion percentage in command window
                Console.WriteLine("Scheduler Status: {0}% done; {1} schedules generated.", 100 * currentTime / _endTime, systemSchedules.Count);
            return systemSchedules;
Пример #15
 public SystemSchedule(StateHistory allStates)
     AllStates = new StateHistory(allStates);