Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Dashboard", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && Session["UserId"] != null)
                if (!Page.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                    pnlUserManager.Visible      = false;
                    pnlSlideShowManager.Visible = false;
                    pnlFeedbackManager.Visible  = false;
                    pnlActivityTracker.Visible  = false;
                    pnlFitBitMonitor.Visible    = false;
                    pnlProgramsManager.Visible  = false;

                // Grab current user Id
                string userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();

                // Query the db and grab the data using the Id
                HPSUser user = db.HPSUsers.Where(u => u.UserId == userId).SingleOrDefault();

                // Display first name in the dashboard h1 tag
                welcome.InnerText = "Welcome " + user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName + "!";
Пример #2
        protected void btnCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Created a New User", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
                // Create instance of role manager and store
                RoleStore <IdentityRole>   roleStore = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>();
                RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleMgr   = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);

                if (!roleMgr.RoleExists(ddlRole.Text))
                    IdentityResult roleResult = roleMgr.Create(new IdentityRole(ddlRole.Text));

                // Declare UserStore and UserManager
                UserStore <IdentityUser>   userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>();
                UserManager <IdentityUser> manager   = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(userStore);

                // Declare/create new user and store in manager object in the userstore
                IdentityUser user = new IdentityUser(txtUsername.Text);
                user.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                // Store result of user creation
                IdentityResult idResult = manager.Create(user, txtPassword.Text);

                // Check if user was created and added to role
                if (idResult.Succeeded)
                    // Add user to role
                    IdentityResult userResult = manager.AddToRole(user.Id, ddlRole.SelectedValue);
                    lblMessage.Text     = "User " + user.UserName + " was created successfully!";
                    lblMessage.CssClass = "text-success";

                    // Add other user information to separate table
                    HPSUser hpsUser = new HPSUser();
                    hpsUser.FirstName = txtUserFirstName.Text;
                    hpsUser.LastName  = txtUserLastName.Text;
                    hpsUser.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    hpsUser.UserId    = user.Id;
                    hpsUser.RoleName  = ddlRole.SelectedValue;

                    // Add empty row to db for fitbit to help with update if sign up date is on the same day as a synchronization
                    db.Steps.AddOrUpdate(new Step {
                        StepCount = 0, StepDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id
                    db.Distances.AddOrUpdate(new Distance {
                        DistanceCount = 0, DistanceDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id
                    db.Minutes.AddOrUpdate(new Minute {
                        MinuteCount = 0, MinuteDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id

                    // create notification for admin users
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "User Created", Page.User.Identity.Name + " created the user named '" + user.UserName + "'.", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                    // Save changes tgo db
                    lblMessage.Text = idResult.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            catch (DataException dx)
                lblMessage.Text = "A data error occured. Please try again later or contact your Administrator if this continues to happen.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateUser_Click", dx, "Data error when creating user", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblMessage.Text = "An error occured. Please try again later or contact your Administrator if this continues to happen.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateUser_Click", ex, "Error when creating user", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("FitBit Manager", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && Session["UserId"] != null)
                // Find the HPSUser that is currently logged in
                string userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();

                // There are no session cookies for this user, callback and repopulate the session
                if (Session["FitbitAuthToken"] == null || Session["FitbitAuthTokenSecret"] == null || Session["FitbitUserId"] == null)

                if (!IsPostBack)
                        HPSUser user = db.HPSUsers.Where(u => u.AspNetUser.Id == userId).SingleOrDefault();

                        // Check if the fitbituserId for this user has been set, if not set it
                        if (user.FitBitUserId == null)
                            string fitBitUserId = Session["FitbitUserId"].ToString();
                            user.FitBitUserId = fitBitUserId;

                            db.Entry(user).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                    catch (DataException dx)
                        LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "Page_Load", dx, "The system failed when trying to automatically set the current user's FitBitId.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "Page_Load", ex, "The system failed when trying to automatically set the current user's FitBitId.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");

                    // Automatically Synchronize fitbit data and load the rest of the data

                    // Draw initial chart
                    DrawChart(this.Page, 7, "Steps");

                // Load step, minutes, and distance data

                // Build tables for viewing all goals
                TableBuilder.BuildStepGoalsTable(tblStepGoals, userId);
                TableBuilder.BuildDistanceGoalsTable(tblDistanceGoals, userId);
                TableBuilder.BuildMinuteGoalsTable(tblMinuteGoals, userId);

                // Check if theres a notification
                if (notification)
                    lblCRUDMessage.Text     = notificationMessage;
                    lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = notificationStyle;
                    notification            = false;

                    // Draw initial chart
                    DrawChart(this.Page, 7, "Steps");