Пример #1
        // Button 'Check out' in the room section
        // Validation: Room is marked as checked in > Date for checkout is today -> Guest has active messages
        // Checkout procedure: Potential reimbursement -> Payment process ->
        // Mark folio with paid or due date -> Mark room for housekeeping -> Mark room reservation as checked out and inactive
        private void buttonCheckoutRoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Make sure datagridview has selection
            if (dataGridViewRoom.SelectedRows.Count > 0 && dataGridViewRoom.CurrentRow != null)
                // Validation variables
                Boolean checkedout   = false;
                Boolean checkoutdate = true;
                Boolean message      = false;
                // Reference variables
                int roomid        = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridViewRoom.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
                int reservationid = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridViewRoom.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value);

                // Confirm checkout
                DialogResult confirmCheckout = MessageBox.Show("Checking out roomnumber " + roomid +
                                                               "\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "Check out", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (confirmCheckout == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // Check that reservation checkout date is today
                    MySqlDataReader getRoomCheckoutDate = DBGetData.GetRoomCheckoutDate(reservationid);
                    if (getRoomCheckoutDate.Read())
                        DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(getRoomCheckoutDate[0]);
                        if (date != DateTime.Today)
                            checkoutdate = false;
                        if (!checkoutdate)
                            new StatusMessage("Room reservation not marked for checkout today.");

                    // Yes/no continue dialogue if checkout is early
                    if (!checkoutdate)
                        DialogResult continueCheckout = MessageBox.Show(
                            "Room is not flagged for checkout today" +
                            "\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        if (continueCheckout == DialogResult.Yes)
                            checkoutdate = true;

                    // Check that reservation is checked in
                    if (DBGetData.GetRoomCheckedin(reservationid) < 1)
                        checkedout = true;
                    if (checkedout)
                        new StatusMessage("Room reservation has not checked in or already checked out.");

                    if (!checkedout && checkoutdate)
                        // Check if guest has undelivered messages
                        MySqlDataReader getRoomMessages = DBGetData.GetRoomMessages(reservationid);
                        while (getRoomMessages.Read())
                            message = true;
                            MessageBox.Show("Date recieved: " + getRoomMessages.GetDateTime(0) +
                                            "\nFrom: " + getRoomMessages.GetString(1) +
                                            "\n\n" + getRoomMessages.GetString(2),
                                            "Message to guest");


                        // Mark messages as inactive if any
                        if (message)

                        // Check if guest has more than one room reservation checked in
                        int roomcount = DBGetData.GetRoomCount(reservationid);

                        // Do checkout process
                        new StatusMessage("Room reservation for room " + roomid + " has been flagged for housekeeping and checked out.");

                        // Print customer folio total for the last room checkout
                        if (roomcount == 1)
                            MySqlDataReader getFolioTotal = DBGetData.GetRoomCheckoutTotal(reservationid);
                            if (getFolioTotal.Read())
                                Decimal foliototal = getFolioTotal.GetDecimal(0);

                                // Payment options
                                // Yes -> Cash/card, No -> Invoice bill
                                DialogResult paymentCheckout = MessageBox.Show("Payment total: " + foliototal +
                                                                               "\n\n'Yes' for immidiate payment with cash or creditcard," +
                                                                               "\n'No' for invoice with due date 3 weeks from today.",
                                                                               "Payment options", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                                // Mark folio as paid
                                if (paymentCheckout == DialogResult.Yes)
                                // Mark folio with duedate
                                else if (paymentCheckout == DialogResult.No)
