public void Delete(DataForm Sfrm) { frm = Sfrm; foreach (Control ctrl in Sfrm.Controls) { string sql = CreateSqlStatement(); DataLayer.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //hemaily 8june 2013 if (ctrl is HGrid) { HGrid MyGrid = ctrl as HGrid; sql = createDeleteStatementForGrid(MyGrid); if (sql != "") DataLayer.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } //endhemaily } //frm.binder.Clear(frm.Controls); Clear(frm.Controls); // MessageBox.Show("تم الحذف"); NextCode(frm.NextCodeControl); frm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Insert; }
public void fillCombo(DataForm frm) { foreach (Control ctrl in frm.Controls) { if (ctrl is HComboBox) { HComboBox co = ctrl as HComboBox; if (co.TableName == "" || co.TableName == null) return; else { string sql = @" SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE (TABLE_NAME = '" + co.TableName + @"') and COLUMN_NAME = 'NotActive' "; DataTable dt = DataLayer.executeDataTable(sql); sql = "select * from " + co.TableName + " where 1=1 "; if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) sql += " and isnull (NotActive,0) =0"; dt = DataLayer.executeDataTable(sql); co.DataSource = dt; //hemaily co.SelectedIndex = -1; } } } }
public void updateFooterTable(string header, string footer, DataForm frm) { string sql = ""; if (frm.FormType == "FooterFormWithContol") { frm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Insert; #region Create insert stament try { foreach (Control ctrl in frm.Controls) if (ctrl is HGrid && ctrl.Name != "List") { HGrid grd = ctrl as HGrid; string sql_del = "delete from " + frm.TableName + " where 1=1 " + getCriteria(frm) + ""; DataLayer.executeNonQuery(sql_del); // mohamed samir 28/9/2013 foreach (DataGridViewRow r in grd.Rows) { string[] InsStr = CreateSqlStatement().Split(new string[] { "(", "Values", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (isEmptyRow(grd, r.Index) == false) { foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in grd.Columns) { InsStr[1] += "," + col.Name; //hemaily 31may2013 اضافة سينجل كوت if (col.ValueType == typeof(string) || col.ValueType == null) InsStr[4] += ",'" + r.Cells[col.Name].Value + "'"; if (col.ValueType == typeof(DateTime)) InsStr[4] += ",'" + Convert.ToDateTime(r.Cells[col.Name].Value.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "'"; else if (col.ValueType == typeof(Single) || col.ValueType == typeof(decimal) || col.ValueType == typeof(int) || col.ValueType == typeof(Boolean)) { InsStr[4] += "," + r.Cells[col.Name].Value + ""; } } DataLayer.executeNonQuery(InsStr[0] + "(" + InsStr[1] + ") values (" + InsStr[4] + ")"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion } else { try { // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 string Exist = "0"; Exist = DataLayer.Executescalar(@"SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '" + footer + "' and column_name = 'BranchCode'"); string cri = ""; if (Exist == "1") { cri += " AND BranchCode = " + GlobalVariables.BranchCode; } // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 sql = "delete from " + footer + " where 1=1 " + getCriteria(frm) + cri + ""; DataLayer.executeNonQuery(sql); updateFooter(frm.Controls, header, footer); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public Boolean Save(DataForm Sfrm) { if (isRequired() == false) { //hemaily 18may2013 if (Sfrm.FormType == "FooterFormWithOutContol") { //hassan 28-9-2013 foreach (Control ctrl in frm.Controls) if (ctrl is HGrid) { HGrid grd = ctrl as HGrid; if (grd.TableName != null && grd.TableName != "") updateFooterTable(frm.TableName, grd.TableName, frm); } //end heamily 18may2013 Clear(frm.Controls); //MessageBox.Show("تم الحفظ"); frm.binder.NextCode(frm.NextCodeControl); return true; } else if (Sfrm.FormType == "HeaderFooterContol") { // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 if (Sfrm.recordMode == DataForm.RecordMode.None) Sfrm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Insert; frm = Sfrm; string sql = CreateSqlStatement(); if (DataLayer.ExecuteNonQuery(sql) > 0) { if (Sfrm.recordMode == DataForm.RecordMode.Insert) { Sfrm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Update; } // hemail 18may2013 //foreach (Control ctrl in frm.Controls) // if (ctrl is HGrid) // { // HGrid grd = ctrl as HGrid; // if (grd.TableName != null && grd.TableName != "") // updateFooterTable(frm.TableName, grd.TableName, frm); // } //// end heamily 18may2013 fillFooterTable(frm, frm.Controls); Clear(frm.Controls); MessageBox.Show("تم الحفظ"); frm.binder.NextCode(frm.NextCodeControl); return true; // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 } else return false; } else if (Sfrm.FormType == "FooterFormWithContol") { // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 if (Sfrm.recordMode == DataForm.RecordMode.None) Sfrm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Insert; frm = Sfrm; updateFooterTable(frm.TableName, frm.TableName, frm); // end heamily 18may2013 Clear(frm.Controls); MessageBox.Show("تم الحفظ"); frm.binder.NextCode(frm.NextCodeControl); return true; // Mohamed samir 22/5/2013 } else //end hemaily 18may2013 { if (Sfrm.recordMode == DataForm.RecordMode.None) Sfrm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Insert; frm = Sfrm; string sql = CreateSqlStatement(); if (DataLayer.ExecuteNonQuery(sql) > 0) { if (Sfrm.recordMode == DataForm.RecordMode.Insert) { Sfrm.recordMode = DataForm.RecordMode.Update; } MessageBox.Show("تم الحفظ"); // frm.binder.NextCode(frm.NextCodeControl); return true; } else return true; } } else { return false; } }
public DataBinder(DataForm form) { frm = form; LaodControlsProperites(); }
// Mohamed Samir 8/6/2012 public string getCriteria(DataForm frm) { string critria = ""; string Exist = "0"; Exist = DataLayer.Executescalar(@"SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '" + frm.TableName + "' and column_name = 'BranchCode'"); if (Exist == "1") { critria += " AND BranchCode = " + GlobalVariables.BranchCode; } foreach (Control co in frm.Controls) { #region textbox if (co is HTextBox) { HTextBox ht = co as HTextBox; if (ht.FieldName != "" && ht.Text != "") { if (ht.key == true) { if (ht.DataType.ToString() != "DateTime") critria += " and " + ht.FieldName + " = '" + ht.Text + "'"; // else critria += " and "+ht.FieldName+"=convert(datetime,'"+ht.Text +"',102)"; else critria += " and " + ht.FieldName + "=convert(datetime,'" + Convert.ToDateTime(ht.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "',103)"; } } } #endregion } return critria; }
public void fillFooterTable(DataForm frm, Control.ControlCollection Control) { foreach (Control ctrl in Control) { if (ctrl is HGrid) { HGrid grd = ctrl as HGrid; if(grd.TableName != null) updateFooterTable(frm.TableName, grd.TableName, frm); } if (ctrl.Controls.Count != 0 && !(ctrl is HGrid)) { fillFooterTable(frm, ctrl.Controls); } } }