public static HashDevice GetDeviceFromSerializedData(SerializedHashDevice serializedDevice) { var device = new HashDevice(); device.DeviceName = serializedDevice.DeviceName; device.Condition = serializedDevice.Condition; device.IpAddress = serializedDevice.IpAddress; device.AllPrograms = ProgramUtil.GetAllProgramsFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.Programs); device.AllUsers = SList.Create <HashUser>(serializedDevice.Users.Length); for (int i = 0; i < serializedDevice.Users.Length; i++) { var user = GetUserFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.Users[i]); SList.Add(device.AllUsers, user); } var defaultUser = new HashUser(); defaultUser.Username = DEFAULT_USER_NAME; defaultUser.Password = DEFAULT_PASSWORD; SList.Add(device.AllUsers, defaultUser); device.FileSystem = FileSystem.GetFileSystemFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.FileSystem); return(device); }
/// <summary> /// Initialized the game. /// </summary> public void InitializeGame() { #if DEB if (GUIReferences.InputListener == null) { DebugUtil.Error("INPUT LISTENER IS NULL. PLEASE BAKE THE GAME HOLDER!"); } if (GUIReferences.TerminalComponent == null) { DebugUtil.Error("TERMINAL COMPONENT IS NULL. PLEASE BAKE THE GAME HOLDER!"); } #endif Constants.Colors = Colors; DataHolder.DebugCondition = DebugCondition; DataHolder.GUIReferences = GUIReferences; DataHolder.DreamReferences = DreamReferences; DataHolder.GUIReferences.TerminalComponent.Initialize(); StoryUtil.Init(); LoopUtil.Init(); WindowUtil.Initialize(); DataUtil.LoadData(); ProgramUtil.SetupPrograms(); GUIUtil.SetCursorToDefault(); TerminalUtil.HideTerminal(); AnnouncementUtil.HideAnnouncement(); DreamUtil.ExecuteDreamOne(); }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(options.ParsedArguments, Validations)) { var latitudeParam = CommandLineUtil.FindArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, LatitudeParameterName); var longitudeParam = CommandLineUtil.FindArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, LongitudeParameterName); var latitude = latitudeParam.Value; var longitude = longitudeParam.Value; float fLatitude; float fLongitude; if (ValidateCoords(latitude, longitude, out fLatitude, out fLongitude)) { float imageWidth = AditionalData.MapTexture.width; float imageHeight = AditionalData.MapTexture.height; var markerPositon = new Vector2(fLatitude, fLongitude); var dimentions = AditionalData.MapDimentions; if (dimentions.Contains(markerPositon)) { string title = string.Format("Map for lat: {0:F3} / lon: {1:F3}", fLatitude, fLongitude); var imageWindow = WindowUtil.CreateImageWindow(AditionalData.MapTexture, title); var holder = imageWindow.MainWidget; var markerInstance = NGUITools.AddChild(holder.gameObject, AditionalData.MarkerGameObject); markerInstance.transform.localPosition = GetMarkerPosition(AditionalData.MapTexture, dimentions, markerPositon); } else { var fromDimention = string.Format("[lat {0} / lon {1}]", dimentions.xMin, dimentions.yMin); var toDimention = string.Format("[lat {0} / lon {1}]", dimentions.xMax, dimentions.yMax); var msg = "The given positon lies outside the available map. The map data encloses goes from {0} to {1}"; msg = string.Format(msg, fromDimention, toDimention); msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } else { var msg = "Invalid coordinates. Please supply latitude and longitude as decimal numers.\nEx: lat 25.6939 log 91.9057"; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } else { var msg = "Error. Please supply a valid latitude and longitude"; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } var args = options.ParsedArguments; if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(args, Validations)) { var hintArg = CommandLineUtil.FindArgumentByName(args, HintArgName); Pair <string, string> deviceArg; Pair <string, string> fileArg; var deviceExists = CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(args, DeviceArgName, out deviceArg); var fileExists = CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(args, FileArgName, out fileArg); if (deviceExists && fileExists) { var msg = "You need to supply either a file or a device, never both."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else { if (deviceExists) { Pair <string, string> usernameArg; var usernameExists = CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(args, UsernameArgName, out usernameArg); if (usernameExists) { ExecuteOnDevice(deviceArg, usernameArg, hintArg); } else { var msg = "If you are targeting a device, please supply a username for whose password should be discovered."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } else if (fileExists) { ExecuteOnFile(fileArg, hintArg); } } } else { var msg = "ERROR"; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(options.ParsedArguments, Validations)) { var path = options.ParsedArguments[0].Value; HashDir dir; HashFile file; if (FileSystem.DirExists(path, out dir)) { FileSystem.ChangeDir(dir); } else if (FileSystem.FileExistsAndIsAvailable(path, out file)) { var msg = string.Format("The path '{0}' points to a file. Use 'open {0}' to open this file.", path); msg = TextUtil.Warning(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else { var msg = string.Format("The path '{0}' points nowhere. Please supply a valid path.", path); msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } else { string msg = null; var result = PathValidation.ValidationResult; if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag((int)result, (int)ArgValidationResult.EmptyValue)) { msg = "Please supply a path."; } else if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag((int)result, (int)ArgValidationResult.NotFound)) { msg = "Please supply a path."; } msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } if (options.ParsedArguments.Count > 0) { var programName = options.ParsedArguments[0].Value; var program = Shell.FindProgramByCommand(programName); if (program == null) { var msg = "'{0}' is not a valid program. You can use 'help' to see help for all programs or 'help <program_name>' to see help about a specific program"; msg = TextUtil.ApplyNGUIColor(msg, Constants.Colors.Error); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else { ShowHelpFor(program); ShowProgramsUsage(); } } else { TerminalUtil.StartTextBatch(); var programs = ProgramUtil.GetAvailablePrograms(DataHolder.DeviceData.CurrentDevice); for (int i = 0; i < programs.Count; i++) { var program = programs[i]; ShowHelpFor(program); } ShowProgramsUsage(); TerminalUtil.EndTextBatch(); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the program that corresponds to the given commandName. /// If none is found, null is returned. /// </summary> public static Program FindProgramByCommand(string commandName) { var programs = DataHolder.DeviceData.CurrentDevice.AllPrograms; for (int i = 0; i < programs.Count; i++) { var prog = programs[i]; for (int j = 0; j < prog.Commands.Length; j++) { var command = prog.Commands[j]; if (string.Equals(command, commandName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (ProgramUtil.IsProgramAvailable(prog)) { return(prog); } } } } return(null); }
public static void FillCommandBuffer() { FileSystem.FilleCommandBufferWithFileSystem(FillBufferFileSystemOptions.IncludeDir); ProgramUtil.AddPrefixToCommandBuffer("cd "); }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(options.ParsedArguments, Validations)) { Pair <string, string> pathArg; // no need to validate this because the argument is required CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, PathArgName, out pathArg); var path = pathArg.Value; bool openOnTerminal = CommandLineUtil.ArgumentExists(options.ParsedArguments, TerminalArgName); HashFile file; HashDir dir; if (FileSystem.FileExistsAndIsAvailable(path, out file)) { var permission = FileSystem.GetAccessPermission(file); if (permission < AccessPermission.Editable) { var msg = "You don't have permission to open this file."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else { switch (file.FileType) { case HashFileType.Text: var textFile = file.Content as TextFile; OpenTextFile(file, textFile, openOnTerminal); break; case HashFileType.Image: var imageFile = file.Content as ImageFile; OpenImageFile(file, imageFile, openOnTerminal); break; default: DebugUtil.Error(string.Format("The open program can't open file type: {0}", file.FileType)); break; } } } else { string msg; if (FileSystem.DirExists(path, out dir)) { msg = "The path '{0}' points to a directory. Please use 'cd {0}' to navigate to that directory."; } else { msg = "The path '{0}' points to nowhere. Please supply a valida path."; } msg = string.Format(msg, path); msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } else { string msg = "Please supply a file path."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } }
public static bool HasProgram(HashDevice device, ProgramType programType) { var programs = ProgramUtil.GetAvailablePrograms(device); return(SList.Exists(programs, p => p.ProgramType == programType)); }
/// <summary> /// Executes the dir program. /// </summary> public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } HashDir currentDir = null; if (options.ParsedArguments.Count == 0) { currentDir = DataHolder.DeviceData.CurrentDevice.FileSystem.CurrentDir; } else { var desiredDirPath = options.ParsedArguments[0].Value; if (!FileSystem.DirExists(desiredDirPath, out currentDir)) { string msg; HashFile file; if (FileSystem.FileExistsAndIsAvailable(desiredDirPath, out file)) { msg = string.Format("The path '{0}' points to a file. Use 'open {0}' to open this file.", desiredDirPath); } else { msg = string.Format("The path '{0}' points nowhere. Please supply a valid path.", desiredDirPath); } msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); return; } } var childs = FileSystem.GetAllAvailableChild(currentDir); var files = FileSystem.GetAvailableFilesFromDir(currentDir); if (childs.Count == 0 && files.Count == 0) { var txt = "EMPTY DIRECTORY!"; txt = TextUtil.ApplyNGUIColor(txt, LineColor); TerminalUtil.ShowText(txt); } else { TerminalUtil.StartTextBatch(); TerminalUtil.ShowText(HeaderLine.FormattedText); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { var child = childs[i]; var line = CreateLine(child.Name, "DIRECTORY", string.Empty, LineColor, TextModifiers.Italic); TerminalUtil.ShowText(line.FormattedText); } for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { var file = files[i]; var status = FileSystem.GetStatusString(file.Status); var line = CreateLine(file.FullName, "FILE", status, LineColor, TextModifiers.Italic); TerminalUtil.ShowText(line.FormattedText); } TerminalUtil.EndTextBatch(); } }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(options.ParsedArguments, Validations)) { Pair <string, string> pathArg = CommandLineUtil.FindArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, PathArgName); Pair <string, string> passwordArg = CommandLineUtil.FindArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, PasswordArgName); var path = pathArg.Value; var password = passwordArg.Value; HashFile file = FileSystem.FindFileByPath(path); if (file == null) { var msg = string.Format("The path '{0}' is not a valid file path.", path); ShowErrorMessage(msg); } else { if (file.Status != FileStatus.Encrypted) { var msg = string.Format("The file '{0}' is not encrypt. You can open it using 'open {0}'", path); msg = TextUtil.ApplyNGUIColor(msg, Constants.Colors.Success); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else { var filePassword = file.Password; if (string.Equals(password, filePassword)) { var msg = string.Format("File '{0}' decrypted successfully. Use 'open {0}' to open the file.", path); msg = TextUtil.ApplyNGUIColor(msg, Constants.Colors.Success); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); FileSystem.ChangeFileStatus(file, FileStatus.Normal); } else { var msg = "Invalid password."; ShowErrorMessage(msg); } } } } else { var pathResult = (int)PathValidation.ValidationResult; var passwordResult = (int)PasswordValidation.ValidationResult; if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag(pathResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.NotFound) || MathUtil.ContainsFlag(pathResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.EmptyValue)) { var msg = "You need to supply a path. Please use 'help cracker' for more info."; ShowErrorMessage(msg); } else if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag(passwordResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.NotFound) || MathUtil.ContainsFlag(passwordResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.EmptyValue)) { var msg = "You need to supply a password. Please use 'help cracker' for more info."; ShowErrorMessage(msg); } } }
public static void Execute(ProgramExecutionOptions options) { if (ProgramUtil.ShowHelpIfNeeded(options)) { return; } bool everythingOk = true; int count = 0; ClearMode mode = ClearMode.Top; if (options.ParsedArguments.Count == 0) { count = DataHolder.TerminalData.AllEntries.Count; } else if (CommandLineUtil.ValidateArguments(options.ParsedArguments, Validations)) { Pair <string, string> modeArg; Pair <string, string> countArg; bool modePresent = CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, ModeArgName, out modeArg); bool countPresent = CommandLineUtil.TryGetArgumentByName(options.ParsedArguments, CountArgName, out countArg); if (modePresent && !countPresent) { var msg = "You need to supply the number of line to clear when using the mode argument."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); everythingOk = false; } if (countPresent && !modePresent) { var msg = "You need to supply the mode argument when removing a specific quantity of lines."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); everythingOk = false; } if (everythingOk) { if (!MiscUtil.TryParseEnum(modeArg.Value, out mode)) { var msg = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid clear mode. It must be either 'top' or 'down'.", modeArg.Value); msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); everythingOk = false; } else if (!int.TryParse(countArg.Value, out count)) { var msg = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid number of lines!", countArg.Value); msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); everythingOk = false; } } } else { everythingOk = false; var modeResult = ModeValidation.ValidationResult; var countResult = CountValidation.ValidationResult; if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag((int)modeResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.EmptyValue)) { var msg = "The 'mode' argument must be either 'top' or 'down'."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } else if (MathUtil.ContainsFlag((int)modeResult, (int)ArgValidationResult.Duplicated)) { var msg = "Please supply only one 'mode' argument."; msg = TextUtil.Error(msg); TerminalUtil.ShowText(msg); } } if (everythingOk) { if (mode == ClearMode.Bottom) { TerminalUtil.RemoveTextEntries(count, TerminalEntryRemoveType.NewerEntries); } else { TerminalUtil.RemoveTextEntries(count, TerminalEntryRemoveType.OlderEntries); } } }