private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = gen.GetNewEntity(); // khai bao new entity Framework var dt = db.BaoCaoTonKhoes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StockCode == txtStockCode.Text && x.CompanyCode == Globals.companycode && x.InventoryItemCode == txtInventoryItemCode.Text && x.FiscalYear == FiscalYear && x.FiscalPeriod == FiscalPeriod); BaoCaoTonKho data = new BaoCaoTonKho();// class BaoCaoTonKho data.CompanyCode = Globals.companycode; data.FiscalYear = FiscalYear; data.FiscalPeriod = FiscalPeriod; data.InventoryItemCode = txtInventoryItemCode.Text; data.StockCode = txtStockCode.Text; //txtSQL.Text = "SELECT * from BaoCaoTonKho WHERE StockCode='" + StockCode + "' AND InventoryItemCode='" + inventoryItemCode + "' AND FiscalYear=" + FiscalYear + " AND FiscalPeriod=" + FiscalPeriod; //XtraMessageBox.Show("update_tonkho" + txtSQL.Text, "Error1", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dt != null) { // chi can update lai so lieu // XtraMessageBox.Show("update_tonkho2" + quantity.ToString() + Posted + INOut, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); data.QuantityDK = dt.QuantityDK; data.QuantityCK = dt.QuantityCK; data.QuantityCK2 = dt.QuantityCK2; data.QuantityNTK2 = dt.QuantityNTK2; data.QuantityXTK2 = dt.QuantityXTK2; data.QuantityNTK = dt.QuantityNTK; data.QuantityXTK = dt.QuantityXTK; data.InventoryItemName = dt.InventoryItemName; data.Unit = dt.Unit; data.UnitPrice = dt.UnitPrice; try { data.QuantityNTK = sltk(txtInventoryItemCode.Text, FiscalPeriod, FiscalYear, 1, 1); data.QuantityNTK2 = data.QuantityNTK + sltk(txtInventoryItemCode.Text, FiscalPeriod, FiscalYear, 0, 1); // plan data.QuantityXTK = sltk(txtInventoryItemCode.Text, FiscalPeriod, FiscalYear, 1, 0); data.QuantityXTK2 = data.QuantityXTK + sltk(txtInventoryItemCode.Text, FiscalPeriod, FiscalYear, 0, 0); // plan data.QuantityCK = data.QuantityDK + data.QuantityNTK - data.QuantityXTK; data.QuantityCK2 = data.QuantityDK + data.QuantityNTK2 - data.QuantityXTK2; var db2 = gen.GetNewEntity(); // khai bao new entity Framework db2.Entry(data).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // update db2.SaveChanges(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Update successful", "Hamaco", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); txtQuantityNTK.Text = data.QuantityNTK.ToString(); txtQuantityXTK.Text = data.QuantityXTK.ToString(); txtQuantityCK.Text = data.QuantityCK.ToString(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) // exception khac { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else // tao moi { XtraMessageBox.Show("Chưa có mã này", "test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btn_Copy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //copy role var ctx = gen.GetNewEntity(); // khai bao new entity Framework var query = ctx.BaoCaoTonKhoes .Where(c => c.StockCode == StockCode && c.CompanyCode == Globals.companycode && c.FiscalPeriod.ToString() == txtMonth.Text && c.FiscalYear.ToString() == txtYear.Text); foreach (var data in query) { BaoCaoTonKho obj = new BaoCaoTonKho(); obj.StockCode = data.StockCode; obj.CompanyCode = data.CompanyCode; obj.FiscalPeriod = Int32.Parse(txtMonth2.Text); obj.FiscalYear = Int32.Parse(txtYear2.Text); obj.InventoryItemCode = data.InventoryItemCode; obj.InventoryItemName = data.InventoryItemName; obj.Unit = data.Unit; obj.UnitPrice = data.UnitPrice; obj.QuantityDK = data.QuantityCK; // DK = CK obj.QuantityCK = data.QuantityCK; obj.QuantityCK2 = data.QuantityCK; //plan obj.QuantityNTK2 = 0; obj.QuantityXTK2 = 0; obj.QuantityNTK = 0; obj.QuantityXTK = 0; ctx.BaoCaoTonKhoes.Add(obj); //insert } try { ctx.SaveChanges(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Copy bao cao ton kho successfully", "Copy", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) // exception khac { foreach (var ve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name + ve.Entry.State, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }