static void DrawLineEndAtIter (Cairo.Context cntx, TextView view, TextIter iter)
				Gdk.Rectangle rect = view.GetIterLocation (iter);
				int x, y;
				view.BufferToWindowCoords (TextWindowType.Text,
				                           rect.Y + rect.Height / 2,
				                           out x, out y);
				cntx.Save ();
				cntx.Color =  GetDrawingColorForIter (view, iter);
				double arrowSize = 3;
				cntx.MoveTo (x + 10, y);
				cntx.RelLineTo (new Cairo.Distance (0, -arrowSize));
				cntx.RelMoveTo (new Cairo.Distance (0, arrowSize));
				cntx.RelLineTo (new Cairo.Distance (-8, 0));
				cntx.RelLineTo (new Cairo.Distance (arrowSize, arrowSize));
				cntx.RelMoveTo (new Cairo.Distance (-arrowSize, -arrowSize));
				cntx.RelLineTo (new Cairo.Distance (arrowSize, -arrowSize));
				cntx.Stroke ();
				cntx.Restore ();
    private void GetCharCountDrawInfo (TextView textView, out int[,] info) {
    	if (textView.Buffer.LineCount == 0) {
    		info = null;
    		return; //shouldn't happen, but just to make sure

    	/* Get visible coordinates */
    	int minVisibleY = textView.VisibleRect.Top;
   		int maxVisibleY = textView.VisibleRect.Bottom;

   		/* Get visible start and end iters */
   		TextIter startIter, endIter;
   		int lineTop;
    	textView.GetLineAtY(out startIter, minVisibleY, out lineTop);
    	textView.GetLineAtY(out endIter, maxVisibleY, out lineTop);
    	int lineCount = endIter.Line - startIter.Line + 1;
    	int startLine = startIter.Line;
    	int endLine = endIter.Line;

		/* Initializations */
		info = new int[lineCount, 2];

    	/* Process start iter */
    	int startLineCharCount = startIter.CharsInLine - (lineCount > 1 ? 1 : 0); //subtract 1 for newline if there are >1 lines
    	info[0, 0] = startLineCharCount; //Char Count
    	Gdk.Rectangle startIterLocation = textView.GetIterLocation(startIter);
    	info[0, 1] = startIterLocation.Bottom - (startIterLocation.Height/2) - minVisibleY; //Y

    	/* If only 1 line, return */
    	if (lineCount == 1) {

		/* Process middle iters */
    	for (int i = 1, line = startLine + 1 ; line < endLine ; i++, line++) {
    		TextIter iter = textView.Buffer.GetIterAtLine(line);
			int charCount = iter.CharsInLine - 1; //subtract 1 for newline
			info[i, 0] = charCount;
			Gdk.Rectangle iterLocation = textView.GetIterLocation(iter);
    		info[i, 1] = iterLocation.Bottom - (iterLocation.Height/2) - minVisibleY; //Y

    	/* Process end iter */
    	int endLineCharCount = endIter.CharsInLine - (endLine == textView.Buffer.LineCount - 1 ? 0 : 1); //subtract newline if this isn't the last line in the buffer
    	info[lineCount-1, 0] = endLineCharCount;
    	Gdk.Rectangle endIterLocation = textView.GetIterLocation(endIter);
    	info[lineCount-1, 1] = endIterLocation.Bottom - (endIterLocation.Height/2) - minVisibleY; //Y
			static void DrawSpaceAtIter (Cairo.Context cntx, TextView view, TextIter iter)
				Gdk.Rectangle rect = view.GetIterLocation (iter);
				int x, y;
				view.BufferToWindowCoords (TextWindowType.Text,
				                           rect.X + rect.Width / 2,
				                           rect.Y + rect.Height / 2,
				                           out x, out y);
				cntx.Save ();
				cntx.Color =  GetDrawingColorForIter (view, iter);
				//no overlap on the circle, even if context is set to LineCap.Square
				cntx.LineCap = Cairo.LineCap.Butt;
				cntx.MoveTo (x, y);
				cntx.Arc (x, y, 0.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
				cntx.Stroke ();
				cntx.Restore ();