public GlToggleButton(GdkGL.Config config) { // VBox. VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0); vbox.BorderWidth = 10; // Drawing area for drawing OpenGL scene. DrawingArea drawing_area = new DrawingArea (); drawing_area.SetSizeRequest (200, 200); // Set OpenGL-capability to the widget. m_gl = new GlWidget (drawing_area, config); drawing_area.Realized += new EventHandler (Realize); drawing_area.ConfigureEvent += new ConfigureEventHandler (Configure); drawing_area.ExposeEvent += new ExposeEventHandler (Expose); drawing_area.Unrealized += new EventHandler (Unrealize); drawing_area.VisibilityNotifyEvent += new VisibilityNotifyEventHandler (VisibilityNotify); vbox.PackStart (drawing_area, true, true, 0); drawing_area.Show (); // Label. Label label = new Label ("Toggle Animation"); vbox.PackStart (label, false, false, 10); label.Show (); Toggled += new EventHandler (ToggleAnimation); // Add VBox. vbox.Show (); Add (vbox); }
private Widget CreateWidgets() { VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 0); Label l = new Label("<span size=\"large\">Base Colors</span>"); vbox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); l.UseMarkup = true; l.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Normal", this.Style.Base(StateType.Normal))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Active", this.Style.Base(StateType.Active))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Prelight", this.Style.Base(StateType.Prelight))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Selected", this.Style.Base(StateType.Selected))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Insensitive", this.Style.Base(StateType.Insensitive))); l = new Label("<span size=\"large\">Background Colors</span>"); vbox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); l.UseMarkup = true; l.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Normal", this.Style.Background(StateType.Normal))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Active", this.Style.Background(StateType.Active))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Prelight", this.Style.Background(StateType.Prelight))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Selected", this.Style.Background(StateType.Selected))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Insensitive", this.Style.Background(StateType.Insensitive))); l = new Label("<span size=\"large\">Foreground Colors</span>"); vbox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); l.UseMarkup = true; l.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Normal", this.Style.Foreground(StateType.Normal))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Active", this.Style.Foreground(StateType.Active))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Prelight", this.Style.Foreground(StateType.Prelight))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Selected", this.Style.Foreground(StateType.Selected))); vbox.PackStart(CreateColorBox("Insensitive", this.Style.Foreground(StateType.Insensitive))); vbox.ShowAll(); return vbox; }
public AboutMonoDevelopTabPage () { Label label = new Label(); label.Markup = String.Format ( "<b>{0}</b>\n {1}", GettextCatalog.GetString ("Version"), BuildVariables.PackageVersion == BuildVariables.PackageVersionLabel ? BuildVariables.PackageVersionLabel : String.Format ("{0} ({1})", BuildVariables.PackageVersionLabel, BuildVariables.PackageVersion)); HBox hBoxVersion = new HBox (); hBoxVersion.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxVersion, false, true, 0); label = null; label = new Label (); label.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString ("<b>License</b>\n {0}", GettextCatalog.GetString ("Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.")); HBox hBoxLicense = new HBox (); hBoxLicense.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxLicense, false, true, 5); label = null; label = new Label (); label.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString ("<b>Copyright</b>\n (c) 2000-2003 by\n (c) 2004-{0} by MonoDevelop contributors", 2009); HBox hBoxCopyright = new HBox (); hBoxCopyright.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxCopyright, false, true, 5); this.ShowAll (); }
public static Widget GetButton (Action action, bool label) { Widget w = action.CreateIcon (IconSize.Button); if (label) { HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (w, false, false, 0); Label l = new Label (); l.Markup = "<small>" + action.Label + "</small>"; box.PackStart (l); w = box; } Button button; if (action is ToggleAction) { ToggleButton toggle = new ToggleButton (); toggle.Active = ((ToggleAction)action).Active; button = toggle; } else { button = new Button (); } button.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; button.Add (w); w.ShowAll (); action.ConnectProxy (button); tips.SetTip (button, action.Tooltip, String.Empty); return button; }
public AttributeEntry(FileTemplate.Attribute attribute) { this.attribute = attribute; Label lblApp = new Label(attribute.Name.Replace("_","__")+": "); lblApp.Xalign = 1; lblApp.Yalign = 0.5F; lblApp.WidthRequest = 115; Entry entr = new Entry(); entr.Name = "entr"; if (attribute.Value != null) entr.Text = attribute.Value.ToString(); entr.Changed+= delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.ValidateExpr)){ Regex regex = new Regex(attribute.ValidateExpr, RegexOptions.Compiled); if (regex.IsMatch(entr.Text)){ this.attribute.Value = (object)entr.Text; } else { if (attribute.Value != null) entr.Text = attribute.Value.ToString(); } } else this.attribute.Value = (object)entr.Text; }; this.PackStart(lblApp,false,false,2); this.PackEnd(entr,true,true,2); }
public MainWindow_Widget() : base("You know I'm no good") { SetDefaultSize(800, 600); BorderWidth = 8; SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); // Title Title = "Widget Test"; // Label DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; Fixed fix = new Fixed(); ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(distros); combo.Changed += OnChanged; lyrics = new Label(text); fix.Put(combo, 50, 30); fix.Put(lyrics, 50, 150); Add(fix); ShowAll(); }
public ListPage(Notebook notebook, ModulesTreeInfo module) { this.notebook = notebook; this.module = module; headerbox = new HBox(); headerlabel = new Label(module.Text); headerbox.PackStart(headerlabel); //Image img = new Image("gtk-close", IconSize.Menu); close_img = ImageManager.GetImage("Images.close-button.png"); //close_img = new Image("gtk-close", IconSize.Menu); btnCloseTab = new Button(close_img); btnCloseTab.BorderWidth = 0; btnCloseTab.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; //btnCloseTab.WidthRequest = 19; //btnCloseTab.HeightRequest = 19; btnCloseTab.Clicked += delegate { this.Dispose(); }; headerbox.PackStart(btnCloseTab); headerbox.ShowAll(); tableview = new DataTableView(module); this.Add(tableview); this.ShowAll(); notebook.AppendPage(this, headerbox); notebook.SetTabReorderable(this, true); }
public BebidasCalientesView(Label labelTotalMainWindow,Button botonNP) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.Build (); labelBebidasCalientes.Markup = "<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Bebidas Calientes</span>"; botonNuevoPedidoMainWindow = botonNP; totalMainWindow = labelTotalMainWindow; dbConnection = ApplicationContext.Instance.DbConnection; //hacer la consulta bd IDbCommand dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand (); dbCommand.CommandText = "select * from bebidascalientes "; IDataReader dataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader (); //Aquí creamos un objeto de la clase RellenarTreeView y le pasamos a la clase el treeView y el dataReader RellenarTreeView rellenar =new RellenarTreeView(); rellenar.llenarTreeView(treeView, dataReader); //recogemos el listStore que usamos en la clase RellenarTreeView, para ser usada en los los métodos en esa clase listStore = rellenar.get_ListStore(); dataReader.Close (); }
public AboutPintaTabPage() { Label label = new Label (); label.Markup = String.Format ( "<b>{0}</b>\n {1}", Catalog.GetString ("Version"), "1.2"); HBox hBoxVersion = new HBox (); hBoxVersion.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxVersion, false, true, 0); label = null; label = new Label (); label.Markup = string.Format ("<b>{0}</b>\n {1}", Catalog.GetString ("License"), Catalog.GetString ("Released under the MIT X11 License.")); HBox hBoxLicense = new HBox (); hBoxLicense.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxLicense, false, true, 5); label = null; label = new Label (); label.Markup = string.Format ("<b>{0}</b>\n (c) 2010-2011 {1}", Catalog.GetString ("Copyright"), Catalog.GetString ("by Pinta contributors")); HBox hBoxCopyright = new HBox (); hBoxCopyright.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (hBoxCopyright, false, true, 5); this.ShowAll (); }
public NodeKeyInfo(NodeKey key) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.Build (); int childNodes = key.ChildNodes != null ? key.ChildNodes.Count : 0; int values = key.ChildValues != null ? key.ChildValues.Count : 0; byte[] classnameData = key.ClassnameData != null ? key.ClassnameData : new byte[] {}; string name = key.Name != null ? key.Name : string.Empty; DateTime timestamp = key.Timestamp != null ? key.Timestamp : DateTime.MinValue; Label nameLabel = new Label("Name: " + name); Label timestampLabel = new Label("Timestamp: " + timestamp.ToLongDateString()); Label childNodesLabel = new Label("Child nodes: " + childNodes); Label valueCountLabel = new Label("Values: " + values); //Label data = new Label(BitConverter.ToString(classnameData).Replace('-', ' ')); VBox box = new VBox(); box.PackStart(nameLabel, false, false, 30); box.PackStart(timestampLabel, false, false, 30); box.PackStart(childNodesLabel, false, false, 30); box.PackStart(valueCountLabel, false, false, 30); //data.Wrap = true; //box.PackStart(data, false, false, 0); this.Add(box); this.ShowAll(); }
public FormOrder() : base(4,2, false) { labelid = new Label("Id :"); labelid.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); labelcust = new Label("Customer :"); labelcust.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); labelpay = new Label("Payment :"); labelpay.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); labeltax = new Label("Tax :"); labeltax.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); entryid = new Entry(); entryid.Sensitive = false; combocust = new ComboBoxCustomers(); combopay = new ComboBoxPayments(); combopay.NoneRow = true; combotax = new ComboBoxTaxes(); combotax.NoneRow = true; this.ColumnSpacing = 6; Attach(labelid, 0, 1, 0, 1); Attach(labelcust, 0, 1, 1, 2); Attach(labelpay, 0, 1, 2, 3); Attach(labeltax, 0, 1, 3, 4); Attach(entryid, 1, 2, 0, 1); Attach(combocust, 1, 2, 1, 2); Attach(combopay, 1, 2, 2, 3); Attach(combotax, 1, 2, 3, 4); this.ShowAll(); }
public ParameterInformationWindow() { desc = new Gtk.Label (""); desc.Xalign = 0; desc.Wrap = true; count = new Gtk.Label (""); mainBox = new HBox (false, 2); mainBox.BorderWidth = 3; HBox arrowHBox = new HBox (); goPrev = new Gtk.Arrow (Gtk.ArrowType.Up, ShadowType.None); arrowHBox.PackStart (goPrev, false, false, 0); arrowHBox.PackStart (count, false, false, 0); goNext = new Gtk.Arrow (Gtk.ArrowType.Down, ShadowType.None); arrowHBox.PackStart (goNext, false, false, 0); VBox vBox = new VBox (); vBox.PackStart (arrowHBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (vBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (desc, true, true, 0); mainBox.ShowAll (); this.Add (mainBox); EnableTransparencyControl = true; }
//this is a popup so it behaves like other splashes on Windows, i.e. doesn't show up as a second window in the taskbar. public SplashScreenForm () : base (Gtk.WindowType.Popup) { AppPaintable = true; this.Decorated = false; this.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center; this.TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Splashscreen; try { using (var stream = BrandingService.GetStream ("SplashScreen.png", true)) bitmap = new Gdk.Pixbuf (stream); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingService.LogError ("Can't load splash screen pixbuf 'SplashScreen.png'.", e); } progress = new ProgressBar(); progress.Fraction = 0.00; progress.HeightRequest = 6; vbox = new VBox(); vbox.BorderWidth = 12; label = new Gtk.Label (); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackEnd (progress, false, true, 0); vbox.PackEnd (label, false, true, 3); this.Add (vbox); if (bitmap != null) this.Resize (bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); }
public NodeEditorWidget (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node) { this.node = node; this.project = project; tips = new Tooltips (); Spacing = 0; // Header Label label = new Label (); label.Wrap = true; label.WidthRequest = 480; string txt = "<b>" + node.NodeName + "</b>"; if (ntype.Description.Length > 0) txt += "\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (ntype.Description); label.Markup = txt; label.Xalign = 0f; PackStart (label, false, false, 6); PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, false, 0); // Attributes grid = new PropertyGrid (); grid.CurrentObject = new NodeWrapper (project, reg, ntype, parentAddinDescription, parentPath, node); PackStart (grid, true, true, 0); ShowAll (); grid.ShowHelp = true; grid.ShowToolbar = false; }
public ParameterInformationWindow () { heading = new Gtk.Label (""); heading.Xalign = 0; heading.Wrap = false; desc = new DescriptionLabel (); count = new Gtk.Label (""); var mainBox = new HBox (false, 2); HBox arrowHBox = new HBox (); goPrev = new Gtk.Arrow (Gtk.ArrowType.Up, ShadowType.None); arrowHBox.PackStart (goPrev, false, false, 0); arrowHBox.PackStart (count, false, false, 0); goNext = new Gtk.Arrow (Gtk.ArrowType.Down, ShadowType.None); arrowHBox.PackStart (goNext, false, false, 0); VBox vBox = new VBox (); vBox.PackStart (arrowHBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (vBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (heading, true, true, 0); var vBox2 = new VBox (); vBox2.BorderWidth = 3; vBox2.PackStart (mainBox, false, false, 0); vBox2.PackStart (desc, true, true, 4); Add (vBox2); EnableTransparencyControl = true; ShowAll (); }
void SetLabel (string text) { Clear (); var label = new Gtk.Label (text); PackStart (label, true, true, 0); ShowAll (); }
public void AddMessage (string msg, IconId icon) { if (lastImage != null) { HSeparator sep = new HSeparator (); sep.Show (); msgBox.PackStart (sep, false, false, 0); lastImage.IconSize = Gtk.IconSize.Menu; } HBox box = new HBox (); box.Spacing = 12; Alignment imgBox = new Alignment (0, 0, 0, 0); var img = new ImageView (icon, lastImage != null ? Gtk.IconSize.Menu : IconSize.Dialog); imgBox.Add (img); lastImage = img; box.PackStart (imgBox, false, false, 0); Label lab = new Label (msg); lab.UseUnderline = false; lab.Xalign = 0; lab.Yalign = 0; lab.Wrap = true; lab.WidthRequest = 500; box.PackStart (lab, true, true, 0); msgBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); }
public SqlitePreferences() : base() { var lbl = new Label ("Local file requires no configuration."); PackStart (lbl, true, true, 0); ShowAll (); }
public TitledList(string title_str) : base() { genre_map = new Dictionary<string, Genre> (); title = new Label (); title.Xalign = 0; title.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End; title.Markup = String.Format ("<b>{0}</b>", GLib.Markup.EscapeText (title_str)); PackStart (title, false, false, 0); title.Show (); StyleSet += delegate { title.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, Style.Base (StateType.Normal)); title.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, Style.Text (StateType.Normal)); }; tile_view = new TileView (2); PackStart (tile_view, true, true, 0); tile_view.Show (); StyleSet += delegate { tile_view.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, Style.Base (StateType.Normal)); tile_view.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, Style.Base (StateType.Normal)); }; }
public void addNewTab(String name, IElement element) { Label tablabel = new Label(name); this.AppendPage((Widget)element,tablabel); this.ShowAll(); TabCount++; }
public DialogError(string message, Exception e, Window parent) : base("Error", parent, DialogFlags.Modal, Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok) { HBox hbox = new HBox(); Image icon = new Image(Stock.DialogError,IconSize.Dialog); Label label = new Label(message); Expander exp = new Expander("Details"); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); TextView tview = new TextView(); hbox.BorderWidth = 6; hbox.Spacing = 6; label.SetAlignment(0f, 0.5f); exp.BorderWidth = 6; tview.Buffer.Text = e.Message; tview.Buffer.Text += "\n"; tview.Buffer.Text += e.StackTrace; sw.Add(tview); exp.Add(sw); hbox.PackStart(icon, false, false, 0); hbox.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); this.VBox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); this.VBox.PackStart(exp, true, true, 0); this.ShowAll(); }
public void Fill (SolutionFolder parentCombine, SolutionItem entry, ISolutionItemFeature[] features) { selectedFeatures.Clear (); selectedEditors.Clear (); this.entry = entry; this.parentCombine = parentCombine; foreach (Gtk.Widget w in box.Children) { box.Remove (w); w.Destroy (); } // Show enabled features at the beginning foreach (ISolutionItemFeature feature in features) if (feature.GetSupportLevel (parentCombine, entry) == FeatureSupportLevel.Enabled) { Gtk.Widget editor = AddFeature (feature); selectedFeatures.Add (feature); selectedEditors.Add (editor); } foreach (ISolutionItemFeature feature in features) if (feature.GetSupportLevel (parentCombine, entry) != FeatureSupportLevel.Enabled) AddFeature (feature); if (box.Children.Length == 0) { // No features Label lab = new Label (); lab.Xalign = 0; lab.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("There are no additional features available for this project."); box.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0); lab.Show (); } scrolled.AddWithViewport (box); }
public BDialog(string aName, Gtk.Window aParent, string aText) : base(aName, aParent, Gtk.DialogFlags.NoSeparator) { // setup dialog this.Modal = true; this.BorderWidth = 6; this.HasSeparator = false; this.Resizable = false; this.VBox.Spacing=12; // graphic items hbox = new Gtk.HBox(); Gtk.VBox labelBox = new VBox(); label = new Gtk.Label(); image = new Gtk.Image(); hbox.Spacing=12; hbox.BorderWidth=6; this.VBox.Add(hbox); // set-up image image.Yalign=0.0F; hbox.Add(image); // set-up label label.Yalign=0.0F; label.Xalign=0.0F; label.UseMarkup=true; label.Wrap=true; label.Markup=aText; // add to dialog labelBox.Add(label); hbox.Add(labelBox); }
public void set_snippet(string snippet) { snippet_wrapper = new Gtk.EventBox(); Gtk.Label tmp = new Gtk.Label(); tmp.Markup = snippet; snippet_wrapper.Add(tmp); }
public DummyPreferences() : base() { var lbl = new Label ("Debugging System (this message is a test)"); PackStart (lbl, true, true, 0); ShowAll (); }
// create the TopBar widget public TopBar() { // create the widgets Button add_button = new Button (Stock.Add); Button remove_button = new Button (Stock.Remove); Label search_label = new Label ("Search:"); Image clear_image = new Image (Stock.Clear, IconSize.Menu); clear_box.Add (clear_image); // hook up the widget events add_button.Clicked += add_clicked; remove_button.Clicked += remove_clicked; search.Changed += search_changed; clear_box.ButtonReleaseEvent += clear_released; clear_box.Realized += clear_realized; // homogeneous button box HBox button_box = new HBox (true, 0); button_box.PackStart (add_button, false, true, 0); button_box.PackStart (remove_button, false, true, 0); // pack widgets this.PackStart (button_box, false, true, 0); this.PackStart (search_label, false, false, 5); this.PackStart (search, true, true, 0); this.PackStart (clear_box, false, false, 0); }
public ProgressDialog(string title, CancelButtonType cancel_button_type, int total_count, Gtk.Window parent_window) { Title = title; this.total_count = total_count; if (parent_window != null) this.TransientFor = parent_window; HasSeparator = false; BorderWidth = 6; SetDefaultSize (300, -1); message_label = new Label (String.Empty); VBox.PackStart (message_label, true, true, 12); progress_bar = new ProgressBar (); VBox.PackStart (progress_bar, true, true, 6); switch (cancel_button_type) { case CancelButtonType.Cancel: button = (Gtk.Button)AddButton (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, (int) ResponseType.Cancel); break; case CancelButtonType.Stop: button = (Gtk.Button)AddButton (Gtk.Stock.Stop, (int) ResponseType.Cancel); break; } Response += new ResponseHandler (HandleResponse); }
public IndexInfo () { HeaderIcon = Beagle.Util.WidgetFu.LoadThemeIcon ("dialog-information", 48); Header = Catalog.GetString ("Index Information"); Gtk.Label description = new Gtk.Label (); description.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("Number of items currently indexed:"); description.LineWrap = true; description.Justify = Justification.Left; description.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); Append (description, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0); label = new Gtk.Label (); label.LineWrap = true; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.Justify = Justification.Fill; Append (label, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0); note = new Gtk.Label (); note.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<i>NOTE: The search service is still indexing new data.</i>"); note.LineWrap = true; note.Justify = Justification.Fill; note.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); note.NoShowAll = true; Append (note, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0); }
void BuildLayout () { primary_vbox = new VBox (); var label = new Label ("Super duper test UI!"); label.Show (); primary_vbox.Add (label); var button_box = new HButtonBox (); button_box.Show (); primary_vbox.Add (button_box); var folder_button = new FileChooserButton ("Select import folder", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); folder_button.FileSet += delegate { folder = folder_button.Uri; Log.Information ("Selected " + folder); }; folder_button.Show (); button_box.Add (folder_button); var import_button = new Button { Label = "Start Import" }; import_button.Activated += StartImport; import_button.Clicked += StartImport; import_button.Show (); button_box.Add (import_button); primary_vbox.Show (); Add (primary_vbox); }
public void creaVentanaArticulo() { titulo="Añadir articulo"; ventana(titulo); Label cat=new Label("Introduce el nombre del nuevo articulo: "); text= new Entry(); ComboBox cb=new ComboBox(); Label cat2=new Label("Selecciona la categoria: "); combot= new ComboBoxHelper(App.Instance.DbConnection,cb,"nombre","id",0,"categoria"); tabla.Attach(cat,0,1,0,1); tabla.Attach(text,1,2,0,1); tabla.Attach(cat2,0,1,1,2); tabla.Attach(cb,1,2,1,2); Label pre=new Label("Introduce el precio del nuevo articulo: "); precio=new Entry(); tabla.Attach(pre,0,1,2,3); tabla.Attach(precio,1,2,2,3); Button button=new Button("Añadir"); button.Clicked +=delegate{ añadirArticulo(App.Instance.DbConnection); if(!enBlanco){ window.Destroy(); refresh(); } }; tabla.Attach(button,1,2,3,4); window.Add(vbox); window.ShowAll(); }
void Init() { main = new VBox(false, 6); widget = main; buttonCommit = new Gtk.Button() { Image = new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit...") }; buttonCommit.Image.Show(); buttonRevert = new Gtk.Button() { Image = new Gtk.Image("vc-revert-command", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Revert") }; buttonRevert.Image.Show(); showRemoteStatus = new Gtk.Button() { Image = new Gtk.Image("vc-remote-status", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Remote Status") }; showRemoteStatus.Image.Show(); status = new Label(""); main.PackStart(status, false, false, 0); scroller = new ScrolledWindow(); scroller.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.None; filelist = new FileTreeView(); filelist.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Multiple; scroller.Add(filelist); scroller.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroller.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; filelist.RowActivated += OnRowActivated; filelist.DiffLineActivated += OnDiffLineActivated; CellRendererToggle cellToggle = new CellRendererToggle(); cellToggle.Toggled += new ToggledHandler(OnCommitToggledHandler); var crc = new CellRendererIcon(); crc.StockId = "vc-comment"; colCommit = new TreeViewColumn(); colCommit.Spacing = 2; colCommit.Widget = new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu); colCommit.Widget.Show(); colCommit.PackStart(cellToggle, false); colCommit.PackStart(crc, false); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "active", ColCommit); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "visible", ColShowToggle); colCommit.AddAttribute(crc, "visible", ColShowComment); CellRendererText crt = new CellRendererText(); var crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); TreeViewColumn colStatus = new TreeViewColumn(); colStatus.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Status"); colStatus.PackStart(crp, false); colStatus.PackStart(crt, true); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIcon); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); TreeViewColumn colFile = new TreeViewColumn(); colFile.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("File"); colFile.Spacing = 2; crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); diffRenderer = new CellRendererDiff(); colFile.PackStart(crp, false); colFile.PackStart(diffRenderer, true); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIconFile); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colFile.SetCellDataFunc(diffRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(SetDiffCellData)); crt = new CellRendererText(); crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); colRemote = new TreeViewColumn(); colRemote.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Remote Status"); colRemote.PackStart(crp, false); colRemote.PackStart(crt, true); colRemote.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColRemoteIcon); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColRemoteStatus); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); filelist.AppendColumn(colStatus); filelist.AppendColumn(colRemote); filelist.AppendColumn(colCommit); filelist.AppendColumn(colFile); colRemote.Visible = false; filestore = new TreeStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool)); filelist.Model = filestore; filelist.TestExpandRow += new Gtk.TestExpandRowHandler(OnTestExpandRow); commitBox = new VBox(); HeaderBox commitMessageLabelBox = new HeaderBox(); commitMessageLabelBox.SetPadding(6, 6, 6, 6); commitMessageLabelBox.SetMargins(1, 1, 0, 0); HBox labBox = new HBox(); labelCommit = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit message:")); labelCommit.Xalign = 0; labBox.PackStart(new Gtk.Image("vc-comment", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), false, false, 0); labBox.PackStart(labelCommit, true, true, 3); commitMessageLabelBox.Add(labBox); commitMessageLabelBox.ShowAll(); //commitBox.PackStart (commitMessageLabelBox, false, false, 0); Gtk.ScrolledWindow frame = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); frame.HeightRequest = 75; frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.None; commitText = new TextView(); commitText.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar; commitText.Buffer.Changed += OnCommitTextChanged; frame.Add(commitText); commitBox.PackStart(frame, true, true, 0); var paned = new VPanedThin(); paned.HandleWidget = commitMessageLabelBox; paned.Pack1(scroller, true, true); paned.Pack2(commitBox, false, false); main.PackStart(paned, true, true, 0); main.ShowAll(); status.Visible = false; filelist.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCursorChanged); VersionControlService.FileStatusChanged += OnFileStatusChanged; filelist.HeadersClickable = true; filestore.SetSortFunc(0, CompareNodes); colStatus.SortColumnId = 0; filestore.SetSortFunc(1, CompareNodes); colRemote.SortColumnId = 1; filestore.SetSortFunc(2, CompareNodes); colCommit.SortColumnId = 2; filestore.SetSortFunc(3, CompareNodes); colFile.SortColumnId = 3; filestore.SetSortColumnId(3, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); filelist.DoPopupMenu = DoPopupMenu; StartUpdate(); }
public OptionsDialog(MonoDevelop.Components.Window parentWindow, object dataObject, string extensionPath, bool removeEmptySections) { buttonCancel = new Gtk.Button(Gtk.Stock.Cancel); AddActionWidget(this.buttonCancel, ResponseType.Cancel); buttonOk = new Gtk.Button(Gtk.Stock.Ok); this.ActionArea.PackStart(buttonOk); buttonOk.Clicked += OnButtonOkClicked; mainHBox = new HBox(); tree = new TreeView(); var sw = new ScrolledWindow(); sw.Add(tree); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; sw.ShadowType = ShadowType.None; var fboxTree = new HeaderBox(); fboxTree.SetMargins(0, 1, 0, 1); fboxTree.SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); fboxTree.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255); fboxTree.Add(sw); mainHBox.PackStart(fboxTree, false, false, 0); Realized += delegate { fboxTree.BackgroundColor = tree.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Normal); }; var vbox = new VBox(); mainHBox.PackStart(vbox, true, true, 0); var headerBox = new HBox(false, 6); labelTitle = new Label(); labelTitle.Xalign = 0; textHeader = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1); textHeader.Add(labelTitle); textHeader.BorderWidth = 12; headerBox.PackStart(textHeader, true, true, 0); imageHeader = new OptionsDialogHeader(); imageHeader.Hide(); headerBox.PackStart(imageHeader.ToGtkWidget()); var fboxHeader = new HeaderBox(); fboxHeader.SetMargins(0, 1, 0, 0); fboxHeader.Add(headerBox); // fbox.GradientBackround = true; // fbox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 255, 255); Realized += delegate { var c = Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtColor(); c.Light += 0.09; fboxHeader.BackgroundColor = c.ToGdkColor(); }; StyleSet += delegate { if (IsRealized) { var c = Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtColor(); c.Light += 0.09; fboxHeader.BackgroundColor = c.ToGdkColor(); } }; vbox.PackStart(fboxHeader, false, false, 0); pageFrame = new HBox(); var fbox = new HeaderBox(); fbox.SetMargins(0, 1, 0, 0); fbox.ShowTopShadow = true; fbox.Add(pageFrame); vbox.PackStart(fbox, true, true, 0); this.VBox.PackStart(mainHBox, true, true, 0); this.removeEmptySections = removeEmptySections; extensionContext = AddinManager.CreateExtensionContext(); this.mainDataObject = dataObject; this.extensionPath = extensionPath; if (parentWindow != null) { TransientFor = parentWindow; } ImageService.EnsureStockIconIsLoaded(emptyCategoryIcon); store = new TreeStore(typeof(OptionsDialogSection)); tree.Model = store; tree.HeadersVisible = false; // Column 0 is used to add some padding at the left of the expander TreeViewColumn col0 = new TreeViewColumn(); col0.MinWidth = 6; tree.AppendColumn(col0); TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn(); var crp = new CellRendererImage(); col.PackStart(crp, false); col.SetCellDataFunc(crp, PixbufCellDataFunc); var crt = new CellRendererText(); col.PackStart(crt, true); col.SetCellDataFunc(crt, TextCellDataFunc); tree.AppendColumn(col); tree.ExpanderColumn = col; tree.Selection.Changed += OnSelectionChanged; Child.ShowAll(); InitializeContext(extensionContext); FillTree(); ExpandCategories(); RestoreLastPanel(); this.DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok; buttonOk.CanDefault = true; buttonOk.GrabDefault(); DefaultWidth = 960; DefaultHeight = 680; }
void CreatePageWidget(SectionPage page) { List <PanelInstance> boxPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); List <PanelInstance> tabPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); foreach (PanelInstance pi in page.Panels) { if (pi.Widget == null) { pi.Widget = pi.Panel.CreatePanelWidget(); if (pi.Widget == null) { continue; } //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (pi.Widget.Name.IndexOf("Panel") > 0) { pi.Widget.Name = pi.Widget.Name.Replace("Panel", "_"); } } else if (pi.Widget.Parent != null) { ((Gtk.Container)pi.Widget.Parent).Remove(pi.Widget); } if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Tab) { tabPanels.Add(pi); } else { boxPanels.Add(pi); } } // Try to fit panels with grouping=box or auto in the main page. // If they don't fit. Move auto panels to its own tab page. int mainPageSize; bool fits; do { PanelInstance lastAuto = null; mainPageSize = 0; foreach (PanelInstance pi in boxPanels) { if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Auto) { lastAuto = pi; } // HACK: This we are parenting/unparenting the widget here as a workaround // for a layout issue. To properly calculate the size of the widget, the widget // needs to have the style that it will have when added to the window. pi.Widget.Parent = this; mainPageSize += pi.Widget.SizeRequest().Height + 6; pi.Widget.Unparent(); } fits = mainPageSize <= pageFrame.Allocation.Height; if (!fits) { if (lastAuto != null && boxPanels.Count > 1) { boxPanels.Remove(lastAuto); tabPanels.Insert(0, lastAuto); } else { fits = true; } } } while (!fits); Gtk.VBox box = new VBox(false, 12); box.Show(); for (int n = 0; n < boxPanels.Count; n++) { if (n != 0) { HSeparator sep = new HSeparator(); sep.Show(); box.PackStart(sep, false, false, 0); } PanelInstance pi = boxPanels [n]; box.PackStart(pi.Widget, pi.Node.Fill, pi.Node.Fill, 0); pi.Widget.Show(); } box.BorderWidth = 12; if (tabPanels.Count > 0) { /* SquaredNotebook nb = new SquaredNotebook (); * nb.Show (); * nb.AddTab (box, GettextCatalog.GetString ("General")); * foreach (PanelInstance pi in tabPanels) { * Gtk.Alignment a = new Alignment (0, 0, 1, 1); * a.BorderWidth = 9; * a.Show (); * a.Add (pi.Widget); * nb.AddTab (a, GettextCatalog.GetString (pi.Node.Label)); * pi.Widget.Show (); * }*/ Gtk.Notebook nb = new Notebook(); nb.Show(); if (box.Children.Length > 0) { Gtk.Label blab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("General")); blab.Show(); box.BorderWidth = 9; nb.InsertPage(box, blab, -1); } foreach (PanelInstance pi in tabPanels) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString(pi.Node.Label)); lab.Show(); Gtk.Alignment a = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1); a.BorderWidth = 9; a.Show(); a.Add(pi.Widget); nb.InsertPage(a, lab, -1); pi.Widget.Show(); } page.Widget = nb; nb.BorderWidth = 12; } else { page.Widget = box; } }
public DemoImages() : base("Images") { BorderWidth = 8; vbox = new VBox(false, 8); vbox.BorderWidth = 8; Add(vbox); Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label("<u>Image loaded from a file</u>"); label.UseMarkup = true; vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); Gtk.Frame frame = new Gtk.Frame(); frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; // The alignment keeps the frame from growing when users resize // the window Alignment alignment = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 0f); alignment.Add(frame); vbox.PackStart(alignment, false, false, 0); Gtk.Image image = Gtk.Image.LoadFromResource("gtk-logo-rgb.gif"); frame.Add(image); // Animation label = new Gtk.Label("<u>Animation loaded from a file</u>"); label.UseMarkup = true; vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); frame = new Gtk.Frame(); frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; alignment = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 0f); alignment.Add(frame); vbox.PackStart(alignment, false, false, 0); image = Gtk.Image.LoadFromResource("floppybuddy.gif"); frame.Add(image); // Progressive label = new Gtk.Label("<u>Progressive image loading</u>"); label.UseMarkup = true; vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); frame = new Gtk.Frame(); frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; alignment = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 0f); alignment.Add(frame); vbox.PackStart(alignment, false, false, 0); // Create an empty image for now; the progressive loader // will create the pixbuf and fill it in. progressiveImage = new Gtk.Image(); frame.Add(progressiveImage); StartProgressiveLoading(); // Sensitivity control Gtk.ToggleButton button = new Gtk.ToggleButton("_Insensitive"); vbox.PackStart(button, false, false, 0); button.Toggled += new EventHandler(ToggleSensitivity); ShowAll(); }
public void SetRoom(int room) { indexSpinButton.Value = room; vrContainer.Remove(vrEditor); vrEditor = null; v1 = null; v2 = null; v3 = null; v4 = null; Data data = Chest.GetChestData(room); if (data == null) { VBox vbox = new VBox(); Button addButton = new Button("Add"); addButton.Clicked += (a, b) => { Chest.AddChestData(RoomIndex); SetRoom(RoomIndex); }; addButton.Label = "gtk-add"; addButton.UseStock = true; var l = new Gtk.Label("No chest data\nexists for this room."); vbox.Add(l); var btnAlign = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.2f); btnAlign.TopPadding = 3; btnAlign.Add(addButton); vbox.Add(btnAlign); vrEditor = vbox; } else { v1 = new ValueReference("YX", 0, DataValueType.Byte); v1.SetData(data); data = data.NextData; v2 = new ValueReference("Room", 0, DataValueType.Byte, false); v2.SetData(data); data = data.NextData; v3 = new ValueReference("ID1", 0, DataValueType.Byte); v3.SetData(data); data = data.NextData; v4 = new ValueReference("ID2", 0, DataValueType.Byte); v4.SetData(data); data = data.NextData; ValueReferenceGroup vrGroup = new ValueReferenceGroup(new ValueReference[] { v1, v2, v3, v4 }); var vr = new ValueReferenceEditor( Project, vrGroup, "Data"); vr.SetMaxBound(0, 0xfe); // Max bound for YX vr.AddDataModifiedHandler(() => { if (ChestChangedEvent != null) { ChestChangedEvent(); } }); VBox vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Add(vr); Button delButton = new Button("Remove"); delButton.Clicked += (a, b) => { Chest.DeleteChestData(RoomIndex); SetRoom(RoomIndex); }; delButton.Label = "gtk-delete"; delButton.UseStock = true; Alignment btnAlign = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.2f); btnAlign.TopPadding = 3; btnAlign.Add(delButton); vbox.Add(btnAlign); vrEditor = vbox; } if (ChestChangedEvent != null) { ChestChangedEvent(); } vrContainer.Add(vrEditor); vrContainer.ShowAll(); }
public override void Clicked() { Treasure.Project = Project; Chest.Project = Project; Gtk.Window win = new Window(WindowType.Toplevel); Alignment warningsContainer = new Alignment(0.1f, 0.1f, 0f, 0f); VBox vbox = new VBox(); var chestGui = new ChestEditorGui(manager); chestGui.SetRoom(manager.GetActiveRoom().Index); chestGui.Destroyed += (sender2, e2) => win.Destroy(); Frame chestFrame = new Frame(); chestFrame.Label = "Chest Data"; chestFrame.Add(chestGui); var treasureGui = new TreasureEditorGui(manager); Frame treasureFrame = new Frame(); treasureFrame.Label = "Treasure Data"; treasureFrame.Add(treasureGui); System.Action UpdateWarnings = () => { VBox warningBox = new VBox(); warningBox.Spacing = 4; System.Action <string> AddWarning = (s) => { Image img = new Image(Stock.DialogWarning, IconSize.Button); HBox hb = new HBox(); hb.Spacing = 10; hb.Add(img); Gtk.Label l = new Gtk.Label(s); l.LineWrap = true; hb.Add(l); Alignment a = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0); a.Add(hb); warningBox.Add(a); }; foreach (var c in warningsContainer.Children) { warningsContainer.Remove(c); } int index = chestGui.GetTreasureIndex(); if (index < 0) { return; } if (!Treasure.IndexExists(index)) { AddWarning("Treasure " + Wla.ToWord(index) + " does not exist."); } else { if (index != treasureGui.Index) { AddWarning("Your treasure index is different\nfrom the chest you're editing."); } int spawnMode = (Treasure.GetTreasureByte(index, 0) >> 4) & 7; if (spawnMode != 3) { AddWarning("Treasure " + Wla.ToWord(index) + " doesn't have spawn\nmode $3 (needed for chests)."); } int yx = Chest.GetChestByte(chestGui.RoomIndex, 0); int x = yx & 0xf; int y = yx >> 4; Room r = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Room>(chestGui.RoomIndex); if (x >= r.Width || y >= r.Height || r.GetTile(x, y) != 0xf1) { AddWarning("There is no chest at coordinates (" + x + "," + y + ")."); } } warningsContainer.Add(warningBox); win.ShowAll(); }; chestGui.SetTreasureEditor(treasureGui); chestGui.ChestChangedEvent += () => { UpdateWarnings(); }; treasureGui.TreasureChangedEvent += () => { UpdateWarnings(); }; HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox(); hbox.Spacing = 6; hbox.Add(chestFrame); hbox.Add(treasureFrame); Button okButton = new Gtk.Button(); okButton.UseStock = true; okButton.Label = "gtk-ok"; okButton.Clicked += (a, b) => { win.Destroy(); }; Alignment buttonAlign = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 0f); buttonAlign.Add(okButton); vbox.Add(hbox); vbox.Add(warningsContainer); vbox.Add(buttonAlign); win.Add(vbox); UpdateWarnings(); win.ShowAll(); }
public DockItemContainer(DockFrame frame, DockItem item) { this.frame = frame; this.item = item; ResizeMode = Gtk.ResizeMode.Queue; Spacing = 0; title = new Gtk.Label(); title.Xalign = 0; title.Xpad = 3; title.UseMarkup = true; btnDock = new Button(new Gtk.Image(pixAutoHide)); btnDock.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; btnDock.CanFocus = false; btnDock.WidthRequest = btnDock.HeightRequest = 17; btnDock.Clicked += OnClickDock; btnClose = new Button(new Gtk.Image(pixClose)); btnClose.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString("Hide"); btnClose.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; btnClose.CanFocus = false; btnClose.WidthRequest = btnClose.HeightRequest = 17; btnClose.Clicked += delegate { item.Visible = false; }; HBox box = new HBox(false, 0); box.PackStart(title, true, true, 0); box.PackEnd(btnClose, false, false, 0); box.PackEnd(btnDock, false, false, 0); headerAlign = new Alignment(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); headerAlign.TopPadding = headerAlign.BottomPadding = headerAlign.RightPadding = headerAlign.LeftPadding = 1; headerAlign.Add(box); header = new EventBox(); header.Events |= Gdk.EventMask.KeyPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.KeyReleaseMask; header.ButtonPressEvent += HeaderButtonPress; header.ButtonReleaseEvent += HeaderButtonRelease; header.MotionNotifyEvent += HeaderMotion; header.KeyPressEvent += HeaderKeyPress; header.KeyReleaseEvent += HeaderKeyRelease; header.Add(headerAlign); header.ExposeEvent += HeaderExpose; header.Realized += delegate { header.GdkWindow.Cursor = handCursor; }; foreach (Widget w in new Widget [] { header, btnDock, btnClose }) { w.EnterNotifyEvent += HeaderEnterNotify; w.LeaveNotifyEvent += HeaderLeaveNotify; } PackStart(header, false, false, 0); ShowAll(); PackStart(item.GetToolbar(PositionType.Top).Container, false, false, 0); HBox hbox = new HBox(); hbox.Show(); hbox.PackStart(item.GetToolbar(PositionType.Left).Container, false, false, 0); contentBox = new HBox(); contentBox.Show(); hbox.PackStart(contentBox, true, true, 0); hbox.PackStart(item.GetToolbar(PositionType.Right).Container, false, false, 0); PackStart(hbox, true, true, 0); PackStart(item.GetToolbar(PositionType.Bottom).Container, false, false, 0); UpdateBehavior(); }
public Widget CreateBuildResultsWidget(Orientation orientation) { EventBox ebox = new EventBox(); Gtk.Box box; if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { box = new HBox(); } else { box = new VBox(); } box.Spacing = 3; var errorIcon = ImageService.GetIcon(StockIcons.Error).WithSize(Xwt.IconSize.Small); var warningIcon = ImageService.GetIcon(StockIcons.Warning).WithSize(Xwt.IconSize.Small); var errorImage = new Xwt.ImageView(errorIcon); var warningImage = new Xwt.ImageView(warningIcon); box.PackStart(errorImage.ToGtkWidget(), false, false, 0); Label errors = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(errors, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(warningImage.ToGtkWidget(), false, false, 0); Label warnings = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(warnings, false, false, 0); box.NoShowAll = true; box.Show(); TaskEventHandler updateHandler = delegate { int ec = 0, wc = 0; foreach (TaskListEntry t in TaskService.Errors) { if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Error) { ec++; } else if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Warning) { wc++; } } using (var font = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.FontScale11)) { errors.Visible = ec > 0; errors.ModifyFont(font); errors.Text = ec.ToString(); errorImage.Visible = ec > 0; warnings.Visible = wc > 0; warnings.ModifyFont(font); warnings.Text = wc.ToString(); warningImage.Visible = wc > 0; } ebox.Visible = ec > 0 || wc > 0; UpdateSeparators(); }; updateHandler(null, null); TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded += updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved += updateHandler; currentApplicationName = BrandingService.ApplicationName; BrandingService.ApplicationNameChanged += ApplicationNameChanged; box.Destroyed += delegate { TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded -= updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved -= updateHandler; BrandingService.ApplicationNameChanged -= ApplicationNameChanged; }; ebox.VisibleWindow = false; ebox.Add(box); ebox.ShowAll(); ebox.ButtonReleaseEvent += delegate { var pad = IdeApp.Workbench.GetPad <MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ErrorListPad> (); pad.BringToFront(); }; errors.Visible = false; errorImage.Visible = false; warnings.Visible = false; warningImage.Visible = false; return(ebox); }
public override Widget CreateWidget() { var icon = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("lightning.png"); var image = new Gtk.Image(icon); HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); VBox vb = new VBox(); vb.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, false, false, 0); vb = new VBox(false, 6); vb.PackStart(new Gtk.Label() { Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>{0}</b> has been thrown", exception.Type), Xalign = 0 }); messageLabel = new Gtk.Label() { Xalign = 0, NoShowAll = true }; vb.PackStart(messageLabel); var detailsBtn = new Xwt.LinkLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Details")); HBox hh = new HBox(); detailsBtn.NavigateToUrl += (o, e) => dlg.ShowDialog(); hh.PackStart(detailsBtn.ToGtkWidget(), false, false, 0); vb.PackStart(hh, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, true, true, 0); vb = new VBox(); var closeButton = new ImageButton() { InactiveImage = closeSelImage, Image = closeSelOverImage }; closeButton.Clicked += delegate { dlg.ShowMiniButton(); }; vb.PackStart(closeButton, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, false, false, 0); exception.Changed += delegate { Application.Invoke(delegate { LoadData(); }); }; LoadData(); PopoverWidget eb = new PopoverWidget(); eb.ShowArrow = true; eb.EnableAnimation = true; eb.PopupPosition = PopupPosition.Left; eb.ContentBox.Add(box); eb.ShowAll(); return(eb); }
/// <summary> /// setup fields like: store password:yes/no and the actual password entry, /// if it should be stored /// </summary> /// <param name="insertTo"></param> /// <param name="defaultSpacing"></param> void SetupGuiEncryptionRelated(Gtk.Box insertTo, int defaultSpacing) { Gtk.HBox customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing); insertTo.PackStart(customBox); rbt_storePw = new Gtk.RadioButton(Catalog.GetString("_Store password")); customBox.PackStart(rbt_storePw); customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing); insertTo.PackStart(customBox); // --- Password Boxes --- #if WIN32 && DPAPI String pw = DPAPIUtil.getPassword(); #else String pw = Convert.ToString(Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_PASSWORD)); #endif pw = (pw == null) ? "" : pw; Gtk.VBox pwbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, defaultSpacing); Gtk.HBox superbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing); superbox.PackStart(new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 200, 0)); // spacer superbox.PackStart(pwbox); customBox.PackStart(superbox); stored_pw = new Gtk.Entry(); // set password style: stored_pw.InvisibleChar = '*'; stored_pw.Visibility = false; stored_pw.Text = pw; pwbox.PackStart(stored_pw); stored_pw2 = new Gtk.Entry(); // set password style: stored_pw2.InvisibleChar = '*'; stored_pw2.Visibility = false; stored_pw2.Text = pw; pwbox.PackStart(stored_pw2); match_label = new Gtk.Label(); match_label.Markup = Catalog.GetString(AddinPreferences.MATCH_TEXT); pwbox.PackStart(match_label); customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing); insertTo.PackStart(customBox); // give the first rbt here to link the 2 rbt_alwaysAsk = new Gtk.RadioButton(rbt_storePw, Catalog.GetString("_Always ask for password")); customBox.PackStart(rbt_alwaysAsk); // assign event-listener rbt_storePw.Toggled += PasswordMethodChanged; // init with values from preferences object value = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_ASKEVERYTIME); if (value == null || value.Equals(false)) { rbt_storePw.Active = true; } else { rbt_alwaysAsk.Active = true; } // assign event-listeners stored_pw.Changed += PasswordChanged; stored_pw2.Changed += PasswordChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Set up the UI inside the Window /// </summary> private void InitializeWidgets() { this.SetDefaultSize(600, 480); this.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Util.ImagesPath("ifolder-warning16.png")); VBox vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 10; vbox.BorderWidth = 10; this.VBox.PackStart(vbox, true, true, 0); HBox topbox = new HBox(); topbox.Spacing = 10; Gdk.Pixbuf bigConflict = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Util.ImagesPath("ifolder-warning48.png")); Image conflictImage = new Image(bigConflict); conflictImage.Yalign = 0; topbox.PackStart(conflictImage, false, false, 0); VBox textbox = new VBox(); textbox.Spacing = 10; Label l = new Label("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" + Util.GS("This iFolder contains conflicts") + "</span>"); l.LineWrap = false; l.UseMarkup = true; l.Selectable = false; l.Xalign = 0; l.Yalign = 0; textbox.PackStart(l, true, true, 0); Table ifTable = new Table(2, 2, false); ifTable.ColumnSpacing = 10; ifTable.Homogeneous = false; Label nameLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Name:")); nameLabel.Xalign = 1; ifTable.Attach(nameLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); Label nameValue = new Label(ifolder.Name); nameValue.UseUnderline = false; nameValue.Xalign = 0; ifTable.Attach(nameValue, 1, 2, 0, 1); Label pathLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Location:")); pathLabel.Xalign = 1; ifTable.Attach(pathLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); Label pathValue = new Label(ifolder.UnManagedPath); pathValue.UseUnderline = false; pathValue.Xalign = 0; ifTable.Attach(pathValue, 1, 2, 1, 2); textbox.PackStart(ifTable, false, true, 0); topbox.PackStart(textbox, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(topbox, false, true, 0); // Create the main TreeView and add it to a scrolled // window, then add it to the main vbox widget ConflictTreeView = new TreeView(); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); sw.Add(ConflictTreeView); sw.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.EtchedIn; vbox.PackStart(sw, true, true, 0); // // File Conflict Box // fileConflictBox = new HBox(); fileConflictBox.Spacing = 10; LocalFrame = new Frame(Util.GS("Local Version")); fileConflictBox.PackStart(LocalFrame, true, true, 0); Table localTable = new Table(2, 4, false); localTable.BorderWidth = 10; localTable.ColumnSpacing = 10; LocalNameLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Name:")); LocalNameLabel.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalNameLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); LocalNameValue = new Label(""); LocalNameValue.UseUnderline = false; LocalNameValue.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalNameValue, 1, 2, 0, 1); LocalDateLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Date:")); LocalDateLabel.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalDateLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); LocalDateValue = new Label(""); LocalDateValue.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalDateValue, 1, 2, 1, 2); LocalSizeLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Size:")); LocalSizeLabel.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalSizeLabel, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); LocalSizeValue = new Label(""); LocalSizeValue.Xalign = 0; localTable.Attach(LocalSizeValue, 1, 2, 2, 3); LocalSaveButton = new Button(Stock.Save); localTable.Attach(LocalSaveButton, 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 5); LocalSaveButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(SaveLocalHandler); LocalFrame.Add(localTable); ServerFrame = new Frame(Util.GS("Server Version")); fileConflictBox.PackStart(ServerFrame, true, true, 0); Table serverTable = new Table(2, 4, false); serverTable.BorderWidth = 10; serverTable.ColumnSpacing = 10; ServerNameLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Name:")); ServerNameLabel.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerNameLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); ServerNameValue = new Label(""); ServerNameValue.UseUnderline = false; ServerNameValue.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerNameValue, 1, 2, 0, 1); ServerDateLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Date:")); ServerDateLabel.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerDateLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); ServerDateValue = new Label(""); ServerDateValue.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerDateValue, 1, 2, 1, 2); ServerSizeLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Size:")); ServerSizeLabel.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerSizeLabel, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); ServerSizeValue = new Label(""); ServerSizeValue.Xalign = 0; serverTable.Attach(ServerSizeValue, 1, 2, 2, 3); ServerSaveButton = new Button(Stock.Save); serverTable.Attach(ServerSaveButton, 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 5); ServerSaveButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(SaveServerHandler); ServerFrame.Add(serverTable); vbox.PackStart(fileConflictBox, false, false, 0); // // Name Conflict Box // nameConflictBox = new VBox(); nameConflictBox.Spacing = 10; VBox nameConflictInternalBox = new VBox(); nameConflictInternalBox.Spacing = 10; nameConflictInternalBox.BorderWidth = 10; renameFileFrame = new Frame(Util.GS("Rename")); nameConflictBox.PackStart(renameFileFrame, true, true, 0); nameConflictSummary = new Label(Util.GS("Enter a new name and click Rename to resolve the conflict.")); nameConflictSummary.Xalign = 0; // nameConflictSummary.ColumnSpacing = 10; nameConflictInternalBox.PackStart(nameConflictSummary, false, false, 0); HBox nameConflictHBox = new HBox(); nameConflictHBox.Spacing = 10; nameConflictFileNameLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Name:")); nameConflictHBox.PackStart(nameConflictFileNameLabel, false, false, 0); nameConflictEntry = new Entry(); nameConflictEntry.CanFocus = true; nameConflictEntry.Changed += new EventHandler(OnNameEntryChanged); nameConflictEntry.ActivatesDefault = true; nameConflictHBox.PackStart(nameConflictEntry, true, true, 0); nameConflictInternalBox.PackStart(nameConflictHBox, false, false, 0); HBox saveButtonBox = new HBox(); nameEntrySaveButton = new Button(Util.GS("Rename")); nameEntrySaveButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(RenameFileHandler); saveButtonBox.PackStart(nameEntrySaveButton, false, false, 0); nameConflictInternalBox.PackEnd(saveButtonBox, false, false, 0); renameFileFrame.Add(nameConflictInternalBox); vbox.PackStart(nameConflictBox, false, false, 0); nameConflictBox.Visible = false; // Set up the iFolder TreeView ConflictTreeStore = new ListStore(typeof(ConflictHolder)); ConflictTreeView.Model = ConflictTreeStore; // File Name Column TreeViewColumn fileNameColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); fileNameColumn.Title = Util.GS("Name"); CellRendererText fileNameCR = new CellRendererText(); fileNameCR.Xpad = 5; fileNameColumn.PackStart(fileNameCR, false); fileNameColumn.SetCellDataFunc(fileNameCR, new TreeCellDataFunc(FileNameCellTextDataFunc)); fileNameColumn.Resizable = true; fileNameColumn.MinWidth = 150; ConflictTreeView.AppendColumn(fileNameColumn); // Path Column TreeViewColumn pathColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); pathColumn.Title = Util.GS("Folder"); CellRendererText pathCR = new CellRendererText(); pathCR.Xpad = 5; pathColumn.PackStart(pathCR, false); pathColumn.SetCellDataFunc(pathCR, new TreeCellDataFunc(PathCellTextDataFunc)); pathColumn.Resizable = true; pathColumn.MinWidth = 300; pathColumn.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize; ConflictTreeView.AppendColumn(pathColumn); // Conflict Type Column TreeViewColumn conflictTypeColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); conflictTypeColumn.Title = Util.GS("Conflict Type"); CellRendererText conflictTypeCR = new CellRendererText(); conflictTypeCR.Xpad = 5; conflictTypeColumn.PackStart(conflictTypeCR, false); conflictTypeColumn.SetCellDataFunc(conflictTypeCR, new TreeCellDataFunc(ConflictTypeCellTextDataFunc)); conflictTypeColumn.Resizable = false; conflictTypeColumn.FixedWidth = 100; ConflictTreeView.AppendColumn(conflictTypeColumn); // Set up Pixbuf and Text Rendering for "iFolder Conflicts" column // CellRendererPixbuf mcrp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); // TreeViewColumn memberColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); // memberColumn.PackStart(mcrp, false); // memberColumn.SetCellDataFunc(mcrp, new TreeCellDataFunc( // ConflictCellPixbufDataFunc)); // CellRendererText mcrt = new CellRendererText(); // memberColumn.PackStart(mcrt, false); // memberColumn.SetCellDataFunc(mcrt, new TreeCellDataFunc( // ConflictCellTextDataFunc)); // memberColumn.Title = Util.GS("iFolder Conflicts"); // memberColumn.Resizable = true; // ConflictTreeView.AppendColumn(memberColumn); ConflictTreeView.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; ConflictTreeView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler( OnConflictSelectionChanged); // ConflictPixBuf = // new Gdk.Pixbuf(Util.ImagesPath("conflict24.png")); this.AddButton(Stock.Close, ResponseType.Ok); this.AddButton(Stock.Help, ResponseType.Help); RefreshConflictList(); }
Gtk.Widget CreateDesignerNotAvailableWidget() { Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Designer not available")); label.Show(); return(label); }
public WidgetBuilderOptionPanelWidget(Project project) : base(false, 6) { this.project = project as DotNetProject; Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 3); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Target Gtk# version:")); box.PackStart(lbl, false, false, 0); comboVersions = ComboBox.NewText(); ReferenceManager refmgr = new ReferenceManager(project as DotNetProject); foreach (string v in refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions) { comboVersions.AppendText(v); } comboVersions.Active = refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions.IndexOf(refmgr.GtkPackageVersion); refmgr.Dispose(); box.PackStart(comboVersions, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); HSeparator sep = new HSeparator(); sep.Show(); PackStart(sep, false, false, 0); if (!GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects(project)) { return; } GtkDesignInfo designInfo = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject(project); checkGettext = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Enable gettext support")); checkGettext.Active = designInfo.GenerateGettext; checkGettext.Show(); PackStart(checkGettext, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 3); box.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Gettext class:")), false, false, 0); entryGettext = new Gtk.Entry(); entryGettext.Text = designInfo.GettextClass; entryGettext.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart(entryGettext, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 3); box.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Resource loader class:")), false, false, 0); entryResourceLoader = new Gtk.Entry(); entryResourceLoader.Text = designInfo.ImageResourceLoaderClass; entryResourceLoader.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart(entryResourceLoader, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); checkGettext.Clicked += delegate { box.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; if (checkGettext.Active) { entryGettext.Text = "Mono.Unix.Catalog"; } }; }
public HigMessageDialog(Gtk.Window parent, Gtk.DialogFlags flags, Gtk.MessageType type, Gtk.ButtonsType buttons, string header, string msg) : base() { HasSeparator = false; BorderWidth = 5; Resizable = false; Title = String.Empty; VBox.Spacing = 12; ActionArea.Layout = Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.End; accel_group = new Gtk.AccelGroup(); AddAccelGroup(accel_group); Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 12); hbox.BorderWidth = 5; hbox.Show(); VBox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); Gtk.Image image = null; switch (type) { case Gtk.MessageType.Error: image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.DialogError, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); break; case Gtk.MessageType.Question: image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.DialogQuestion, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); break; case Gtk.MessageType.Info: image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.DialogInfo, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); break; case Gtk.MessageType.Warning: image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); break; } image.Show(); hbox.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); Gtk.VBox label_vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 0); label_vbox.Show(); hbox.PackStart(label_vbox, true, true, 0); string title = String.Format("<span weight='bold' size='larger'>{0}" + "</span>{1}", header, Environment.NewLine); Gtk.Label label; label = new Gtk.Label(title); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.LineWrap = true; label.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); label.Show(); label_vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); label = new Gtk.Label(msg); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.LineWrap = true; label.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); label.UseUnderline = false; label.Show(); label_vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); switch (buttons) { case Gtk.ButtonsType.None: break; case Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok: AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok, true); break; case Gtk.ButtonsType.Close: AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Close, Gtk.ResponseType.Close, true); break; case Gtk.ButtonsType.Cancel: AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel, true); break; case Gtk.ButtonsType.YesNo: AddButton(Gtk.Stock.No, Gtk.ResponseType.No, false); AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Yes, Gtk.ResponseType.Yes, true); break; case Gtk.ButtonsType.OkCancel: AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel, false); AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok, true); break; } if (parent != null) { TransientFor = parent; } if ((int)(flags & Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal) != 0) { Modal = true; } if ((int)(flags & Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent) != 0) { DestroyWithParent = true; } }
public QueryWidget(PhotoQuery query, Db db) : base(new HBox()) { box = Child as HBox; box.Spacing = 6; box.BorderWidth = 2; this.query = query; query.Changed += HandleChanged; label = new Gtk.Label(Strings.FindColonSpace); label.Show(); label.Ypad = 9; box.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); untagged = new Gtk.Label(Strings.UntaggedPhotos) { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(untagged, false, false, 0); comma1_label = new Gtk.Label(", ") { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(comma1_label, false, false, 0); rated = new Gtk.Label(Strings.RatedPhotos) { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(rated, false, false, 0); comma2_label = new Gtk.Label(", ") { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(comma2_label, false, false, 0); rollfilter = new Gtk.Label(Strings.ImportRoll) { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(rollfilter, false, false, 0); folder_query_widget = new FolderQueryWidget(query) { Visible = false }; box.PackStart(folder_query_widget, false, false, 0); Logic = new LogicWidget(query, db.Tags); Logic.Show(); box.PackStart(Logic, true, true, 0); warning_box = new Gtk.HBox(); warning_box.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(string.Empty)); var warning_image = new Gtk.Image("gtk-info", Gtk.IconSize.Button); warning_image.Show(); warning_box.PackStart(warning_image, false, false, 0); clear_button = new Gtk.Button(); clear_button.Add(new Gtk.Image("gtk-close", Gtk.IconSize.Button)); clear_button.Clicked += HandleClearButtonClicked; clear_button.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; clear_button.TooltipText = Strings.ClearSearch; box.PackEnd(clear_button, false, false, 0); refresh_button = new Gtk.Button(); refresh_button.Add(new Gtk.Image("gtk-refresh", Gtk.IconSize.Button)); refresh_button.Clicked += HandleRefreshButtonClicked; refresh_button.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; refresh_button.TooltipText = Strings.RefreshSearch; box.PackEnd(refresh_button, false, false, 0); var warning = new Gtk.Label(Strings.NoMatchingPhotosFound); warning_box.PackStart(warning, false, false, 0); warning_box.ShowAll(); warning_box.Spacing = 6; warning_box.Visible = false; box.PackEnd(warning_box, false, false, 0); warning_box.Visible = false; }
void CreatePageWidget(SectionPage page) { List <PanelInstance> boxPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); List <PanelInstance> tabPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); foreach (PanelInstance pi in page.Panels) { if (pi.Widget == null) { pi.Widget = pi.Panel.CreatePanelWidget(); //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (pi.Widget.Name.IndexOf("Panel") > 0) { pi.Widget.Name = pi.Widget.Name.Replace("Panel", "_"); } } else if (pi.Widget.Parent != null) { ((Gtk.Container)pi.Widget.Parent).Remove(pi.Widget); } if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Tab) { tabPanels.Add(pi); } else { boxPanels.Add(pi); } } // Try to fit panels with grouping=box or auto in the main page. // If they don't fit. Move auto panels to its own tab page. int mainPageSize; bool fits; do { PanelInstance lastAuto = null; mainPageSize = 0; foreach (PanelInstance pi in boxPanels) { if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Auto) { lastAuto = pi; } mainPageSize += pi.Widget.SizeRequest().Height + 6; } fits = mainPageSize <= pageFrame.Allocation.Height; if (!fits) { if (lastAuto != null && boxPanels.Count > 1) { boxPanels.Remove(lastAuto); tabPanels.Insert(0, lastAuto); } else { fits = true; } } }while (!fits); Gtk.VBox box = new VBox(false, 12); box.Show(); for (int n = 0; n < boxPanels.Count; n++) { if (n != 0) { HSeparator sep = new HSeparator(); sep.Show(); box.PackStart(sep, false, false, 0); } PanelInstance pi = boxPanels [n]; box.PackStart(pi.Widget, pi.Node.Fill, pi.Node.Fill, 0); pi.Widget.Show(); } if (tabPanels.Count > 0) { Gtk.Notebook nb = new Notebook(); nb.Show(); Gtk.Label blab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("General")); blab.Show(); box.BorderWidth = 9; nb.InsertPage(box, blab, -1); foreach (PanelInstance pi in tabPanels) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString(pi.Node.Label)); lab.Show(); Gtk.Alignment a = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1); a.BorderWidth = 9; a.Show(); a.Add(pi.Widget); nb.InsertPage(a, lab, -1); pi.Widget.Show(); } page.Widget = nb; } else { page.Widget = box; } }
public static void PrintLabelWithTooltip(Gtk.Label l, string s) { l.Text = s; l.UseMarkup = true; l.TooltipText = Util.RemoveMarkup(s); }
private void BuildInterface() { Gui.Initialize(this); Name = "CategoryTab"; _nameFixed = new Fixed { Name = "nameFixed", HasWindow = false }; _nameLabel = new Label { Name = "nameLabel", Text = "Name" }; _nameEntry = new Entry { Name = "nameEntry" }; _descFixed = new Fixed { Name = "descFixed", HasWindow = false }; _descLabel = new Label { Name = "descLabel", Text = "Description" }; _descWindow = new ScrolledWindow { Name = "descWindow", ShadowType = ShadowType.None, HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never, VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic }; _descView = new TextView { Name = "descView", BorderWidth = 2, WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar, HscrollPolicy = ScrollablePolicy.Natural }; _buttonsHBox = new HBox { Name = "buttonsFixed", HasWindow = false }; _addButton = new Button { Name = "addButton", Label = "Create" }; _cancelButton = new Button { Name = "cancelButton", Label = "Cancel" }; _descWindow.HScrollbar.Visible = false; _descWindow.VScrollbar.Visible = true; _addButton.WidthRequest = 100; _cancelButton.WidthRequest = 100; Add(_nameFixed); var nameFixedChild = (BoxChild)this[_nameFixed]; nameFixedChild.Expand = false; nameFixedChild.Padding = 5; _nameFixed.Add(_nameLabel); var nameLabelChild = (Fixed.FixedChild)_nameFixed[_nameLabel]; nameLabelChild.X = 5; nameLabelChild.Y = 5; Add(_nameEntry); var nameEntryChild = (BoxChild)this[_nameEntry]; nameEntryChild.Expand = false; Add(_descFixed); var descFixedChild = (BoxChild)this[_descFixed]; descFixedChild.Expand = false; descFixedChild.Padding = 5; _descFixed.Add(_descLabel); var descLabelChild = (Fixed.FixedChild)_descFixed[_descLabel]; descLabelChild.X = 5; descLabelChild.Y = 5; Add(_descWindow); var descViewChild = (BoxChild)this[_descWindow]; descViewChild.Expand = false; _descWindow.AddWithViewport(_descView); Add(_buttonsHBox); var buttonsChild = (BoxChild)this[_buttonsHBox]; buttonsChild.Expand = false; buttonsChild.Padding = 5; _buttonsHBox.Add(_addButton); var addChild = (BoxChild)_buttonsHBox[_addButton]; addChild.Expand = false; addChild.Padding = 5; _buttonsHBox.Add(_cancelButton); var cancelChild = (BoxChild)_buttonsHBox[_cancelButton]; cancelChild.Expand = false; cancelChild.Padding = 5; Margin = 10; ShowAll(); DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; _addButton.Clicked += AddButton_Clicked; _cancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; }
public Widget CreateBuildResultsWidget(Orientation orientation) { EventBox ebox = new EventBox(); Gtk.Box box; if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { box = new HBox(); } else { box = new VBox(); } box.Spacing = 3; Gdk.Pixbuf errorIcon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(StockIcons.Error, IconSize.Menu); Gdk.Pixbuf noErrorIcon = ImageService.MakeGrayscale(errorIcon); // creates a new pixbuf instance Gdk.Pixbuf warningIcon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(StockIcons.Warning, IconSize.Menu); Gdk.Pixbuf noWarningIcon = ImageService.MakeGrayscale(warningIcon); // creates a new pixbuf instance Gtk.Image errorImage = new Gtk.Image(errorIcon); Gtk.Image warningImage = new Gtk.Image(warningIcon); box.PackStart(errorImage, false, false, 0); Label errors = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(errors, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(warningImage, false, false, 0); Label warnings = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(warnings, false, false, 0); box.NoShowAll = true; box.Show(); TaskEventHandler updateHandler = delegate { int ec = 0, wc = 0; foreach (Task t in TaskService.Errors) { if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Error) { ec++; } else if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Warning) { wc++; } } errors.Visible = ec > 0; errors.Text = ec.ToString(); errorImage.Visible = ec > 0; warnings.Visible = wc > 0; warnings.Text = wc.ToString(); warningImage.Visible = wc > 0; ebox.Visible = ec > 0 || wc > 0; UpdateSeparators(); }; updateHandler(null, null); TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded += updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved += updateHandler; box.Destroyed += delegate { noErrorIcon.Dispose(); noWarningIcon.Dispose(); TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded -= updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved -= updateHandler; }; ebox.VisibleWindow = false; ebox.Add(box); ebox.ShowAll(); ebox.ButtonReleaseEvent += delegate { var pad = IdeApp.Workbench.GetPad <MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ErrorListPad> (); pad.BringToFront(); }; errors.Visible = false; errorImage.Visible = false; warnings.Visible = false; warningImage.Visible = false; return(ebox); }
public void draw(Gdk.Drawable da, string datasubtype, bool autoscale = false, double tMin = 0, bool manualscaleMin = false, double manualMin = -999999, bool manualscaleMax = false, double manualMax = 99999999) { try { if (data == null) { return; } if (time.Count < 5) { return; } int width, height; da.GetSize(out width, out height); double maxY, minY; minY = 99999; maxY = -99999; int startIdx = 0; for (int sIdx = 0; sIdx < this.time.Count; sIdx++) { if (this.time[sIdx] <= tMin) { startIdx = sIdx; } } int skip = (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Floor((double)((this.time.Count - startIdx) / 1000))); if (this.probe.measlistAct == null) { this.probe.measlistAct = new bool[this.probe.ChannelMap.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++) { this.probe.measlistAct[i] = false; } this.probe.measlistAct[0] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++) { for (int j = startIdx; j <[i].Count; j++) { if (this.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.ToLower().Equals(datasubtype.ToLower())) { if (this.probe.measlistAct[i]) { double d =[i][j]; // Only shown data will define the scale if (maxY < d) { maxY = d; } if (minY > d) { minY = d; } } else if (!autoscale) // This will include all the data in defining the scale { double d =[i][j]; if (maxY < d) { maxY = d; } if (minY > d) { minY = d; } } } } } if (manualscaleMax) { maxY = manualMax; } if (manualscaleMin) { minY = manualMin; } double rangeY = maxY - minY; double rangeX = this.time[this.time.Count - 1] - this.time[startIdx]; int xoffset = 50; int yoffset = 1; height = height - 31; width = width - 51; Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(da); gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); Rectangle rarea = new Rectangle(); rarea.X = xoffset - 1; rarea.Y = yoffset - 1; rarea.Height = height + 2; rarea.Width = width + 2; da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea); gc.RgbBgColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); gc.RgbFgColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); rarea = new Rectangle(); rarea.X = xoffset; rarea.Y = yoffset; rarea.Height = height; rarea.Width = width; da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea); gc.SetLineAttributes(2, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round); // Draw stim events for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++) { gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j]; Rectangle area = new Rectangle(); for (int k = 0; k < stimulus[j].onsets.Count; k++) { if (stimulus[j].amplitude[k] > 0 & stimulus[j].onsets[k] + stimulus[j].duration[k] >= this.time[startIdx]) { area.Width = (int)(stimulus[j].duration[k] / rangeX * width); if (area.Width == 0) { area.Width = 1; } area.Height = height; area.X = (int)(xoffset + Math.Max((stimulus[j].onsets[k] - this.time[startIdx]), 0) / rangeX * width); area.Y = yoffset; da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, area); } //da.DrawLine(gc,(int)x+xoffset,yoffset,(int)x+xoffset,(int)height+yoffset); } } gc.SetLineAttributes(1, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round); for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++) { if (this.probe.measlistAct[i] & this.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.Equals(datasubtype)) { gc.RgbFgColor = this.probe.colormap[i]; for (int j = 0; j < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; j++) { if (this.probe.ChannelMap[i].sourceindex == this.probe.ChannelMap[j].sourceindex & this.probe.ChannelMap[i].detectorindex == this.probe.ChannelMap[j].detectorindex & this.probe.ChannelMap[j].datasubtype.Equals(this.probe.ChannelMap[0].datasubtype)) { gc.RgbFgColor = this.probe.colormap[j]; break; } } for (int j = startIdx + skip; j < Math.Min([i].Count, this.time.Count); j = j + skip) { double y2 = ([i][j] - minY) / rangeY * height; double y1 = ([i][j - skip] - minY) / rangeY * height; double x2 = (this.time[j] - this.time[startIdx]) / rangeX * width; double x1 = (this.time[j - skip] - this.time[startIdx]) / rangeX * width; da.DrawLine(gc, (int)x1 + xoffset, (int)(height - y1 + yoffset), (int)x2 + xoffset, (int)(height - y2 + yoffset)); } } } if (stimulus.Count > 0) { // add legend to window int w = 0; int h = 0; int maxw = 0; for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j]; lab.Text = stimulus[j].name; da.DrawLayout(gc, xoffset + 10, yoffset + j * 10 + 10, lab.Layout); lab.Layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h); if (w > maxw) { maxw = w; } } gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); rarea = new Rectangle(); rarea.X = xoffset + 4; rarea.Y = yoffset + 4; rarea.Height = stimulus.Count * 10 + 12; rarea.Width = maxw + 12; da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea); gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255); rarea = new Rectangle(); rarea.X = xoffset + 5; rarea.Y = yoffset + 5; rarea.Height = stimulus.Count * 10 + 10; rarea.Width = maxw + 10; da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea); for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j]; lab.Text = stimulus[j].name; da.DrawLayout(gc, xoffset + 10, yoffset + j * 10 + 10, lab.Layout); } } gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0); int numxlabels = 10; int numylabels = 5; // Add Xtick marks to the graph double tstart, tend, dt; tstart = this.time[startIdx]; tend = this.time[this.time.Count - 1]; dt = Math.Round((tend - tstart) / (1 + numxlabels)); if (dt < 1) { dt = 1; } for (double i = 0; i < rangeX; i += dt) { double x = i / rangeX * width; Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); lab.Text = String.Format("{0}", Math.Round((tstart + i) * 10) / 10); da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x + xoffset, (int)height + 2, lab.Layout); } double dy; dy = rangeY / (1 + numylabels); if (dy == 0.0) { dy = 1; } for (double i = 0; i < rangeY; i += dy) { double y = height - i / rangeY * height; Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); lab.Text = String.Format("{0}", Math.Round((i + minY) * 10) / 10); da.DrawLayout(gc, 10, (int)y + yoffset, lab.Layout); } } catch { } }
internal MonoDevelopStatusBar() { BorderWidth = 0; Spacing = 0; HasResizeGrip = true; Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; HeaderBox hb = new HeaderBox(1, 0, 0, 0); hb.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; hb.StyleSet += (o, args) => { hb.BorderColor = Styles.DockSeparatorColor.ToGdkColor(); hb.BackgroundColor = Styles.DockBarBackground.ToGdkColor(); }; var mainBox = new HBox(); mainBox.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; var alignment = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); alignment.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; mainBox.PackStart(alignment, true, true, 0); hb.Add(mainBox); hb.ShowAll(); PackStart(hb, true, true, 0); // Feedback button if (FeedbackService.Enabled) { CustomFrame fr = new CustomFrame(0, 0, 1, 0); fr.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; var px = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource("feedback-16.png"); HBox b = new HBox(false, 3); b.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; var im = new Xwt.ImageView(px).ToGtkWidget(); im.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; b.PackStart(im); var label = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Feedback")); label.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; b.PackStart(label); Gtk.Alignment al = new Gtk.Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); al.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; al.RightPadding = 5; al.LeftPadding = 3; al.Add(b); feedbackButton = new MiniButton(al); feedbackButton.Accessible.SetLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("Feedback")); feedbackButton.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Click to send feedback to the development team"); //feedbackButton.BackroundColor = new Gdk.Color (200, 200, 255); fr.Add(feedbackButton); mainBox.PackStart(fr, false, false, 0); feedbackButton.Clicked += HandleFeedbackButtonClicked; feedbackButton.ButtonPressEvent += HandleFeedbackButtonButtonPressEvent; ; feedbackButton.ClickOnRelease = true; FeedbackService.FeedbackPositionGetter = delegate { int x, y; if (feedbackButton.GdkWindow != null) { feedbackButton.GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out x, out y); x += feedbackButton.Allocation.Width; y -= 6; } else { x = y = -1; } return(new Gdk.Point(x, y)); }; } // Dock area CustomFrame dfr = new CustomFrame(0, 0, 1, 0); dfr.Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.Filler; dfr.StyleSet += (o, args) => { dfr.BorderColor = Styles.DockSeparatorColor.ToGdkColor(); }; dfr.ShowAll(); DefaultWorkbench wb = (DefaultWorkbench)IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; var dockBar = wb.DockFrame.ExtractDockBar(PositionType.Bottom); dockBar.AlignToEnd = true; dockBar.ShowBorder = false; dockBar.NoShowAll = true; dfr.Add(dockBar); mainBox.PackStart(dfr, false, false, 0); // Resize grip resizeGrip.Accessible.SetRole(AtkCocoa.Roles.AXGrowArea); resizeGrip.WidthRequest = ResizeGripWidth; resizeGrip.HeightRequest = 0; resizeGrip.VisibleWindow = false; mainBox.PackStart(resizeGrip, false, false, 0); resizeGrip.ButtonPressEvent += delegate(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.Button == 1) { GdkWindow.BeginResizeDrag(Gdk.WindowEdge.SouthEast, (int)args.Event.Button, (int)args.Event.XRoot, (int)args.Event.YRoot, args.Event.Time); } }; this.ShowAll(); // // todo: Move this to the CompletionWindowManager when it's possible. // StatusBarContext completionStatus = null; // CompletionWindowManager.WindowShown += delegate { // CompletionListWindow wnd = CompletionWindowManager.Wnd; // if (wnd != null && wnd.List != null && wnd.List.CategoryCount > 1) { // if (completionStatus == null) // completionStatus = CreateContext (); // completionStatus.ShowMessage (string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("To toggle categorized completion mode press {0}."), IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo (Commands.TextEditorCommands.ShowCompletionWindow).AccelKey)); // } // }; }
public static void ColorsTestLabel(Gtk.Viewport v, Gtk.Label l) { l.ModifyFg(StateType.Active, v.Style.Foreground(StateType.Selected)); l.ModifyFg(StateType.Prelight, v.Style.Foreground(StateType.Selected)); }
private Gtk.Widget CreateContents() { Gtk.HBox entryLine = new HBox(false, 4); Gtk.Label words = new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Search terms:")); entryLine.PackStart(words, false, false, 3); history = new Gtk.ListStore(new Type[] { typeof(string) }); Gtk.EntryCompletion comp = new Gtk.EntryCompletion(); comp.Model = history; comp.TextColumn = 0; entry = new Gtk.Entry(""); entry.Activated += new EventHandler(this.DoSearch); entry.Completion = comp; entryLine.PackStart(entry, true, true, 3); words = new Gtk.Label(""); entryLine.PackStart(words, false, false, 3); Gtk.ComboBox combo = FilterComboBox(); combo.Changed += new EventHandler(this.ChangeType); entryLine.PackStart(combo, false, false, 3); Gtk.HBox buttonContents = new HBox(false, 0); Gtk.Widget buttonImg = Beagle.Images.GetWidget("icon-search.png"); buttonContents.PackStart(buttonImg, false, false, 1); Gtk.Label buttonLabel = new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Find")); buttonContents.PackStart(buttonLabel, false, false, 1); Gtk.Button button = new Gtk.Button(); button.Add(buttonContents); button.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.DoSearch); entryLine.PackStart(button, false, false, 3); Gtk.Button clearButton = new Gtk.Button(); clearButton.Label = "Clear"; clearButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.ClearSearch); entryLine.PackStart(clearButton, false, false, 4); canvas = new TileCanvas(); canvas.Show(); HBox pager = new HBox(); page_label = new Label(); page_label.Show(); pager.PackStart(page_label, false, false, 3); forward_button = StockButton("gtk-go-forward", Catalog.GetString("Show More Results")); forward_button.Show(); forward_button.Clicked += new EventHandler(PageForwardHandler); pager.PackEnd(forward_button, false, false, 3); back_button = StockButton("gtk-go-back", Catalog.GetString("Show Previous Results")); back_button.Show(); back_button.Clicked += new EventHandler(PageBackHandler); pager.PackEnd(back_button, false, false, 3); pager.Show(); VBox contents = new VBox(false, 3); contents.PackStart(entryLine, false, true, 3); contents.PackStart(canvas, true, true, 3); contents.PackStart(pager, false, false, 3); entryLine.ShowAll(); canvas.ShowAll(); return(contents); }
public Widget CreateLabel(Orientation orientation) { Gtk.Box box; if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { box = new HBox(); } else { box = new VBox(); } box.Spacing = 3; Gdk.Pixbuf errorIcon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Error, IconSize.Menu); Gdk.Pixbuf noErrorIcon = ImageService.MakeGrayscale(errorIcon); // creates a new pixbuf instance Gdk.Pixbuf warningIcon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning, IconSize.Menu); Gdk.Pixbuf noWarningIcon = ImageService.MakeGrayscale(warningIcon); // creates a new pixbuf instance Gtk.Image errorImage = new Gtk.Image(errorIcon); Gtk.Image warningImage = new Gtk.Image(warningIcon); box.PackStart(errorImage, false, false, 0); Label errors = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(errors, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(warningImage, false, false, 0); Label warnings = new Gtk.Label(); box.PackStart(warnings, false, false, 0); TaskEventHandler updateHandler = delegate { int ec = 0, wc = 0; foreach (Task t in TaskService.Errors) { if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Error) { ec++; } else if (t.Severity == TaskSeverity.Warning) { wc++; } } errors.Text = ec.ToString(); errorImage.Pixbuf = ec > 0 ? errorIcon : noErrorIcon; warnings.Text = wc.ToString(); warningImage.Pixbuf = wc > 0 ? warningIcon : noWarningIcon; }; updateHandler(null, null); TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded += updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved += updateHandler; box.Destroyed += delegate { noErrorIcon.Dispose(); noWarningIcon.Dispose(); TaskService.Errors.TasksAdded -= updateHandler; TaskService.Errors.TasksRemoved -= updateHandler; }; return(box); }
private void Initialize() { DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok; AddStockButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); AddStockButton(Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok, true); int minimum_width, natural_width; GetPreferredWidth(out minimum_width, out natural_width); SetGeometryHints(this, new Gdk.Geometry() { MinWidth = minimum_width, MaxWidth = Gdk.Screen.Default.Width, MinHeight = -1, MaxHeight = -1 }, Gdk.WindowHints.MaxSize | Gdk.WindowHints.MinSize); var table = new Table(2, 2, false) { RowSpacing = 12, ColumnSpacing = 6 }; table.Attach(new Label() { Text = Catalog.GetString("Station _Type:"), UseUnderline = true, Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(arg_label = new Label() { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(type_combo = new ComboBoxText(), 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(arg_entry = new Entry(), 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); VBox.PackStart(table, true, true, 0); VBox.Spacing = 12; VBox.ShowAll(); type_combo.Remove(0); int active_type = 0; int i = 0; foreach (StationType type in StationType.Types) { if (!type.SubscribersOnly || lastfm.Account.Subscriber) { type_combo.AppendText(type.Label); if (source != null && type == source.Type) { active_type = i; } i++; } } type_combo.Changed += HandleTypeChanged; type_combo.Active = active_type; type_combo.GrabFocus(); }
private void progressbarEventOrTimeExecution(Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar, bool percentageMode, Gtk.Label label_value, double events) { if (progressbarLimit == -1) //unlimited event (until 'finish' is clicked) { progressbar.Pulse(); //label_value.Text = events.ToString(); if (events != -1) { label_value.Text = Math.Round(events, 3).ToString(); } } else { if (percentageMode) { double myFraction = events / progressbarLimit * 1.0; if (myFraction > 1) { myFraction = 1; } else if (myFraction < 0) { myFraction = 0; } progressbar.Fraction = myFraction; //progressbar.Text = Util.TrimDecimals(events.ToString(), 1) + " / " + progressbarLimit.ToString(); if (events == -1) //we don't want to display nothing //progressbar.Text = ""; { label_value.Text = ""; } else { label_value.Text = Math.Round(events, 3).ToString(); } } else { //activity mode progressbar.Pulse(); //pass -1 in events in activity mode if don't want to use this label if (events != -1) { //label_value.Text = Util.TrimDecimals(events.ToString(), 1); label_value.Text = Math.Round(events, 3).ToString(); } } } }
public StatusView(string filepath, Repository vc) : base(Path.GetFileName(filepath) + " Status") { = vc; this.filepath = filepath; changeSet = vc.CreateChangeSet(filepath); main = new VBox(false, 6); widget = main; commandbar = new Toolbar(); commandbar.ToolbarStyle = Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; commandbar.IconSize = Gtk.IconSize.Menu; main.PackStart(commandbar, false, false, 0); buttonCommit = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit...")); buttonCommit.IsImportant = true; buttonCommit.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCommitClicked); commandbar.Insert(buttonCommit, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnRefresh = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Refresh")); btnRefresh.IsImportant = true; btnRefresh.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRefresh); commandbar.Insert(btnRefresh, -1); buttonRevert = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-revert-command", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Revert")); buttonRevert.IsImportant = true; buttonRevert.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRevert); commandbar.Insert(buttonRevert, -1); showRemoteStatus = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-remote-status", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Remote Status")); showRemoteStatus.IsImportant = true; showRemoteStatus.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnShowRemoteStatusClicked); commandbar.Insert(showRemoteStatus, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnCreatePatch = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-diff", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Create Patch")); btnCreatePatch.IsImportant = true; btnCreatePatch.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCreatePatch); commandbar.Insert(btnCreatePatch, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnOpen = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Open, IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Open")); btnOpen.IsImportant = true; btnOpen.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnOpen); commandbar.Insert(btnOpen, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnExpand = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Expand All")); btnExpand.IsImportant = true; btnExpand.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnExpandAll); commandbar.Insert(btnExpand, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnCollapse = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Collapse All")); btnCollapse.IsImportant = true; btnCollapse.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCollapseAll); commandbar.Insert(btnCollapse, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnSelectAll = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select All")); btnSelectAll.IsImportant = true; btnSelectAll.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSelectAll); commandbar.Insert(btnSelectAll, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnSelectNone = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select None")); btnSelectNone.IsImportant = true; btnSelectNone.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSelectNone); commandbar.Insert(btnSelectNone, -1); status = new Label(""); main.PackStart(status, false, false, 0); scroller = new ScrolledWindow(); scroller.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; filelist = new FileTreeView(); filelist.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Multiple; scroller.Add(filelist); scroller.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroller.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; filelist.RowActivated += OnRowActivated; filelist.DiffLineActivated += OnDiffLineActivated; CellRendererToggle cellToggle = new CellRendererToggle(); cellToggle.Toggled += new ToggledHandler(OnCommitToggledHandler); var crc = new CellRendererIcon(); crc.StockId = "vc-comment"; colCommit = new TreeViewColumn(); colCommit.Spacing = 2; colCommit.Widget = new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu); colCommit.Widget.Show(); colCommit.PackStart(cellToggle, false); colCommit.PackStart(crc, false); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "active", ColCommit); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "visible", ColShowToggle); colCommit.AddAttribute(crc, "visible", ColShowComment); CellRendererText crt = new CellRendererText(); var crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); TreeViewColumn colStatus = new TreeViewColumn(); colStatus.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Status"); colStatus.PackStart(crp, false); colStatus.PackStart(crt, true); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIcon); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); TreeViewColumn colFile = new TreeViewColumn(); colFile.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("File"); colFile.Spacing = 2; crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); diffRenderer = new CellRendererDiff(); colFile.PackStart(crp, false); colFile.PackStart(diffRenderer, true); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIconFile); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colFile.SetCellDataFunc(diffRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(SetDiffCellData)); crt = new CellRendererText(); crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); colRemote = new TreeViewColumn(); colRemote.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Remote Status"); colRemote.PackStart(crp, false); colRemote.PackStart(crt, true); colRemote.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColRemoteIcon); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColRemoteStatus); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); filelist.AppendColumn(colStatus); filelist.AppendColumn(colRemote); filelist.AppendColumn(colCommit); filelist.AppendColumn(colFile); colRemote.Visible = false; filestore = new TreeStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool)); filelist.Model = filestore; filelist.TestExpandRow += new Gtk.TestExpandRowHandler(OnTestExpandRow); commitBox = new VBox(); HBox labBox = new HBox(); labelCommit = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit message:")); labelCommit.Xalign = 0; labBox.PackStart(new Gtk.Image("vc-comment", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), false, false, 0); labBox.PackStart(labelCommit, true, true, 3); commitBox.PackStart(labBox, false, false, 0); Gtk.ScrolledWindow frame = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; commitText = new TextView(); commitText.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar; commitText.Buffer.Changed += OnCommitTextChanged; frame.Add(commitText); commitBox.PackStart(frame, true, true, 6); VPaned paned = new VPaned(); paned.Pack1(scroller, true, true); paned.Pack2(commitBox, false, false); main.PackStart(paned, true, true, 0); main.ShowAll(); status.Visible = false; filelist.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCursorChanged); VersionControlService.FileStatusChanged += OnFileStatusChanged; filelist.HeadersClickable = true; filestore.SetSortFunc(0, CompareNodes); colStatus.SortColumnId = 0; filestore.SetSortFunc(1, CompareNodes); colRemote.SortColumnId = 1; filestore.SetSortFunc(2, CompareNodes); colCommit.SortColumnId = 2; filestore.SetSortFunc(3, CompareNodes); colFile.SortColumnId = 3; filestore.SetSortColumnId(3, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); filelist.DoPopupMenu = DoPopupMenu; StartUpdate(); }
private static Gtk.ResponseType showErrDialog(Exception e, bool canContinue) { Gtk.Table pnlError; Gtk.Image pctError; Gtk.Label lblError; Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrError; Gtk.TextView txtError; Gtk.Button cmdReport; Gtk.Button cmdIgnore; Gtk.Button cmdExit; pnlError = new Gtk.Table(2, 2, false); pnlError.Name = "pnlError"; pnlError.RowSpacing = 6; pnlError.ColumnSpacing = 6; pctError = new Gtk.Image(); pctError.Name = "pctError"; pctError.Xpad = 8; pctError.Ypad = 8; if (CurrentOS.IsMac) { pctError.Pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("RestrictionTrackerGTK.Resources.config.os_x.advanced_nettest_error.png"); } else { pctError.Pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("RestrictionTrackerGTK.Resources.config.linux.advanced_nettest_error.png"); } pnlError.Attach(pctError, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); lblError = new Gtk.Label(); lblError.Name = "lblError"; lblError.Xalign = 0F; lblError.Yalign = 0.5F; if (e.TargetSite == null) { lblError.LabelProp = "<span size=\"12000\" weight=\"bold\">" + modFunctions.ProductName + " has Encountered an Error</span>"; } else { lblError.LabelProp = "<span size=\"12000\" weight=\"bold\">" + modFunctions.ProductName + " has Encountered an Error in " + e.TargetSite.Name + "</span>"; } var signal = GLib.Signal.Lookup(lblError, "size-allocate", typeof(SizeAllocatedArgs)); signal.AddDelegate(new EventHandler <SizeAllocatedArgs>(SizeAllocateLabel)); lblError.LineWrap = true; lblError.UseMarkup = true; pnlError.Attach(lblError, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink | AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); scrError = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); scrError.Name = "scrError"; scrError.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scrError.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; scrError.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; txtError = new Gtk.TextView(); txtError.CanFocus = true; txtError.Name = "txtError"; txtError.Editable = false; txtError.AcceptsTab = false; txtError.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word; scrError.Add(txtError); pnlError.Attach(scrError, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink | AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink | AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); txtError.Buffer.Text = "Error: " + e.Message; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.StackTrace)) { if (e.StackTrace.Contains("\n")) { txtError.Buffer.Text += "\n" + e.StackTrace.Substring(0, e.StackTrace.IndexOf("\n")); } else { txtError.Buffer.Text += "\n" + e.StackTrace; } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Source)) { txtError.Buffer.Text += "\n @ " + e.Source; if (e.TargetSite != null) { txtError.Buffer.Text += "." + e.TargetSite.Name; } } else { if (e.TargetSite != null) { txtError.Buffer.Text += "\n @ " + e.TargetSite.Name; } } } cmdReport = new Gtk.Button(); cmdReport.CanDefault = true; cmdReport.CanFocus = true; cmdReport.Name = "cmdReport"; cmdReport.UseUnderline = false; cmdReport.Label = "Report Error"; if (canContinue) { cmdIgnore = new Gtk.Button(); cmdIgnore.CanDefault = true; cmdIgnore.CanFocus = true; cmdIgnore.Name = "cmdIgnore"; cmdIgnore.UseUnderline = false; cmdIgnore.Label = "Ignore and Continue"; } else { cmdIgnore = null; } cmdExit = new global::Gtk.Button(); cmdExit.CanFocus = true; cmdExit.Name = "cmdExit"; cmdExit.UseUnderline = true; cmdExit.Label = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Exit Application"); Gtk.Dialog dlgErr = new Gtk.Dialog("Error in " + modFunctions.ProductName, null, DialogFlags.Modal | DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, cmdReport); dlgErr.TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Dialog; dlgErr.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterAlways; dlgErr.SkipPagerHint = true; dlgErr.SkipTaskbarHint = true; dlgErr.AllowShrink = true; dlgErr.AllowGrow = true; VBox pnlErrorDialog = dlgErr.VBox; pnlErrorDialog.Name = "pnlErrorDialog"; pnlErrorDialog.BorderWidth = 2; pnlErrorDialog.Add(pnlError); Box.BoxChild pnlError_BC = (Box.BoxChild)pnlErrorDialog[pnlError]; pnlError_BC.Position = 0; Gtk.HButtonBox dlgErrorAction = dlgErr.ActionArea; dlgErrorAction.Name = "dlgErrorAction"; dlgErrorAction.Spacing = 10; dlgErrorAction.BorderWidth = 5; dlgErrorAction.LayoutStyle = ButtonBoxStyle.End; dlgErr.AddActionWidget(cmdReport, ResponseType.Ok); if (canContinue) { dlgErr.AddActionWidget(cmdIgnore, ResponseType.No); } dlgErr.AddActionWidget(cmdExit, ResponseType.Reject); dlgErr.ShowAll(); Gdk.Geometry minGeo = new Gdk.Geometry(); minGeo.MinWidth = dlgErr.Allocation.Width; minGeo.MinHeight = dlgErr.Allocation.Height; if (minGeo.MinWidth > 1 & minGeo.MinHeight > 1) { dlgErr.SetGeometryHints(null, minGeo, Gdk.WindowHints.MinSize); } Gtk.ResponseType dRet; do { dRet = (Gtk.ResponseType)dlgErr.Run(); } while (dRet == ResponseType.None); dlgErr.Hide(); dlgErr.Destroy(); dlgErr = null; return(dRet); }
public void initComponents() { ActionPanelLocation = new Alignment(0, 1, 0, 0); MainWindow = new Window("Game"); mainPanel = new Layout(null, null); defaultFontBold = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Microsoft Sans Serif 10"); defaultFontBold.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; defaultFontRegular = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Microsoft Sans Serif 10"); defaultFontRegular.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal; labelLibido = new Label(); labelSpeed = new Label(); this.labelToughness = new Label(); this.labelStrenght = new Label(); this.label6 = new Label(); this.label5 = new Label(); this.label4 = new Label(); this.label3 = new Label(); this.label2 = new Label(); this.label1 = new Label(); this.btnOptions = new Button(); this.btnNewGame = new Button(); this.btnLoad = new Button(); this.btnSave = new Button(); this.buttonCmd5 = new Button(); this.buttonCmd4 = new Button(); this.buttonCmd1 = new Button(); this.buttonCmd2 = new Button(); this.buttonCmd3 = new Button(); this.button8 = new Button(); this.button9 = new Button(); this.button7 = new Button(); this.button6 = new Button(); this.button5 = new Button(); this.button10 = new Button(); this.button4 = new Button(); this.button3 = new Button(); this.button2 = new Button(); this.button1 = new Button(); this.label11 = new Label(); this.label10 = new Label(); this.label9 = new Label(); this.label8 = new Label(); this.label7 = new Label(); this.labelHP = new Label(); this.labelLust = new Label(); this.progressBarHP = new ProgressBar(); this.progressBarLust = new ProgressBar(); this.labelLevel = new Label(); this.labelDay = new Label(); this.labelHour = new Label(); this.labelCoins = new Label(); this.labelExp = new Label(); this.progressBarExp = new ProgressBar(); this.MainStoryTextPanel = new Layout(null, null); this.richTextBoxMain = new TextView(); this.ActionbuttonHolder = new Layout(null, null); this.button12 = new Button(); this.button14 = new Button(); this.button11 = new Button(); this.button13 = new Button(); this.button15 = new Button(); this.panel3 = new Layout(null, null); this.richTextBoxSub = new TextView(); this.PlayerStatsPanel = new Layout(null, null); this.AdditionalStatsPanel = new Layout(null, null); this.MainActionsPanel = new Table(2, 2, true); // // labelLibido // ////this.labelLibido.AutoSize = true; this.labelLibido.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.labelLibido.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(93, 69); this.labelLibido.Name = "labelLibido"; this.labelLibido.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); // //this.labelLibido.TabIndex = 9; this.labelLibido.Text = "0"; // // labelSpeed // // //this.labelSpeed.AutoSize = true; this.labelSpeed.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.labelSpeed.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(93, 47); this.labelSpeed.Name = "labelSpeed"; this.labelSpeed.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); ////this.labelSpeed.TabIndex = 8; this.labelSpeed.Text = "0"; // // labelToughness // // //this.labelToughness.AutoSize = true; this.labelToughness.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.labelToughness.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(93, 27); this.labelToughness.Name = "labelToughness"; this.labelToughness.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); // //this.labelToughness.TabIndex = 7; this.labelToughness.Text = "0"; // this.labelToughness.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.label14_Click); // // labelStrenght // ////this.labelStrenght.AutoSize = true; this.labelStrenght.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); ////this.labelStrenght.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(93, 7); this.labelStrenght.Name = "labelStrenght"; this.labelStrenght.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); ////this.labelStrenght.TabIndex = 6; this.labelStrenght.Text = "0"; // // label6 // // //this.label6.AutoSize = true; this.label6.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.label6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 47); this.label6.Name = "label6"; this.label6.SetSizeRequest(36, 16); // //this.label6.TabIndex = 5; this.label6.Text = "Lust"; // // label5 // // //this.label5.AutoSize = true; this.label5.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.label5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 7); this.label5.Name = "label5"; this.label5.SetSizeRequest(29, 16); // //this.label5.TabIndex = 4; this.label5.Text = "HP"; // // label4 // ////this.label4.AutoSize = true; this.label4.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); ////this.label4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 69); this.label4.Name = "label4"; this.label4.SetSizeRequest(51, 16); // //this.label4.TabIndex = 3; this.label4.Text = "Libido"; // // label3 // // //this.label3.AutoSize = true; this.label3.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 47); this.label3.Name = "label3"; this.label3.SetSizeRequest(54, 16); // //this.label3.TabIndex = 2; this.label3.Text = "Speed"; // // label2 // ////this.label2.AutoSize = true; this.label2.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); // //this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 27); this.label2.Name = "label2"; this.label2.SetSizeRequest(85, 16); // //this.label2.TabIndex = 1; this.label2.Text = "Toughness"; // // label1 // ////this.label1.AutoSize = true; this.label1.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); ////this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 7); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.SetSizeRequest(65, 16); // //this.label1.TabIndex = 0; this.label1.Text = "Strenght"; // // btnOptions // ////this.btnOptions.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; ////this.btnOptions.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; // //this.btnOptions.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.btnOptions.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); ////this.btnOptions.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(163, 3); //this.btnOptions.Name = "btnOptions"; // this.btnOptions.SetSizeRequest(140, 33); ////this.btnOptions.TabIndex = 18; this.btnOptions.Label = "Options"; ////this.btnOptions.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // this.btnOptions.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnOptions_Click); // // btnNewGame // //this.btnNewGame.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.btnNewGame.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.btnNewGame.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.btnNewGame.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.btnNewGame.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 3); this.btnNewGame.Name = "btnNewGame"; this.btnNewGame.SetSizeRequest(140, 33); //this.btnNewGame.TabIndex = 17; this.btnNewGame.Label = "New Game"; //this.btnNewGame.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // btnLoad // //this.btnLoad.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.btnLoad.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.btnLoad.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.btnLoad.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.btnLoad.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(164, 42); this.btnLoad.Name = "btnLoad"; this.btnLoad.SetSizeRequest(140, 33); //this.btnLoad.TabIndex = 16; this.btnLoad.Label = "Load"; //this.btnLoad.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // btnSave // //this.btnSave.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.btnSave.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.btnSave.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.btnSave.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.btnSave.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 42); this.btnSave.Name = "btnSave"; this.btnSave.SetSizeRequest(140, 33); //this.btnSave.TabIndex = 15; this.btnSave.Label = "Save"; //this.btnSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // buttonCmd5 // //this.buttonCmd5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.buttonCmd5.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.buttonCmd5.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.buttonCmd5.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.buttonCmd5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(718, 126); this.buttonCmd5.Name = "buttonCmd5"; this.buttonCmd5.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); //this.buttonCmd5.TabIndex = 10; this.buttonCmd5.Label = "buttonCmd5"; //this.buttonCmd5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // buttonCmd4 // //this.buttonCmd4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.buttonCmd4.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.buttonCmd4.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.buttonCmd4.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.buttonCmd4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(542, 126); this.buttonCmd4.Name = "buttonCmd4"; this.buttonCmd4.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); 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//this.buttonCmd2.TabIndex = 13; this.buttonCmd2.Label = "Inventory"; //this.buttonCmd2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // buttonCmd3 // //this.buttonCmd3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PeachPuff; //this.buttonCmd3.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.buttonCmd3.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.buttonCmd3.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.buttonCmd3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(366, 126); this.buttonCmd3.Name = "buttonCmd3"; this.buttonCmd3.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); //this.buttonCmd3.TabIndex = 12; this.buttonCmd3.Label = "buttonCmd3"; //this.buttonCmd3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // button8 // //this.button8.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Peru; //this.button8.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.button8.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.button8.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.button8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(366, 41); this.button8.Name = "button8"; this.button8.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); //this.button8.TabIndex = 7; 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// // button6 // //this.button6.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Peru; //this.button6.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.button6.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.button6.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.button6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 41); this.button6.Name = "button6"; this.button6.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); //this.button6.TabIndex = 9; this.button6.Label = "button6"; //this.button6.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // button5 // //this.button5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Peru; //this.button5.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; //this.button5.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.button5.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.button5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(718, 4); this.button5.Name = "button5"; this.button5.SetSizeRequest(170, 34); //this.button5.TabIndex = 4; this.button5.Label = "button5"; //this.button5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; // // button10 // //this.button10.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Peru; //this.button10.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2; 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this.label8.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.label8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 38); this.label8.Name = "label8"; this.label8.SetSizeRequest(34, 16); //this.label8.TabIndex = 7; this.label8.Text = "Exp"; // // label7 // //this.label7.AutoSize = true; this.label7.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.label7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 12); this.label7.Name = "label7"; this.label7.SetSizeRequest(46, 16); //this.label7.TabIndex = 6; this.label7.Text = "Level"; // // labelHP // //this.labelHP.AutoSize = true; this.labelHP.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.labelHP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(254, 7); this.labelHP.Name = "labelHP"; this.labelHP.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); //this.labelHP.TabIndex = 10; this.labelHP.Text = "0"; // // labelLust // //this.labelLust.AutoSize = true; this.labelLust.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.labelLust.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(254, 47); this.labelLust.Name = "labelLust"; this.labelLust.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); //this.labelLust.TabIndex = 11; this.labelLust.Text = "0"; // // progressBarHP // //this.progressBarHP.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Purple; //this.progressBarHP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(203, 26); this.progressBarHP.Name = "progressBarHP"; this.progressBarHP.SetSizeRequest(100, 10); //this.progressBarHP.TabIndex = 12; // // progressBarLust // //this.progressBarLust.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink; //this.progressBarLust.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(203, 69); this.progressBarLust.Name = "progressBarLust"; this.progressBarLust.SetSizeRequest(100, 10); //this.progressBarLust.TabIndex = 13; // // labelLevel // //this.labelLevel.AutoSize = true; this.labelLevel.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.labelLevel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(58, 12); this.labelLevel.Name = "labelLevel"; this.labelLevel.SetSizeRequest(16, 16); //this.labelLevel.TabIndex = 14; this.labelLevel.Text = "0"; // // labelDay // //this.labelDay.AutoSize = true; this.labelDay.ModifyFont(defaultFontBold); //this.labelDay.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(214, 12); 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this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.progressBarHP); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label6); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label1); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.labelToughness); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.labelLust); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label5); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label2); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.labelSpeed); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.labelHP); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label4); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Add(this.label3); // //this.PlayerStatsPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 10); this.PlayerStatsPanel.Name = "PlayerStatsPanel"; this.PlayerStatsPanel.SetSize(330, 93); ////this.PlayerStatsPanel.TabIndex = 7; // // AdditionalStatsPanel // // this.AdditionalStatsPanel. = System.Drawing.Color.SteelBlue; // //this.AdditionalStatsPanel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.progressBarExp); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.label10); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.labelDay); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.label11); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.labelExp); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.labelLevel); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.label7); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.label9); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.labelCoins); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.labelHour); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Add(this.label8); ////this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 524); this.AdditionalStatsPanel.Name = "AdditionalStatsPanel"; this.AdditionalStatsPanel.SetSize(330, 65); ////this.AdditionalStatsPanel.TabIndex = 8; // // MainActionsPanel // ////this.MainActionsPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange; ////this.MainActionsPanel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.MainActionsPanel.Add(this.btnOptions); this.MainActionsPanel.Add(this.btnLoad); this.MainActionsPanel.Add(this.btnSave); this.MainActionsPanel.Add(this.btnNewGame); ////this.MainActionsPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 594); this.MainActionsPanel.Name = "MainActionsPanel"; //this.MainActionsPanel.SetSizeRequest(330, 82); this.ActionPanelLocation.Add(MainActionsPanel); ////this.MainActionsPanel.TabIndex = 9; // // TestFormX // // MainWindow.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); // MainWindow.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; //MainWindow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue; // MainWindow.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1264, 681); MainWindow.Resize(1264, 681); mainPanel.Add(this.ActionPanelLocation); //mainPanel.Add(this.AdditionalStatsPanel); //mainPanel.Add(this.PlayerStatsPanel); //mainPanel.Add(this.panel3); //mainPanel.Add(this.ActionbuttonHolder); //mainPanel.Add(this.MainStoryTextPanel); MainWindow.Add(mainPanel); MainWindow.Name = "TestFormX"; MainWindow.ShowAll(); //MainWindow.Text = "TestFormX"; }
private NetworkOverviewPage() { /* Build the UI */ CreateUserList(); /* Create mainbar */ Widget mapWidget = null; try { map = new ZoomableNetworkMap(); map.SelectedNodeChanged += map_SelectedNodeChanged; map.NodeDoubleClicked += map_NodeDoubleClicked; mapWidget = map; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("Failed to load map !!!", ex); mapWidget = new Label("Error loading map."); } this.Pack1(mapWidget, true, true); /* Create sidebar */ sidebar = new EventBox(); sidebar.WidthRequest = 190; var sidebarBox = new Gtk.VBox(); sidebar.Add(sidebarBox); var headerAlign = new FadingAlignment(); sidebarBox.PackStart(headerAlign, false, false, 0); var headerLabel = new Gtk.Label(); headerLabel.Markup = "<b>Users</b>"; headerLabel.Xalign = 0; headerLabel.Ypad = 6; headerLabel.Xpad = 6; headerAlign.Add(headerLabel); sidebarBox.PackStart(AddScrolledWindow(userList), true, true, 0); this.Pack2(sidebar, false, true); sidebar.ShowAll(); foreach (Network network in Runtime.Core.Networks) { Core_NetworkAdded(network); } Runtime.Core.TransportManager.TransportError += (TransportErrorEventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch( new TransportErrorEventHandler(Core_TransportError) ); Runtime.Core.NetworkAdded += (NetworkEventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch( new NetworkEventHandler(Core_NetworkAdded) ); Runtime.Core.NetworkRemoved += (NetworkEventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch( new NetworkEventHandler(Core_NetworkRemoved) ); Runtime.Core.AvatarManager.AvatarsChanged += (EventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch( new EventHandler(AvatarManager_AvatarsChanged) ); this.ShowAll(); }