Пример #1
        public void Start()                                     // Setting up the matrix and all initial parameters
            var matrixSize = Console.ReadLine().Split(", ");

            Width  = int.Parse(matrixSize[0]);
            Height = int.Parse(matrixSize[1]);

            Matrix = MatrixHelperMethods.CreateMatrix(Width, Height); // Creating the matrix with the size input parameters

            var startParams = Console.ReadLine().Split(", ");         // Setting up the target cell and number of generations to count

            X1             = int.Parse(startParams[0]);
            Y1             = int.Parse(startParams[1]);
            MaxGenerations = int.Parse(startParams[2]);
Пример #2
        public void Play()                                    // Executes the game logic
            if (Matrix[Y1, X1] == 1)                          // Generation zero-only green check

            int[,] nextGenMatrix = Matrix.Clone() as int[, ];  // Another matrix to store the values for the next generation.
                                                               // Cloned, so that only values are copied, not the reference.

            int generationCounter = 0;

            while (generationCounter <= MaxGenerations)       // Main flow of the game - iterating through each generation,
                                                              // applying the specified rules and forming the next-gen matrix
                for (int row = 0; row < Height; row++)
                    for (int column = 0; column < Width; column++)
                        if (Matrix[row, column] == 0)
                            nextGenMatrix[row, column] = MatrixHelperMethods.RedRule(Matrix, column, row); // If the cell is red, applies red rules
                            nextGenMatrix[row, column] = MatrixHelperMethods.GreenRule(Matrix, column, row); // Else, it is green, so the green rules are applied

                if (Matrix[Y1, X1] == 1)                        // Counting each occurrence of a target cell being green

                Matrix = nextGenMatrix.Clone() as int[, ];       // The next-gen matrix becomes the current-gen matrix to iterate through