Пример #1
        public static void draw(SpriteBatch sb, GraphicsDevice gd, Matrix matrix, GameTime gameTime, List <Craft> craftlist)

            #region rendertarget
            foreach (Craft c in craftlist)
                if (c.needsrerendering > 0)
                    c.rendertarget = new RenderTarget2D(gd, (int)((c.size.X - c.posoffset.X) * 1000), (int)((c.size.Y - c.posoffset.Y) * 1000));
                    foreach (Part p in c.partlist)
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[p.type], new Rectangle((int)((p.pos.X - c.posoffset.X) * 1000), (int)((p.pos.Y - c.posoffset.Y) * 1000), (int)(p.size.X * 1000), (int)(p.size.Y * 1000)), Color.White);

            #region draw world
            sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, null, Camera.matrix(gd.Viewport));

            #region draw path
            if (Camera.zoom < 1.76313472)
                //drawaccurateorbits(sb, gd, matrix, gameTime, craftlist);
                draworbits(sb, gd, matrix, gameTime, craftlist);
                sb.Draw(Drawing.arrow, craftlist[0].pos, null, Color.White, (float)craftlist[0].rotation, new Vector2(32, 32), (1 / Camera.zoom) * 0.25f, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

            #region draw planets
            if (Flight.planet[0].hasatmosphere)
                Rectangle arec = new Rectangle((int)((Flight.planet[0].posx - (Flight.planet[0].radius + Flight.planet[0].atmosphereradius)) * worldscale), (int)((Flight.planet[0].posy - (Flight.planet[0].radius + Flight.planet[0].atmosphereradius)) * worldscale), (int)((Flight.planet[0].radius + Flight.planet[0].atmosphereradius) * 2 * worldscale), (int)((Flight.planet[0].radius + Flight.planet[0].atmosphereradius) * 2 * worldscale));
                sb.Draw(Drawing.atmosphere, arec, Color.White);
            Rectangle rec = new Rectangle((int)((Flight.planet[0].posx - Flight.planet[0].radius * 1) * worldscale), (int)((Flight.planet[0].posy - Flight.planet[0].radius * 1) * worldscale), (int)(Flight.planet[0].radius * 2 * worldscale), (int)(Flight.planet[0].radius * 2 * worldscale));
            sb.Draw(Flight.planet[0].texture, rec, Color.White);

            //sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)craftlist[0].pos.X,(int)craftlist[0].pos.Y,1,1), Color.Green);

            #region draw crafts

            foreach (Craft c in craftlist)
                Rectangle srec = new Rectangle(0, 0, c.rendertarget.Width, c.rendertarget.Height);
                sb.Draw(c.rendertarget, Camera.screencenter + (c.pos * worldscale), srec, Color.White, c.rotation, new Vector2(0, 0), Camera.zoom / 1000, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

            #region draw menus
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Throttle = " + (craftlist[0].throttle * 100).ToString(), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "vel = " + Drawing.getsiprefix(craftlist[0].vel.Length()) + "M/S", new Vector2(0, 20), Color.White);

            foreach (Part p in craftlist[0].partlist)
                if (p.type == "engine" & p.on)
                    sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "TWR = " + (craftlist[0].throttle * p.thrust / (craftlist[0].mass * 9.81f)), new Vector2(0, 40), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Timewarp = " + Flight.timewarp.ToString() + "* speed", new Vector2(0, 60), Color.White);

            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Altitude = " + Drawing.getsiprefix((Flight.planet[0].pos - craftlist[0].pos).Length()) + "m", new Vector2(200, 0), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Alt surf = " + Drawing.getsiprefix((Flight.planet[0].pos - craftlist[0].pos).Length() - Flight.planet[0].radius) + "m", new Vector2(200, 20), Color.White);

            if (Camera.zoom < 1.76313472)
                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Apoapsis = " + Drawing.getsiprefix(apoapsis) + "m", new Vector2(500, 0), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Periapsis = " + Drawing.getsiprefix(periapsis) + "m", new Vector2(500, 20), Color.White);

                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Time to apoapsis = " + Drawing.getsiprefix(timetoapoapsis) + "s", new Vector2(800, 0), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Time to periapsis = " + Drawing.getsiprefix(timetoperiapsis) + "s", new Vector2(800, 20), Color.White);

                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Eccentricity = " + eccentricity.ToString(), new Vector2(1100, 0), Color.White);

            #region deltavstats
            if (Editor.stage != null & craftlist.Count != 0 & true)
                Craft c         = new Craft();
                int   laststage = 10;
                c.partlist = new List <Part>(craftlist[0].partlist);
                foreach (Part p in c.partlist)
                    p.dontcalculatemymass = false;
                float[] deltav = new float[10];
                float[] twr    = new float[10];
                for (int s = 0; s < 10; s++)
                    if (Editor.stage[s] != null)
                        foreach (int i in Editor.stage[s])
                            for (int j = 0; j < c.partlist.Count(); j++)
                                Part p = c.partlist[j];
                                if (c.partlist[j].id == i)
                                    if (c.partlist[j].type == "separator")
                                        //separator part
                                        List <Part> lista = new List <Part>();
                                        List <int>  used  = new List <int>();
                                        foreach (Part pa in c.partlist)
                                            if (pa.id != p.parent)
                                                foreach (int n in p.neibours)
                                                    if (n == pa.id)

                                        for (int k = 0; k < lista.Count(); k++)
                                            bool partused = false;
                                            foreach (int l in used)
                                                if (lista[k].id == l)
                                                    partused = true;
                                            if (!partused)
                                                foreach (Part pa in c.partlist)
                                                    foreach (int n in lista[k].neibours)
                                                        if (n == pa.id)
                                                            lista.Add(pa); used.Add(pa.id);
                                        foreach (Part pa in lista)
                                            pa.dontcalculatemymass = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < c.partlist.Count(); i++)
                            if (c.partlist[i].removeme)

                        if (Editor.stage[s].Count == 0 & laststage == 10)
                            laststage = s;
                        foreach (int i in Editor.stage[s])
                            for (int j = 0; j < c.partlist.Count(); j++)
                                if (c.partlist[j].id == i)
                                    if (c.partlist[j].type == "engine")
                                        //engine part
                                        foreach (int k in c.partlist[j].neibours)
                                            for (int l = 0; l < c.partlist.Count(); l++)
                                                if (c.partlist[l].id == k)
                                                    //neibour of the engine
                                                    float mass = DrawEditor.getmass(c);
                                                    deltav[s] += (float)(Math.Log(mass / (mass - c.partlist[l].fuel)) * c.partlist[j].isp * 9.81f);

                                                    //why ar u lying to me???
                                                    twr[s] = c.partlist[j].thrust / (mass * 9.81f);
                        laststage = s;
                //explanations here
                int ssep = 50;
                sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(0, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep, 600, (laststage + 2) * ssep), Color.Gray);

                for (int i = 0; i < laststage; i++)
                    sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(10, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep, 90, ssep), Color.Black);
                    sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, deltav[i].ToString(), new Vector2(10, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep), Color.White);

                    sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(110, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep, 90, ssep), Color.Black);
                    sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, twr[i].ToString(), new Vector2(110, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "deltav", new Vector2(10, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep), Color.White);

                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "TWR", new Vector2(110, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep), Color.White);

                foreach (Part p in c.partlist)
                    p.dontcalculatemymass = false;

Пример #2
        public static void draw(SpriteBatch sb, GraphicsDevice gd, Matrix matrix, GameTime gameTime, List <Craft> craftlist)
            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(10, 10, 400, 30), Color.Green);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Commandpod", new Vector2(50, 10), Color.White);
            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(10, 50, 400, 30), Color.Green);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Fueltank", new Vector2(50, 50), Color.White);
            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(10, 90, 400, 30), Color.Green);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Engine", new Vector2(50, 90), Color.White);
            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(10, 130, 400, 30), Color.Green);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Separator", new Vector2(50, 130), Color.White);

            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(500, 10, 400, 30), Color.Red);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Delete craft", new Vector2(550, 10), Color.White);
            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(1000, 10, 400, 30), Color.Green);
            sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "Fly", new Vector2(1050, 10), Color.White);

            #region part editor
            if (Editor.parteditor & craftlist.Count != 0)
                foreach (Part p in craftlist[0].partlist)
                    if (p.id == Editor.parteditornumber)
                        //V2 is startpoint of the parteditor window
                        Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(0, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 500);

                        //draw line from part to parteditorwindow
                        //Drawflight.DrawLine(sb,v2+new Vector2(300,0), new Vector2((p.pos.X)* Camera.zoom + Camera.pos.X, ((p.pos.Y) * Camera.zoom + Camera.pos.Y)));

                        //draw part editor borders
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X, (int)v2.Y, 300, 500), Color.Blue);

                        //part type
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 10, 240, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, p.type, new Vector2(v2.X + 10, v2.Y + 10), Color.Black);

                        //delete part button
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.redxbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 10, 30, 30), Color.White);

                        //part width
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.minusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 50, 30, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.plusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 50, 30, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 50, (int)v2.Y + 50, 200, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Width: " + (p.size.X / 1000).ToString() + " M", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 50), Color.Black);

                        //part height
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.minusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 100, 30, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.plusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 100, 30, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 50, (int)v2.Y + 100, 200, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Height: " + (p.size.Y / 1000).ToString() + " M", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 100), Color.Black);

                        //part mass
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 150, 280, 30), Color.White);
                        sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Mass: " + Drawing.getsiprefix(p.mass * 1000) + "g", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 150), Color.Black);

                        #region commandpod
                        if (p.type == "commandpod")
                        #region fueltank
                        if (p.type == "fueltank")
                            //wet mass
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 200, 280, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Wet mass: " + Drawing.getsiprefix((p.mass + p.fuel) * 1000) + "g", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 200), Color.Black);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.minusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 250, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.plusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 250, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 50, (int)v2.Y + 250, 200, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "fueltype: " + p.fueltype, new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 250), Color.Black);
                        #region engine
                        if (p.type == "engine")
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 200, 280, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "ISP: " + p.isp + "S", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 200), Color.Black);

                            sb.Draw(Drawing.minusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 250, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.plusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 250, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 50, (int)v2.Y + 250, 200, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "Fuel type: " + p.fueltype, new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 250), Color.Black);

                            sb.Draw(Drawing.minusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 10, (int)v2.Y + 300, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.plusbutton, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 260, (int)v2.Y + 300, 30, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)v2.X + 50, (int)v2.Y + 300, 200, 30), Color.White);
                            sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "thrust: " + Drawing.getsiprefix(p.thrust) + "N", new Vector2(v2.X + 50, v2.Y + 300), Color.Black);
                        #region separator
                        if (p.type == "separator")

            #region stages
            if (Editor.stage != null & craftlist.Count != 0)
                for (int s = 0; s < 10; s++)
                    if (Editor.stage[s] != null)
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, Editor.stagerec[s], Color.Red);
                        sb.DrawString(Drawing.menufont, "S" + s.ToString(), new Vector2(Editor.stagerec[s].X + 5, Editor.stagerec[s].Y + (Editor.stagerec[s].Height / 2) - 20), Color.White);

                        foreach (int i in Editor.stage[s])
                            foreach (Part p in craftlist[0].partlist)
                                if (p.id == i)
                                    if (p.id != Editor.stageonhand)
                                        sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)Editor.stageiconpositionditictionary[i].X, (int)Editor.stageiconpositionditictionary[i].Y, 40, 40), Color.White);
                                        sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[p.type], new Rectangle((int)Editor.stageiconpositionditictionary[i].X, (int)Editor.stageiconpositionditictionary[i].Y, 40, 40), Color.White);
                if (Editor.stageonhand != 0)
                    foreach (Part p in craftlist[0].partlist)
                        if (p.id == Editor.stageonhand)
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle((int)Play.mousestate.X - 20, Play.mousestate.Y - 20, 40, 40), Color.White);
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[p.type], new Rectangle((int)Play.mousestate.X - 20, Play.mousestate.Y - 20, 40, 40), Color.White);

            #region deltavstats
            if (Editor.stage != null & craftlist.Count != 0 & true)
                Craft c         = new Craft();
                int   laststage = 10;
                c.partlist = new List <Part>(craftlist[0].partlist);
                foreach (Part p in c.partlist)
                    p.dontcalculatemymass = false;
                float[] deltav = new float[10];
                float[] twr    = new float[10];
                for (int s = 0; s < 10; s++)
                    if (Editor.stage[s] != null)
                        foreach (int i in Editor.stage[s])
                            for (int j = 0; j < c.partlist.Count(); j++)
                                Part p = c.partlist[j];
                                if (c.partlist[j].id == i)
                                    if (c.partlist[j].type == "separator")
                                        //separator part
                                        List <Part> lista = new List <Part>();
                                        List <int>  used  = new List <int>();
                                        foreach (Part pa in c.partlist)
                                            if (pa.id != p.parent)
                                                foreach (int n in p.neibours)
                                                    if (n == pa.id)

                                        for (int k = 0; k < lista.Count(); k++)
                                            bool partused = false;
                                            foreach (int l in used)
                                                if (lista[k].id == l)
                                                    partused = true;
                                            if (!partused)
                                                foreach (Part pa in c.partlist)
                                                    foreach (int n in lista[k].neibours)
                                                        if (n == pa.id)
                                                            lista.Add(pa); used.Add(pa.id);
                                        foreach (Part pa in lista)
                                            pa.dontcalculatemymass = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < c.partlist.Count(); i++)
                            if (c.partlist[i].removeme)

                        if (Editor.stage[s].Count == 0 & laststage == 10)
                            laststage = s;
                        foreach (int i in Editor.stage[s])
                            for (int j = 0; j < c.partlist.Count(); j++)
                                if (c.partlist[j].id == i)
                                    if (c.partlist[j].type == "engine")
                                        //engine part
                                        foreach (int k in c.partlist[j].neibours)
                                            for (int l = 0; l < c.partlist.Count(); l++)
                                                if (c.partlist[l].id == k)
                                                    //neibour of the engine
                                                    float mass = getmass(c);
                                                    deltav[s] += (float)(Math.Log(mass / (mass - c.partlist[l].fuel)) * c.partlist[j].isp * 9.81f);

                                                    //why ar u lying to me???
                                                    twr[s] = c.partlist[j].thrust / (mass * 9.81f);
                        laststage = s;
                //explanations here
                int ssep = 50;
                sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(400, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep, 600, (laststage + 2) * ssep), Color.Black);

                for (int i = 0; i < laststage; i++)
                    sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(400, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep, 90, ssep), Color.Gray);
                    sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, deltav[i].ToString(), new Vector2(400, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep), Color.White);

                    sb.Draw(Drawing.white, new Rectangle(500, (int)Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep, 90, ssep), Color.Gray);
                    sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, twr[i].ToString(), new Vector2(500, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 - 50 - i * ssep), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "deltav", new Vector2(400, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep), Color.White);

                sb.DrawString(Drawing.font, "TWR", new Vector2(500, Camera.screencenter.Y * 2 + 10 - (laststage + 1) * ssep), Color.White);

                foreach (Part p in c.partlist)
                    p.dontcalculatemymass = false;
            sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, null, Camera.matrix(gd.Viewport));

            Rectangle rec = new Rectangle((int)(((Play.mousestate.X - Camera.screencenter.X) / Camera.zoom) + Camera.pos.X), (int)(((Play.mousestate.Y - Camera.screencenter.Y) / Camera.zoom) + Camera.pos.Y), (int)Editor.handpart.size.X, (int)Editor.handpart.size.Y);
            if (Editor.handpart.type != "none")
                sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[Editor.handpart.type], rec, Color.White);

            if (craftlist.Count != 0)
                #region drawparts

                foreach (Part p in craftlist[0].partlist)
                    sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[p.type], new Rectangle((int)p.pos.X * 1, (int)p.pos.Y, (int)p.size.X, (int)p.size.Y), Color.White);
                    if (Editor.stageonhand != 0 & p.id == Editor.stageonhand || Editor.stageitemhovered != 0 & p.id == Editor.stageitemhovered)
                        Color c = Color.Green;
                        c.A = 100;
                        sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[p.type], new Rectangle((int)p.pos.X, (int)p.pos.Y, (int)p.size.X, (int)p.size.Y), c);
                    #region snap part
                    if (Editor.handpart.type != "none")
                        //draw part that will snap
                        Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(((Play.mousestate.X - Camera.screencenter.X) / Camera.zoom) + Camera.pos.X, (((Play.mousestate.Y - Camera.screencenter.Y) / Camera.zoom) + Camera.pos.Y));
                        //snap to bottom
                        if (Play.isinside(v2, new Vector2(p.pos.X + (p.size.X / 2) - Editor.handpart.size.X / 2, (p.pos.Y + p.size.Y)), new Vector2(Editor.handpart.size.X, Editor.handpart.size.Y)))
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[Editor.handpart.type], new Rectangle((int)(p.pos.X + (p.size.X / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.X / 2)), (int)((p.pos.Y + p.size.Y)), (int)Editor.handpart.size.X, (int)Editor.handpart.size.Y), Color.White);
                        //snap to top
                        if (Play.isinside(v2, new Vector2((p.pos.X + (p.size.X / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.X / 2)), (p.pos.Y - Editor.handpart.size.Y)), new Vector2(Editor.handpart.size.X, Editor.handpart.size.Y)))
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[Editor.handpart.type], new Rectangle((int)(p.pos.X + (p.size.X / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.X / 2)), (int)(p.pos.Y - Editor.handpart.size.Y), (int)Editor.handpart.size.X, (int)Editor.handpart.size.Y), Color.White);
                        //snap to left
                        if (Play.isinside(v2, new Vector2((p.pos.X - Editor.handpart.size.X), (p.pos.Y + (p.size.Y / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.Y / 2))), new Vector2(Editor.handpart.size.X, Editor.handpart.size.Y)))
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[Editor.handpart.type], new Rectangle((int)(p.pos.X - Editor.handpart.size.X), (int)(p.pos.Y + (p.size.Y / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.Y / 2)), (int)Editor.handpart.size.X, (int)Editor.handpart.size.Y), Color.White);
                        //snap to right
                        if (Play.isinside(v2, new Vector2((p.pos.X + p.size.X), (p.pos.Y + (p.size.Y / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.Y / 2))), new Vector2(Editor.handpart.size.X, Editor.handpart.size.Y)))
                            sb.Draw(Drawing.dictionary[Editor.handpart.type], new Rectangle((int)(p.pos.X + p.size.X), (int)(p.pos.Y + (p.size.Y / 2) - (Editor.handpart.size.Y / 2)), (int)Editor.handpart.size.X, (int)Editor.handpart.size.Y), Color.White);