Пример #1
 public Body(double bodyMass, double bodySize, SimPoint bodyStartingPosition, SimPoint bodyStartingVelocity, SimulationSpace space)
     Mass            = bodyMass;
     Size            = bodySize;
     Position        = bodyStartingPosition;
     Velocity        = bodyStartingVelocity;
     IsGravitySource = defaultGravitySource;
     simSpace        = space;
     bodyNumber      = currentBodyNumber++;
Пример #2
 public Body(SimPoint bodyStartingPosition, SimulationSpace space)
     Mass            = defaultValue;
     Size            = defaultValue;
     Position        = bodyStartingPosition;
     Velocity        = defaultStartingVelocity;
     IsGravitySource = defaultGravitySource;
     simSpace        = space;
     bodyNumber      = currentBodyNumber++;
Пример #3
 public Renderer(SimulationSpace space, Canvas simulationCanvas, CoreDispatcher dispatcher, MainPage mainPage)
     this.simSpace        = space;
     this.circles         = new List <Ellipse>();
     this.trailsPositions = new List <SimPoint>();
     this.rand            = new Random();
     this.simCanvas       = simulationCanvas;
     this.ZoomFactor      = 1.0;
     this.dispatcher      = dispatcher;
     this.mainPage        = mainPage;
     trailsBrush          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
Пример #4
        public static void LoadLowEarthOrbit(GravitySim sim)
            // To make a braided spiral with ISS trails use calc setting of 2 and then speed up by 800%
            //  4 and 1600% are also interesting

            SetScenarioName(sim, "Low Earth Orbit (ISS + 4 Starlink satellites) Scenario");

            SimulationSpace simulationSpace = new SimulationSpace(SimulationSpace.Space.LEO);   // LEO or GEO Space -> Km, minutes, Kg, Km/h

            sim.SetCalculationSettings(new CalculationSettings(100, false, false));
            sim.SetSimRounding(0);      // Must remain at zero to have circular orbits

            // === EARTH ===
            sim.AddBodyActual(SolarSystem.EarthMassKg, true, SolarSystem.EarthRadiusKm * 2.0, 3, new SimPoint(0.0, 0.0), new SimPoint(0.0, 0.0));

            //// === ISS ===
            sim.AddBodyActual(0.0, false, sim.simSpace.SmallestBodySizePx * 2.5, 1,
                              new SimPoint(-SolarSystem.ISS_OrbitRadiusKm, 0.0), new SimPoint(0.0, simulationSpace.CircularOrbitVelocity(SolarSystem.EarthMassKg, SolarSystem.ISS_OrbitRadiusKm)));

            // Satellites - Starlink

            // 12 Starlinks
            //double[] startingAngles = { 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 120.0, 135.0, 150.0, 210.0, 225.0, 240.0, 300.0, 315.0, 330.0 };
            //foreach (double angle in startingAngles)

            // 36 Starlinks
            for (double angle = 0.0; angle < 360.0; angle += 10.0)
                SimPoint position, velocity;
                simulationSpace.InitializeCircularOrbit(angle, SolarSystem.StarlinkOrbitRadiusKm, SolarSystem.EarthMassKg,
                                                        out position, out velocity);
                sim.AddBodyActual(0.0, false, sim.simSpace.SmallestBodySizePx, (int)Renderer.ColorNumber.BodyColorMedGrey,
                                  position, velocity);

            // GPS
            //sim.AddBodyActual(0.0, false, sim.simSpace.SmallestBodySizePx * 5.0, 4,
            //    new SimPoint(-SolarSystem.GPS_OrbitRadiusKm, 0.0), new SimPoint(0.0, simulationSpace.CircularOrbitVelocity(SolarSystem.EarthMassKg, SolarSystem.GPS_OrbitRadiusKm)));

            // Geosynchronus orbit
            //sim.AddBodyActual(0.0, false, sim.simSpace.SmallestBodySizePx * 2.0, 5,
            //    new SimPoint(-SolarSystem.GeosynchronousOrbitRadiusKm, 0.0), new SimPoint(0.0, simulationSpace.CircularOrbitVelocity(SolarSystem.EarthMassKg, SolarSystem.GeosynchronousOrbitRadiusKm)));

            sim.SetAccelerationLimits(false, 0.0, 0.0);
Пример #5
 public GravitySim(Canvas simulationCanvas, MainPage simulationPage, CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
     bodies    = new List <Body>();
     simCanvas = simulationCanvas;
     simPage   = simulationPage;
     simSpace  = new SimulationSpace(SimulationSpace.Space.Null);
     renderer  = new Renderer(simSpace, simCanvas, dispatcher, simPage);
     // accelerations default to null, they're newed when they're needed
     simCalcSettings          = new CalculationSettings();
     simElapsedTime           = 0.0;
     checkSim                 = false;
     simRounding              = 0;
     accelerationLimitOn      = false;
     minimumSeparationSquared = 1.0;
     SpeedFactor              = 1.0;
Пример #6
 public void SetSimSpace(SimulationSpace space)
     this.simSpace     = space;
     renderer.simSpace = space;
     renderer.SetSimulationTransform(simCanvas.ActualWidth, simCanvas.ActualHeight);