Пример #1
         * Method: AnnotateVideoWithLabelDetection
         * Description: This method can be used to annotate the desired video with labels using the Google Cloud
         *   Video Intelligence API. If you wish to run multiple annotations at once, please use the
         *   AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections() method.
         * Parameters:
         * Only one of the following two parameters should be provided. If none or both are provided, then an
         * error will be returned:
         *  - inputUri (String): This string is the URI location of the video. Currently, only Google Cloud
         *      Storage URIs are supported. If this is set, then inputContent should not be set.
         *  - inputContent (String): Bytes format string for the video data. This should be set only if inputUri
         *      is not set.
         *  - context (VideoContext): Additional context for the video or parameters specific to Label Annotation.
         *      This is an OPTIONAL parameter.
         *  - outputUri (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud Storage URI where the resulting JSON will be stored.
         *  - cloudRegionId (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud region id where the video annotation should take place.
         *      If no region is specified then one will be chosen based on the file's location.
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type VideoAnnotationResponse. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned,
         *   then the method returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the
         *   return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus> > AnnotateVideoWithLabelDetection(String inputUri     = "",
                                                                                                             String inputContent = "", VideoContext context = null, String outputUri = "", String cloudRegionId = "")
            // One and only one of inputUri and inputContent can be set
            if ((BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent)))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_FEW_PARAMETERS));
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && !BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS));

            // Create the features list and the annotation request object
            List <String> videoFeatures = new List <String> {

            AnnotateVideoRequest annotateVideoRequest = new AnnotateVideoRequest(inputUri, inputContent, videoFeatures, context, outputUri, cloudRegionId);

            // Setting up the header for the request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/videos:annotate?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, annotateVideoRequest);

            Stream       stream       = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

             * Similar two-step hop as we have seen before. We try to deserialize the response string, expecting
             * an object of Operation. If the response is not an Operation object, then we will encounter a
             * JSONSerialization error and return null. If it is as we expect, then we just return the
             * Operation object.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Operation operation;
                try {
                    operation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Operation>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                // We get the operation details for the annotation
                String operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(operation_json))
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

                try {
                    VideoAnnotationResponse annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    // We run a loop that sleeps for 10 seconds and then rechecks to see if the annotation is complete
                    while (!annotationResponse.Done)

                        operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                        if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(operation_json))
                            return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

                        annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(annotationResponse, VideoAnnotationStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));
Пример #2
         * Method: AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections
         * Description: This method can be used to detect adult content in a video using the Google Cloud
         *   Video Intelligence API. If you wish to run multiple annotations at once, please use the
         *   AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections() method.
         * Parameters:
         * Only one of the following two parameters should be provided. If none or both are provided, then an
         * error will be returned:
         *  - inputUri (String): This string is the URI location of the video. Currently, only Google Cloud
         *      Storage URIs are supported. If this is set, then inputContent should not be set.
         *  - inputContent (String): Bytes format string for the video data. This should be set only if inputUri
         *      is not set.
         * At least one of the following three parameters must be set to true:
         *  - labelDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run label detection on the video
         *  - shotChangeDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run shot change detection on the video
         *  - explicitContentDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run explicit content detection on the
         *      video
         *  - context (VideoContext): Additional context for the video or parameters specific to Label Annotation.
         *      This is an OPTIONAL parameter.
         *  - outputUri (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud Storage URI where the resulting JSON will be stored.
         *  - cloudRegionId (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud region id where the video annotation should take place.
         *      If no region is specified then one will be chosen based on the file's location.
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type VideoAnnotationResponse. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned,
         *   then the method returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the
         *   return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus> > AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections(
            String inputUri             = null, String inputContent = null, VideoContext context = null,
            String outputUri            = "", String cloudRegionId  = "", Boolean labelDetection = false,
            Boolean shotChangeDetection = false, Boolean explicitContentDetection = false)
            // One and only one of inputUri and inputContent can be set
            if ((BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent)))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_FEW_PARAMETERS));
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && !BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS));

            if (shotChangeDetection == false && explicitContentDetection == false && labelDetection == false)
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.MISSING_ANNOTATION_FIELD));

            List <String> videoFeatures = new List <String>();

            if (labelDetection)
            if (shotChangeDetection)
            if (explicitContentDetection)

            AnnotateVideoRequest annotateVideoRequest = new AnnotateVideoRequest(inputUri, inputContent, videoFeatures, context, outputUri, cloudRegionId);

            // Setting up the header for the request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/videos:annotate?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, annotateVideoRequest);

            Stream       stream       = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Similar two-step hop as we have seen in prior functions
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Operation operation;
                try {
                    operation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Operation>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                int ctr = 1;

                // We get the operation details for the annotation
                String operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                try {
                    VideoAnnotationResponse annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    // We run a loop that sleeps for 10 seconds and then rechecks to see if the annotation is complete.
                    // For every iteration of the loop, we increase
                    while (!annotationResponse.Done)
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000 * ctr);
                        operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                        annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(annotationResponse, VideoAnnotationStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));