/// <summary>
    /// Run the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param>
    public override void Run(DfpUser user) {
      // Get the ForecastService.
      ForecastService forecastService =

      // Set the placement that the prospective line item will target.
      long[] targetPlacementIds = new long[] {long.Parse(_T("INSERT_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE"))};

      // Create prospective line item.
      LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();

      lineItem.targeting = new Targeting();
      lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting();
      lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting.targetedPlacementIds = targetPlacementIds;

      Size size = new Size();
      size.width = 300;
      size.height = 250;

      // Create the creative placeholder.
      CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
      creativePlaceholder.size = size;

      lineItem.creativePlaceholders = new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativePlaceholder};

      lineItem.lineItemType = LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP;
      lineItem.startDateTimeType = StartDateTimeType.IMMEDIATELY;

      // Set the line item to run for one month.
      lineItem.endDateTime =
          DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1), "America/New_York");

      // Set the cost type to match the unit type.
      lineItem.costType = CostType.CPM;
      Goal goal = new Goal();
      goal.goalType = GoalType.DAILY;
      goal.unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS;
      goal.units = 50L;
      lineItem.primaryGoal = goal;

      try {
        // Get availability forecast.
        AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();
        options.includeContendingLineItems = true;
        options.includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = true;
        ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem();
        prospectiveLineItem.lineItem = lineItem;
        AvailabilityForecast forecast =
            forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);

        // Display results.
        long matched = forecast.matchedUnits;
        double availablePercent = (double) (forecast.availableUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
        String unitType = forecast.unitType.ToString().ToLower();
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} matched.\n{2}%  available.", matched, unitType,
            availablePercent, unitType);

        if (forecast.possibleUnitsSpecified) {
          double possiblePercent = (double) (forecast.possibleUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
          Console.WriteLine("{0}% {1} possible.\n", possiblePercent, unitType);
        Console.WriteLine("{0} contending line items.", (forecast.contendingLineItems != null) ?
            forecast.contendingLineItems.Length : 0);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to get forecast. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message);
    /// <summary>
    /// Run the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param>
    public override void Run(DfpUser user) {
      // Get the LineItemService.
      LineItemService lineItemService =
          (LineItemService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201505.LineItemService);

      // Set the order that all created line items will belong to and the
      // video ad unit ID to target.
      long orderId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_ORDER_ID_HERE"));
      string targetedVideoAdUnitId = _T("INSERT_TARGETED_VIDEO_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE");

      // Set the custom targeting value ID representing the metadata
      // on the content to target. This would typically be from a key representing
      // a "genre" and a value representing something like "comedy". The value must
      // be from a key in a content metadata key hierarchy.
      long contentCustomTargetingValueId =

      // Create content targeting.
      ContentMetadataKeyHierarchyTargeting contentMetadataTargeting =
          new ContentMetadataKeyHierarchyTargeting();
      contentMetadataTargeting.customTargetingValueIds =
          new long[] {contentCustomTargetingValueId};

      ContentTargeting contentTargeting = new ContentTargeting();
      contentTargeting.targetedContentMetadata =
          new ContentMetadataKeyHierarchyTargeting[] {contentMetadataTargeting};

      // Create inventory targeting.
      InventoryTargeting inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting();
      AdUnitTargeting adUnitTargeting = new AdUnitTargeting();
      adUnitTargeting.adUnitId = targetedVideoAdUnitId;
      adUnitTargeting.includeDescendants = true;
      inventoryTargeting.targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {adUnitTargeting};

      // Create video position targeting.
      VideoPosition videoPosition = new VideoPosition();
      videoPosition.positionType = VideoPositionType.PREROLL;
      VideoPositionTarget videoPositionTarget = new VideoPositionTarget();
      videoPositionTarget.videoPosition = videoPosition;
      VideoPositionTargeting videoPositionTargeting = new VideoPositionTargeting();
      videoPositionTargeting.targetedPositions = new VideoPositionTarget[] {videoPositionTarget};

      // Create targeting.
      Targeting targeting = new Targeting();
      targeting.contentTargeting = contentTargeting;
      targeting.inventoryTargeting = inventoryTargeting;
      targeting.videoPositionTargeting = videoPositionTargeting;

      // Create local line item object.
      LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();
      lineItem.name = "Video line item - " + this.GetTimeStamp();
      lineItem.orderId = orderId;
      lineItem.targeting = targeting;
      lineItem.lineItemType = LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP;
      lineItem.allowOverbook = true;

      // Set the environment type to video.
      lineItem.environmentType = EnvironmentType.VIDEO_PLAYER;

      // Set the creative rotation type to optimized.
      lineItem.creativeRotationType = CreativeRotationType.OPTIMIZED;

      // Create the master creative placeholder.
      CreativePlaceholder creativeMasterPlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
      Size size1 = new Size();
      size1.width = 400;
      size1.height = 300;
      size1.isAspectRatio = false;
      creativeMasterPlaceholder.size = size1;

      // Create companion creative placeholders.
      CreativePlaceholder companionCreativePlaceholder1 = new CreativePlaceholder();
      Size size2 = new Size();
      size2.width = 300;
      size2.height = 250;
      size2.isAspectRatio = false;
      companionCreativePlaceholder1.size = size2;

      CreativePlaceholder companionCreativePlaceholder2 = new CreativePlaceholder();
      Size size3 = new Size();
      size3.width = 728;
      size3.height = 90;
      size3.isAspectRatio = false;
      companionCreativePlaceholder2.size = size3;

      // Set companion creative placeholders.
      creativeMasterPlaceholder.companions = new CreativePlaceholder[] {
          companionCreativePlaceholder1, companionCreativePlaceholder2};

      // Set the size of creatives that can be associated with this line item.
      lineItem.creativePlaceholders = new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativeMasterPlaceholder};

      // Set delivery of video companions to optional.
      lineItem.companionDeliveryOption = CompanionDeliveryOption.OPTIONAL;

      // Set the line item to run for one month.
      lineItem.startDateTimeType = StartDateTimeType.IMMEDIATELY;
      lineItem.endDateTime =
          DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1), "America/New_York");

      // Set the cost per day to $1.
      lineItem.costType = CostType.CPD;
      Money money = new Money();
      money.currencyCode = "USD";
      money.microAmount = 1000000L;
      lineItem.costPerUnit = money;

      // Set the percentage to be 100%.
      Goal goal = new Goal();
      goal.goalType = GoalType.DAILY;
      goal.unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS;
      goal.units = 100;
      lineItem.primaryGoal = goal;

      try {
        // Create the line item on the server.
        LineItem[] createdLineItems = lineItemService.createLineItems(new LineItem[] {lineItem});

        foreach (LineItem createdLineItem in createdLineItems) {
          Console.WriteLine("A line item with ID \"{0}\", belonging to order ID \"{1}\", and " +
              "named \"{2}\" was created.", createdLineItem.id, createdLineItem.orderId,
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to create line items. Exception says \"{0}\"",
Пример #3
    public LineItem CreateLineItem(DfpUser user, long orderId, string adUnitId) {
      LineItemService lineItemService =
          (LineItemService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201505.LineItemService);

      long placementId = CreatePlacement(user, new string[] {adUnitId}).id;

      // Create inventory targeting.
      InventoryTargeting inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting();
      inventoryTargeting.targetedPlacementIds = new long[] {placementId};

      // Create geographical targeting.
      GeoTargeting geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting();

      // Include the US and Quebec, Canada.
      Location countryLocation = new Location();
      countryLocation.id = 2840L;

      Location regionLocation = new Location();
      regionLocation.id = 20123L;
      geoTargeting.targetedLocations = new Location[] {countryLocation, regionLocation};

      // Exclude Chicago and the New York metro area.
      Location cityLocation = new Location();
      cityLocation.id = 1016367L;

      Location metroLocation = new Location();
      metroLocation.id = 200501L;
      geoTargeting.excludedLocations = new Location[] {cityLocation, metroLocation};

      // Exclude domains that are not under the network's control.
      UserDomainTargeting userDomainTargeting = new UserDomainTargeting();
      userDomainTargeting.domains = new String[] {"usa.gov"};
      userDomainTargeting.targeted = false;

      // Create day-part targeting.
      DayPartTargeting dayPartTargeting = new DayPartTargeting();
      dayPartTargeting.timeZone = DeliveryTimeZone.BROWSER;

      // Target only the weekend in the browser's timezone.
      DayPart saturdayDayPart = new DayPart();
      saturdayDayPart.dayOfWeek = Google.Api.Ads.Dfp.v201505.DayOfWeek.SATURDAY;

      saturdayDayPart.startTime = new TimeOfDay();
      saturdayDayPart.startTime.hour = 0;
      saturdayDayPart.startTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      saturdayDayPart.endTime = new TimeOfDay();
      saturdayDayPart.endTime.hour = 24;
      saturdayDayPart.endTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      DayPart sundayDayPart = new DayPart();
      sundayDayPart.dayOfWeek = Google.Api.Ads.Dfp.v201505.DayOfWeek.SUNDAY;

      sundayDayPart.startTime = new TimeOfDay();
      sundayDayPart.startTime.hour = 0;
      sundayDayPart.startTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      sundayDayPart.endTime = new TimeOfDay();
      sundayDayPart.endTime.hour = 24;
      sundayDayPart.endTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      dayPartTargeting.dayParts = new DayPart[] {saturdayDayPart, sundayDayPart};

      // Create technology targeting.
      TechnologyTargeting technologyTargeting = new TechnologyTargeting();

      // Create browser targeting.
      BrowserTargeting browserTargeting = new BrowserTargeting();
      browserTargeting.isTargeted = true;

      // Target just the Chrome browser.
      Technology browserTechnology = new Technology();
      browserTechnology.id = 500072L;
      browserTargeting.browsers = new Technology[] {browserTechnology};
      technologyTargeting.browserTargeting = browserTargeting;

      LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();
      lineItem.name = "Line item #" + new TestUtils().GetTimeStamp();
      lineItem.orderId = orderId;
      lineItem.targeting = new Targeting();

      lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting = inventoryTargeting;
      lineItem.targeting.geoTargeting = geoTargeting;
      lineItem.targeting.userDomainTargeting = userDomainTargeting;
      lineItem.targeting.dayPartTargeting = dayPartTargeting;
      lineItem.targeting.technologyTargeting = technologyTargeting;

      lineItem.lineItemType = LineItemType.STANDARD;
      lineItem.allowOverbook = true;

      // Set the creative rotation type to even.
      lineItem.creativeRotationType = CreativeRotationType.EVEN;

      // Set the size of creatives that can be associated with this line item.
      Size size = new Size();
      size.width = 300;
      size.height = 250;
      size.isAspectRatio = false;

      // Create the creative placeholder.
      CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
      creativePlaceholder.size = size;

      lineItem.creativePlaceholders = new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativePlaceholder};

      // Set the line item to run for one month.
      lineItem.startDateTimeType = StartDateTimeType.IMMEDIATELY;
      lineItem.endDateTime =
          DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1), "America/New_York");

      // Set the cost per unit to $2.
      lineItem.costType = CostType.CPM;
      lineItem.costPerUnit = new Money();
      lineItem.costPerUnit.currencyCode = "USD";
      lineItem.costPerUnit.microAmount = 2000000L;

      // Set the number of units bought to 500,000 so that the budget is
      // $1,000.
      Goal goal = new Goal();
      goal.units = 500000L;
      goal.unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS;
      lineItem.primaryGoal = goal;

      return lineItemService.createLineItems(new LineItem[] {lineItem})[0];
    public void TestGetAvailabilityForecast() {
      TestUtils utils = new TestUtils();

      LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();
      lineItem.name = string.Format("Line item #{0}", utils.GetTimeStamp());

      lineItem.orderId = orderId;

      lineItem.targeting = new Targeting();
      lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting();
      lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting.targetedPlacementIds = new long[] {placementId};

      Size size1 = new Size();
      size1.width = 300;
      size1.height = 250;

      Size size2 = new Size();
      size2.width = 120;
      size2.height = 600;

      // Create the creative placeholders.
      CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder1 = new CreativePlaceholder();
      creativePlaceholder1.size = size1;

      CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder2 = new CreativePlaceholder();
      creativePlaceholder1.size = size2;

      lineItem.creativePlaceholders =
          new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativePlaceholder1, creativePlaceholder2};

      lineItem.lineItemType = LineItemType.STANDARD;

      // Set start date time and end date time.
      lineItem.startDateTime =
          DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), "America/New_York");
      lineItem.endDateTime =
          DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1), "America/New_York");

      lineItem.costType = CostType.CPM;
      lineItem.costPerUnit = new Money();
      lineItem.costPerUnit.currencyCode = "USD";
      lineItem.costPerUnit.microAmount = 2000000;

      lineItem.creativeRotationType = CreativeRotationType.EVEN;
      lineItem.discountType = LineItemDiscountType.PERCENTAGE;

      Goal goal = new Goal();
      goal.units = 500000;
      goal.unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS;
      lineItem.primaryGoal = goal;

      ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem();
      prospectiveLineItem.lineItem = lineItem;

      AvailabilityForecast forecast = null;
      Assert.DoesNotThrow(delegate() {
        forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem,
            new AvailabilityForecastOptions());
      Assert.AreEqual(forecast.orderId, orderId);
      Assert.AreEqual(forecast.unitType, lineItem.primaryGoal.unitType);
    public void Init() {
      TestUtils utils = new TestUtils();
      lineItemService = (LineItemService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201505.LineItemService);

      advertiserId = utils.CreateCompany(user, CompanyType.ADVERTISER).id;
      salespersonId = utils.GetSalesperson(user).id;
      traffickerId = utils.GetTrafficker(user).id;
      orderId = utils.CreateOrder(user, advertiserId, salespersonId, traffickerId).id;
      adUnitId = utils.CreateAdUnit(user).id;
      placementId = utils.CreatePlacement(user, new string[] {adUnitId}).id;
      lineItem1 = utils.CreateLineItem(user, orderId, adUnitId);
      lineItem2 = utils.CreateLineItem(user, orderId, adUnitId);
    /// <summary>
    /// Run the code examples.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code examples.</param>
    public override void Run(DfpUser user) {
      // Get the LineItemService.
      LineItemService lineItemService =
          (LineItemService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201505.LineItemService);

      // Set the order that all created line items will belong to and the
      // placement ID to target.
      long orderId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_ORDER_ID_HERE"));
      long[] targetPlacementIds = new long[] {long.Parse(_T("INSERT_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE"))};

      // Create inventory targeting.
      InventoryTargeting inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting();
      inventoryTargeting.targetedPlacementIds = targetPlacementIds;

      // Create geographical targeting.
      GeoTargeting geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting();

      // Include the US and Quebec, Canada.
      Location countryLocation = new Location();
      countryLocation.id = 2840L;

      Location regionLocation = new Location();
      regionLocation.id = 20123L;
      geoTargeting.targetedLocations = new Location[] {countryLocation, regionLocation};

      Location postalCodeLocation = new Location();
      postalCodeLocation.id = 9000093;

      // Exclude Chicago and the New York metro area.
      Location cityLocation = new Location();
      cityLocation.id = 1016367L;

      Location metroLocation = new Location();
      metroLocation.id = 200501L;
      geoTargeting.excludedLocations = new Location[] {cityLocation, metroLocation};

      // Exclude domains that are not under the network's control.
      UserDomainTargeting userDomainTargeting = new UserDomainTargeting();
      userDomainTargeting.domains = new String[] {"usa.gov"};
      userDomainTargeting.targeted = false;

      // Create day-part targeting.
      DayPartTargeting dayPartTargeting = new DayPartTargeting();
      dayPartTargeting.timeZone = DeliveryTimeZone.BROWSER;

      // Target only the weekend in the browser's timezone.
      DayPart saturdayDayPart = new DayPart();
      saturdayDayPart.dayOfWeek = Google.Api.Ads.Dfp.v201505.DayOfWeek.SATURDAY;

      saturdayDayPart.startTime = new TimeOfDay();
      saturdayDayPart.startTime.hour = 0;
      saturdayDayPart.startTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      saturdayDayPart.endTime = new TimeOfDay();
      saturdayDayPart.endTime.hour = 24;
      saturdayDayPart.endTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      DayPart sundayDayPart = new DayPart();
      sundayDayPart.dayOfWeek = Google.Api.Ads.Dfp.v201505.DayOfWeek.SUNDAY;

      sundayDayPart.startTime = new TimeOfDay();
      sundayDayPart.startTime.hour = 0;
      sundayDayPart.startTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      sundayDayPart.endTime = new TimeOfDay();
      sundayDayPart.endTime.hour = 24;
      sundayDayPart.endTime.minute = MinuteOfHour.ZERO;

      dayPartTargeting.dayParts = new DayPart[] {saturdayDayPart, sundayDayPart};

      // Create technology targeting.
      TechnologyTargeting technologyTargeting = new TechnologyTargeting();

      // Create browser targeting.
      BrowserTargeting browserTargeting = new BrowserTargeting();
      browserTargeting.isTargeted = true;

      // Target just the Chrome browser.
      Technology browserTechnology = new Technology();
      browserTechnology.id = 500072L;
      browserTargeting.browsers = new Technology[] {browserTechnology};
      technologyTargeting.browserTargeting = browserTargeting;

      // Create an array to store local line item objects.
      LineItem[] lineItems = new LineItem[5];

      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();
        lineItem.name = "Line item #" + i;
        lineItem.orderId = orderId;
        lineItem.targeting = new Targeting();

        lineItem.targeting.inventoryTargeting = inventoryTargeting;
        lineItem.targeting.geoTargeting = geoTargeting;
        lineItem.targeting.userDomainTargeting = userDomainTargeting;
        lineItem.targeting.dayPartTargeting = dayPartTargeting;
        lineItem.targeting.technologyTargeting = technologyTargeting;

        lineItem.lineItemType = LineItemType.STANDARD;
        lineItem.allowOverbook = true;

        // Set the creative rotation type to even.
        lineItem.creativeRotationType = CreativeRotationType.EVEN;

        // Set the size of creatives that can be associated with this line item.
        Size size = new Size();
        size.width = 300;
        size.height = 250;
        size.isAspectRatio = false;

        // Create the creative placeholder.
        CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
        creativePlaceholder.size = size;

        lineItem.creativePlaceholders = new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativePlaceholder};

        // Set the line item to run for one month.
        lineItem.startDateTimeType = StartDateTimeType.IMMEDIATELY;
        lineItem.endDateTime =
            DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1), "America/New_York");

        // Set the cost per unit to $2.
        lineItem.costType = CostType.CPM;
        lineItem.costPerUnit = new Money();
        lineItem.costPerUnit.currencyCode = "USD";
        lineItem.costPerUnit.microAmount = 2000000L;

        // Set the number of units bought to 500,000 so that the budget is
        // $1,000.
        Goal goal = new Goal();
        goal.goalType = GoalType.LIFETIME;
        goal.unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS;
        goal.units = 500000L;
        lineItem.primaryGoal = goal;

        lineItems[i] = lineItem;

      try {
        // Create the line items on the server.
        lineItems = lineItemService.createLineItems(lineItems);

        if (lineItems != null) {
          foreach (LineItem lineItem in lineItems) {
            Console.WriteLine("A line item with ID \"{0}\", belonging to order ID \"{1}\", and" +
                " named \"{2}\" was created.", lineItem.id, lineItem.orderId, lineItem.name);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No line items created.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to create line items. Exception says \"{0}\"",