Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this split's amount to the target currency. Uses the implicit transaction
        /// exchange rate if it can be inferred from the splits of the transaction.
        /// Otherwise uses <see cref="GncAmount.ConvertTo()"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public GncCommodityAmount AmountConverted(GncCommodity toCommodity)
            if (Commodity == toCommodity)
            if (Quantity == 0)
                return(new GncCommodityAmount(0, toCommodity, _transaction.DatePosted));
            var trnCmdties = _transaction.EnumSplits().Select(s => s.Commodity); // note that duplicates are not eliminated

            if (trnCmdties.Contains(toCommodity) && trnCmdties.All(c => c == toCommodity || c == Commodity))
                // Use the transaction exchange rate for the conversion
                var splitSrcTotal = _transaction.EnumSplits().Where(s => s.Commodity == Commodity).Sum(s => s.Quantity);
                var splitTgtTotal = _transaction.EnumSplits().Where(s => s.Commodity == toCommodity).Sum(s => s.Quantity);
                return(new GncCommodityAmount(Math.Sign(Quantity) * Math.Abs(Quantity / splitSrcTotal * splitTgtTotal), toCommodity, _transaction.DatePosted));
                // Fall back onto the exchange rates register
Пример #2
        public GncBook(GncSession session, XElement xml, string baseCurrency)
            : this(session, baseCurrency)
            _guid = xml.ChkElement(GncName.Book("id")).Value;
            foreach (var cmdtyXml in xml.Elements(GncName.Gnc("commodity")))
                GncCommodity cmdty = new GncCommodity(this, cmdtyXml);
                _commodities.Add(cmdty.Identifier, cmdty);
            foreach (var acctXml in xml.Elements(GncName.Gnc("account")))
                GncAccount acct = new GncAccount(this, acctXml);
                _accounts.Add(acct.Guid, acct);
            foreach (var transXml in xml.Elements(GncName.Gnc("transaction")))
                GncTransaction trans = new GncTransaction(this, transXml);
                _transactions.Add(trans.Guid, trans);
                foreach (var split in trans.EnumSplits())
                    _splits.Add(split.Guid, split);

            // Price DB
                var pel = xml.ChkElement(GncName.Gnc("pricedb"));
                foreach (var priceXml in pel.Elements("price"))
                    var      cmdty     = new GncCommodity(null, priceXml.ChkElement(GncName.Price("commodity")));
                    var      ccy       = new GncCommodity(null, priceXml.ChkElement(GncName.Price("currency")));
                    DateTime timepoint = GncUtil.ParseGncDate(priceXml.ChkElement(GncName.Price("time")).ChkElement(GncName.Ts("date")).Value);
                    string   source    = priceXml.ChkElement(GncName.Price("source")).Value;
                    decimal  value;
                        value = priceXml.ChkElement(GncName.Price("value")).Value.ToGncDecimal();
                        if (value == 0)
                            continue; // GnuCash sometimes adds 0 for prices
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _session.Warn($"Could not read commodity price {cmdty.Identifier}/{ccy.Identifier}, on {timepoint.ToShortDateString()}, source {source}: {e.Message}");

                    if (!_commodities.ContainsKey(cmdty.Identifier))
                        _commodities.Add(cmdty.Identifier, new GncCommodity(this, identifier: cmdty.Identifier, name: cmdty.Identifier));

                    if (cmdty.Identifier == _baseCurrencyId)
                        _commodities[ccy.Identifier].ExRate[timepoint] = 1m / value;
                    else if (ccy.Identifier == _baseCurrencyId)
                        _commodities[cmdty.Identifier].ExRate[timepoint] = value;
                    else if (source != "user:xfer-dialog")
                        // Ignore and warn
                        //_session.Warn("Ignoring commodity price {0}/{1}, on {3}, source {4}, as it is not linked to the base currency ({2})".Fmt(cmdty.Identifier, ccy.Identifier, _baseCurrencyId, timepoint.ToShortDateString(), source));
                    // Otherwise just ignore completely
                // Always add 1.0 to the base currency ExRate curve to make it more like the others
                _commodities[_baseCurrencyId].ExRate[new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)] = 1;
