Пример #1
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public InterfaceAdministrateurViewModel(Window window, int IdAdministrateur, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            Clients       = new ObservableCollection <Client>(_restApiQueries.GetClients("Client"));
            Gestionnaires = new ObservableCollection <Gestionnaire>(_restApiQueries.GetGestionnaires("Gestionnaire"));

            this.IdAdministrateur = IdAdministrateur;
            this.Token            = Token;

            Administrateur administrateur = _restApiQueries.GetSpecificAdministrateur("Administrateur/" + IdAdministrateur);

            LoginAdministrateur = administrateur.Login;

            GoToInterfaceAdministrateur = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceAdministrateur(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutClient(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutGestionnaire(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            ModifierClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedClient != null),
                o => _router.GoToModificationClient(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token, SelectedClient)

            SupprimerClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedClient != null),
                o => RemoveClient()

            ModifierGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedGestionnaire != null),
                o => _router.GoToModificationGestionnaire(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token, SelectedGestionnaire)

            SupprimerGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedGestionnaire != null),
                o => RemoveGestionnaire()
Пример #2
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ConnexionViewModel(Window window)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(null);

            _router = new Router();

            _clients = new ObservableCollection <Client>(_restApiQueries.GetClients("Client"));

            /* Routing */
            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)
            GoToClientInscription = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInscription(_window)

            /* Action */
            ConnexionClientCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => is_identififantsValides(),
                o => Connexion()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public AjoutProduitViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;

            this.Token = Token;

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Boutons */
            AjouterProduitCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValid_addedProduit(),
                o => AjoutProduit()
Пример #4
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ListeTicketsClientViewModel(Window window, int IdCompte, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            string path = "Support/Compte/" + IdCompte;

            Supports = new ObservableCollection <Support>(_restApiQueries.GetSupports(path));

            this.IdCompte = IdCompte;
            this.Token    = Token;

            MessageResolution = "Résolu par le client";

            /* Routing */
            GoToInterfaceClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeFactures = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeFactures(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeTicketsClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToSolde = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToSoldeClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Actions */
            FermerTicketCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedTicket != null && SelectedTicket.Status != "Resolu"),
                o => FermerTicket()

            AfficherDescriptionCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedTicket != null),
                o => AfficherDescription()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public AjoutSoldeViewModel(Window window, int IdCompte, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            string path = "Compte/" + IdCompte;

            Compte = _restApiQueries.GetSpecificCompte(path);

            // Initialisation des listes (%20 = " ")
            path  = "Client/Solde/" + Compte.CompteId;
            Solde = _restApiQueries.GetClientSolde(path);

            this.IdCompte = IdCompte;
            this.Token    = Token;

            /* Routing */
            GoToInterfaceClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeFactures = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeFactures(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeTicketsClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToSolde = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToSoldeClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Action */
            AjoutSoldeCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (Montant != 0),
                o => AjoutSolde()
Пример #6
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ModifierGestionnaireViewModel(Window window, int IdAdministrateur, string Token, Gestionnaire gestionnaire)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdAdministrateur = IdAdministrateur;
            this.Token            = Token;

            this.Gestionnaire = gestionnaire;

            LoginModification = gestionnaire.Login;
            MailModification  = gestionnaire.Email;
            NomModification   = gestionnaire.NomGestionnaire;
            RoleModification  = gestionnaire.Role;

            Roles = new ObservableCollection <Role>(_restApiQueries.GetRoles("Role"));

            GoToInterfaceAdministrateur = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceAdministrateur(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutClient(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutGestionnaire(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            ModifierGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValidModificationGestionnaire(),
                o => ModificationGestionnaire()

            AjouterRoleCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NouveauRole)),
                o => AjoutRole()
Пример #7
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ModifierClientViewModel(Window window, int IdAdministrateur, string Token, Client client)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdAdministrateur = IdAdministrateur;
            this.Token            = Token;

            Debug.WriteLine("FLAG C : " + client.UtilisateurId);

            this.client = client;

            LoginModification     = client.Login;
            MailModification      = client.Mail;
            NomModification       = client.Nom;
            PrenomModification    = client.Prenom;
            TelephoneModification = client.Telephone;
            AgeModification       = client.Age.ToString();

            GoToInterfaceAdministrateur = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceAdministrateur(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutClient(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutGestionnaire(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            ModifierClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValidModificationClient(),
                o => ModificationClient()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public OuvertureTicketSupportViewModel(Window window, int IdCompte, string Token, int IdArticle)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdCompte = IdCompte;

            this.Token = Token;

            this.IdArticle = IdArticle;

            Description = "Expliquez de manière concise votre problème";

            Debug.WriteLine("Demande d'ouverture d'un ticket pour l'article " + this.IdArticle);

            /* Routing */
            GoToInterfaceClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeFactures = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeFactures(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeTicketsClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToSolde = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToSoldeClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Action */
            OuvrirTicketCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValid_addedSupport(),
                o => OuvrirTicket()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ListeFacturesViewModel(Window window, int IdCompte, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            // Liste des factures
            string path = "Facture/" + IdCompte;

            Factures = new ObservableCollection <Facture>(_restApiQueries.GetFactures(path));

            this.IdCompte = IdCompte;
            this.Token    = Token;

            /* Routing */
            GoToInterfaceClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeFactures = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeFactures(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeTicketsClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToSolde = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToSoldeClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)
        public void AjoutClient()
            Client client = new Client()
                Login      = LoginInscription,
                Mail       = MailInscription,
                Nom        = NomInscription,
                Prenom     = PrenomInscription,
                MotDePasse = MotDePasseInscription,
                Telephone  = TelephoneInscription,
                Age        = Int32.Parse(AgeInscription)

            string path = "Client/";

            _restApiQueries.AddClient(path, client);
Пример #11
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ListeComptesClientViewModel(Window window, int IdClient, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdClient = IdClient;

            this.Token = Token;

            string path   = "Client/" + IdClient;
            Client client = _restApiQueries.GetSpecificClient(path);

            LoginClient = client.Login;

            // Liste des comptes
            path    = "Compte/Client/" + IdClient;
            Comptes = new ObservableCollection <Compte>(_restApiQueries.GetComptes(path));

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Boutons */
            AjouterCompteCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (NomNouveauCompte != null),
                o => AjoutCompte()

            SelectionCompteCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedCompte != null),
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, SelectedCompte.CompteId, Token)
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public InscriptionViewModel(Window window)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries("DefaultToken");

            _router = new Router();

            /* Routing */
            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Action */
            AjouterClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValidAjoutClient(),
                o => AjoutClient()
Пример #13
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public AjoutClientViewModel(Window window, int IdAdministrateur, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdAdministrateur = IdAdministrateur;
            this.Token            = Token;

            GoToInterfaceAdministrateur = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceAdministrateur(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutClient(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToAjoutGestionnaire = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutGestionnaire(_window, IdAdministrateur, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            AjouterClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValidAjoutClient(),
                o => AjoutClient()
Пример #14
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public AjoutClientAssocieViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;

            this.Token = Token;

            // Liste des clients dispo
            string path = "Client/GestionnaireAssocie/0";

            Clients = new ObservableCollection <Client>(_restApiQueries.GetClients(path));

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Boutons */
            AssocierClientCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedClient != null),
                o => AssociationClient()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ListeTicketsGestionnaireViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            string path = "Support/Commercial/Ouvert/" + IdGestionnaire;

            Supports = new ObservableCollection <Support>(_restApiQueries.GetSupports(path));

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;
            this.Token          = Token;

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Actions */
            FermerTicketCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedTicket != null),
                o => FermerTicket()

            AfficherDescriptionCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedTicket != null),
                o => AfficherDescription()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public InterfaceClientViewModel(Window window, int IdCompte, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            string path = "Compte/" + IdCompte;

            Compte = _restApiQueries.GetSpecificCompte(path);

            // Initialisation des listes (%20 = " ")
            path           = "Article/Panier/" + Compte.CompteId + "/%20";
            ArticlesPanier = new ObservableCollection <Article>(_restApiQueries.GetArticle(path));

            path = "Article/Disponibles/%20";
            ArticlesDisponibles = new ObservableCollection <Article>(_restApiQueries.GetArticle(path));


            this.IdCompte = IdCompte;
            this.Token    = Token;

            NomCompte = Compte.NomCompte;

            /* Routing */
            GoToInterfaceClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeFactures = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeFactures(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToListeTicketsClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToSolde = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToSoldeClient(_window, IdCompte, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Action */
            RechercheCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(StringRecherchee),
                o => Recherche(StringRecherchee)

            OuvrirTicket = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedArticlePanier != null),
                o => _router.GoToOuvertureTicketSupport(_window, IdCompte, Token, SelectedArticlePanier.ArticleId)

            RetirerArticle = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedArticlePanier != null),
                o => EnlevementArticlePanier()

            AjouterArticle = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedArticleDisponible != null),
                o => AjoutArticlePanier()

            GenererFacture = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => GenerationFacture()
Пример #17
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ModifierProduitViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token, Produit produit)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;

            this.Token = Token;

            /* Initilisation des valeurs de base du produit */
            IdProduit          = produit.ArticleId;
            NomProduit         = produit.Nom;
            DescriptionProduit = produit.Description;
            PrixProduit        = produit.Prix;
            ImageProduit       = produit.Image;
            TypeProduit        = produit.Type;
            ManuelProduit      = produit.Manuel;
            FabricantProduit   = produit.Fabricant;
            QuantiteProduit    = produit.Quantite;
            CapaciteProduit    = produit.Capacite;

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Boutons */
            ModifierProduitCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValid_produit(),
                o => ModifierProduit()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public ModifierServiceViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token, Service service)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;

            this.Token = Token;

            // Liste des abonnements
            string path = "Abonnement";

            Abonnements = new ObservableCollection <Abonnement>(_restApiQueries.GetAbonnements(path));

            /* Initilisation des valeurs de base du service */
            IdService          = service.ArticleId;
            NomService         = service.Nom;
            DescriptionService = service.Description;
            PrixService        = service.Prix;
            ImageService       = service.Image;
            TypeService        = service.Type;
            ManuelService      = service.Manuel;
            ConditionsService  = service.Conditions;
            AbonnementService  = service.Abonnement;

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Boutons */
            ModifierServiceCommand = new RelayCommand(
                o => isValid_service(),
                o => ModificationService()
        /* constructor and initialization */
        public InterfaceCommercialViewModel(Window window, int IdGestionnaire, string Token)
            _window = window;

            _restApiQueries = new RestApiQueries(Token);

            _router = new Router();

            this.IdGestionnaire = IdGestionnaire;

            string path;

            path = "Gestionnaire/" + IdGestionnaire;
            Debug.WriteLine("Path Login : "******"Gestionnaire/" + IdGestionnaire);

            Debug.WriteLine("GestionnaireLogin : "******"Client/GestionnaireAssocie/" + IdGestionnaire;
            ClientsLiés = new ObservableCollection <Client>(_restApiQueries.GetClients(path));

            // Liste des produits associés au gestionnaire
            path         = "Produit/GestionnaireAssocie/" + IdGestionnaire;
            ProduitsLiés = new ObservableCollection <Produit>(_restApiQueries.GetProduit(path));

            path     = "Service";
            Services = new ObservableCollection <Service>(_restApiQueries.GetService(path));

            this.Token = Token;

            /* Commandes de routing */
            GoToInterfaceCommercial = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToInterfaceCommercial(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAssociationClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAssociationClient(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutService = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToAjoutAbonnement = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToAjoutAbonnement(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToListeTickets = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToListeTicketsGestionnaire(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token)

            GoToConnexion = new RelayCommand(
                o => true,
                o => _router.GoToConnexion(_window)

            /* Commandes d'action */
            RetirerClient = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedClient != null),
                o => DesassociationClient()

            ModifierProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedProduit != null),
                o => _router.GoToModificationProduit(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token, SelectedProduit)

            SupprimerProduit = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedProduit != null),
                o => RetirerUnProduit()

            ModifierService = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedService != null),
                o => _router.GoToModificationService(_window, IdGestionnaire, Token, SelectedService)

            SupprimerService = new RelayCommand(
                o => (SelectedService != null),
                o => RemoveService()