public void TestGetContestantList() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 6); AddContestants(test, 3); Assert.AreEqual(test.GetConstestantList(), names[0] + System.Environment.NewLine + names[1] + System.Environment.NewLine + names[2] + System.Environment.NewLine); }
public void TestAskQuestion() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 2); AddContestants(test, 2); test.InitializeBee(); Assert.AreSame("Texas", test.AskQuestion()); }
public void TestGetAnswer() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 2); AddContestants(test, 2); test.InitializeBee(); Assert.AreSame("Austin", test.GetAnswer()); }
public void TestIncorrectAnswer() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 2); AddContestants(test, 2); test.RecordAnswer(false); Contestant con = test.ContestantList[test.contestant_index-1]; Assert.IsFalse(con.current_answer_correct); }
public void TestEliminateNone() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 2); AddContestants(test, 2); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RecordAnswer(false); Assert.IsTrue(test.CurrentContestant().current_answer_correct == true); }
public void TestEliminateOne() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 3); AddContestants(test, 3); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(true); Assert.AreEqual(2, test.ContestantList.Count()); }
private void AddContestants(Bee test, int num_contestants) { for ( int i=0; i<num_contestants; i++ ) test.AddContestant(names[i]); }
public void TestSameName() { Bee test_bee = new Bee(); Assert.IsTrue(test_bee.AddContestant("Bill")); Assert.IsFalse(test_bee.AddContestant("Bill")); }
public void TestTooFewQuestionsNextRound() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 3); AddContestants(test, 3); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(true); Assert.IsTrue(test.SufficientQuestions() == false); }
public void TestWinner() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 6); AddContestants(test, 3); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(false); Assert.IsTrue(test.RecordAnswer(false) == true); }
public void TestTooFewQuestions() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 1); AddContestants(test, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, test.InitializeBee()); }
public void TestSkipEliminatedContest() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 6); AddContestants(test, 3); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(true); string con_name = test.CurrentContestant().name; Assert.AreSame(names[1], con_name); }
public void TestSameQuestion() { Bee test = new Bee(); Assert.IsTrue(test.AddQuestion("What is the capitol of texas?", "Austin")); Assert.IsFalse(test.AddQuestion("What is the Capitol of Texas?", "Dallas")); }
public void TestLoadFiftyStates() { Bee test = new Bee(); test.LoadFiftyStates(); Assert.AreSame(test.QuestionList[49].answer, "Cheyenne"); }
private void AddQuestions(Bee test, int num_questions) { for (int i = 0; i < num_questions; i++) test.AddQuestion(questions[i, 0], questions[i, 1]); }
public void TestNextContestant() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 2); AddContestants(test, 2); test.InitializeBee(); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(true); Assert.AreSame(names[0], test.CurrentContestant().name); }
public void TestRestartBee() { Bee test = new Bee(); AddQuestions(test, 6); AddContestants(test, 3); test.RecordAnswer(true); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RecordAnswer(false); test.RestartBee(); Assert.IsTrue(test.QuestionList.Count() == 6 && test.ContestantList.Count() == 3); }