Пример #1
        public GRIB2IdentificationSection(FileStream fs)
            long position = fs.Position;

            _sectionHeader = new GRIB2SectionHeader(fs);
            if (_sectionHeader.SectionNo != 1)
            _centerId             = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _subcenterId          = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _masterTableVersionNo = fs.ReadByte();
            _locationTableVersion = fs.ReadByte();
            _significanceOfRT     = fs.ReadByte();
            int year   = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            int month  = fs.ReadByte();
            int day    = fs.ReadByte();
            int hour   = fs.ReadByte();
            int minute = fs.ReadByte();
            int second = fs.ReadByte();

            _referenceTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            _productStatus = fs.ReadByte();
            _productType   = fs.ReadByte();
            fs.Seek(position + _sectionHeader.SectionLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #2
        public Grib1BitMapSection(FileStream fs)
            long position = fs.Position;

            int[] bitmask = new int[] { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };

            // octet 1-3 (length of section)
            _sectionLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(fs);

            // octet 4 unused bits
            int unused = fs.ReadByte();

            // octets 5-6
            int bm = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);

            sbyte[] data = new sbyte[_sectionLength - 6];
            StreamReadHelper.ReadInput(fs, data, 0, data.Length);

            // 创建新位图, octet 4包含末尾使用过的位数
            _bitmap = new bool[(_sectionLength - 6) * 8 - unused];

            // 填充位图
            for (int i = 0; i < _bitmap.Length; i++)
                _bitmap[i] = (data[i / 8] & bitmask[i % 8]) != 0;
            fs.Seek(position + _sectionLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #3
        private int _nb;                   //Number of contributing spectral bands(Template 30)

        public GRIB2ProductDefinitionSection(FileStream fs)
            _sectionHeader = new GRIB2SectionHeader(fs);
            _coordinates   = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _productDefinitionTemplateNo = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
        private void SetTimeRange(int p1, int p2)
            switch (_timeRangeValue)
            case 0:
                _timeRange    = "product valid at RT + P1";
                _forecastTime = p1;

            case 1:
                _timeRange    = "product valid for RT, P1=0";
                _forecastTime = 0;

            case 2:
                _timeRange    = "product valid from (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

            case 3:
                _timeRange    = "product is an average between (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

            case 4:
                _timeRange    = "product is an accumulation between (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

            case 5:
                _timeRange    = "product is the difference (RT + P2) - (RT + P1)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

            case 6:
                _timeRange    = "product is an average from (RT - P1) to (RT - P2)";
                _forecastTime = -p2;

            case 7:
                _timeRange    = "product is an average from (RT - P1) to (RT + P2)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

            case 10:
                _timeRange = "product valid at RT + P1";
                // p1 really consists of 2 bytes p1 and p2
                _forecastTime = GribNumberHelper.Int2(p1, p2);

            case 51:
                _timeRange    = "mean value from RT to (RT + P2)";
                _forecastTime = p2;

        private void SetOtherAttributeByDataTemplateNo(FileStream fs)
            _referenceValue     = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
            _binaryScaleFactor  = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _decimalScaleFactor = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _numberOfBits       = fs.ReadByte();
            _originalType       = fs.ReadByte();
            switch (_dataTemplate)
            case 0:        //0 - Grid point data - simple packing
            case 1:        //1 - Matrix values - simple packing

            case 2:
            case 3:
                _splittingMethod = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 23
                _missingValueManagement = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 24 - 27
                _primaryMissingValue = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                // octet 28 - 31
                _secondaryMissingValue = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                // octet 32 - 35
                _numberOfGroups = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                // octet 36
                _referenceGroupWidths = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 37
                _bitsGroupWidths = fs.ReadByte();
                // according to documentation subtract referenceGroupWidths
                _bitsGroupWidths = _bitsGroupWidths - _referenceGroupWidths;
                // octet 38 - 41
                _referenceGroupLength = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                // octet 42
                _lengthIncrement = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 43 - 46
                _lengthLastGroup = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                // octet 47
                _bitsScaledGroupLength = fs.ReadByte();
                if (_dataTemplate == 3)
                    // case 3 // complex packing & spatial differencing
                    _orderSpatial      = fs.ReadByte();
                    _descriptorSpatial = fs.ReadByte();

            case 4:
            case 4000:
                _compressionMethod = fs.ReadByte();
                _compressionRatio  = fs.ReadByte();
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raf">with PDS content</param>
        public Grib1ProductDefinitionSection(FileStream fs)
            // octets 1-3 PDS length
            _sectionLength = (int)GribNumberHelper.Uint3(fs);
            // Paramter table octet 4
            _tableVersion = fs.ReadByte();
            // Center  octet 5
            _centerId = fs.ReadByte();
            // octet 6 Generating Process - See Table A
            _processId = fs.ReadByte();
            // octet 7 (id of grid type) - not supported yet
            _gridId = fs.ReadByte();
            //octet 8 (flag for presence of GDS and BMS)
            // octet 9 (parameter and unit)
            _parameterNumber = fs.ReadByte();

            // octets 10-12 (level)
            int levelType   = fs.ReadByte();
            int levelValue1 = fs.ReadByte();
            int levelValue2 = fs.ReadByte();

            _level = new GribPDSLevel(levelType, levelValue1, levelValue2);

            // octets 13-17 (base time for reference time)依次为year/month/day/hour/minute
            byte[] timeBytes = new Byte[5];
            fs.Read(timeBytes, 0, 5);

            // octet 18 Forecast time unit
            _timeUnit = fs.ReadByte();

            // octet 19 & 20 used to create Forecast time
            int p1 = fs.ReadByte();
            int p2 = fs.ReadByte();

            // octet 21 (time range indicator)
            _timeRangeValue = fs.ReadByte();
            // forecast time is always at the end of the range
            SetTimeRange(p1, p2);

            // octet 22 & 23
            int avgInclude = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);

            // octet 24
            int avgMissing = fs.ReadByte();

            // octet 25
            int century = fs.ReadByte() - 1;

            // octet 26, sub center
            _subcenterId = fs.ReadByte();

            // octets 27-28 (decimal scale factor)
            _decscale = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            SetReferenceTime(timeBytes, century);
            _parameterTable = GribPDSParamTable.GetParameterTable(_centerId, _subcenterId, _tableVersion);
            _parameter      = _parameterTable.GetParameter(_parameterNumber);
Пример #7
        private int _nb;                   //Number of contributing spectral bands(Template 30)

        public GRIB2ProductDefinitionSection(FileStream fs)
            long position = fs.Position;

            _sectionHeader = new GRIB2SectionHeader(fs);
            _coordinates   = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _productDefinitionTemplateNo = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            fs.Seek(position + _sectionHeader.SectionLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #8
        private float _dstart;         //Dstart ― offset from origin to inner bound

        public GRIB2GridDefinitionSection(FileStream fs)
            _sectionHeader  = new GRIB2SectionHeader(fs);
            _source         = fs.ReadByte();
            _pointsNumber   = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
            _olon           = fs.ReadByte();
            _iolon          = fs.ReadByte();
            _gridTemplateNo = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _gridName       = GetGridNameByGridNo();
Пример #9
 private void AdjustAttributes(byte[] array)
     if (this.Resolution == 128)
         _dx = (double)GribNumberHelper.Uint2(array[23], array[24]) / 1000.0;
         if (this.GridType == 4)
             _np = GribNumberHelper.Uint2(array[25], array[26]);
             _dy = (double)_np / 1000.0;
             _dy = (double)GribNumberHelper.Uint2(array[25], array[26]) / 1000.0;
         _scanMode = Convert.ToInt32(array[27]);
         _dx = (_lonEndPoint - _lonFirstPoint) / (double)(_nx - 1);
         _dy = (_latEndPoint - _latFirstPoint) / (double)(_ny - 1);
     if ((_scanMode & 128) != 0)
         _xReverse = true;
     if (_latEndPoint < _latFirstPoint)
         _yReverse = true;
     if (_thinnedGrid)
         _thinnedXNums   = new int[_ny];
         _thinnedGridNum = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < _ny; i++)
             _thinnedXNums[i] = GribNumberHelper.Int2(array[32 + i * 2], array[33 + i * 2]);
             _thinnedGridNum += this.ThinnedXNums[i];
             if (i == 0)
                 _nx = this.ThinnedXNums[i];
                 if (_nx < this.ThinnedXNums[i])
                     _nx = this.ThinnedXNums[i];
         _dx = Math.Abs(_lonEndPoint - _lonFirstPoint) / (double)(_nx - 1);
        private float _dstart;         //Dstart ― offset from origin to inner bound

        public GRIB2GridDefinitionSection(FileStream fs)
            long position = fs.Position;

            _sectionHeader  = new GRIB2SectionHeader(fs);
            _source         = fs.ReadByte();
            _pointsNumber   = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
            _olon           = fs.ReadByte();
            _iolon          = fs.ReadByte();
            _gridTemplateNo = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
            _gridName       = GetGridNameByGridNo();
            fs.Seek(position + _sectionHeader.SectionLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #11
        public float[] Read(int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height)
                if (_fileStream == null)
                if (width > _width | height > _height)
                if (_isBmsExist)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("不支持BitMapSection存在情况下的数据读取");

                _fileStream.Seek(_dataoffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                int sectionBytesLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fileStream);   //整个区段的字节长度
                int flagsAndUnusedbits = _fileStream.ReadByte();
                if ((flagsAndUnusedbits & 192) != 0)                            //&1100,取前两位,仅支持是flag[0],flag[1]都是0的情况
                    throw new NotSupportedException("BDS: (octet 4, 1st half) not grid point data and simple packing ");
                int unusedbits = flagsAndUnusedbits & 15;                       //&1111,取后四位的数值

                _binScale = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fileStream);
                _refValue = ComputeReferenceValue(_fileStream); //GribNumberHelper.Float4(_fileStream);

                _numBits = _fileStream.ReadByte();
                if (_numBits == 0)
                    _isConstant = true;
                float refRenamed = (float)(Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * _refValue);
                float scale      = (float)(Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * Math.Pow(2.0, _binScale));

                //long firstOffset = _fileStream.Position;
                //points = new GRIB_Point[((dataLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / numbits];  //当前情况下,整个数据区域的大小
                var bufRetDatas        = new float[height * width];
                var allDataBytesLength = (int)Math.Ceiling(((sectionBytesLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / 8d); //当前情况下,整个二进制数据所占用的字节数
                int realDataLength     = width * height * _numBits / 8 + 1;
                var bufferBytes        = new byte[allDataBytesLength];                                         //new byte[Math.Max(allDataBytesLength, realDataLength)]; //

                _fileStream.Read(bufferBytes, 0, allDataBytesLength);
                uint val;
                using (BitStream bs = new BitStream(new MemoryStream(bufferBytes)))
                    bs.Position = 0;
                    if (_thinnedGrid)
                        return(ReadDataWithThinnedValue(sectionBytesLength, unusedbits, refRenamed, scale, width, height, xoffset, yoffset, bs));

                    for (int j = yoffset; j < yoffset + height; j++)                         //缓存数据,上下调整前的第j行
                        if (_firstlat < _lastlat)                                            //记录方向为从南到北
                            bs.Position = ((_height - j - 1) * _width + xoffset) * _numBits; // +bitOffset;
                            for (int i = xoffset; i < xoffset + width; i++)
                                bs.Read(out val, 0, _numBits);
                                if (_firstlon == 0 && _lastlon > 300) //最大经度超过180在地图上将实际在西半球,经度为大于-180,但日本C数据最大为200°,不再分区域显示,故将界限定为300,影响X区域和Y区域的数据存储
                                    int halfLon = (int)((_lastlon - _firstlon) / _xresolution);
                                    if (i < halfLon)
                                        bufRetDatas[halfLon + i + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                                        bufRetDatas[i - halfLon + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                                    bufRetDatas[i + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                            if (j == yoffset)
                                //_fileStream.Seek((_width * yoffset + xoffset) * _numBits / 8, SeekOrigin.Current);  //起始位置字节流向后偏移的位置,(_width*yoffset+xoffset)表示偏移的点个数
                                bs.Position += (_width * yoffset + xoffset) * _numBits;
                                //_fileStream.Seek((_width - width) * _numBits / 8, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                bs.Position += (_width - width) * _numBits;
                            for (int i = xoffset; i < xoffset + width; i++)
                                bs.Read(out val, 0, _numBits);
                                if (_firstlon == 0 && _lastlon > 300)
                                    int halfLon = (int)((_lastlon - 180 + _xresolution) / _xresolution);
                                    if (i < halfLon)
                                        bufRetDatas[halfLon + i + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                                        bufRetDatas[i - halfLon + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                                    bufRetDatas[i + width * (j - yoffset)] = (float)Math.Round(refRenamed + scale * val, 6);
                ScanModeApplier.ApplyScanMode(_scanMode, width, ref bufRetDatas);
                //if (_thinnedGrid)
                //    return ReadDataWithThinnedValue(bufRetDatas, width, height);
                _fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        private void SetAttributeByGridTemplateNo(FileStream fs)
            int scaleFactorRadius, scaleDvalueRadius, scaleFactorMajor, scaleDvalueMajor,
                scaleFactorMinor, scaleDvalueMinor;
            float ratio;

            if ((_gridTemplateNo >= 50 && _gridTemplateNo <= 53) || _gridTemplateNo == 100 || _gridTemplateNo == 120)
                if (_gridTemplateNo >= 50 && _gridTemplateNo <= 53)
                    _j      = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    _k      = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    _m      = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    _method = fs.ReadByte();
                    _mode   = fs.ReadByte();
                    if (_gridTemplateNo == 51)
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 52)
                        _poleLat = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _poleLon = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _factor  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 53)
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                        _poleLat       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _poleLon       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _factor        = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                else if (_gridTemplateNo == 100)
                    _n2          = fs.ReadByte();
                    _n3          = fs.ReadByte();
                    _ni          = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                    _nd          = fs.ReadByte();
                    _poleLat     = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _poleLon     = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonofcenter = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _position    = fs.ReadByte();
                    _order       = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode    = fs.ReadByte();
                    _nt          = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _nb            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _nr            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _latFirstPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _lonFirstPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _dx            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _dstart        = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    _scanMode      = fs.ReadByte();
                _shape            = fs.ReadByte();
                scaleFactorRadius = fs.ReadByte();
                scaleDvalueRadius = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                scaleFactorMajor  = fs.ReadByte();
                scaleDvalueMajor  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                scaleFactorMinor  = fs.ReadByte();
                scaleDvalueMinor  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                _nx = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                _ny = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                switch (_gridTemplateNo)
                // Latitude/Longitude Grid
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    _angle             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _subDivisionsAngle = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    if (_angle == 0)
                        ratio = TenToNegSix;
                        ratio = _angle / _subDivisionsAngle;
                    _latFirstPoint  = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _lonFirstPoint  = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _resolutionFlag = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latEndPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _lonEndPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _dx             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _dy             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _scanMode       = fs.ReadByte();
                    //  1, 2, and 3 needs checked
                    if (_gridTemplateNo == 1)
                        //Rotated Latitude/longitude
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 2)
                        //Stretched Latitude/longitude
                        _poleLat = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _poleLon = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _factor  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 3)
                        //Stretched and Rotated Latitude/longitude
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                        _poleLat       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _poleLon       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                        _factor        = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);

                case 10:      // Mercator
                    _latFirstPoint  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonFirstPoint  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _resolutionFlag = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latD           = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _latEndPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonEndPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _scanMode       = fs.ReadByte();
                    _angle          = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _dx             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _dy             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);

                case 20:      // Polar stereographic projection
                    _latFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _resolutionFlag   = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latD             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lov              = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _dx               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _dy               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _projectionCenter = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode         = fs.ReadByte();

                case 30:      // Lambert Conformal
                    _latFirstPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _lonFirstPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _resolutionFlag   = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latD             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _lov              = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _dx               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _dy               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _projectionCenter = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode         = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latin1           = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _latin2           = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _spLat            = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);
                    _spLon            = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix);

                case 31:      // Albers Equal Area
                    _latFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _resolutionFlag   = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latD             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lov              = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _dx               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _dy               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _projectionCenter = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode         = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latin1           = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _latin2           = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _spLat            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _spLon            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;

                case 40:
                case 41:
                case 42:
                case 43:      // Gaussian latitude/longitude
                    _angle             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _subDivisionsAngle = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    if (_angle == 0)
                        ratio = TenToNegSix;
                        ratio = _angle / _subDivisionsAngle;
                    _latFirstPoint  = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _lonFirstPoint  = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _resolutionFlag = fs.ReadByte();
                    _latEndPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _lonEndPoint    = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _dx             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio);
                    _paralellNumber = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode       = fs.ReadByte();
                    if (_gridTemplateNo == 41)
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 42)
                        _poleLat = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _poleLon = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _factor  = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    else if (_gridTemplateNo == 43)
                        _spLat         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _spLon         = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _rotationAngle = GribNumberHelper.IEEEfloat4(fs);
                        _poleLat       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _poleLon       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * ratio;
                        _factor        = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);

                case 90:      // Space view perspective or orthographic
                    _lap            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _lop            = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _resolutionFlag = fs.ReadByte();
                    _dx             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _dy             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _xp             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _yp             = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _scanMode       = fs.ReadByte();
                    _angle          = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _altitude       = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * 1000000;
                    _xo             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    _yo             = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);

                case 110:      // Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection
                    _latFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _lonFirstPoint    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegSix;
                    _resolutionFlag   = fs.ReadByte();
                    _dx               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _dy               = (float)(GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs) * TenToNegThree);
                    _projectionCenter = fs.ReadByte();
                    _scanMode         = fs.ReadByte();
Пример #13
        private void SetOtherAttribute(FileStream fs)
            if (_gridType != 50)
                // Nx - 沿x轴的点数量
                _nx = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                _nx = (_nx == -1) ? 1 : _nx;

                // Ny - 沿y轴的点数量
                _ny            = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                _ny            = (_ny == -1) ? 1 : _ny;
                _latFirstPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0; // La1 - 第一个格网点的纬度
                _lonFirstPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0; // Lo1 - 第一个格网点的经度
                _resolution    = fs.ReadByte();                      //分辨率和组件标识
            switch (_gridType)
            //  Latitude/Longitude  grids,Arakawa semi-staggered e-grid rotated
            //  Arakawa filled e-grid rotated

            case 0:                                               // Latitude/longitude grid
            case 4:                                               //Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
            case 40:
            case 201:
            case 202:
                _latEndPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;          // La2 - 最后的格网点的纬度
                _lonEndPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;          // Lo2 - 最后的格网点的经度
                _dx          = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs) / 1000.0;          // Dx - 经度方向增加量
                if (_gridType == 4)
                    _np = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);                        // Np-极点与赤道间的平行线
                    _dy = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs) / 1000.0; // Dy - 纬度方向增加量
                _scanMode = fs.ReadByte();                    //扫描模式
                //29-32 reserved
                fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (_sectionLength > 32)
                    // Vertical coordinates (NV) and thinned grids (PL) not supported - skip this
                    fs.Seek(_sectionLength - 32, SeekOrigin.Current);

            //Mercator projection
            case 1:
                _latEndPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0; // La2 - 最后格网点的纬度
                _lonEndPoint = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0; // Lo2 - 最后格网点的经度
                // octets 24-26 (Latin - latitude where cylinder intersects the earth
                _latin1 = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;      //  Latin -圆柱体与地球相交处的高程
                _scanMode = fs.ReadByte();                         //扫描模式
                _dx       = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs);             // Dx - 经度方向增加量
                _dy       = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs);             //  Dy - 纬度方向增加量
                fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (_sectionLength > 42)
                    // Vertical coordinates (NV) and thinned grids (PL) not supported - skip this
                    fs.Seek(_sectionLength - 42, SeekOrigin.Current);

            //Lambert conformal, secant or tangent, conic or bi-polar, projection
            case 3:
                // Lov - Orientation of the grid - east lon parallel to y axis)
                _lov          = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;
                _dx           = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs); // Dx - X方向格网长度
                _dy           = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs); // Dy - Y方向格网长度
                _projetcenter = fs.ReadByte();             //投影中心标识
                _scanMode     = fs.ReadByte();             //扫描模式
                // Latin1 - first lat where secant cone cuts spherical earth
                _latin1 = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;
                // Latin2 - second lat where secant cone cuts spherical earth)
                _latin2 = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;
                _latsp  = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;   //南极点纬度
                _lonsp  = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;   //南极点经度
                fs.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (_sectionLength > 42)
                    // Vertical coordinates (NV) and thinned grids (PL) not supported - skip this
                    fs.Seek(_sectionLength - 42, SeekOrigin.Current);


            case 5:
                // Lov - Orientation of the grid - east lon parallel to y axis)
                _lov          = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs) / 1000.0;
                _dx           = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs); // Dx - 经度方向增加量
                _dy           = GribNumberHelper.Int3(fs); // Dy - 纬度方向增加量
                _projetcenter = fs.ReadByte();             //投影中心标识
                _scanMode     = fs.ReadByte();             //扫描模式
                fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (_sectionLength > 32)
                    // Vertical coordinates (NV) and thinned grids (PL) not supported - skip this
                    fs.Seek(_sectionLength - 32, SeekOrigin.Current);

            if ((_scanMode & 63) != 0)
                throw new Exception("GDS: This scanning mode (" + _scanMode + ") is not supported.");
Пример #14
        public GRIB_Point[] Read()
                if (_fs != null)
                    IGribBitMapSection bms    = null;
                    GRIB_Point[]       points = null;
                    bool isConstant           = false;
                    _fs.Seek(_dataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    if (_isBmsExist)
                        bms = new Grib1BitMapSection(_fs);
                    // octets 1-3 (section _length)
                    int dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);

                    // octet 4, 1st half (packing flag)
                    int unusedbits = _fs.ReadByte();

                    if ((unusedbits & 192) != 0)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("BDS: (octet 4, 1st half) not grid point data and simple packing ");

                    // octet 4, 2nd half (number of unused bits at end of this section)
                    unusedbits = unusedbits & 15;

                    // octets 5-6 (binary scale factor)
                    int binscale = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);

                    // octets 7-10 (reference point = minimum value)
                    float refvalue = GribNumberHelper.Float4(_fs);

                    // octet 11 (number of bits per value)
                    int numbits = _fs.ReadByte();
                    if (numbits == 0)
                        isConstant = true;
                    float refRenamed = (float)(Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * refvalue);
                    float scale      = (float)(System.Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * System.Math.Pow(2.0, binscale));

                    if (_firstlat == 0 & _lastlat == 90)
                        if (bms != null)
                            bool[] bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
                            points = new GRIB_Point[bitmap.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                                int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                if (bitmap[i])
                                    if (!isConstant)
                                        points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[m].Index = i;
                                        points[m].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                        // rdg - added this to handle a constant valued parameter
                                        points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[m].Index = i;
                                        points[m].Value = refRenamed;
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = -9999f;
                            if (!isConstant)
                                points = new GRIB_Point[((dataLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / numbits];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                // constant valued - same min and max
                                int x = 0, y = 0;
                                _fs.Seek(_fs.Position - 53, SeekOrigin.Begin); // return to start of GDS
                                dataLength = (int)GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                if (dataLength == 42)
                                    // Lambert/Mercator offset
                                    _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    _fs.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                    if (dataLength == 32)
                                        // Polar sterographic
                                        _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                        x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        x = y = 1;
                                points = new GRIB_Point[x * y];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = refRenamed;
                        if (bms != null)
                            bool[] bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
                            points = new GRIB_Point[bitmap.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                                if (bitmap[i])
                                    if (!isConstant)
                                        points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[i].Index = i;
                                        points[i].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                        // rdg - added this to handle a constant valued parameter
                                        points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[i].Index = i;
                                        points[i].Value = refRenamed;
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = -9999f;
                            if (!isConstant)
                                points = new GRIB_Point[((dataLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / numbits];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                // constant valued - same min and max
                                int x = 0, y = 0;
                                _fs.Seek(_fs.Position - 53, SeekOrigin.Begin); // return to start of GDS
                                dataLength = (int)GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                if (dataLength == 42)
                                    // Lambert/Mercator offset
                                    _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    _fs.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                    if (dataLength == 32)
                                        // Polar sterographic
                                        _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                        x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        x = y = 1;
                                points = new GRIB_Point[x * y];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = refRenamed;
                _fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #15
        private void SetOtherAttributeByProductDefinition(FileStream fs)
            // octet 10
            _parameterCategory = fs.ReadByte();
            // octet 11
            _parameterNumber = fs.ReadByte();
            switch (_productDefinitionTemplateNo)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 8:
                // octet 12
                _typeGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 13
                _backGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 14
                _analysisGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 15-16
                _hoursAfter = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                // octet 17
                _minutesAfter = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 18
                _timeRangeUnit = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 19-22
                _forecastTime = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                // octet 23
                _typeFirstFixedSurface = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 24
                int scaleFirstFixedSurface = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 25-28
                int valueFirstFixedSurface = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                _firstFixedSurfaceValue = (float)((scaleFirstFixedSurface == 0 || valueFirstFixedSurface == 0) ? valueFirstFixedSurface : System.Math.Pow(valueFirstFixedSurface, -scaleFirstFixedSurface));
                // octet 29
                _typeSecondFixedSurface = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 30
                int scaleSecondFixedSurface = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 31-34
                int valueSecondFixedSurface = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                _secondFixedSurfaceValue = (float)((scaleSecondFixedSurface == 0 || valueSecondFixedSurface == 0) ? valueSecondFixedSurface : System.Math.Pow(valueSecondFixedSurface, -scaleSecondFixedSurface));
                if (_productDefinitionTemplateNo == 8)
                    //  35-41 bytes
                    int year   = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                    int month  = (fs.ReadByte()) - 1;
                    int day    = fs.ReadByte();
                    int hour   = fs.ReadByte();
                    int minute = fs.ReadByte();
                    int second = fs.ReadByte();
                    // 42 - 46
                    int timeRanges        = fs.ReadByte();
                    int missingDataValues = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    // 47 - 48
                    int outmostTimeRange = fs.ReadByte();
                    int missing          = fs.ReadByte();
                    // 49 - 53
                    int statisticalProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                    int timeIncrement      = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);
                    // 54 - 58
                    int indicatorTR = fs.ReadByte();
                    int lengthTR    = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);

            case 20:
                _typeGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 13
                _backGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 14
                _analysisGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 15-16
                _hoursAfter = GribNumberHelper.Int2(fs);
                // octet 17
                _minutesAfter = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 18
                _timeRangeUnit = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 19-22
                _forecastTime = GribNumberHelper.Int4(fs);

            case 30:
                // octet 12
                _typeGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 13
                _backGenProcess = fs.ReadByte();
                // octet 14
                _nb = fs.ReadByte();
                fs.Seek(10 * _nb, SeekOrigin.Current);

            case 254: