Пример #1
        // Elements
        // Purpose:
        //   Computes the osculating Keplerian elements from the satellite state vector
        //   for elliptic orbits
        // Input/Output:
        //   GM        Gravitational coefficient
        //             (gravitational constant * mass of central body)
        //   y         State vector (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
        //   <return>  Keplerian elements (a,e,i,Omega,omega,M) with
        //               a      Semimajor axis
        //               e      Eccentricity
        //               i      Inclination [rad]
        //               Omega  Longitude of the ascending node [rad]
        //               omega  Argument of pericenter  [rad]
        //               M      Mean anomaly  [rad]
        // Notes:
        //   The state vector and GM must be given in consistent units,
        //   e.g. [m], [m/s] and [m^3/s^2]. The resulting unit of the semimajor
        //   axis is implied by the unity of y, e.g. [m].
        //   The function cannot be used with state vectors describing a circular
        //   or non-inclined orbit.
        /// <summary>
        /// 由某点的位置和速度,求解开普勒轨道根数。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GM"> Gravitational coefficien<t/param>
        /// <param name="y"> State vector (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Geo.Algorithm.Vector Elements(double GM, Geo.Algorithm.Vector stateVector)
            // Variables
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), v = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), h = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3);
            double H, u, R;
            double eCosE, eSinE, e2, E, nu;
            double a, e, i, Omega, omega, M;

            r = stateVector.Slice(0, 2);                         // Position
            v = stateVector.Slice(3, 5);                         // Velocity

            h = r.Cross3D(v);                                    // Areal velocity
            H = h.Norm();

            Omega = Math.Atan2(h[0], -h[1]);                                // Long. ascend. node
            Omega = MathUtil.Modulo(Omega, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);
            i     = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1]), h[2]); // Inclination
            u     = Math.Atan2(r[2] * H, -r[0] * h[1] + r[1] * h[0]);       // Arg. of latitude

            R     = r.Norm();                                               // Distance
            a     = 1.0 / (2.0 / R - v.Dot(v) / GM);                        // Semi-major axis
            eCosE = 1.0 - R / a;                                            // e*cos(E)
            eSinE = r.Dot(v) / Math.Sqrt(GM * a);                           // e*Math.Sin(E)

            e2 = eCosE * eCosE + eSinE * eSinE;
            e  = Math.Sqrt(e2);                                          // Eccentricity
            E  = Math.Atan2(eSinE, eCosE);                               // Eccentric anomaly

            M     = MathUtil.Modulo(E - eSinE, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);       // Mean anomaly
            nu    = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - e2) * eSinE, eCosE - e2); // True anomaly
            omega = MathUtil.Modulo(u - nu, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);          // Arg. of perihelion

            // Keplerian elements vector
            return(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(a, e, i, Omega, omega, M));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Computes the derivative of the state vector for the normalized (GM=1)
        ///   Kepler's problem in three dimensions
        ///    Note:
        ///   pAux is expected to point to an integer variable that will be incremented
        //   by one on each call of Deriv
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="pAux"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static Geo.Algorithm.Vector  f_Kep6D(double t, Geo.Algorithm.Vector y, Object pAux)
            // Pointer to auxiliary integer variable used as function call counter

            // State vector derivative
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r  = y.Slice(0, 2);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector v  = y.Slice(3, 5);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yp = v.Stack(-r / (Math.Pow(r.Norm(), 3)));

            // Increment function call count

        /// <summary>
        /// 导数、微分
        /// Computes the derivative of the state vector .
        ///   pAux is expected to point to a variable of type AuxDataRecord, which is
        ///   used to communicate with the other program sections and to hold satData
        ///   between subsequent calls of this function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">历元</param>
        /// <param name="y">卫星状态,坐标和速度</param>
        /// <param name="pAux">附加选项</param>
        static Geo.Algorithm.Vector Deriv(double t, Geo.Algorithm.Vector y, Object pAux)
            // Pointer to auxiliary satData record
            ForceModelOption p = (ForceModelOption)pAux;// static_cast<ForceModelOption*>(pAux);

            // Time
            double Mjd_TT = p.Mjd0_TT + t / 86400.0;

            // State vector components
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r = y.Slice(0, 2);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector v = y.Slice(3, 5);

            // Acceleration
            AccelerationCalculator calculator = new AccelerationCalculator(p, IERS);

            var a = calculator.GetAcceleration(Mjd_TT, r, v);

            // State vector derivative
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yp = v.Stack(a);
Пример #4
        // f_Kep6D_
        // Purpose:
        //   Computes the derivative of the state vector for the normalized (GM=1)
        //   Kepler's problem in three dimensions
        // Note:
        //   pAux is expected to point to a variable of type AuxDataRecord, which is
        //   used to communicate with the other program sections and to hold satData
        //   between subsequent calls of this function

        static Geo.Algorithm.Vector   f_Kep6D_(double t, Geo.Algorithm.Vector y, Object pAux)
            // State vector derivative
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r  = y.Slice(0, 2);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector v  = y.Slice(3, 5);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yp = v.Stack(-r / (Math.Pow(r.Norm(), 3)));

            // Pointer to auxiliary satData record
            AuxDataRecord p = (AuxDataRecord)pAux;// static_cast<AuxDataRecord*>(pAux);

            // Write current time, step aboutSize and radius; store time for next step
            if (t - p.t > 1.0e-10)
                var info = String.Format("{0, 5:D}{1,12:F6}{2,12:F6}{3,12:F3}", p.n_step, t, t - p.t, r.Norm());
                p.t = t;
            pAux = p;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Constants

            const double relerr = 1.0e-13;                                                                // Relative and absolute
            const double abserr = 1.0e-6;                                                                 // accuracy requirement

            const double a   = OrbitConsts.RadiusOfEarth + 650.0e3;                                       // Semi-major axis [m]
            const double e   = 0.001;                                                                     // Eccentricity
            const double inc = OrbitConsts.RadPerDeg * 51.0;                                              // Inclination [rad]

            double n = Math.Sqrt(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth / (a * a * a));                                     // Mean motion

            Matrix Scale = Matrix.CreateDiagonal(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1, 1, 1, 1 / n, 1 / n, 1 / n)); // Velocity
            Matrix scale = Matrix.CreateDiagonal(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1, 1, 1, n, n, n));             // normalization

            const double t_end = 86400.0;
            const double step  = 300.0;

            // Variables

            int       i, j;                                           // Loop counters
            double    Mjd0;                                           // Epoch (Modified Julian Date)
            double    t;                                              // Integration time [s]
            double    max, max_Kep;                                   // Matrix error norm
            AuxParam7 Aux1 = new AuxParam7(), Aux2 = new AuxParam7(); // Auxiliary parameter records

            // Model parameters for reference solution (full 10x10 gravity model) and
            // simplified variational equations

            // Epoch state and transition matrix

            Mjd0 = OrbitConsts.MJD_J2000;

            Aux1.Mjd_0 = Mjd0; // Reference epoch
            Aux1.n_a   = 10;   // Degree of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux1.m_a   = 10;   // Order of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux1.n_G   = 10;   // Degree of gravity field for variational equations
            Aux1.m_G   = 10;   // Order of gravity field for variational equations

            Aux2.Mjd_0 = Mjd0; // Reference epoch
            Aux2.n_a   = 2;    // Degree of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux2.m_a   = 0;    // Order of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux2.n_G   = 2;    // Degree of gravity field for variational equations
            Aux2.m_G   = 0;    // Order of gravity field for variational equations

            DeIntegrator Int1 = new DeIntegrator(VarEqn, 42, Aux1);                                          // Object for integrating the variat. eqns.
            DeIntegrator Int2 = new DeIntegrator(VarEqn, 42, Aux2);                                          //

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector y0 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(6), y = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(6);          // State vector
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yPhi1 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(42), yPhi2 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(42); // State and transition matrix vector
            Matrix Phi1 = new Matrix(6, 6), Phi2 = new Matrix(6, 6);                                         // State transition matrix
            Matrix Phi_Kep = new Matrix(6, 6);                                                               // State transition matrix (Keplerian)

            y0 = Kepler.State(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(a, e, inc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                yPhi1[i] = y0[i];
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    yPhi1[6 * (j + 1) + i] = (i == j ? 1 : 0);

            yPhi2 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(yPhi1);

            // Initialization

            t = 0.0;
            Int1.Init(t, relerr, abserr);
            Int2.Init(t, relerr, abserr);

            // Header
            var endl = "\r\n";
            var info = "Exercise 7-1: State transition matrix" + endl
                       + endl
                       + "  Time [s]  Error (J2)  Error(Kep)" + endl;

            // Steps

            while (t < t_end)
                // New output time

                t += step;

                // Integration

                Int1.Integ(t, ref yPhi1); // Reference
                Int2.Integ(t, ref yPhi2); // Simplified

                //info= setprecision(5) + setw(12)+yPhi1 + endl;
                //info= setprecision(5) + setw(12) + yPhi2 + endl;

                // Extract and normalize state transition matrices

                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    Phi1.SetCol(j, yPhi1.Slice(6 * (j + 1), 6 * (j + 1) + 5));
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    Phi2.SetCol(j, yPhi2.Slice(6 * (j + 1), 6 * (j + 1) + 5));

                Phi1 = Scale * Phi1 * scale;
                Phi2 = Scale * Phi2 * scale;

                // Keplerian state transition matrix (normalized)

                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, y0, t, ref y, ref Phi_Kep);
                Phi_Kep = Scale * Phi_Kep * scale;

                // Matrix error norms

                max     = Max(Matrix.CreateIdentity(6) - Phi1 * InvSymp(Phi2));
                max_Kep = Max(Matrix.CreateIdentity(6) - Phi1 * InvSymp(Phi_Kep));

                // Output
                //   info = String.Format( "{0, 10:F }{1, 10:F }{2, 10:F } ",  t,  max , max_Kep );
                info = String.Format("{0, 10:F2}{1, 10:F2}{2, 12:F2}", t, max, max_Kep);

            // Output

            info = endl
                   + "Time since epoch [s]" + endl
                   + endl
                   + String.Format("{0, 10:F}", t) + endl
                   + endl;
            info = "State transition matrix (reference)" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi1 + endl;
            info = "J2 State transition matrix" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi2 + endl;
            info = "Keplerian State transition matrix" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi_Kep + endl;

        /// <summary>
        ///  Computes the variational equations, i.e. the derivative of the state vector
        ///   and the state transition matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">t           Time since epoch (*pAux).Mjd_0 in [s]</param>
        /// <param name="yPhi"> yPhi        (6+36)-dim vector comprising the state vector (y) and the
        ///               state transition matrix (Phi) in column wise storage order</param>
        /// <param name="yPhip"> yPhip       Derivative of yPhi</param>
        /// <param name="pAux">pAux        Pointer; pAux is expected to point to a variable of type
        ///               AuxDataRecord, which is used to communicate with the other
        ///               program sections and to hold satData between subsequent calls
        ///               of this function</param>
        static Geo.Algorithm.Vector VarEqn(double t, Geo.Algorithm.Vector yPhi, Object pAux) // void* pAux )
            // Variables
            AuxParam7 p;                                                                           // Auxiliary satData pointer
            int       i, j;                                                                        // Loop counters
            double    Mjd;                                                                         // Modified Julian Date

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), v = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3); // Position, velocity
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector a = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3);                                  // Acceleration
            Matrix G    = new Matrix(3, 3);                                                        // Gradient of acceleration
            Matrix Phi  = new Matrix(6, 6);                                                        // State transition matrix
            Matrix Phip = new Matrix(6, 6);                                                        // Time derivative of state transition matrix
            Matrix dfdy = new Matrix(6, 6);                                                        //

            // Pointer to auxiliary satData record
            p = (AuxParam7)(pAux);

            // Time

            Mjd = p.Mjd_0 + t / 86400.0;

            // State vector components
            r = yPhi.Slice(0, 2);
            v = yPhi.Slice(3, 5);

            // State transition matrix
            for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                Phi.SetCol(j, yPhi.Slice(6 * (j + 1), 6 * (j + 1) + 5));

            // Acceleration and gradient
            a = Accel(Mjd, r, p.n_a, p.m_a);
            G = Gradient(Mjd, r, p.n_G, p.m_G);

            // Time derivative of state transition matrix
            for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
                    dfdy[i, j]         = 0.0;              // dv/dr[i,j]
                    dfdy[i + 3, j]     = G[i, j];          // da/dr[i,j]
                    dfdy[i, j + 3]     = (i == j ? 1 : 0); // dv/dv[i,j]
                    dfdy[i + 3, j + 3] = 0.0;              // da/dv[i,j]

            Phip = dfdy * Phi;

            // Derivative of combined state vector and state transition matrix
            var yPhip = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(42);

            for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                yPhip[i]     = v[i];                // dr/dt[i]
                yPhip[i + 3] = a[i];                // dv/dt[i]
            for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    yPhip[6 * (j + 1) + i] = Phip[i, j];     // dPhi/dt[i,j]