Пример #1
        public void NegTest_int()
            const int offx = 5;
            const int offy = 10;

            foreach (int length in new[] { 24, 128 })
                int[] x0 = new int[length];
                int[] y0 = new int[length];

                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    x0[i] = (int)i;
                    y0[i] = (int)(i + 2);

                // not-in-place
                int[] y     = y0.ToArray();
                int   count = length - Math.Max(offx, offy) - 2;
                Vectors.Neg(count, x0, offx, y, offy);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(y0.Select((a, i) => i.Between(offy, offy + count - 1) ? (int)-x0[i - offy + offx] : a).ToArray(), y);

                // in-place
                int[] x = x0.ToArray();
                count = length - offx - 2;
                Vectors.Neg(count, x, offx);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(x0.Select((a, i) => i.Between(offx, offx + count - 1) ? (int)-a : a).ToArray(), x);
Пример #2
        public void AddTest_float()
            const int offx  = 5;
            const int offy0 = 8;
            const int offy  = 10;

            foreach (int length in new[] { 24, 128 })
                float[] x  = this.random.Generate(length, null);
                float[] y0 = this.random.Generate(length, null);

                float[] y = y0.ToArray();
                Mathematics.Add(length, x, 0, y, 0);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(x.Zip(y0, (a, b) => a + b).ToArray(), y);

                y = y0.ToArray();
                int count = length - Math.Max(offx, offy);
                Mathematics.Add(count, x, offx, y, offy);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(offy, y0, 0, y, 0);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(count, x.Skip(offx).Zip(y0.Skip(offy), (a, b) => a + b).ToArray(), 0, y, offy);

                y = y0.ToArray();
                Mathematics.Add(length, x, 0, y0, 0, y, 0);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(x.Zip(y0, (a, b) => a + b).ToArray(), y);

                y     = y0.ToArray();
                count = length - Math.Max(offx, Math.Max(offy, offy0));
                Mathematics.Add(count, x, offx, y0, offy0, y, offy);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(offy, y0, 0, y, 0);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(count, x.Skip(offx).Zip(y0.Skip(offy0), (a, b) => a + b).ToArray(), 0, y, offy);
Пример #3
        public void VxVTest()
            const int m = 3;
            const int n = 2;

            float[] x = new float[m] {
                1, 2, 3
            float[] y = new float[n] {
                4, 5

            // column-major
            // [1]
            // [2] x [4, 5]
            // [3]
            float[] a = new float[m * n];
            Matrix.VxV(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, n, x, 0, y, 0, a, 0, true);

            float[] expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 4),
                (2 * 4),
                (3 * 4),
                (1 * 5),
                (2 * 5),
                (3 * 5)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, a);

            // row-major
            // [1]
            // [2] x [4, 5]
            // [3]
            a = new float[m * n];
            Matrix.VxV(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, n, x, 0, y, 0, a, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 4),
                (1 * 5),
                (2 * 4),
                (2 * 5),
                (3 * 4),
                (3 * 5)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, a);
Пример #4
        public void SinTest_double()
            const int offx = 5;
            const int offy = 10;

            foreach (int length in new[] { 24, 128 })
                double[] x0 = this.random.Generate(length);
                double[] y0 = this.random.Generate(length);

                // not-in-place
                double[] y     = y0.ToArray();
                int      count = length - Math.Max(offx, offy) - 2;
                Trigonometry.Sin(count, x0, offx, y, offy);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(y0.Select((a, i) => i.Between(offy, offy + count - 1) ? (double)Math.Sin(x0[i - offy + offx]) : a).ToArray(), y);

                // in-place
                double[] x = x0.ToArray();
                count = length - offx - 2;
                Trigonometry.Sin(count, x, offx);
                GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(x0.Select((a, i) => i.Between(offx, offx + count - 1) ? (double)Math.Sin(a) : a).ToArray(), x);
Пример #5
        public void MxVTest()
            const int m = 3;
            const int n = 2;

            float[] a = new float[m * n] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

            // column-major, no transpose
            // [1, 4]
            // [2, 5] x [7]
            // [3, 6]   [8]
            float[] x = new float[n] {
                7, 8
            float[] y = new float[m];
            Matrix.MxV(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, n, a, 0, false, x, 0, y, 0, true);

            float[] expected = new float[m]
                (1 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (2 * 7) + (5 * 8),
                (3 * 7) + (6 * 8)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, y);

            // row-major, no transpose
            // [1, 2]
            // [3, 4] x [7]
            // [5, 6]   [8]
            Matrix.MxV(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, n, a, 0, false, x, 0, y, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m]
                (1 * 7) + (2 * 8),
                (3 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (5 * 7) + (6 * 8)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, y);

            // column-major, transpose
            // [1, 4]'   [7]
            // [2, 5]  x [8]
            // [3, 6]    [9]
            x = new float[m] {
                7, 8, 9
            y = new float[n];
            Matrix.MxV(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, n, a, 0, true, x, 0, y, 0, true);

            expected = new float[n]
                (1 * 7) + (2 * 8) + (3 * 9),
                (4 * 7) + (5 * 8) + (6 * 9)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, y);

            // row-major, transpose
            // [1, 2]'   [7]
            // [3, 4]  x [8]
            // [5, 6]    [9]
            Matrix.MxV(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, n, a, 0, true, x, 0, y, 0, true);

            expected = new float[n]
                (1 * 7) + (3 * 8) + (5 * 9),
                (2 * 7) + (4 * 8) + (6 * 9)
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, y);
Пример #6
        public void MxMTest()
            const int m = 3;
            const int k = 2;
            const int n = 4;

            float[] a = new float[m * k] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
            float[] b = new float[k * n] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
            float[] c = new float[m * n];

            // column-major, no transpose
            // [1, 4]
            // [2, 5] x [1, 3, 5, 7]
            // [3, 6]   [2, 4, 6, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, false, b, 0, false, c, 0, true);

            float[] expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (4 * 2),
                (2 * 1) + (5 * 2),
                (3 * 1) + (6 * 2),
                (1 * 3) + (4 * 4),
                (2 * 3) + (5 * 4),
                (3 * 3) + (6 * 4),
                (1 * 5) + (4 * 6),
                (2 * 5) + (5 * 6),
                (3 * 5) + (6 * 6),
                (1 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (2 * 7) + (5 * 8),
                (3 * 7) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // column-major, transpose A
            // [1, 3, 5]' x [1, 3, 5, 7]
            // [2, 4, 6]    [2, 4, 6, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, true, b, 0, false, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (2 * 2),
                (3 * 1) + (4 * 2),
                (5 * 1) + (6 * 2),
                (1 * 3) + (2 * 4),
                (3 * 3) + (4 * 4),
                (5 * 3) + (6 * 4),
                (1 * 5) + (2 * 6),
                (3 * 5) + (4 * 6),
                (5 * 5) + (6 * 6),
                (1 * 7) + (2 * 8),
                (3 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (5 * 7) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // column-major, transpose B
            // [1, 4]   [1, 5]'
            // [2, 5] x [2, 6]
            // [3, 6]   [3, 7]
            //          [4, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, false, b, 0, true, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (4 * 5),
                (2 * 1) + (5 * 5),
                (3 * 1) + (6 * 5),
                (1 * 2) + (4 * 6),
                (2 * 2) + (5 * 6),
                (3 * 2) + (6 * 6),
                (1 * 3) + (4 * 7),
                (2 * 3) + (5 * 7),
                (3 * 3) + (6 * 7),
                (1 * 4) + (4 * 8),
                (2 * 4) + (5 * 8),
                (3 * 4) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // column-major, transpose A and B
            // [1, 3, 5]'   [1, 5]'
            // [2, 4, 6]  x [2, 6]
            //              [3, 7]
            //              [4, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.ColumnMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, true, b, 0, true, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (2 * 5),
                (3 * 1) + (4 * 5),
                (5 * 1) + (6 * 5),
                (1 * 2) + (2 * 6),
                (3 * 2) + (4 * 6),
                (5 * 2) + (6 * 6),
                (1 * 3) + (2 * 7),
                (3 * 3) + (4 * 7),
                (5 * 3) + (6 * 7),
                (1 * 4) + (2 * 8),
                (3 * 4) + (4 * 8),
                (5 * 4) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // row-major, no transpose
            // [1, 2]
            // [3, 4] x [1, 2, 3, 4]
            // [5, 6]   [5, 6, 7, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, false, b, 0, false, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (2 * 5),
                (1 * 2) + (2 * 6),
                (1 * 3) + (2 * 7),
                (1 * 4) + (2 * 8),
                (3 * 1) + (4 * 5),
                (3 * 2) + (4 * 6),
                (3 * 3) + (4 * 7),
                (3 * 4) + (4 * 8),
                (5 * 1) + (6 * 5),
                (5 * 2) + (6 * 6),
                (5 * 3) + (6 * 7),
                (5 * 4) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // row-major, transpose A
            // [1, 2, 3]' x [1, 2, 3, 4]
            // [4, 5, 6]    [5, 6, 7, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, true, b, 0, false, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (4 * 5),
                (1 * 2) + (4 * 6),
                (1 * 3) + (4 * 7),
                (1 * 4) + (4 * 8),
                (2 * 1) + (5 * 5),
                (2 * 2) + (5 * 6),
                (2 * 3) + (5 * 7),
                (2 * 4) + (5 * 8),
                (3 * 1) + (6 * 5),
                (3 * 2) + (6 * 6),
                (3 * 3) + (6 * 7),
                (3 * 4) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // row-major, transpose B
            // [1, 2]   [1, 2]'
            // [3, 4] x [3, 4]
            // [5, 6]   [5, 6]
            //          [7, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, false, b, 0, true, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (2 * 2),
                (1 * 3) + (2 * 4),
                (1 * 5) + (2 * 6),
                (1 * 7) + (2 * 8),
                (3 * 1) + (4 * 2),
                (3 * 3) + (4 * 4),
                (3 * 5) + (4 * 6),
                (3 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (5 * 1) + (6 * 2),
                (5 * 3) + (6 * 4),
                (5 * 5) + (6 * 6),
                (5 * 7) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);

            // row-major, transpose A and B
            // [1, 2, 3]'   [1, 2]'
            // [4, 5, 6]  x [3, 4]
            //              [5, 6]
            //              [7, 8]
            Matrix.MxM(MatrixLayout.RowMajor, m, k, n, a, 0, true, b, 0, true, c, 0, true);

            expected = new float[m * n]
                (1 * 1) + (4 * 2),
                (1 * 3) + (4 * 4),
                (1 * 5) + (4 * 6),
                (1 * 7) + (4 * 8),
                (2 * 1) + (5 * 2),
                (2 * 3) + (5 * 4),
                (2 * 5) + (5 * 6),
                (2 * 7) + (5 * 8),
                (3 * 1) + (6 * 2),
                (3 * 3) + (6 * 4),
                (3 * 5) + (6 * 6),
                (3 * 7) + (6 * 8),
            GenixAssert.AreArraysEqual(expected, c);