Пример #1
		// compare to another molecule instance; null is equivalent to empty; return values:
		//     -1 if Mol < Other
		//	    0 if Mol == Other
		//	    1 if Mol > Other 
		//  can be used to sort molecules, albeit crudely; does not do any kind of canonical preprocessing
		public virtual int CompareTo(Molecule Other)
			if (Other == null)
				return NumAtoms() == 0?0:1; // null is equivalent to empty
			if (NumAtoms() < Other.NumAtoms())
				return - 1;
			if (NumAtoms() > Other.NumAtoms())
				return 1;
			if (NumBonds() < Other.NumBonds())
				return - 1;
			if (NumBonds() > Other.NumBonds())
				return 1;
			for (int n = 1; n <= NumAtoms(); n++)
				int c = String.CompareOrdinal(AtomElement(n), Other.AtomElement(n));
				if (c != 0)
					return c;
				if (AtomX(n) < Other.AtomX(n))
					return - 1;
				if (AtomX(n) > Other.AtomX(n))
					return 1;
				if (AtomY(n) < Other.AtomY(n))
					return - 1;
				if (AtomY(n) > Other.AtomY(n))
					return 1;
				if (AtomCharge(n) < Other.AtomCharge(n))
					return - 1;
				if (AtomCharge(n) > Other.AtomCharge(n))
					return 1;
				if (AtomUnpaired(n) < Other.AtomUnpaired(n))
					return - 1;
				if (AtomUnpaired(n) > Other.AtomUnpaired(n))
					return 1;
				if (AtomHExplicit(n) < Other.AtomHExplicit(n))
					return - 1;
				if (AtomHExplicit(n) > Other.AtomHExplicit(n))
					return 1;
			for (int n = 1; n <= NumBonds(); n++)
				if (BondFrom(n) < Other.BondFrom(n))
					return - 1;
				if (BondFrom(n) > Other.BondFrom(n))
					return 1;
				if (BondTo(n) < Other.BondTo(n))
					return - 1;
				if (BondTo(n) > Other.BondTo(n))
					return 1;
				if (BondOrder(n) < Other.BondOrder(n))
					return - 1;
				if (BondOrder(n) > Other.BondOrder(n))
					return 1;
				if (BondType(n) < Other.BondType(n))
					return - 1;
				if (BondType(n) > Other.BondType(n))
					return 1;
			return 0;
Пример #2
		public static void  WriteMDLMOL(System.IO.StreamWriter output, Molecule mol)
			//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class 'java.text.DecimalFormat' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javatextDecimalFormat'"
			//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'java.text.DecimalFormat.DecimalFormat' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javatextDecimalFormat'"
			// DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
            string fmtStr = "N4"; 
			output.Write("\nNuGenChem MOLfile\n\n");
			output.Write(intrpad(mol.NumAtoms(), 3) + intrpad(mol.NumBonds(), 3) + "  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000\n");
			System.String line;
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumAtoms(); n++)
                string str = mol.AtomX(n).ToString(fmtStr);
				line = rep(" ", 10 - str.Length) + str;
                str = mol.AtomY(n).ToString(fmtStr);
				line += (rep(" ", 10 - str.Length) + str);
				line += "    0.0000 ";
				str = mol.AtomElement(n);
				line += (str + rep(" ", 4 - str.Length) + "0");
				int chg = mol.AtomCharge(n), spin = mol.AtomUnpaired(n);
				if (chg >= - 3 && chg <= - 1)
					chg = 4 - chg;
				else if (chg == 0 && spin == 2)
					chg = 4;
				else if (chg < 1 || chg > 3)
					chg = 0;
				line += (intrpad(chg, 3) + "  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0");
				output.Write(line + "\n");
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumBonds(); n++)
				int type = mol.BondOrder(n);
				if (type < 1 || type > 3)
					type = 1;
				int stereo = mol.BondType(n);
				if (stereo == Molecule.BONDTYPE_NORMAL)
				else if (stereo == Molecule.BONDTYPE_INCLINED)
					stereo = 1; type = 1;
				else if (stereo == Molecule.BONDTYPE_DECLINED)
					stereo = 6; type = 1;
				else if (stereo == Molecule.BONDTYPE_UNKNOWN)
					stereo = 4; type = 1;
					stereo = 0;
				output.Write(intrpad(mol.BondFrom(n), 3) + intrpad(mol.BondTo(n), 3) + intrpad(type, 3) + intrpad(stereo, 3) + "  0  0  0\n");
			int count = 0;
			line = "";
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumAtoms(); n++)
				if (mol.AtomCharge(n) != 0)
					line += (intrpad(n, 4) + intrpad(mol.AtomCharge(n), 4));
					if (count == 8)
						output.Write("M  CHG" + intrpad(count, 3) + line + "\n");
						count = 0; line = "";
			if (count > 0)
				output.Write("M  CHG" + intrpad(count, 3) + line + "\n");
			count = 0;
			line = "";
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumAtoms(); n++)
				if (mol.AtomUnpaired(n) != 0)
					line += (intrpad(n, 4) + intrpad(mol.AtomUnpaired(n), 4));
					if (count == 8)
						output.Write("M  RAD" + intrpad(count, 3) + line + "\n");
						count = 0; line = "";
			if (count > 0)
				output.Write("M  RAD" + intrpad(count, 3) + line + "\n");
			output.Write("M  END\n");
Пример #3
		public static void  WriteCMLXML(System.IO.StreamWriter output, Molecule mol)
			output.Write("  <molecule xmlns=\"http://www.xml-cml.org/schema/cml2/core\">\n");
			output.Write("    <atomArray>\n");
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumAtoms(); n++)
				output.Write("      <atom id=\"a" + n + "\" elementType=\"" + mol.AtomElement(n) + "\"" + " x2=\"" + mol.AtomX(n) + "\" y2=\"" + mol.AtomY(n) + "\" hydrogenCount=\"" + mol.AtomHydrogens(n) + "\"/>\n");
			output.Write("    </atomArray>\n");
			output.Write("    <bondArray>\n");
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumBonds(); n++)
				output.Write("      <bond id=\"b" + n + "\" atomRefs2=\"a" + mol.BondFrom(n) + " a" + mol.BondTo(n) + "\" order=\"" + mol.BondOrder(n) + "\"/>\n");
			output.Write("    </bondArray>\n");
			output.Write("  </molecule>\n");
Пример #4
		public static void  WriteNative(System.IO.StreamWriter output, Molecule mol)
			//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class 'java.text.DecimalFormat' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javatextDecimalFormat'"
			//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'java.text.DecimalFormat.DecimalFormat' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javatextDecimalFormat'"
			// DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
            string fmtStr = "N4";
			output.Write("SketchEl!(" + mol.NumAtoms() + "," + mol.NumBonds() + ")\n");
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumAtoms(); n++)
				System.String hy = mol.AtomHExplicit(n) != Molecule.HEXPLICIT_UNKNOWN?("e" + mol.AtomHExplicit(n)):("i" + mol.AtomHydrogens(n));
                output.Write(mol.AtomElement(n) + "=" + mol.AtomX(n).ToString(fmtStr) + "," + mol.AtomY(n).ToString(fmtStr) + ";" + mol.AtomCharge(n) + "," + mol.AtomUnpaired(n) + "," + hy + "\n");
			for (int n = 1; n <= mol.NumBonds(); n++)
				output.Write(mol.BondFrom(n) + "-" + mol.BondTo(n) + "=" + mol.BondOrder(n) + "," + mol.BondType(n) + "\n");