Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates the screen from its current location by 90 degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clockwise">Set to true to rotate the screen 90 degrees clockwise from its current location, or false to rotate it anti-clockwise.</param>
        public static void RotateScreen(bool clockwise)
            DisplaySettings set = DisplayManager.GetCurrentSettings();

            int tmp = set.Height;

            set.Height = set.Width;
            set.Width  = tmp;

            if (clockwise)

            if (set.Orientation < Orientation.Default)
                set.Orientation = Orientation.Clockwise270;
            else if (set.Orientation > Orientation.Clockwise270)
                set.Orientation = Orientation.Default;

 public GregwareCustomizations(bool isFullscreenGregware, bool isScrollGregware, bool isGentool, int width, int height, TaskScheduler uiScheduler)
     _isFullscreenGregware = isFullscreenGregware;
     _isScrollGregware     = isScrollGregware;
     _isGentool            = isGentool;
     _width                   = width;
     _height                  = height;
     _uiScheduler             = uiScheduler;
     _isGentool               = isGentool;
     _originalDisplaySettings = DisplayManager.GetCurrentSettings();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the current display settings with the new settings provided. May throw InvalidOperationException if failed. Check the exception message for more details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="set">The new settings.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Internally calls ChangeDisplaySettings() native function.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void SetDisplaySettings(DisplaySettings set)
            SafeNativeMethods.DEVMODE mode = GetDeviceMode();

            mode.dmPelsWidth          = (uint)set.Width;
            mode.dmPelsHeight         = (uint)set.Height;
            mode.dmDisplayOrientation = (uint)set.Orientation;
            mode.dmBitsPerPel         = (uint)set.BitCount;
            mode.dmDisplayFrequency   = (uint)set.Frequency;

            DisplayChangeResult result = (DisplayChangeResult)SafeNativeMethods.ChangeDisplaySettings(ref mode, 0);

            string msg = null;

            switch (result)
            case DisplayChangeResult.BadDualView:
                msg = "The settings change was unsuccessful because system is DualView capable.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.BadParam:
                msg = "An invalid parameter was passed in. This can include an invalid flag or combination of flags.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.BadFlags:
                msg = "An invalid set of flags was passed in.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.NotUpdated:
                msg = "Unable to write settings to the registry.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.BadMode:
                msg = "The graphics mode is not supported.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.Failed:
                msg = "The display driver failed the specified graphics mode.";

            case DisplayChangeResult.Restart:
                msg = "The computer must be restarted in order for the graphics mode to work.";

            if (msg != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
        public void Activer()
            // Initialisation
            _enabled = true;

            // Trouver le process
            Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName("game.dat").FirstOrDefault();

            if (process == null)
                throw new Exception("Problème d'exécution du jeu, si cette erreur persiste essayer de désactiver les options Gregware (fullscreen et scroll)");

            if (_isFullscreenGregware)
                // Changer resolution
                if (_originalDisplaySettings.Width != _width || _originalDisplaySettings.Height != _height)
                    DisplaySettings newDs = new DisplaySettings
                        BitCount    = _originalDisplaySettings.BitCount,
                        Frequency   = _originalDisplaySettings.Frequency,
                        Index       = _originalDisplaySettings.Index,
                        Orientation = _originalDisplaySettings.Orientation,
                        Width       = _width,
                        Height      = _height
                    _resolutionChanged = true;

                // Attendre
                if (_width == 800)
                    // si width de 800 on ne peut pas différencier splash screen du jeu, on attend 10 secondes bêtement...
                    // sinon on peut différencier, on attend juste ce qu'il faut - 10 sec max
                    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                    Rect rect = new Rect();
                    GetWindowRect(process.MainWindowHandle, ref rect);
                    while (rect.Right - rect.Left != _width && sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds < 10000)
                        GetWindowRect(process.MainWindowHandle, ref rect);

                // No top most
                SetWindowPos(process.MainWindowHandle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

                // Replacer la fenêtre
                MoveWindow(process.MainWindowHandle, 0, 0, _width, _height, true);

            // Focus
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (_enabled)
                    _activateHook = GetForegroundWindow() == process.MainWindowHandle;

            // Hook
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                _globalHook = Hook.GlobalEvents();
                if (_isFullscreenGregware && !_isGentool)
                    _globalHook.MouseMoveExt += GlobalHookMouseMoveExt;
                if (_isScrollGregware)
                    _globalHook.KeyDown += _globalHook_KeyDown;
                    _globalHook.KeyUp   += _globalHook_KeyUp;
            }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiScheduler);

            // Scroll
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (_enabled)
                    // Simuler en envoyant des pressions de touche du clavier

                    // Cumuler les actions de souris et clavier.
                    EdgeZone edgeZoneCumul;
                    if (!_activateHook)
                        edgeZoneCumul = EdgeZone.NONE;
                        if (_edgeZoneKeyboard == _edgeZoneMouse)
                            edgeZoneCumul = _edgeZoneKeyboard;                                      // Tout va bien, on est d'accord
                        else if (_edgeZoneKeyboard == EdgeZone.NONE)
                            edgeZoneCumul = _edgeZoneMouse;                                          // Que la souris en scroll
                        else if (_edgeZoneMouse == EdgeZone.NONE)
                            edgeZoneCumul = _edgeZoneKeyboard;                                       // Que le clavier en scroll
                            edgeZoneCumul = EdgeZone.NONE;  // Il y a conflit, on ne fait rien

                    // Envoyer les keys
                    switch (edgeZoneCumul)
                    case EdgeZone.NONE:
                        // Toutes les touches UP
                        if (_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, false);
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);

                    case EdgeZone.L:
                        // Left et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);

                    case EdgeZone.R:
                        // Right et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);

                    case EdgeZone.T:
                        // Top et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);

                    case EdgeZone.B:
                        // Bottom et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);

                    case EdgeZone.LT:
                        // Left, Top et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, true);
                        if (!_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);

                    case EdgeZone.LB:
                        // Left, Bottom et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, true);
                        if (!_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);

                    case EdgeZone.RT:
                        // Right, Top et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, true);
                        if (!_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, false);

                    case EdgeZone.RB:
                        // Right, Bottom et Alt DOWN
                        if (!_isDownAlt)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.ALT, true);
                        if (!_isDownBottom)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.BOTTOM, true);
                        if (!_isDownRight)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.RIGHT, true);

                        // les autre UP
                        if (_isDownLeft)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.LEFT, false);
                        if (_isDownTop)
                            SendKey(KEYS_DX.UP, false);