private string SavePdf(string base64data) { string destinationFileName = ""; try { List <string> pdfFiles = new List <string>(); byte[] pdfbytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64data); // string installedPath = @"C:\"; string installedPath = @"C:\Users\Public\"; string fileName = "Certificatebk" + ".pdf"; destinationFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(installedPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName)); // byte[] readFile = File.ReadAllBytes(",Invoice.pdf"); File.WriteAllBytes(destinationFileName, pdfbytes); } catch (Exception ex) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox(ex.Message, "Modal error message"); } return(destinationFileName); }
private void btnPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtLicPdfCode.Text == "" || txtLicPdfCode.Text == "Enter Pdf Verfication Code") { txtLicPdfCode.Focus(); errorProvider1.SetError(txtLicPdfCode, "Enter Pdf Verfication Code"); return; } else { errorProvider1.Clear(); } var vehicelDetails = GetVehicelDetialsByLicPdfCode(txtLicPdfCode.Text); if (vehicelDetails != null && vehicelDetails.VehicelId != 0) { RequestToke token = Service_db.GetLatestToken(); if (ObjToken != null) { parternToken = token.Token; } pictureBox2.Visible = true; pictureBox2.WaitOnLoad = true; String WebUrlPath = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebUrlPath"]; string filePath = WebUrlPath + "/" + "Documents/License/" + vehicelDetails.VehicelId + ".pdf"; string optionalFilePath = WebUrlPath + "/" + "Documents/License/" + vehicelDetails.RegistrationNo + ".pdf"; //urlPath //var pdfPath = SavePdfFromUrl(filePath, optionalFilePath); //// var pdfPath = @"F:\sample.pdf"; //PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //doc.LoadFromFile(pdfPath); //doc.Pages.Insert(0); //doc.Pages.Add(); //doc.Pages.RemoveAt(0);//Since First page have always Red Text if use Free Version. //doc.SaveToFile(pdfPath); string installedPath = @"C:\Users\Public\"; string fileName = "Certificate" + ".pdf"; var destinationFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(installedPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName)); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filePath); PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(destinationFileName, FileMode.Create)); int total = reader.NumberOfPages; for (int pageNumber = total; pageNumber > 0; pageNumber--) { stamper.InsertPage(pageNumber, PageSize.A4); } stamper.Close(); reader.Close(); MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please Print Licence Disk. ", "Print License Disk"); printPDFWithAcrobat(destinationFileName); pictureBox2.Visible = false; riskDetail = new RiskDetailModel { CombinedID = vehicelDetails.CombinedID, LicenseId = vehicelDetails.LicenseId, RegistrationNo = vehicelDetails.RegistrationNo }; this.Close(); WebCertificateSerial obj = new WebCertificateSerial(riskDetail, parternToken); obj.Show(); } else { pictureBox2.Visible = false; MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Certificate is not found for this code", "Message"); } pictureBox2.Visible = false; }
private void btnScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { pictureBox2.Visible = true; pictureBox2.WaitOnLoad = true; var pdfPath = SavePdf(_base64Data); //PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //doc.LoadFromFile(pdfPath); //doc.Pages.Insert(0); //doc.Pages.Add(); //doc.Pages.RemoveAt(0);//Since First page have always Red Text if use Free Version. //doc.SaveToFile(pdfPath); //string installedPath = @"C:\Users\Public\"; //string fileName = "Certificate" + ".pdf"; string installedPath = @"C:\Users\Public\"; string fileName = "Certificate" + ".pdf"; var destinationFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(installedPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName)); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfPath); PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(destinationFileName, FileMode.Create)); int total = reader.NumberOfPages; for (int pageNumber = total; pageNumber > 0; pageNumber--) { stamper.InsertPage(pageNumber, PageSize.A4); } stamper.Close(); reader.Close(); //MessageBox.Show("Please Print Licence Disk. ", "Print License Disk"); MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please Print Licence Disk. ", "Print License Disk"); printPDFWithAcrobat(destinationFileName); CreateLicenseFile(_base64Data); CertSerialNoDetailModel model = new CertSerialNoDetailModel(); model.VehicleId = RiskDetailModel.Id; model.CertSerialNo = txtCertificateSerialNumber.Text; SaveCertSerialNum(model); // pictureBox2.WaitOnLoad = false; pictureBox2.Visible = false; txtCertificateSerialNumber.ForeColor = Color.Gray; txtCertificateSerialNumber.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { pictureBox2.WaitOnLoad = false; pictureBox2.Visible = false; // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); MyMessageBox.ShowBox(ex.Message, "Modal error message"); } }