Пример #1
        public Map Load([NotNull] string fileName)
            if (fileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");
            using (FileStream mapStream = File.OpenRead(fileName)) {
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(mapStream);
                // Load MetaData
                Map mapFile = LoadMapMetadata(mapStream);

                // Load the data store
                int    dataBlockSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                byte[] jsonDataBlock = new byte[dataBlockSize];
                reader.Read(jsonDataBlock, 0, dataBlockSize);
                MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(jsonDataBlock);
                DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(OpticraftDataStore));
                OpticraftDataStore         dataStore  = (OpticraftDataStore)serializer.ReadObject(memStream);
                // Load Zones
                LoadZones(mapFile, dataStore);

                // Load the block store
                mapFile.Blocks = new Byte[mapFile.Volume];
                using (GZipStream decompressor = new GZipStream(mapStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
                    decompressor.Read(mapFile.Blocks, 0, mapFile.Blocks.Length);

Пример #2
        public bool Save([NotNull] Map mapToSave, [NotNull] string fileName)
            if (mapToSave == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapToSave");
            if (fileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");
            using (FileStream mapStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) {
                BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(mapStream);
                // Version

                MemoryStream serializationStream      = new MemoryStream();
                DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(OpticraftMetaData));
                // Create and serialize core meta data
                OpticraftMetaData oMetadate = new OpticraftMetaData {
                    X = mapToSave.Width,
                    Y = mapToSave.Length,
                    Z = mapToSave.Height,
                    // Spawn
                    SpawnX           = mapToSave.Spawn.X,
                    SpawnY           = mapToSave.Spawn.Y,
                    SpawnZ           = mapToSave.Spawn.Z,
                    SpawnOrientation = mapToSave.Spawn.R,
                    SpawnPitch       = mapToSave.Spawn.L
                // World related values.
                if (mapToSave.World != null)
                    oMetadate.Hidden           = mapToSave.World.IsHidden;
                    oMetadate.MinimumJoinRank  = mapToSave.World.AccessSecurity.MinRank.Name;
                    oMetadate.MinimumBuildRank = mapToSave.World.BuildSecurity.MinRank.Name;
                    oMetadate.Hidden          = false;
                    oMetadate.MinimumJoinRank = oMetadate.MinimumBuildRank = "guest";

                oMetadate.CreationDate = 0; // This is ctime for when the world was created. Unsure on how to extract it. Opticraft makes no use of it as of yet
                serializer.WriteObject(serializationStream, oMetadate);
                byte[] jsonMetaData = serializationStream.ToArray();

                // Now create and serialize core data store (zones)
                Zone[]             zoneCache  = mapToSave.Zones.Cache;
                OpticraftDataStore oDataStore = new OpticraftDataStore {
                    Zones = new OpticraftZone[zoneCache.Length]
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Zone zone in zoneCache)
                    OpticraftZone oZone = new OpticraftZone {
                        Name        = zone.Name,
                        MinimumRank = zone.Controller.MinRank.Name,
                        Owner       = "",
                        X1          = zone.Bounds.XMin,
                        X2          = zone.Bounds.XMax,
                        Y1          = zone.Bounds.YMin,
                        Y2          = zone.Bounds.YMax,
                        Z1          = zone.Bounds.ZMin,
                        Z2          = zone.Bounds.ZMax,
                        Builders    = new string[zone.Controller.ExceptionList.Included.Length]

                    // Bounds

                    // Builders
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (PlayerInfo pInfo in zone.Controller.ExceptionList.Included)
                        oZone.Builders[j++] = pInfo.Name;

                    // Excluded players
                    oZone.Excluded = new string[zone.Controller.ExceptionList.Excluded.Length];
                    j = 0;
                    foreach (PlayerInfo pInfo in zone.Controller.ExceptionList.Excluded)
                        oZone.Builders[j++] = pInfo.Name;
                    oDataStore.Zones[i++] = oZone;
                // Serialize it
                serializationStream = new MemoryStream();
                serializer          = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(OpticraftDataStore));
                serializer.WriteObject(serializationStream, oDataStore);
                byte[] jsonDataStore = serializationStream.ToArray();

                // Blocks
                MemoryStream blockStream = new MemoryStream();
                using (GZipStream zipper = new GZipStream(blockStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true)) {
                    zipper.Write(mapToSave.Blocks, 0, mapToSave.Blocks.Length);
                byte[] compressedBlocks = blockStream.ToArray();
Пример #3
        static void LoadZones([NotNull] Map mapFile, [NotNull] OpticraftDataStore dataStore)
            if (mapFile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapFile");
            if (dataStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataStore");
            if (dataStore.Zones.Length == 0)

            // TODO: investigate side effects
            PlayerInfo conversionPlayer = new PlayerInfo("OpticraftConversion", RankManager.HighestRank, true, RankChangeType.AutoPromoted);

            foreach (OpticraftZone optiZone in dataStore.Zones)
                // Make zone
                Zone fZone = new Zone {
                    Name = optiZone.Name,
                BoundingBox bBox = new BoundingBox(optiZone.X1, optiZone.Y1, optiZone.Z1, optiZone.X2, optiZone.X2, optiZone.Z2);
                fZone.Create(bBox, conversionPlayer);

                // Min rank
                Rank minRank = Rank.Parse(optiZone.MinimumRank);
                if (minRank != null)
                    fZone.Controller.MinRank = minRank;

                foreach (string playerName in optiZone.Builders)
                    // These are all lower case names
                    if (!Player.IsValidName(playerName))
                    PlayerInfo pInfo = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact(playerName);
                    if (pInfo != null)
                // Excluded names are not as of yet implemented in opticraft, but will be soon
                // So add compatibility for them when they arrive.
                if (optiZone.Excluded != null)
                    foreach (string playerName in optiZone.Excluded)
                        // These are all lower case names
                        if (!Player.IsValidName(playerName))
                        PlayerInfo pInfo = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact(playerName);
                        if (pInfo != null)