Пример #1
        public Dictionary <int, List <int> > CalculatePickupDays()
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > pds = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(origin.GetPickupDays());

            if (subLoopIndex < origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count)
                SubLoop oldSubLoop = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops [subLoopIndex];
                for (int i = 0; i < oldSubLoop.orders.Count - 1; i++)
                    List <int> newList = new List <int>(pds[oldSubLoop.orders[i].orderID]);
                    pds[oldSubLoop.orders[i].orderID] = newList;
            if (newSubLoop != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < newSubLoop.orders.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (newSubLoop.orders [i].orderID != 0)
                        List <int> newList = new List <int>(pds [newSubLoop.orders [i].orderID]);
                        pds [newSubLoop.orders [i].orderID] = newList;
Пример #2
 public Neighbour(Node origin, SubLoop newSubLoop, int truck, int day, int subLoopIndex)
     this.origin       = origin;
     this.newSubLoop   = newSubLoop;
     this.truck        = truck;
     this.day          = day;
     this.subLoopIndex = subLoopIndex;
Пример #3
        public static SubLoop OffsetSubLoop(SubLoop subLoop, int offset)
            List <Order> newOrders = new List <Order>();

            for (int i = 0; i < subLoop.orders.Count; i++)
                int newI = (i - offset + subLoop.orders.Count) % subLoop.orders.Count;
                newOrders.Add(subLoop.orders [newI]);
            subLoop.orders = newOrders;
Пример #4
 public SubLoop GetUntangledVersion()
     if (untangledVersion == null)
         untangledVersion = Program.SolveTravellingSM(this).Item1;
         int dumpIndex = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < untangledVersion.orders.Count; i++)
             if (untangledVersion.orders[i].orderID == 0)
                 dumpIndex = i;
         untangledVersion = Program.OffsetSubLoop(untangledVersion, -(dumpIndex + 1));
Пример #5
        public Node ToNode()
            Loop loop = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1];

            if (newSubLoop == null)
                if (loop.subLoops.Count <= subLoopIndex)
                    SubLoop subLoop1       = new SubLoop();
                    SubLoop subLoop2       = null;
                    SubLoop currentSubLoop = subLoop1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newSubLoop.orders.Count - 1; i++)
                        currentSubLoop.orders.Add(newSubLoop.orders [i]);
                        if (newSubLoop.orders[i].orderID == 0)
                            subLoop2       = new SubLoop();
                            currentSubLoop = subLoop2;
                    currentSubLoop.orders.Add(newSubLoop.orders [newSubLoop.orders.Count - 1]);
                    loop.subLoops [subLoopIndex] = subLoop1;
                    if (subLoop2 != null)
                        subLoop1.untangledVersion = newSubLoop.untangledVersion;
            origin.score      = score;
            origin.pickupDays = pickupDays;
Пример #6
        public static Tuple <float, int> CalculateLoopDurationAndCapacity(SubLoop subLoop)
            float time   = 0;
            int   volume = 0;
            int   pos    = dumpID;

            for (int i = 0; i < subLoop.orders.Count; i++)
                Order order = subLoop.orders [i];
                time += GetDistance(pos, order.matrixID);
                if (order.orderID == 0)
                    time += dumpDuration;
                pos     = order.matrixID;
                time   += order.duration;
                volume += (int)Math.Round((float)order.containerVolume * 0.2f);
            return(new Tuple <float, int>(time, volume));
Пример #7
        public static Tuple <SubLoop, float> SolveTravellingSM(SubLoop origin)
            List <Order> bestList         = null;
            float        smallestDistance = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < origin.orders.Count; i++)
                List <Order> orders = new List <Order>();
                List <Order> newList = new List <Order>();
                Order        order   = orders [i];
                float distance = 0;
                while (orders.Count > 0)
                    Tuple <Order, float> closestOrder = FindClosestOrder(order, orders);
                    Order nextOrder = closestOrder.Item1;
                    order     = nextOrder;
                    distance += closestOrder.Item2;
                //close the loop
                distance += GetDistance(newList [0], newList [newList.Count - 1]);
                if (distance < smallestDistance)
                    smallestDistance = distance;
                    bestList         = newList;
            SubLoop subLoop = new SubLoop();

            subLoop.orders = bestList;
            return(new Tuple <SubLoop, float>(subLoop, smallestDistance));
Пример #8
        public static void AddOrdersToLoop(SubLoop subLoop, float subTime, int subDistance, List <Order> possibleOrders, List <SubLoop> result)
            float timeLeft     = 12f * 60f - subTime;
            int   capacityLeft = 20000 - subDistance;
            float maxDistance  = 500f / 60f;

            //find possible orders
            foreach (Order order in possibleOrders)
                if (!subLoop.orders.Contains(order))
                    for (int x = 0; x < subLoop.orders.Count; x++)
                        int   posA       = x == 0 ? dumpID : subLoop.orders[x - 1].matrixID;
                        int   posB       = subLoop.orders[x].orderID == 0 ? dumpID : subLoop.orders[x].matrixID;
                        int   posC       = order.orderID == 0 ? dumpID : order.matrixID;
                        float acDistance = GetDistance(posA, posC);
                        if (acDistance <= maxDistance)
                            float deltaTime = -GetDistance(posA, posB);
                            deltaTime += acDistance;
                            deltaTime += GetDistance(posC, posB);
                            deltaTime += order.duration;
                            if (timeLeft >= deltaTime && ((order.orderID == 0 && x > 0 && x < subLoop.orders.Count - 1) || (capacityLeft >= (float)(order.containerVolume) * 0.2f)))
                                //insert order before x
                                SubLoop newSubLoop = new SubLoop();
                                newSubLoop.orders.Insert(x, order);
Пример #9
        public static List <Neighbour> GetNeighbours(Node origin)
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > frequencies = GetPickupDays(origin);
            List <Order> possibleOrders = new List <Order>();

            foreach (Order order in completeOrderList)
                if (frequencies[order.orderID].Count < order.frequence)
            possibleOrders.Add(new Order());

            List <Neighbour> neighbours = new List <Neighbour>();
            DateTime         time       = DateTime.Now;

            //remove an order from a loop
            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < origin.loops[truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count; i++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops[i].orders.Count - 1; x++)
                            SubLoop newSubLoop = new SubLoop();
                            newSubLoop.orders.AddRange(origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops [i].orders);
                            if (newSubLoop.orders.Count == 1)
                                newSubLoop = null;
                            Neighbour neighbour = new Neighbour(origin, newSubLoop, truck, day, i);
            //Console.WriteLine("removeDuration:    " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(time));
            time = DateTime.Now;
            //add an order to a loop
            List <Thread> [,] threads = new List <Thread> [2, 5];
            List <List <SubLoop> >[,] threadResults = new List <List <SubLoop> > [2, 5];
            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    Tuple <float, List <int> > timeAndDistance = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].GetTimeAndVolume();
                    List <List <SubLoop> >     loopResults     = new List <List <SubLoop> >();
                    threadResults [truck - 1, day - 1] = loopResults;
                    threads [truck - 1, day - 1]       = new List <Thread>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < origin.loops[truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count; i++)
                        SubLoop        subLoop      = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops [i];
                        List <SubLoop> threadResult = new List <SubLoop>();
                        int    distance = timeAndDistance.Item2 [i];
                        Thread thread   = new Thread(() => AddOrdersToLoop(subLoop, timeAndDistance.Item1, distance, possibleOrders, threadResult));
                        threads [truck - 1, day - 1].Add(thread);
            //add a new subloop
            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    Tuple <float, List <int> > timeAndDistance = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].GetTimeAndVolume();
                    float timeLeft = 12f * 60f - timeAndDistance.Item1;
                    if (timeLeft >= dumpDuration)
                        foreach (Order order in possibleOrders)
                            if (order.orderID != 0 && timeLeft >= dumpDuration + GetDistance(dumpID, order.matrixID) + GetDistance(order.matrixID, dumpID) + order.duration)
                                SubLoop subLoop = new SubLoop();
                                subLoop.orders.Add(new Order());
                                Neighbour neighbour = new Neighbour(origin, subLoop, truck, day, origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count);
            //untangle a loop
            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < origin.loops[truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count; i++)
                        SubLoop   subLoop   = origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops [i].GetUntangledVersion();
                        Neighbour neighbour = new Neighbour(origin, subLoop, truck, day, i);
            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    List <List <SubLoop> > loopResult = threadResults [truck - 1, day - 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < threads[truck - 1, day - 1].Count; i++)
                        threads [truck - 1, day - 1] [i].Join();
                        List <SubLoop> threadResult = loopResult [i];
                        if (threadResult != null)
                            for (int x = 0; x < threadResult.Count; x++)
                                Neighbour neighbour = new Neighbour(origin, threadResult [x], truck, day, i);
Пример #10
        public static Tuple <float, float> CalculateScore(Neighbour neighbour)
            //calculate time
            float time = 0f;

            for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                    Loop loop = neighbour.origin.loops [truck - 1, day - 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i <= loop.subLoops.Count; i++)
                        SubLoop subLoop = null;
                        if (neighbour.truck == truck && neighbour.day == day && neighbour.subLoopIndex == i)
                            subLoop = neighbour.newSubLoop;
                        else if (i < loop.subLoops.Count)
                            subLoop = loop.subLoops [i];
                        if (subLoop != null)
                            time += subLoop.GetTimeAndVolume().Item1;
            //calculate penalty
            float penalty  = 0;
            int   declined = 0;
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > pickupDays = neighbour.GetPickupDays();

            for (int i = 0; i < completeOrderList.Count; i++)
                bool       accept = false;
                List <int> days   = pickupDays [completeOrderList [i].orderID];
                switch (completeOrderList [i].frequence)
                case 1:
                    if (days.Count > 0)
                        accept = true;

                case 2:
                    if ((days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(4)) || (days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(5)))
                        accept = true;

                case 3:
                    if (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(5))
                        accept = true;

                case 4:
                    if ((days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)))
                        accept = true;
                if (!accept)
                    penalty += 3f * completeOrderList [i].duration * completeOrderList [i].frequence;
            return(new Tuple <float, float>(time, (float)penalty));
Пример #11
        static void Main(string [] args)
            List <Order> orders = new List <Order>();
            Node         node   = new Node();

            //read order file
            bool         decimalComma = float.Parse("12.5") == 125f;
            int          maxMatrixID  = 0;
            StreamReader orderFile    = new StreamReader("Orderbestand.txt");
            string       line         = orderFile.ReadLine();

            while (line != null)
                line = orderFile.ReadLine();
                if (line != null)
                    string[] parameters      = line.Split(';');
                    int      orderID         = int.Parse(parameters[0]);
                    int      frequence       = int.Parse(parameters[2].Substring(0, 1));
                    int      containerVolume = int.Parse(parameters[3]) * int.Parse(parameters[4]);
                    string   durationString  = decimalComma ? parameters [5].Replace('.', ',') : parameters [5];
                    float    duration        = float.Parse(durationString);
                    int      matrixID        = int.Parse(parameters[6]);
                    if (matrixID > maxMatrixID)
                        maxMatrixID = matrixID;
                    if (frequence == 1)
                        orders.Add(new Order(orderID, frequence, containerVolume, duration, matrixID));                         //add order to list
                        completeOrderList.Add(new Order(orderID, frequence, containerVolume, duration, matrixID));

            distances = new int [maxMatrixID + 1, maxMatrixID + 1];
            StreamReader distanceFile = new StreamReader("AfstandenMatrix.txt");

            line = distanceFile.ReadLine();
            while (line != null)
                line = distanceFile.ReadLine();
                if (line != null)
                    string [] parameters = line.Split(';');
                    int       matrixID1  = int.Parse(parameters [0]);
                    int       matrixID2  = int.Parse(parameters [1]);
                    int       distance   = int.Parse(parameters [3]);
                    distances [matrixID1, matrixID2] = distance;

            int          currentLocation = dumpID;
            List <Order> todayOrders     = new List <Order>();

            for (int day = 1; day <= 5; day++)
                for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                    float timeLeft        = 12f * 60f;
                    float currentCapacity = 20000;
                    while (todayOrders.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = todayOrders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            Order order = todayOrders [i];
                            if (timeLeft < GetDistance(currentLocation, order.matrixID) + order.duration + GetDistance(order.matrixID, dumpID) + dumpDuration)
                        List <Order> currentOrders = new List <Order>();
                        SubLoop      newSubLoop    = new SubLoop();
                        float heuristicSumTravel = 0, heuristicSumEmpty = 0, loopduration = 0, loopCapacity = 0;
                        int   loopPos = currentLocation;
                        while (currentOrders.Count > 0)
                            float bestHeuristic = float.NegativeInfinity, bestHeuristicTravel = float.NegativeInfinity, bestHeuristicEmpty = float.NegativeInfinity;
                            Order bestOrder = currentOrders [0];
                            for (int i = currentOrders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                Order order = currentOrders [i];
                                float newHeuristicTravel, newHeuristicEmpty;
                                bool  enoughCapacity = currentCapacity >= loopCapacity + order.containerVolume * 0.2f;
                                bool  enoughTime     = timeLeft >= loopduration + GetDistance(loopPos, order.matrixID) + order.duration + GetDistance(order.matrixID, dumpID) + dumpDuration;
                                if (enoughCapacity && enoughTime)
                                    newHeuristicTravel = GetDistance(loopPos, order.matrixID);
                                    newHeuristicEmpty  = order.duration;
                                    float newHeuristic = 2f * newHeuristicEmpty - newHeuristicTravel;
                                    if (newHeuristic > bestHeuristic)
                                        bestHeuristic       = newHeuristic;
                                        bestHeuristicEmpty  = newHeuristicEmpty;
                                        bestHeuristicTravel = newHeuristicTravel;
                                        bestOrder           = order;
                            if (currentOrders.Count > 0)
                                heuristicSumEmpty  += bestHeuristicEmpty;
                                heuristicSumTravel += bestHeuristicTravel;
                                loopduration += GetDistance(loopPos, bestOrder.matrixID);
                                loopduration += bestOrder.duration;
                                loopPos       = bestOrder.matrixID;
                                loopCapacity += bestOrder.containerVolume * 0.2f;
                        heuristicSumTravel += GetDistance(loopPos, dumpID);
                        heuristicSumEmpty  += dumpDuration;

                        //sort the new loop
                        if (newSubLoop.orders.Count > 0)
                            Order dump = new Order();
                            Tuple <SubLoop, float> SM = SolveTravellingSM(newSubLoop);
                            if (SM.Item2 < heuristicSumTravel)
                                heuristicSumTravel = SM.Item2;
                                newSubLoop         = SM.Item1;
                            int dumpIndex = newSubLoop.orders.IndexOf(dump);
                            newSubLoop = OffsetSubLoop(newSubLoop, -(dumpIndex + 1));

                        //Console.WriteLine("SUM: " + heuristicSum);
                        if ((2f * heuristicSumEmpty - heuristicSumTravel) > 0 && newSubLoop.orders.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < newSubLoop.orders.Count; i++)
                                Order order = newSubLoop.orders [i];
                                //collect garbage
                                timeLeft        -= GetDistance(currentLocation, order.matrixID); //move to order
                                currentLocation  = order.matrixID;
                                timeLeft        -= order.duration;                               //collect garbage
                                currentCapacity -= order.containerVolume * 0.2f;                 //lose capacity
                            node.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Add(newSubLoop);

                            timeLeft       -= GetDistance(currentLocation, dumpID); //move to dump
                            currentLocation = dumpID;                               //set location to dump
                            timeLeft       -= dumpDuration;                         //empty
                            currentCapacity = 20000;                                //reset capacity


            /*Node test = new Node();
             * SubLoop testSubLoop = new SubLoop();
             * testSubLoop.orders.Add(completeOrderList[5]);
             * testSubLoop.orders.Add(new Order());
             * test.loops [0, 0].subLoops.Add(testSubLoop);
             * SubLoop testSubLoop2 = new SubLoop();
             * testSubLoop2.orders.Add(completeOrderList [5]);
             * testSubLoop2.orders.Add(new Order());
             * test.loops [0, 3].subLoops.Add(testSubLoop2);
             * PrintResult(test);
             * Console.WriteLine(test.GetScore());
             * Neighbour testNeighbour = new Neighbour(test, null, 1, 1, 0);
             * Console.WriteLine(test.GetScore());
             * Console.WriteLine(testNeighbour.GetScore());
             * Node testNode = testNeighbour.ToNode();
             * Console.WriteLine(CalculateScore(testNode));
             * //PrintResult(testNode);
             * /*SubLoop testNewSubLoop = new SubLoop();
             * testNewSubLoop.orders.AddRange(testSubLoop.orders);
             * testNewSubLoop.orders.Insert(1, completeOrderList[65]);
             * testNewSubLoop.orders.Insert(1, new Order());
             * Neighbour testNeighbour2 = new Neighbour(test, testNewSubLoop, 1, 1, 0);
             * Console.WriteLine(test.GetScore());
             * Console.WriteLine(testNeighbour.GetScore());
             * Console.WriteLine(testNeighbour2.GetScore());
             * Dictionary<int, List<int>> pds = testNeighbour.CalculatePickupDays();
             * Node node2 = testNeighbour2.ToNode();
             * PrintResult(node2);
             * Console.WriteLine(node2.GetScore());
             * Console.WriteLine(testNewSubLoop.GetTimeAndVolume());*/

            node = new Node();

            Tuple <float, float> bestScore = node.GetScore();
            int      a     = 1;
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            int      totalNeighbourCount = 0;

            float T         = 5;
            int   stepsPerT = 16 * 50;
            float Tfactor   = 0.95f;
            float TTreshold = 0.05f;

            int stepsTillThreshold = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(TTreshold / T, Tfactor));

            while (T > TTreshold)
                for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerT; i++)
                    if (a % 10 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine(a + " / " + stepsPerT * stepsTillThreshold + ": " + (bestScore.Item1 + bestScore.Item2));
                        Console.WriteLine("extrapolated time remaining: " + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)Math.Round((DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds / (float)a) * (float)(stepsPerT * stepsTillThreshold - a))));
                    DateTime         startTime  = DateTime.Now;
                    List <Neighbour> neighbours = GetNeighbours(node);
                    totalNeighbourCount += neighbours.Count;
                    //Console.WriteLine("neighbourDuration: " + (DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime)));
                    //Console.WriteLine("neighbours:        " + neighbours.Count);
                    bool                 accepted  = false;
                    Neighbour            neighbour = null;
                    Tuple <float, float> score     = null;
                    int x = 0;
                    startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    while (accepted == false)
                        neighbour = neighbours [random.Next(neighbours.Count)];
                        score     = neighbour.GetScore();
                        float scoreSum = score.Item1 + score.Item2;
                        if (scoreSum < bestScore.Item1 + bestScore.Item2)
                            accepted = true;
                            float  delta = scoreSum - (bestScore.Item1 + bestScore.Item2);
                            double p     = Math.Exp(-delta / T);
                            double r     = random.NextDouble();
                            if (r < p)
                                accepted = true;
                    //Console.WriteLine("acceptDuration:    " + (DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime)) + " in " +x+" tries");
                    node      = neighbour.ToNode();
                    bestScore = score;
                T *= Tfactor;
            //remove unfeasable single pickups
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > pickupDays = node.GetPickupDays();

            for (int i = 0; i < completeOrderList.Count; i++)
                bool       accept = false;
                List <int> days   = pickupDays [completeOrderList [i].orderID];
                switch (completeOrderList [i].frequence)
                case 1:
                    if (days.Count > 0)
                        accept = true;

                case 2:
                    if ((days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(4)) || (days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(5)))
                        accept = true;

                case 3:
                    if (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(5))
                        accept = true;

                case 4:
                    if ((days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(1) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)) ||
                        (days.Contains(2) && days.Contains(3) && days.Contains(4) && days.Contains(5)))
                        accept = true;
                if (!accept)
                    for (int truck = 1; truck <= 2; truck++)
                        foreach (int day in days)
                            for (int x = 0; x < node.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops.Count; x++)
                                node.loops [truck - 1, day - 1].subLoops [x].orders.Remove(completeOrderList [i]);
            bestScore = CalculateScore(node);

            Console.WriteLine("search duration: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(start));
            Console.WriteLine("average neighbour count: " + (totalNeighbourCount / a));
            Console.WriteLine("Traveling time: " + bestScore.Item1);
            Console.WriteLine("Decline penalty: " + bestScore.Item2);
            Console.WriteLine("Total score: " + (bestScore.Item1 + bestScore.Item2));