void _ReadSequence(BinaryReader bin, ref Sequence seq, bool readNameIndex)
            if (readNameIndex)
                seq.NameIndex = bin.ReadInt32();

            seq.Flags = (SequenceFlags)bin.ReadUInt32();
            seq.KeyframeCount = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.Duration = bin.ReadSingle();
            seq.Priority = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.FirstGroundFrame = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.GroundFrameCount = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.BaseRotation = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.BaseTranslation = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.BaseScale = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.BaseObjectState = bin.ReadInt32();
            int baseDecalState = bin.ReadInt32(); // deprecated
            seq.FirstTrigger = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.TriggerCount = bin.ReadInt32();
            seq.ToolBegin = bin.ReadSingle();
            BitVector decalMatters = new BitVector(); // deprecated

            // figure out dirty _flags
            seq.DirtyFlags = 0;

            if (seq.DoesRotationMatter.TestAll() || seq.DoesTranslationMatter.TestAll() || seq.DoesScaleMatter.TestAll())
                seq.DirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.TransformDirty;

            if (seq.DoesVisibilityMatter.TestAll())
                seq.DirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.VisDirty;

            if (seq.DoesFrameMatter.TestAll())
                seq.DirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.FrameDirty;

            if (seq.DoesMaterialFrameMatter.TestAll())
                seq.DirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.MatFrameDirty;

            if (seq.DoesIflMatter.TestAll())
                seq.DirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.IflDirty;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the object state of a sequence at the specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number.</param>
 /// <param name="objectNum">The object index.</param>
 /// <returns>The object state.</returns>
 public ObjectState GetObjectState(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int objectNum)
     return ObjectStates[seq.BaseObjectState + objectNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum];
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the rotation of a sequence at a specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number</param>
 /// <param name="rotNum">The node index.</param>
 /// <param name="rot">Receives the rotation.</param>
 public void GetRotation(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int rotNum, out Quaternion rot)
     NodeRotations[seq.BaseRotation + rotNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum].Get(out rot);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the aligned scale of a sequence at a specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number</param>
 /// <param name="scaleNum">The node index.</param>
 /// <returns>The scale.</returns>
 public Vector3 GetAlignedScale(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int scaleNum)
     return NodeAlignedScales[seq.BaseScale + scaleNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum];
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the arbitrary scale of a sequence at a specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number</param>
 /// <param name="scaleNum">The node index.</param>
 /// <param name="scale">Receives the scale.</param>
 public void GetArbitraryScale(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int scaleNum, out ArbitraryScale scale)
     NodeArbitraryScaleRotations[seq.BaseScale + scaleNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum].Get(out scale.Rotate);
     scale.Scale = NodeArbitraryScaleFactors[seq.BaseScale + scaleNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum];
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the translation of a sequence at a specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number</param>
 /// <param name="tranNum">The node index.</param>
 /// <returns>The translation.</returns>
 public Vector3 GetTranslation(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int tranNum)
     return NodeTranslations[seq.BaseTranslation + tranNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum];
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the uniform scale of a sequence at a specified keyframe.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seq">The sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="keyframeNum">The keyframe number</param>
 /// <param name="scaleNum">The node index.</param>
 /// <returns>The scale.</returns>
 public float GetUniformScale(Sequence seq, int keyframeNum, int scaleNum)
     return NodeUniformScales[seq.BaseScale + scaleNum * seq.KeyframeCount + keyframeNum];
Пример #8
        void _SelectKeyframes(float pos, Sequence seq, out int k1, out int k2, out float kpos)
            Shape shape = _shapeInstance.GetShape();
            int numKF = seq.KeyframeCount;
            float kf;

            if (seq.IsCyclic())
                // cyclic _sequence:
                // _pos=0 and _pos=1 are equivalent, so we don't have a keyframe at _pos=1
                // last keyframe corresponds to _pos=n/(n-1) up to (not including) _pos=1
                // (where n == num keyframes)

                Assert.Fatal(pos >= 0.0f && pos < 1.0f, "Thread.SelectKeyframes - Invalid thread position.");

                kf = pos * (float)(numKF);

                // Set _keyPos
                kpos = kf - (int)kf;

                // make sure compiler doing what we want...
                Assert.Fatal(kpos >= 0.0f && kpos < 1.0f, "Thread.SelectKeyframes - Invalid thread position.");

                int kfIdx1 = (int)kf;

                // following assert could happen if pos1<1 && pos1==1...paradoxically...
                Assert.Fatal(kfIdx1 <= seq.KeyframeCount, "Thread.SelectKeyframes - Invalid keyframe.");

                int kfIdx2 = (kfIdx1 == seq.KeyframeCount - 1) ? 0 : kfIdx1 + 1;

                k1 = kfIdx1;
                k2 = kfIdx2;
                // one-shot _sequence:
                // _pos=0 and _pos=1 are now different, so we have a keyframe at _pos=1
                // last keyframe corresponds to _pos=1
                // rest of the keyframes are equally spaced (so 1/(n-1) _pos units long)
                // (where n == num keyframes)

                Assert.Fatal(pos >= 0.0f && pos <= 1.0f, "Thread.SelectKeyframes - Invalid thread position.");

                if (pos == 1.0f)
                    kpos = 0.0f;
                    k1 = seq.KeyframeCount - 1;
                    k2 = seq.KeyframeCount - 1;
                    kf = pos * (float)(numKF - 1);

                    // Set _keyPos
                    kpos = kf - (int)kf;

                    int kfIdx1 = (int)kf;

                    // following assert could happen if pos1<1 && pos1==1...paradoxically...
                    Assert.Fatal(kfIdx1 < seq.KeyframeCount, "TSThread.SelectKeyFrames - Invalid keyframe.");

                    int kfIdx2 = kfIdx1 + 1;

                    k1 = kfIdx1;
                    k2 = kfIdx2;
Пример #9
        internal void _SetSequence(Sequence seq, float toPos)
            Shape shape = _shapeInstance.GetShape();

            Assert.Fatal(shape != null && toPos >= 0.0f && toPos <= 1.0f, "Thread.SetSequence - Invalid shape handle, sequence number, or position.");


            _sequence = seq;
            _priority = _sequence.Priority;
            _pos = toPos;
            _makePath = _sequence.MakePath();

            // 1.0f doesn't exist on cyclic sequences
            if (_pos > 0.9999f && _sequence.IsCyclic())
                _pos = 0.9999f;

            // select keyframes
            _SelectKeyframes(_pos, _sequence, out _keyNum1, out _keyNum2, out _keyPos);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a new sequence on the thread by transitioning to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seq">The sequence to transition to.</param>
        /// <param name="toPos">The position of the new sequence to start at.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The length of the transition.</param>
        /// <param name="continuePlay">Whether or not to continue playing the thread.</param>
        public void TransitionToSequence(Sequence seq, float toPos, float duration, bool continuePlay)
            Assert.Fatal(duration > 0.0f, "Thread.TransitionToSequence - Must pass a positive non zero duration.");

            Shape shape = _shapeInstance.GetShape();

            // make sure these nodes are smoothly interpolated to new positions...
            // basically, any node we controlled just prior to transition, or at any stage
            // of the transition is interpolated.  If we _start to transtion from A to B,
            // but before reaching B we transtion to C, we Interpolate all nodes controlled
            // by A, B, or C to their new position.
            if (_transitionData._inTransition)
                _transitionData._oldRotationNodes.Copy(ref _sequence.DoesRotationMatter);
                _transitionData._oldTranslationNodes.Copy(ref _sequence.DoesTranslationMatter);
                _transitionData._oldScaleNodes.Copy(ref _sequence.DoesScaleMatter);

            // Set time characteristics of transition
            _transitionData._oldSequence = _sequence;
            _transitionData._oldPos = _pos;
            _transitionData._duration = duration;
            _transitionData._pos = 0.0f;
            _transitionData._direction = _timeScale > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
            _transitionData._targetScale = continuePlay ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

            // in transition...
            _transitionData._inTransition = true;

            // Set target _sequence data
            _sequence = seq;
            _priority = _sequence.Priority;
            _pos = toPos;
            _makePath = _sequence.MakePath();

            // 1.0f doesn't exist on cyclic sequences
            if (_pos > 0.9999f && _sequence.IsCyclic())
                _pos = 0.9999f;

            // select keyframes
            _SelectKeyframes(_pos, _sequence, out _keyNum1, out _keyNum2, out _keyPos);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Transitions from the current sequence to a new sequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thread">The thread to transition on.</param>
        /// <param name="seq">The sequence to transition to.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The position of the sequence to start at.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The length of the transition.</param>
        /// <param name="continuePlay">Whether or not to continue playing the thread.</param>
        public void TransitionToSequence(Thread thread, Sequence seq, float pos, float duration, bool continuePlay)
            // make sure all transforms on all detail levels are accurate

            thread.TransitionToSequence(seq, pos, duration, continuePlay);
            // cafTODO: don't use this, remove it altogether?
            //_groundThread = null;

            if (_scaleCurrentlyAnimated && !thread.Sequence.IsScaleAnimated())
            else if (!_scaleCurrentlyAnimated && thread.Sequence.IsScaleAnimated())
                _scaleCurrentlyAnimated = true;




            // if we aren't already in the list of transition threads, add us now
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < _transitionThreads.Count; i++)
                if (ReferenceEquals(_transitionThreads[i], thread))

            if (i == _transitionThreads.Count)

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a sequence as the currently playing sequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thread">The thread to play the sequence on.</param>
        /// <param name="seq">The sequence to play.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The position to start the sequence at.</param>
        public void SetSequence(Thread thread, Sequence seq, float pos)
            if ((thread._transitionData._inTransition && _transitionThreads.Count > 1) || _transitionThreads.Count > 0)
                // if we have transitions, make sure transforms are up to date...

            thread._SetSequence(seq, pos);

            if (_scaleCurrentlyAnimated && !thread.Sequence.IsScaleAnimated())
            else if (!_scaleCurrentlyAnimated && thread.Sequence.IsScaleAnimated())
                _scaleCurrentlyAnimated = true;
