public static void ResolveCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info,
     T2DCollisionMaterial material, bool handleBoth)
     theirObject.Physics.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
     ourObject.Physics.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
     ourObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        public static void EtherealCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info,
            T2DCollisionMaterial material, bool handleBoth)
            // Start player's flashing animation to indicate she was hit.
            PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

            if (actor != null && !actor.IsInvincible)
Пример #3
        ///Callback for when the microbe collides with another object.
        ///<param name="ourObject">The microbe.</param>
        ///<param name="theirObject">The other object.</param>
        ///<param name="info">Information about the collision point.</param>
        ///<param name="resolve">Not used.</param>
        ///<param name="physicsMaterial">
        ///The physics properties of the objects.
        public void OnCollision(
           T2DSceneObject ourObject,
           T2DSceneObject theirObject,
           T2DCollisionInfo info,
           ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve,
           ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            if (!ourObject.MarkForDelete &&
                //handle microbe collision with another microbe
                if (theirObject.TestObjectType(
                       ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);
                else if (theirObject.TestObjectType(
                    //  ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                     ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);
                //TODO: add handling for other object types
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the melee scene object and enemies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The melee scene object mounted on the player</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The enemy scene object</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void MeleeCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<AttackCollisionComponent>().Damage;

            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.PlayerObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, myObject, true, true);

            myObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        public static void ProjCollision(T2DSceneObject projectile, T2DSceneObject targetObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo into, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial material)
            int damage = projectile.Components.FindComponent<ProjectileComponent>().Damage;

            if (targetObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = targetObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, projectile, true, true);

            projectile.CollisionsEnabled = false;
            projectile.MarkForDelete = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the kushling and the player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The kushling</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The collided object.</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void KushCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<KushlingActorComponent>().Damage;

            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null && !actor.IsInvincible)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, myObject, true, true);

            else if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.EnemyObjectType))
                resolve = T2DPhysicsComponent.ClampCollision;

                resolve = null;
 protected static void _resolveBounce(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
     if (ourObject.Physics != null)
         // are we already bouncing away?
         float dot = Vector2.Dot(ourObject.Physics.Velocity, info.Normal);
         if (dot < 0.0f)
             ourObject.Physics.Velocity = ourObject.Physics.Velocity - (1.0f + physicsMaterial.Restitution) * dot * info.Normal;
     if (handleBoth && theirObject.Physics != null)
         // are they already bouncing away?
         float dot = Vector2.Dot(theirObject.Physics.Velocity, -info.Normal);
         if (dot < 0.0f)
             theirObject.Physics.Velocity = theirObject.Physics.Velocity + (1.0f + physicsMaterial.Restitution) * dot * info.Normal;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback for when the projectile collides with another object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourObject">The projectile.</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The other object.</param>
        /// <param name="info">Information about the collision point.</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">Not used.</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The physics properties of the objects.</param>
        public void OnCollision(
            T2DSceneObject ourObject,
            T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info,
            ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve,
            ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            if (!ourObject.MarkForDelete &&
                // If we hit a player object then activate its game pad vibration
                T2DStaticSprite psprite = theirObject as T2DStaticSprite;
                if (psprite != null)
                    GamepadVibrationComponent vib =
                    if (vib != null)
                        vib.SetLowSpeedVibration(0.1f, 0.8f);

                if (theirObject.TestObjectType(TorqueObjectDatabase.Instance.GetObjectType("tank")))
                    Explode(info, true);
                    Explode(info, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the melee scene object and enemies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The melee scene object mounted on the player</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The enemy scene object</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void MeleeCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            ActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<AttackCollisionComponent>().Damage;

            // Deal damage to the enemy
            if(actor != null)
                actor.TakeDamage(damage, myObject, true, true);

            myObject.MarkForDelete = true;
Пример #10
        private static void PlayerCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            if (theirObject is T2DAnimatedSprite)
                var player = (T2DAnimatedSprite) TorqueObjectDatabase.Instance.FindObject<T2DSceneObject>("Player1");
                var aiPlayer = (T2DAnimatedSprite) TorqueObjectDatabase.Instance.FindObject<T2DSceneObject>("Player2");

                if (player.AnimationData.Name.Contains("SpecialMove"))
                    Game.Instance.AiHealth -= 2.5;
                else if (aiPlayer.AnimationData.Name.Contains("SpecialMove"))
                    Game.Instance.PlayerHealth -= 2.5;
        protected static void _resolveRigid(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
            Assert.Fatal(ourObject.Physics != null, "Cannot use rigid collision response without physics component");
            Assert.Fatal((theirObject != null && theirObject.Physics != null) || !handleBoth, "Cannot use rigid collision response without physics component");

            // Fetch information.

            // collision normal
            Vector2 normal = -info.Normal;

            // Positions
            Vector2 srcPosition = ourObject.Position;
            Vector2 dstPosition = theirObject != null ? theirObject.Position : Vector2.Zero;

            // Velocities
            Vector2 srcVelocity = ourObject.Physics.Velocity;
            Vector2 dstVelocity = Vector2.Zero;

            // Angular Velocities.
            float srcAngularVelocity = MathHelper.ToRadians(-ourObject.Physics.AngularVelocity);
            float dstAngularVelocity = 0.0f;

            // Friction/Restitution.
            float friction = physicsMaterial.Friction;
            float restitution = physicsMaterial.Restitution;

            // Inverse Masses.
            float srcInverseMass = ourObject.Physics.InverseMass;
            float dstInverseMass = 0.0f;

            // Inverse Inertial Moments.
            float srcInverseInertialMoment = ourObject.Physics.InverseRotationalInertia;
            float dstInverseInertialMoment = 0.0f;

            if (theirObject != null && theirObject.Physics != null)
                dstVelocity = theirObject.Physics.Velocity;
                dstAngularVelocity = MathHelper.ToRadians(-theirObject.Physics.AngularVelocity);
                dstInverseMass = theirObject.Physics.InverseMass;
                dstInverseInertialMoment = theirObject.Physics.InverseRotationalInertia;

            // Contact info.

            // Contact Velocity.
            Vector2 srcContactDelta = info.Position - srcPosition;
            Vector2 dstContactDelta = info.Position - dstPosition;
            Vector2 srcContactDeltaPerp = new Vector2(-srcContactDelta.Y, srcContactDelta.X);
            Vector2 dstContactDeltaPerp = new Vector2(-dstContactDelta.Y, dstContactDelta.X);
            Vector2 srcVP = srcVelocity - srcAngularVelocity * srcContactDeltaPerp;
            Vector2 dstVP = dstVelocity - dstAngularVelocity * dstContactDeltaPerp;

            // Calculate Impact Velocity.
            Vector2 deltaImpactVelocity = dstVP - srcVP;
            float deltaVelocityDot = Vector2.Dot(deltaImpactVelocity, normal);

            // Are we seperated?
            if (deltaVelocityDot > 0.0f)
                // Yes, so no interaction!

            // Normalise velocity.
            Vector2 Vn = deltaVelocityDot * normal;
            Vector2 Vt = deltaImpactVelocity - Vn;
            float vt = Vt.Length();
            Vector2 VtDir = Vt;
            if (vt > 0.0f)
                VtDir *= 1.0f / vt;

            // Calculate Impulse ( Dynamic-Friction and Restitution )

            // Break Impulse Function Down a little...
            float srcRN = Collision2D.PerpDot(srcContactDelta, normal);
            float dstRN = Collision2D.PerpDot(dstContactDelta, normal);
            float t0 = srcRN * srcRN * srcInverseInertialMoment;
            float t1 = dstRN * dstRN * dstInverseInertialMoment;
            float denom = srcInverseMass + dstInverseMass + t0 + t1;
            // handle two non-rotating, non-moving objects colliding (two platforms?)
            float jn = Math.Abs(denom) > Epsilon.Value ? deltaVelocityDot / denom : 0.0f;

            // Calculate Impulse (include restitution/dynamic friction).
            Vector2 impulseForce = ((-(1.0f + restitution) * jn) * normal) + ((friction * jn) * VtDir);

            // Changes in Momentum ( Linear and Angular ).

            // Calculate Linear Acceleration.
            Vector2 srcLinearDelta = -impulseForce * srcInverseMass;
            Vector2 dstLinearDelta = impulseForce * dstInverseMass;
            // Calculate Angular Acceleration.
            float srcAngularDelta = Collision2D.PerpDot(srcContactDelta, impulseForce) * srcInverseInertialMoment;
            float dstAngularDelta = -Collision2D.PerpDot(dstContactDelta, impulseForce) * dstInverseInertialMoment;

            // Finally, apply acceleration.

            ourObject.Physics.Velocity += srcLinearDelta;
            ourObject.Physics.AngularVelocity -= MathHelper.ToDegrees(srcAngularDelta);
            if (handleBoth)
                theirObject.Physics.Velocity += dstLinearDelta;
                theirObject.Physics.AngularVelocity -= MathHelper.ToDegrees(dstAngularDelta);
        public virtual void OnCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            // call our custom collision resolve
            // (this is almost exactly the same as clamp, but takes *both* objects' velocity into account)
            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.PlatformObjectType))
                resolve = ResolveActorCollision;
                resolve = null;

            // if we hit a ladder, enable it
            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.LadderObjectType))
                // find the ladder component
                LadderComponent ladder = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<LadderComponent>();

                // enable it
                if (ladder != null)
                    ladder.Enabled = true;
 public void OnCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
     // call our local trigger OnEnter method
     _onEnter(ourObject, theirObject, info);
 public override void Dispose()
     _IsDisposed = true;
     if (_collisionImages != null)
     _collisionImages = null;
     if (_collisionMaterial != null)
     _collisionMaterial = null;
     _onCollision = null;
     _resolveCollisionDelegate = null;
     _testEarlyOut = null;
Пример #15
        ///Callback for when the tank collides with another object.
        ///<param name="ourObject">The tank.</param>
        ///<param name="theirObject">The other object.</param>
        ///<param name="info">Information about the collision point.</param>
        ///<param name="resolve">Not used.</param>
        ///<param name="physicsMaterial">
        ///The physics properties of the objects.
        public void OnCollision(
            T2DSceneObject ourObject,
            T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info,
            ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve,
            ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            if (ourObject.MarkForDelete ||

            //Set up gamepad vibration if this is a player object
            //also set up maxVelocity
            GamepadVibrationComponent vib =
            TankMovementComponent mac =

            float maxSpeed = 0.1f; //avoid possible divide by zero below
            if (null != mac)
                maxSpeed = mac.MaxForwardSpeed;

            //Calculate Impact Velocity.
            Vector2 deltaImpactVelocity =
                _CalculateImpactVelocity(ourObject, theirObject, info);
            float impact = deltaImpactVelocity.Length();
            float vibration =
                MathHelper.Clamp((impact / (maxSpeed * 2.0f)), 0.0f, 1.0f);

            //Perform sound (on all objects) and vibration (players only)
            if (vibration < 0.3)
                //High speed vibration for the small collisions
                if (vib != null)
                    vib.SetHighSpeedVibration(0.2f, (vibration / 0.3f) * 0.8f);

                if (vibration >= 0.1 &&
                    TorqueEngineComponent.Instance.TorqueTime >=
                    _nextSoftSoundPlayTime =
                        TorqueEngineComponent.Instance.TorqueTime +
                        SOUND_TIME_STEP +
                //Low speed vibration for the big collisions
                if (vib != null)
                        ((vibration - 0.3f) / 0.7f) * 0.9f + 0.1f);

                if (TorqueEngineComponent.Instance.TorqueTime >=
                    _nextHardSoundPlayTime =
                        TorqueEngineComponent.Instance.TorqueTime +
                        SOUND_TIME_STEP +
 protected static void _resolveClamp(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
     if (ourObject.Physics != null)
         float dot = Vector2.Dot(ourObject.Physics.Velocity, info.Normal);
         if (dot < 0.0f)
             ourObject.Physics.Velocity = ourObject.Physics.Velocity - dot * info.Normal;
     if (handleBoth && theirObject.Physics != null)
         float dot = Vector2.Dot(theirObject.Physics.Velocity, -info.Normal);
         if (dot < 0.0f)
             theirObject.Physics.Velocity = theirObject.Physics.Velocity + dot * info.Normal;
 protected static void _resolveKill(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
     ourObject.MarkForDelete = true;
     if (handleBoth)
         theirObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        public virtual void ResolveActorCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
            // this is a custom collision response mode for actors
            // make sure this method is being used on an Actor
            if (!ourObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))

            // make sure it's the right actor
            ActorComponent actor = ourObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();
            if (actor == null)

            // check for a physics component
            if (_actor.Physics == null)

            // get their object's velocity
            Vector2 theirVel = Vector2.Zero;

            if (theirObject.Physics != null)
                theirVel = theirObject.Physics.Velocity;

            // check if it's a ground surface
            bool groundSurface = info.Normal.Y <= _maxGroundNormalY;

            // get the actor's velocity modified velocity by the destination object's velocity
            Vector2 vel = _actor.Physics.Velocity - theirVel;

            //get the dot product
            float dot = Vector2.Dot(vel, info.Normal);

            // if we're currently on the ground, do magical stuff
            if (_onGround && !groundSurface)
                // don't let the clamp push us off the ground or into the ground!
                // accomplish this by clamping the collision normal against the ground normal
                float groundDot = Vector2.Dot(info.Normal, _groundSurfaceNormal);

                // remove any portion of the ground surface normal from the collision normal
                info.Normal -= groundDot * _groundSurfaceNormal;

                // cancel move speed (this isn't a ground surface that we hit)
                _moveSpeed.X = 0;

            // return if we're moving away from the surface
            if (dot >= 0.0f)

            // if object was not a ground surface...
            if (!groundSurface)
                // notify the controller that we hit a wall
                if (Controller as ActorController != null)
                    (Controller as ActorController).ActorHitWall(this, info, dot);

                // forfeit all inherited velocity
                // (we ran into something, just get rid of it!)
                _inheritedVelocity = Vector2.Zero;
                // if we actually overlapped with a platform, correct by a small amount (1/10 of a unit)
                // (the purpose of _groundYBuffer is to avoid constant collisions from scraping across the ground.
                // if we are colliding with the ground regularly, _groundYBuffer is too low. this error correction
                // is intended to solve potential problems when prolonged penetration occurs.)
                _platformError += info.Normal * 0.1f;

            // clamp our actial velocity anyway
            _actor.Physics.Velocity -= dot * info.Normal;

            // if we're not on the ground, just dump our velocity into our move speed
            // and let the actor's physics clamp it
            if (!_onGround)
                _moveSpeed.X = _actor.Physics.Velocity.X;
 protected static void _resolveSticky(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info, T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial, bool handleBoth)
     if (ourObject.Physics != null)
         ourObject.Physics.Velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
         ourObject.Physics.AngularVelocity = 0;
     if (handleBoth && theirObject.Physics != null)
         theirObject.Physics.Velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
         theirObject.Physics.AngularVelocity = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the melee scene object and enemies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The melee scene object mounted on the player</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The enemy scene object</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void MeleeCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<AttackCollisionComponent>().Damage;

                EnemyActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<EnemyActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, theirObject);

                WeakSpotComponent weakSpot = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<WeakSpotComponent>();

                if(weakSpot != null)
                    weakSpot.TakeDamage(damage, true);

            myObject.MarkForDelete = true;