private void SaveImage(Control control)
            GanttChart gantt    = control as GanttChart;
            string     filePath = Interaction.InputBox("Where to save the file?", "Save image", "C:\\Temp\\GanttChartTester.jpg");

            if (filePath.Length == 0)
            Interaction.MsgBox("Picture saved", MsgBoxStyle.Information);
        private void SaveImageToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;
            Control           chart    = null;

            if (menuItem != null)
                ContextMenuStrip calendarMenu = menuItem.Owner as ContextMenuStrip;

                if (calendarMenu != null)
                    chart = calendarMenu.SourceControl;

Пример #3
        public static GanttChart.GanttChart returnGantt(Project project)
             * This method takes a project and returns a Gantt Chart object that can be displayed and manipulated
            GanttChart.GanttChart ganttChart1 = new GanttChart.GanttChart();
                //Gantt chart settings
                ganttChart1.AllowChange = false;
                ganttChart1.FromDate    = project.dateStarted.AddDays(-2);
                ganttChart1.ToDate      = ModelView.taskLastFinishing(project).AddDays(2);
                ganttChart1.GridColor   = Pens.Black;
                ganttChart1.ForeColor   = Color.Black;
                ganttChart1.BackColor   = UI.chartColour;
                int barIndex = 0;

                //For each task add a relevant row in the gantt chart
                foreach (Task task in project.taskList)
                    string   taskName      = task.TaskName;
                    DateTime fromTime      = task.StartDate;
                    DateTime toTime        = task.EstimatedFinishingDate;
                    Color    barColor      = UI.dataPointColour;
                    Color    barHoverColor = UI.dataPointHoverColour;

                    BarInformation bInf = new BarInformation(taskName, fromTime, toTime, barColor, barHoverColor, barIndex);

                    ganttChart1.AddChartBar(taskName, bInf, fromTime, toTime, barColor, barHoverColor, barIndex);
            catch (Exception)
Пример #4
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveImageToolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(SaveImageToolStripMenuItem_Click);

            txtLog            = new TextBox();
            txtLog.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
            txtLog.Multiline  = true;
            txtLog.Enabled    = false;
            txtLog.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Horizontal;
            tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(txtLog, 0, 3);

            //first Gantt Chart
            ganttChart1             = new GanttChart();
            ganttChart1.AllowChange = false;
            ganttChart1.Dock        = DockStyle.Fill;
            ganttChart1.FromDate    = new DateTime(2015, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0);
            ganttChart1.ToDate      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0);
            tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(ganttChart1, 0, 1);

            ganttChart1.MouseMove       += new MouseEventHandler(ganttChart1.GanttChart_MouseMove);
            ganttChart1.MouseMove       += new MouseEventHandler(GanttChart1_MouseMove);
            ganttChart1.MouseDragged    += new MouseEventHandler(ganttChart1.GanttChart_MouseDragged);
            ganttChart1.MouseLeave      += new EventHandler(ganttChart1.GanttChart_MouseLeave);
            ganttChart1.ContextMenuStrip = ContextMenuGanttChart1;

            List <BarInformation> lst1 = new List <BarInformation>();

            lst1.Add(new BarInformation("Row 1", new DateTime(2015, 12, 12), new DateTime(2015, 12, 16), Color.Aqua, Color.Khaki, 0));
            lst1.Add(new BarInformation("Row 2", new DateTime(2015, 12, 13), new DateTime(2015, 12, 20), Color.AliceBlue, Color.Khaki, 1));
            lst1.Add(new BarInformation("Row 3", new DateTime(2015, 12, 14), new DateTime(2015, 12, 24), Color.Violet, Color.Khaki, 2));
            lst1.Add(new BarInformation("Row 2", new DateTime(2015, 12, 21), new DateTime(2015, 12, 22, 12, 0, 0), Color.Yellow, Color.Khaki, 1));
            lst1.Add(new BarInformation("Row 1", new DateTime(2015, 12, 17), new DateTime(2015, 12, 24), Color.LawnGreen, Color.Khaki, 0));

            foreach (BarInformation bar in lst1)
                ganttChart1.AddChartBar(bar.RowText, bar, bar.FromTime, bar.ToTime, bar.Color, bar.HoverColor, bar.Index);
        private void FrmChart_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveImageToolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(SaveImageToolStripMenuItem_Click);

            txtLog            = new TextBox();
            txtLog.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
            txtLog.Multiline  = true;
            txtLog.Enabled    = false;
            txtLog.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Horizontal;
            //tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(txtLog, 0, 1);

            //first Gantt Chart
            chart             = new GanttChart();
            chart.AllowChange = false;
            chart.Dock        = DockStyle.Fill;

            chart.FromDate = project.StartingDate;
            chart.ToDate   = project.DueDate;

            tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(chart, 0, 0);

            chart.MouseMove       += new MouseEventHandler(chart.GanttChart_MouseMove);
            chart.MouseMove       += new MouseEventHandler(GanttChart1_MouseMove);
            chart.MouseDragged    += new MouseEventHandler(chart.GanttChart_MouseDragged);
            chart.MouseLeave      += new EventHandler(chart.GanttChart_MouseLeave);
            chart.ContextMenuStrip = ContextMenuGanttChart1;

            var barInformations = new List <BarInformation>();

            var rnd    = new Random();
            var rowIdx = 0;

            for (var idx = 0; idx < tasks.Count; ++idx)
                var firstColor  = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));
                var secondColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));

                if (tasks[idx].IsMilestone)
                    barInformations.Add(new BarInformation("MileStone " + idx + " : " + tasks[idx].Title,
                                                           project.StartingDate, tasks[idx].DueDate, firstColor, secondColor, rowIdx++));
                    barInformations.Add(new BarInformation("Task " + idx + " : " + tasks[idx].Title,
                                                           tasks[idx].StartingDate, tasks[idx].DueDate, firstColor, secondColor, rowIdx++));
                    if (!showActualHours || !(tasks[idx].ActualWorkingHours > 0))
                    var ActualWorkingDays = (double)tasks[idx].ActualWorkingHours / 8.0;
                    barInformations.Add(new BarInformation("Task " + idx + " : " + tasks[idx].Title + " (Actual)",
                                                           tasks[idx].StartingDate, tasks[idx].StartingDate.AddDays(ActualWorkingDays), firstColor,
                                                           secondColor, rowIdx++));
            foreach (var bar in barInformations)
                chart.AddChartBar(bar.RowText, bar, bar.FromTime, bar.ToTime, bar.Color, bar.HoverColor, bar.Index);