Пример #1
        protected void SpawnBullet()
            //we check if there is a wall between the player and the bullet spawn position, if there is, we don't spawn a bullet
            //otherwise, the player can "shoot throught wall" because the arm extend to the other side of the wall
            Vector2 testPosition = transform.position;

            testPosition.y = m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position.y;
            Vector2 direction = (Vector2)m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position - testPosition;
            float   distance  = direction.magnitude;


            RaycastHit2D[] results = new RaycastHit2D[12];
            if (Physics2D.Raycast(testPosition, direction, m_CharacterController2D.ContactFilter, results, distance) > 0)

            BulletObject bullet     = bulletPool.Pop(m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position);
            bool         facingLeft = m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint == facingLeftBulletSpawnPoint;

            bullet.rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(facingLeft ? -bulletSpeed : bulletSpeed, 0f);
            bullet.spriteRenderer.flipX = facingLeft ^ bullet.bullet.spriteOriginallyFacesLeft;

Пример #2
        public void Shooting()
            Vector2 shootPosition = shootingOrigin.transform.localPosition;

            //if we are flipped compared to normal, we need to localy flip the shootposition too
            if ((spriteFaceLeft && m_SpriteForward.x > 0) || (!spriteFaceLeft && m_SpriteForward.x > 0))
                shootPosition.x *= -1;

            BulletObject obj = m_BulletPool.Pop(shootingOrigin.TransformPoint(shootPosition));


            obj.rigidbody2D.velocity = (GetProjectilVelocity(m_TargetShootPosition, shootingOrigin.transform.position));
Пример #3
        public void Shooting()
            var force = m_SpriteForward.x > 0 ? Vector2.right.Rotate(shootAngle) : Vector2.left.Rotate(-shootAngle);

            force *= shootForce;

            Vector2 shootPosition = shootingOrigin.transform.localPosition;

            //if we are flipped compared to normal, we need to localy flip the shootposition too
            if (spriteFaceLeft && m_SpriteForward.x > 0 || !spriteFaceLeft && m_SpriteForward.x > 0)
                shootPosition.x *= -1;

            var obj = m_BulletPool.Pop(shootingOrigin.TransformPoint(shootPosition));


            obj.rigidbody2D.velocity = GetProjectilVelocity(m_TargetShootPosition, shootingOrigin.transform.position);
Пример #4
        protected void SpawnBullet()
            //we check if there is a wall between the player and the bullet spawn position, if there is, we don't spawn a bullet
            //otherwise, the player can "shoot throught wall" because the arm extend to the other side of the wall
            Vector2 testPosition = transform.position;

            testPosition.y = m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position.y;
            Vector2 direction = (Vector2)m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position - testPosition;
            float   distance  = direction.magnitude;


            RaycastHit2D[] results = new RaycastHit2D[12];
            if (Physics2D.Raycast(testPosition, direction, m_CharacterController2D.ContactFilter, results, distance) > 0)

            BulletObject bullet = bulletPool.Pop(m_CurrentBulletSpawnPoint.position);
            Vector2      v      = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(arm.eulerAngles.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Sin(arm.eulerAngles.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

            bullet.rigidbody2D.velocity = bulletSpeed * v;