public void LoadContent(RichContentManager content) { // Load the background. _shapePalletBackground = content.Load<Texture2D>("ShapePallet/shapePalletBackground"); BoundingBox = new Rectangle( Position.X, Position.Y, _shapePalletBackground.Width, _shapePalletBackground.Height); // And the cancel button to the bottom of the palette. _cancelButton = content.MakeButton( BoundingBox.Center.X - (120/2), BoundingBox.Bottom, "GUI/cancel"); // LoadContent for all palette states; do not LoadContent more than once. var statesLoaded = new List<PaletteState>(); foreach (var state in _states.Values.Where( state => !statesLoaded.Contains(state))) { statesLoaded.Add(state); state.LoadContent(content); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void initializeDrawList() { drawnElements = new List<string>(numElements); for (int i = drawStartIndex; i < numElements + drawStartIndex; i++) { if (i >= listElements.Count || i < 0) break; else drawnElements.Add(listElements[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void initializeRectList() { listRects = new List<Rectangle>(numElements); Rectangle temp; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { temp = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y + (elementHeight * (i + 1)), width, elementHeight); listRects.Add(temp); } }
public void LoadContent() { myOSKBackgroundPosition = (new Vector2(((screenWidth / 2) - 260), ((screenHeight) - 250))); myOSKBackground = content.Load<Texture2D>("OSK/keyboardBackground"); keys = new List<Key>(); int x = Position.X; int y = Position.Y; // GAH! HARD CODED! GET AWAY! int keyWidth = 48; int keyHeight = 48; int indentation = 0; // Make a key for each key in a row. foreach (string row in rows) { indentation += 1; int insideCounter = 0; foreach (char c in row) { keys.Add(MakeKey(x, y, c)); x += keyWidth; insideCounter++; if(indentation == 4) { if (insideCounter == 5) { x += 50; } } } if (indentation == 1) { x = Position.X + 15; y += keyHeight; } if (indentation == 2) { x = Position.X + 35; y += keyHeight; } if (indentation == 3) { x = Position.X + 130; y += keyHeight; } } }