Пример #1
        // fromRotationMatrix
        // Setup the Euler angles, given a rotation matrix.
        // See 10.6.2 for more information.
        void fromRotationMatrix(RotationMatrix m)
            // Extract sin(pitch) from m23.

            float	sp = -m.M23;

            // Check for Gimbel lock

            if (Math.Abs(sp) > 9.99999f) {

                // Looking straight up or down

                pitch = MathUtil.kPiOver2 * sp;

                // Compute heading, slam bank to zero

                heading = (float)Math.Atan2(-m.M31, m.M11);
                bank = 0.0f;

            } else {

                // Compute angles.  We don't have to use the "safe" asin
                // function because we already checked for range errors when
                // checking for Gimbel lock

                heading = (float)Math.Atan2(m.M13, m.M33);
                pitch = (float)Math.Asin(sp);
                bank = (float)Math.Atan2(m.M21, m.M22);
Пример #2
        public void setupParentToLocal(Vector3 pos, RotationMatrix orient)
            // Copy the rotation portion of the matrix.  We can copy the
            // elements directly (without transposing) according
            // to the layout as commented in RotationMatrix.cpp

            m11 = orient.M11; m12 = orient.M12; m13 = orient.M13;
            m21 = orient.M21; m22 = orient.M22; m23 = orient.M23;
            m31 = orient.M31; m32 = orient.M32; m33 = orient.M33;

            // Now set the translation portion.  Normally, we would
            // translate by the negative of the position to translate
            // from world to inertial space.  However, we must correct
            // for the fact that the rotation occurs "first."  So we
            // must rotate the translation portion.  This is the same
            // as create a translation matrix T to translate by -pos,
            // and a rotation matrix R, and then creating the matrix
            // as the concatenation of TR

            tx = -(pos.X*m11 + pos.Y*m21 + pos.Z*m31);
            ty = -(pos.X*m12 + pos.Y*m22 + pos.Z*m32);
            tz = -(pos.X*m13 + pos.Y*m23 + pos.Z*m33);
Пример #3
        public void setupLocalToParent(Vector3 pos, RotationMatrix orient)
            // Copy the rotation portion of the matrix.  According to
            // the comments in RotationMatrix.cpp, the rotation matrix
            // is "normally" an inertial->object matrix, which is
            // parent->local.  We want a local->parent rotation, so we
            // must transpose while copying

            m11 = orient.M11; m12 = orient.M21; m13 = orient.M31;
            m21 = orient.M12; m22 = orient.M22; m23 = orient.M32;
            m31 = orient.M13; m32 = orient.M23; m33 = orient.M33;

            // Now set the translation portion.  Translation happens "after"
            // the 3x3 portion, so we can simply copy the position
            // field directly

            tx = pos.X; ty = pos.Y; tz = pos.Z;
Пример #4
        // setupParentToLocal
        // Setup the matrix to perform a parent -> local transformation, given
        // the position and orientation of the local reference frame within the
        // parent reference frame.
        // A very common use of this will be to construct a world -> object matrix.
        // To perform this transformation, we would normally FIRST transform
        // from world to inertial space, and then rotate from inertial space into
        // object space.  However, out 4x3 matrix always translates last.  So
        // we think about creating two matrices T and R, and then concatonating
        // M = TR.
        // We allow the orientation to be specified using either euler angles,
        // or a RotationMatrix
        public void setupParentToLocal(Vector3 pos, EulerAngles orient)
            // Create a rotation matrix.

            RotationMatrix orientMatrix = new RotationMatrix();

            // Setup the 4x3 matrix.

            setupParentToLocal(pos, orientMatrix);
Пример #5
        // setupLocalToParent
        // Setup the matrix to perform a local -> parent transformation, given
        // the position and orientation of the local reference frame within the
        // parent reference frame.
        // A very common use of this will be to construct a object -> world matrix.
        // As an example, the transformation in this case is straightforward.  We
        // first rotate from object space into inertial space, then we translate
        // into world space.
        // We allow the orientation to be specified using either euler angles,
        // or a RotationMatrix
        public void setupLocalToParent(Vector3 pos, EulerAngles orient)
            // Create a rotation matrix.

            RotationMatrix orientMatrix = new RotationMatrix();

            // Setup the 4x3 matrix.  Note: if we were really concerned with
            // speed, we could create the matrix directly into these variables,
            // without using the temporary RotationMatrix object.  This would
            // save us a function call and a few copy operations.

            setupLocalToParent(pos, orientMatrix);