Пример #1
        void ICmpUpdatable.OnUpdate()
            if (this.camera == null)
            if (this.microphone == null)

            Transform camTransform   = this.camera.GameObj.Transform;
            Transform microTransform = this.microphone.GameObj.Transform;

            // Update screen shake behavior
            Vector3 lastScreenShakeOffset = this.screenShakeOffset;
            float   lastScreenShakeAngle  = this.screenShakeAngle;

            this.screenShakeOffset = MathF.Rnd.NextVector3() * 100.0f * this.screenShake;
            this.screenShakeAngle  = MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f) * MathF.DegToRad(5.0f) * this.screenShake;
            this.screenShake      += (0.0f - this.screenShake) * 0.2f * Time.TimeMult;

            // Remove old screen shake
            camTransform.Pos   -= lastScreenShakeOffset;
            camTransform.Angle -= lastScreenShakeAngle;

            // Remove disposed / null follow targets
            this.followTargets.RemoveAll(obj => obj == null || obj.Disposed);

            // Follow a group of objects behavior
            if (this.followTargets.Count > 0)
                // Determine the position to focus on. It's the average of all follow object positions.
                this.focusPos = Vector3.Zero;
                foreach (Transform obj in this.followTargets)
                    this.focusPos += obj.Pos;
                this.focusPos /= this.followTargets.Count;

                // Determine how far these objects are away from each other
                this.focusRadius = 0.0f;
                foreach (Transform obj in this.followTargets)
                    this.focusRadius = MathF.Max((obj.Pos - this.focusPos).Length, this.focusRadius);

                // Move the camera so it can most likely see all of the required objects
                Vector3 targetPos      = this.focusPos + this.GetTargetOffset(this.focusRadius);
                Vector3 posDiff        = (targetPos - camTransform.Pos);
                Vector3 targetVelocity = posDiff * 0.1f * MathF.Pow(2.0f, -this.smoothness);
                camTransform.MoveByAbs(targetVelocity * Time.TimeMult);
                microTransform.MoveToAbs(new Vector3(camTransform.Pos.Xy));

            // Apply new screen shake
            camTransform.Pos   += this.screenShakeOffset;
            camTransform.Angle += this.screenShakeAngle;