public void SendChatPacket(WorldObject source, MessageBuilder builder, ChatMsg msgType, WorldObject whisperTarget = null, CreatureTextRange range = CreatureTextRange.Normal, Team team = Team.Other, bool gmOnly = false) { if (source == null) { return; } var localizer = new CreatureTextLocalizer(builder, msgType); switch (msgType) { case ChatMsg.MonsterWhisper: case ChatMsg.RaidBossWhisper: { if (range == CreatureTextRange.Normal) //ignores team and gmOnly { if (!whisperTarget || !whisperTarget.IsTypeId(TypeId.Player)) { return; } localizer.Invoke(whisperTarget.ToPlayer()); return; } break; } default: break; } switch (range) { case CreatureTextRange.Area: { uint areaId = source.GetAreaId(); var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if (pl.GetAreaId() == areaId && (team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { localizer.Invoke(pl); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Zone: { uint zoneId = source.GetZoneId(); var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if (pl.GetZoneId() == zoneId && (team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { localizer.Invoke(pl); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Map: { var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if ((team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { localizer.Invoke(pl); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.World: { var smap = Global.WorldMgr.GetAllSessions(); foreach (var session in smap) { Player player = session.GetPlayer(); if (player != null) { if ((team == 0 || player.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || player.IsGameMaster())) { localizer.Invoke(player); } } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Normal: default: break; } float dist = GetRangeForChatType(msgType); var worker = new PlayerDistWorker(source, dist, localizer); Cell.VisitWorldObjects(source, worker, dist); }
public static bool LoadMap( String mapPath ) { if ( !File.Exists( mapPath ) ) return false; using ( FileStream stream = new FileStream( mapPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) ) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( stream ); String line; while ( !reader.EndOfStream && ( line = reader.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower() ) != "map" ) { if ( line.Length == 0 ) continue; String[] split = line.Split( new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); if ( split.Length < 2 ) return false; switch ( split[ 0 ] ) { case "teams": TeamCount = int.Parse( split[ 1 ] ); break; case "width": MapWidth = int.Parse( split[ 1 ] ); break; case "height": MapHeight = int.Parse( split[ 1 ] ); break; default: return false; } } if( TeamCount == 0 || MapWidth == 0 || MapHeight == 0 ) return false; Program.Log( "teams", TeamCount ); Program.Log( "width", MapWidth ); Program.Log( "height", MapHeight ); Map = new Tile[ MapWidth, MapHeight ]; Teams = new Team[ TeamCount ]; for ( int i = 0; i < GameState.TeamCount; ++i ) Teams[ i ] = new Team( i ); Program.Log( "map" ); if ( !reader.EndOfStream ) { int y = 0; while ( !reader.EndOfStream && ( line = reader.ReadLine().ToLower() ).Trim() != "end" ) { if ( line.Length < MapWidth * 2 ) return false; line = line.Substring( 0, MapWidth * 2 ); Program.Log( line ); for ( int x = 0; x < MapWidth; ++x ) { char c = line[ x << 1 ]; if( c == '#' ) Map[ x, y ] = Tile.Wall; else if( char.IsNumber( c ) ) { int teamNo; if ( !int.TryParse( c.ToString(), out teamNo ) || teamNo >= TeamCount ) return false; Team team = Teams[ teamNo ]; Direction dir; if ( !Direction.TryParse( line[ ( x << 1 ) + 1 ].ToString(), out dir ) ) return false; Position pos = new Position( x, y ); team.Bases.Add( pos ); team.Agents.Add( new Agent( team, pos, dir ) ); team.InitialBasePos = pos; team.InitialBaseDir = dir; } else Map[ x, y ] = Tile.Empty; } ++y; } } Program.Log( "end" ); } Dead = new List<Agent>(); Packages = new List<Position>(); return true; }
void SendNonChatPacket(WorldObject source, ServerPacket data, ChatMsg msgType, WorldObject whisperTarget, CreatureTextRange range, Team team, bool gmOnly) { float dist = GetRangeForChatType(msgType); switch (msgType) { case ChatMsg.MonsterParty: if (!whisperTarget) { return; } Player whisperPlayer = whisperTarget.ToPlayer(); if (whisperPlayer) { Group group = whisperPlayer.GetGroup(); if (group) { group.BroadcastWorker(player => player.SendPacket(data)); } } return; case ChatMsg.MonsterWhisper: case ChatMsg.RaidBossWhisper: { if (range == CreatureTextRange.Normal) //ignores team and gmOnly { if (!whisperTarget || !whisperTarget.IsTypeId(TypeId.Player)) { return; } whisperTarget.ToPlayer().SendPacket(data); return; } break; } default: break; } switch (range) { case CreatureTextRange.Area: { uint areaId = source.GetAreaId(); var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if (pl.GetAreaId() == areaId && (team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { pl.SendPacket(data); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Zone: { uint zoneId = source.GetZoneId(); var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if (pl.GetZoneId() == zoneId && (team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { pl.SendPacket(data); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Map: { var players = source.GetMap().GetPlayers(); foreach (var pl in players) { if ((team == 0 || pl.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || pl.IsGameMaster())) { pl.SendPacket(data); } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.World: { var smap = Global.WorldMgr.GetAllSessions(); foreach (var session in smap) { Player player = session.GetPlayer(); if (player != null) { if ((team == 0 || player.GetTeam() == team) && (!gmOnly || player.IsGameMaster())) { player.SendPacket(data); } } } return; } case CreatureTextRange.Normal: default: break; } source.SendMessageToSetInRange(data, dist, true); }
public void SendSound(Creature source, uint sound, ChatMsg msgType, WorldObject whisperTarget = null, CreatureTextRange range = CreatureTextRange.Normal, Team team = Team.Other, bool gmOnly = false, uint keyBroadcastTextId = 0) { if (sound == 0 || !source) { return; } SendNonChatPacket(source, new PlaySound(source.GetGUID(), sound, keyBroadcastTextId), msgType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly); }
public uint SendChat(Creature source, byte textGroup, WorldObject whisperTarget = null, ChatMsg msgType = ChatMsg.Addon, Language language = Language.Addon, CreatureTextRange range = CreatureTextRange.Normal, uint sound = 0, Team team = Team.Other, bool gmOnly = false, Player srcPlr = null) { if (source == null) { return(0); } var sList = mTextMap.LookupByKey(source.GetEntry()); if (sList == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "GossipManager: Could not find Text for Creature({0}) Entry {1} in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.", source.GetName(), source.GetEntry()); return(0); } var textGroupContainer = sList.LookupByKey(textGroup); if (textGroupContainer.Empty()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.ChatSystem, "GossipManager: Could not find TextGroup {0} for Creature({1}) GuidLow {2} Entry {3}. Ignoring.", textGroup, source.GetName(), source.GetGUID().ToString(), source.GetEntry()); return(0); } List <CreatureTextEntry> tempGroup = new(); var repeatGroup = source.GetTextRepeatGroup(textGroup); foreach (var entry in textGroupContainer) { if (!repeatGroup.Contains( { tempGroup.Add(entry); } } if (tempGroup.Empty()) { source.ClearTextRepeatGroup(textGroup); tempGroup = textGroupContainer; } var textEntry = tempGroup.SelectRandomElementByWeight(t => t.probability); ChatMsg finalType = (msgType == ChatMsg.Addon) ? textEntry.type : msgType; Language finalLang = (language == Language.Addon) ? textEntry.lang : language; uint finalSound = textEntry.sound; if (sound != 0) { finalSound = sound; } else { BroadcastTextRecord bct = CliDB.BroadcastTextStorage.LookupByKey(textEntry.BroadcastTextId); if (bct != null) { uint broadcastTextSoundId = bct.SoundEntriesID[source.GetGender() == Gender.Female ? 1 : 0]; if (broadcastTextSoundId != 0) { finalSound = broadcastTextSoundId; } } } if (range == CreatureTextRange.Normal) { range = textEntry.TextRange; } if (finalSound != 0) { SendSound(source, finalSound, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly, textEntry.BroadcastTextId); } Unit finalSource = source; if (srcPlr) { finalSource = srcPlr; } if (textEntry.emote != 0) { SendEmote(finalSource, textEntry.emote); } if (srcPlr) { PlayerTextBuilder builder = new(source, finalSource, finalSource.GetGender(), finalType, textEntry.groupId,, finalLang, whisperTarget); SendChatPacket(finalSource, builder, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly); } else { CreatureTextBuilder builder = new(finalSource, finalSource.GetGender(), finalType, textEntry.groupId,, finalLang, whisperTarget); SendChatPacket(finalSource, builder, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly); } source.SetTextRepeatId(textGroup,; return(textEntry.duration); }
void HandleCalendarInvite(CalendarInvitePkt calendarInvite) { ObjectGuid playerGuid = GetPlayer().GetGUID(); ObjectGuid inviteeGuid = ObjectGuid.Empty; Team inviteeTeam = 0; ulong inviteeGuildId = 0; if (!ObjectManager.NormalizePlayerName(ref calendarInvite.Name)) { return; } Player player = Global.ObjAccessor.FindPlayerByName(calendarInvite.Name); if (player) { // Invitee is online inviteeGuid = player.GetGUID(); inviteeTeam = player.GetTeam(); inviteeGuildId = player.GetGuildId(); } else { // Invitee offline, get data from database ObjectGuid guid = Global.CharacterCacheStorage.GetCharacterGuidByName(calendarInvite.Name); if (!guid.IsEmpty()) { CharacterCacheEntry characterInfo = Global.CharacterCacheStorage.GetCharacterCacheByGuid(guid); if (characterInfo != null) { inviteeGuid = guid; inviteeTeam = Player.TeamForRace(characterInfo.RaceId); inviteeGuildId = characterInfo.GuildId; } } } if (inviteeGuid.IsEmpty()) { Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.PlayerNotFound); return; } if (GetPlayer().GetTeam() != inviteeTeam && !WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.AllowTwoSideInteractionCalendar)) { Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.NotAllied); return; } SQLResult result1 = DB.Characters.Query("SELECT flags FROM character_social WHERE guid = {0} AND friend = {1}", inviteeGuid, playerGuid); if (!result1.IsEmpty()) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(result1.Read <byte>(0) & (byte)SocialFlag.Ignored)) { Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.IgnoringYouS, calendarInvite.Name); return; } } if (!calendarInvite.Creating) { CalendarEvent calendarEvent = Global.CalendarMgr.GetEvent(calendarInvite.EventID); if (calendarEvent != null) { if (calendarEvent.IsGuildEvent() && calendarEvent.GuildId == inviteeGuildId) { // we can't invite guild members to guild events Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.NoGuildInvites); return; } CalendarInvite invite = new(Global.CalendarMgr.GetFreeInviteId(), calendarInvite.EventID, inviteeGuid, playerGuid, SharedConst.CalendarDefaultResponseTime, CalendarInviteStatus.Invited, CalendarModerationRank.Player, ""); Global.CalendarMgr.AddInvite(calendarEvent, invite); } else { Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.EventInvalid); } } else { if (calendarInvite.IsSignUp && inviteeGuildId == GetPlayer().GetGuildId()) { Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarCommandResult(playerGuid, CalendarError.NoGuildInvites); return; } CalendarInvite invite = new(calendarInvite.EventID, 0, inviteeGuid, playerGuid, SharedConst.CalendarDefaultResponseTime, CalendarInviteStatus.Invited, CalendarModerationRank.Player, ""); Global.CalendarMgr.SendCalendarEventInvite(invite); } }
void HandleSendMail(SendMail packet) { if (packet.Info.Attachments.Count > SharedConst.MaxClientMailItems) // client limit { GetPlayer().SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.TooManyAttachments); return; } if (!CanOpenMailBox(packet.Info.Mailbox)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.Info.Target)) { return; } Player player = GetPlayer(); if (player.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.MailLevelReq)) { SendNotification(CypherStrings.MailSenderReq, WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.MailLevelReq)); return; } ObjectGuid receiverGuid = ObjectGuid.Empty; if (ObjectManager.NormalizePlayerName(ref packet.Info.Target)) { receiverGuid = Global.CharacterCacheStorage.GetCharacterGuidByName(packet.Info.Target); } if (receiverGuid.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Network, "Player {0} is sending mail to {1} (GUID: not existed!) with subject {2}" + "and body {3} includes {4} items, {5} copper and {6} COD copper with StationeryID = {7}", GetPlayerInfo(), packet.Info.Target, packet.Info.Subject, packet.Info.Body, packet.Info.Attachments.Count, packet.Info.SendMoney, packet.Info.Cod, packet.Info.StationeryID); player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.RecipientNotFound); return; } if (packet.Info.SendMoney < 0) { GetPlayer().SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.InternalError); Log.outWarn(LogFilter.Server, "Player {0} attempted to send mail to {1} ({2}) with negative money value (SendMoney: {3})", GetPlayerInfo(), packet.Info.Target, receiverGuid.ToString(), packet.Info.SendMoney); return; } if (packet.Info.Cod < 0) { GetPlayer().SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.InternalError); Log.outWarn(LogFilter.Server, "Player {0} attempted to send mail to {1} ({2}) with negative COD value (Cod: {3})", GetPlayerInfo(), packet.Info.Target, receiverGuid.ToString(), packet.Info.Cod); return; } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Network, "Player {0} is sending mail to {1} ({2}) with subject {3} and body {4}" + "includes {5} items, {6} copper and {7} COD copper with StationeryID = {8}", GetPlayerInfo(), packet.Info.Target, receiverGuid.ToString(), packet.Info.Subject, packet.Info.Body, packet.Info.Attachments.Count, packet.Info.SendMoney, packet.Info.Cod, packet.Info.StationeryID); if (player.GetGUID() == receiverGuid) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.CannotSendToSelf); return; } uint cost = (uint)(!packet.Info.Attachments.Empty() ? 30 * packet.Info.Attachments.Count : 30); // price hardcoded in client long reqmoney = cost + packet.Info.SendMoney; // Check for overflow if (reqmoney < packet.Info.SendMoney) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.NotEnoughMoney); return; } if (!player.HasEnoughMoney(reqmoney) && !player.IsGameMaster()) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.NotEnoughMoney); return; } Player receiver = Global.ObjAccessor.FindPlayer(receiverGuid); Team receiverTeam = 0; byte mailsCount = 0; //do not allow to send to one player more than 100 mails byte receiverLevel = 0; uint receiverAccountId = 0; uint receiverBnetAccountId; if (receiver) { receiverTeam = receiver.GetTeam(); mailsCount = (byte)receiver.GetMails().Count; receiverLevel = (byte)receiver.GetLevel(); receiverAccountId = receiver.GetSession().GetAccountId(); receiverBnetAccountId = receiver.GetSession().GetBattlenetAccountId(); } else { CharacterCacheEntry characterInfo = Global.CharacterCacheStorage.GetCharacterCacheByGuid(receiverGuid); if (characterInfo != null) { receiverTeam = Player.TeamForRace(characterInfo.RaceId); receiverLevel = characterInfo.Level; receiverAccountId = characterInfo.AccountId; } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_MAIL_COUNT); stmt.AddValue(0, receiverGuid.GetCounter()); SQLResult result = DB.Characters.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { mailsCount = (byte)result.Read <ulong>(0); } receiverBnetAccountId = Global.BNetAccountMgr.GetIdByGameAccount(receiverAccountId); } // do not allow to have more than 100 mails in mailbox.. mails count is in opcode byte!!! - so max can be 255.. if (mailsCount > 100) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.RecipientCapReached); return; } // test the receiver's Faction... or all items are account bound bool accountBound = !packet.Info.Attachments.Empty(); foreach (var att in packet.Info.Attachments) { Item item = player.GetItemByGuid(att.ItemGUID); if (item) { ItemTemplate itemProto = item.GetTemplate(); if (itemProto == null || !itemProto.GetFlags().HasAnyFlag(ItemFlags.IsBoundToAccount)) { accountBound = false; break; } } } if (!accountBound && player.GetTeam() != receiverTeam && !HasPermission(RBACPermissions.TwoSideInteractionMail)) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.NotYourTeam); return; } if (receiverLevel < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.MailLevelReq)) { SendNotification(CypherStrings.MailReceiverReq, WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.MailLevelReq)); return; } List <Item> items = new(); foreach (var att in packet.Info.Attachments) { if (att.ItemGUID.IsEmpty()) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.MailAttachmentInvalid); return; } Item item = player.GetItemByGuid(att.ItemGUID); // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equipped empty bag to mail) if (!item) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.MailAttachmentInvalid); return; } if (!item.CanBeTraded(true)) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.EquipError, InventoryResult.MailBoundItem); return; } if (item.IsBoundAccountWide() && item.IsSoulBound() && player.GetSession().GetAccountId() != receiverAccountId) { if (!item.IsBattlenetAccountBound() || player.GetSession().GetBattlenetAccountId() == 0 || player.GetSession().GetBattlenetAccountId() != receiverBnetAccountId) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.EquipError, InventoryResult.NotSameAccount); return; } } if (item.GetTemplate().GetFlags().HasAnyFlag(ItemFlags.Conjured) || item.m_itemData.Expiration != 0) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.EquipError, InventoryResult.MailBoundItem); return; } if (packet.Info.Cod != 0 && item.HasItemFlag(ItemFieldFlags.Wrapped)) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.CantSendWrappedCod); return; } if (item.IsNotEmptyBag()) { player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.EquipError, InventoryResult.DestroyNonemptyBag); return; } items.Add(item); } player.SendMailResult(0, MailResponseType.Send, MailResponseResult.Ok); player.ModifyMoney(-reqmoney); player.UpdateCriteria(CriteriaTypes.GoldSpentForMail, cost); bool needItemDelay = false; MailDraft draft = new(packet.Info.Subject, packet.Info.Body); SQLTransaction trans = new(); if (!packet.Info.Attachments.Empty() || packet.Info.SendMoney > 0) { bool log = HasPermission(RBACPermissions.LogGmTrade); if (!packet.Info.Attachments.Empty()) { foreach (var item in items) { if (log) { Log.outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM {0} ({1}) (Account: {2}) mail item: {3} (Entry: {4} Count: {5}) to player: {6} ({7}) (Account: {8})", GetPlayerName(), GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString(), GetAccountId(), item.GetTemplate().GetName(), item.GetEntry(), item.GetCount(), packet.Info.Target, receiverGuid.ToString(), receiverAccountId); } item.SetNotRefundable(GetPlayer()); // makes the item no longer refundable player.MoveItemFromInventory(item.GetBagSlot(), item.GetSlot(), true); item.DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); // deletes item from character's inventory item.SetOwnerGUID(receiverGuid); item.SetState(ItemUpdateState.Changed); item.SaveToDB(trans); // recursive and not have transaction guard into self, item not in inventory and can be save standalone draft.AddItem(item); } // if item send to character at another account, then apply item delivery delay needItemDelay = player.GetSession().GetAccountId() != receiverAccountId; } if (log && packet.Info.SendMoney > 0) { Log.outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM {0} ({1}) (Account: {2}) mail money: {3} to player: {4} ({5}) (Account: {6})", GetPlayerName(), GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString(), GetAccountId(), packet.Info.SendMoney, packet.Info.Target, receiverGuid.ToString(), receiverAccountId); } } // If theres is an item, there is a one hour delivery delay if sent to another account's character. uint deliver_delay = needItemDelay ? WorldConfig.GetUIntValue(WorldCfg.MailDeliveryDelay) : 0; // Mail sent between guild members arrives instantly Guild guild = Global.GuildMgr.GetGuildById(player.GetGuildId()); if (guild) { if (guild.IsMember(receiverGuid)) { deliver_delay = 0; } } // don't ask for COD if there are no items if (packet.Info.Attachments.Empty()) { packet.Info.Cod = 0; } // will delete item or place to receiver mail list draft.AddMoney((ulong)packet.Info.SendMoney).AddCOD((uint)packet.Info.Cod).SendMailTo(trans, new MailReceiver(receiver, receiverGuid.GetCounter()), new MailSender(player), string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.Info.Body) ? MailCheckMask.Copied : MailCheckMask.HasBody, deliver_delay); player.SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); DB.Characters.CommitTransaction(trans); }