void Spawn1Object(PoolObject obj) { switch (typeof(T).Name) { case "Creature": CreatureData data = Global.ObjectMgr.GetCreatureData(obj.guid); if (data != null) { Global.ObjectMgr.AddCreatureToGrid(obj.guid, data); // Spawn if necessary (loaded grids only) Map map = Global.MapMgr.CreateBaseMap(data.mapid); // We use spawn coords to spawn if (!map.Instanceable() && map.IsGridLoaded(data.posX, data.posY)) { Creature creature = new Creature(); if (!creature.LoadCreatureFromDB(obj.guid, map)) { return; } } } break; case "GameObject": GameObjectData data_ = Global.ObjectMgr.GetGOData(obj.guid); if (data_ != null) { Global.ObjectMgr.AddGameObjectToGrid(obj.guid, data_); // Spawn if necessary (loaded grids only) // this base map checked as non-instanced and then only existed Map map = Global.MapMgr.CreateBaseMap(data_.mapid); // We use current coords to unspawn, not spawn coords since creature can have changed grid if (!map.Instanceable() && map.IsGridLoaded(data_.posX, data_.posY)) { GameObject pGameobject = new GameObject(); if (!pGameobject.LoadGameObjectFromDB(obj.guid, map, false)) { return; } else { if (pGameobject.isSpawnedByDefault()) { map.AddToMap(pGameobject); } } } } break; case "Pool": Global.PoolMgr.SpawnPool((uint)obj.guid); break; case "Quest": // Creatures var questMap = Global.ObjectMgr.GetCreatureQuestRelationMap(); var qr = Global.PoolMgr.mQuestCreatureRelation.LookupByKey(obj.guid); foreach (var creature in qr) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Pool, "PoolGroup<Quest>: Adding quest {0} to creature {1}", obj.guid, creature); questMap.Add(creature, (uint)obj.guid); } // Gameobjects questMap = Global.ObjectMgr.GetGOQuestRelationMap(); qr = Global.PoolMgr.mQuestGORelation.LookupByKey(obj.guid); foreach (var go in qr) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Pool, "PoolGroup<Quest>: Adding quest {0} to GO {1}", obj.guid, go); questMap.Add(go, (uint)obj.guid); } break; } }
public void LoadFromDB() { // Pool templates { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT entry, max_limit FROM pool_template"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { mPoolTemplate.Clear(); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 object pools. DB table `pool_template` is empty."); return; } uint count = 0; do { uint pool_id = result.Read <uint>(0); PoolTemplateData pPoolTemplate = new PoolTemplateData(); pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit = result.Read <uint>(1); mPoolTemplate[pool_id] = pPoolTemplate; ++count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} objects pools in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } // Creatures Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loading Creatures Pooling Data..."); { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // 1 2 3 SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_creature"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 creatures in pools. DB table `pool_creature` is empty."); } else { uint count = 0; do { ulong guid = result.Read <ulong>(0); uint pool_id = result.Read <uint>(1); float chance = result.Read <float>(2); CreatureData data = Global.ObjectMgr.GetCreatureData(guid); if (data == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_creature` has a non existing creature spawn (GUID: {0}) defined for pool id ({1}), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } if (!mPoolTemplate.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_creature` pool id ({0}) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_creature` has an invalid chance ({0}) for creature guid ({1}) in pool id ({2}), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData pPoolTemplate = mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = new PoolObject(guid, chance); if (!mPoolCreatureGroups.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { mPoolCreatureGroups[pool_id] = new PoolGroup <Creature>(); } PoolGroup <Creature> cregroup = mPoolCreatureGroups[pool_id]; cregroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); cregroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit); mCreatureSearchMap.Add(guid, pool_id); ++count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} creatures in pools in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // Gameobjects Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loading Gameobject Pooling Data..."); { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // 1 2 3 SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_gameobject"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 gameobjects in pools. DB table `pool_gameobject` is empty."); } else { uint count = 0; do { ulong guid = result.Read <ulong>(0); uint pool_id = result.Read <uint>(1); float chance = result.Read <float>(2); GameObjectData data = Global.ObjectMgr.GetGOData(guid); if (data == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_gameobject` has a non existing gameobject spawn (GUID: {0}) defined for pool id ({1}), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } GameObjectTemplate goinfo = Global.ObjectMgr.GetGameObjectTemplate(data.id); if (goinfo.type != GameObjectTypes.Chest && goinfo.type != GameObjectTypes.FishingHole && goinfo.type != GameObjectTypes.GatheringNode && goinfo.type != GameObjectTypes.Goober) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_gameobject` has a not lootable gameobject spawn (GUID: {0}, type: {1}) defined for pool id ({2}), skipped.", guid, goinfo.type, pool_id); continue; } if (!mPoolTemplate.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_gameobject` pool id ({0}) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_gameobject` has an invalid chance ({0}) for gameobject guid ({1}) in pool id ({2}), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData pPoolTemplate = mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = new PoolObject(guid, chance); if (!mPoolGameobjectGroups.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { mPoolGameobjectGroups[pool_id] = new PoolGroup <GameObject>(); } PoolGroup <GameObject> gogroup = mPoolGameobjectGroups[pool_id]; gogroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); gogroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit); mGameobjectSearchMap.Add(guid, pool_id); ++count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} gameobject in pools in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // Pool of pools Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loading Mother Pooling Data..."); { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // 1 2 3 SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT pool_id, mother_pool, chance FROM pool_pool"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 pools in pools"); } else { uint count = 0; do { uint child_pool_id = result.Read <uint>(0); uint mother_pool_id = result.Read <uint>(1); float chance = result.Read <float>(2); if (!mPoolTemplate.ContainsKey(mother_pool_id)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_pool` mother_pool id ({0}) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", mother_pool_id); continue; } if (!mPoolTemplate.ContainsKey(child_pool_id)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_pool` included pool_id ({0}) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", child_pool_id); continue; } if (mother_pool_id == child_pool_id) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_pool` pool_id ({0}) includes itself, dead-lock detected, skipped.", child_pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_pool` has an invalid chance ({0}) for pool id ({1}) in mother pool id ({2}), skipped.", chance, child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData pPoolTemplateMother = mPoolTemplate[mother_pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = new PoolObject(child_pool_id, chance); if (!mPoolPoolGroups.ContainsKey(mother_pool_id)) { mPoolPoolGroups[mother_pool_id] = new PoolGroup <Pool>(); } PoolGroup <Pool> plgroup = mPoolPoolGroups[mother_pool_id]; plgroup.SetPoolId(mother_pool_id); plgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplateMother.MaxLimit); mPoolSearchMap.Add(child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); ++count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} pools in mother pools in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loading Quest Pooling Data..."); { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_QUEST_POOLS); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 quests in pools"); } else { List <uint> creBounds; List <uint> goBounds; Dictionary <uint, eQuestTypes> poolTypeMap = new Dictionary <uint, eQuestTypes>(); uint count = 0; do { uint entry = result.Read <uint>(0); uint pool_id = result.Read <uint>(1); if (!poolTypeMap.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { poolTypeMap[pool_id] = 0; } Quest quest = Global.ObjectMgr.GetQuestTemplate(entry); if (quest == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_quest` has a non existing quest template (Entry: {0}) defined for pool id ({1}), skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (!mPoolTemplate.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_quest` pool id ({0}) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (!quest.IsDailyOrWeekly()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_quest` has an quest ({0}) which is not daily or weekly in pool id ({1}), use ExclusiveGroup instead, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] == eQuestTypes.None) { poolTypeMap[pool_id] = quest.IsDaily() ? eQuestTypes.Daily : eQuestTypes.Weekly; } eQuestTypes currType = quest.IsDaily() ? eQuestTypes.Daily : eQuestTypes.Weekly; if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] != currType) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_quest` quest {0} is {1} but pool ({2}) is specified for {3}, mixing not allowed, skipped.", entry, currType, pool_id, poolTypeMap[pool_id]); continue; } creBounds = mQuestCreatureRelation.LookupByKey(entry); goBounds = mQuestGORelation.LookupByKey(entry); if (creBounds.Empty() && goBounds.Empty()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "`pool_quest` lists entry ({0}) as member of pool ({1}) but is not started anywhere, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData pPoolTemplate = mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = new PoolObject(entry, 0.0f); if (!mPoolQuestGroups.ContainsKey(pool_id)) { mPoolQuestGroups[pool_id] = new PoolGroup <Quest>(); } PoolGroup <Quest> questgroup = mPoolQuestGroups[pool_id]; questgroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); questgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit); mQuestSearchMap.Add(entry, pool_id); ++count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} quests in pools in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // The initialize method will spawn all pools not in an event and not in another pool, this is why there is 2 left joins with 2 null checks Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Starting objects pooling system..."); { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT DISTINCT pool_template.entry, pool_pool.pool_id, pool_pool.mother_pool FROM pool_template" + " LEFT JOIN game_event_pool ON pool_template.entry=game_event_pool.pool_entry" + " LEFT JOIN pool_pool ON pool_template.entry=pool_pool.pool_id WHERE game_event_pool.pool_entry IS NULL"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Pool handling system initialized, 0 pools spawned."); } else { uint count = 0; do { uint pool_entry = result.Read <uint>(0); uint pool_pool_id = result.Read <uint>(1); if (!CheckPool(pool_entry)) { if (pool_pool_id != 0) { // The pool is a child pool in pool_pool table. Ideally we should remove it from the pool handler to ensure it never gets spawned, // however that could recursively invalidate entire chain of mother pools. It can be done in the future but for now we'll do nothing. Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Pool Id {0} has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. This broken pool is a child pool of Id {1} and cannot be safely removed.", pool_entry, result.Read <uint>(2)); } else { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Pool Id {0} has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. The pool will not be spawned.", pool_entry); } continue; } // Don't spawn child pools, they are spawned recursively by their parent pools if (pool_pool_id == 0) { SpawnPool(pool_entry); count++; } }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Pool, "Pool handling system initialized, {0} pools spawned in {1} ms", count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } }
void SpawnQuestObject(ActivePoolData spawns, uint limit, ulong triggerFrom) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Pool, "PoolGroup<Quest>: Spawning pool {0}", poolId); // load state from db if (triggerFrom == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_POOL_QUEST_SAVE); stmt.AddValue(0, poolId); SQLResult result = DB.Characters.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { do { uint questId = result.Read <uint>(0); spawns.ActivateObject <Quest>(questId, poolId); PoolObject tempObj = new PoolObject(questId, 0.0f); Spawn1Object(tempObj); --limit; } while (result.NextRow() && limit != 0); return; } } List <ulong> currentQuests = spawns.GetActiveQuests(); List <ulong> newQuests = new List <ulong>(); // always try to select different quests foreach (var poolObject in EqualChanced) { if (spawns.IsActiveObject <Quest>(poolObject.guid)) { continue; } newQuests.Add(poolObject.guid); } // clear the pool DespawnObject(spawns); // recycle minimal amount of quests if possible count is lower than limit if (limit > newQuests.Count && !currentQuests.Empty()) { do { ulong questId = currentQuests.SelectRandom(); newQuests.Add(questId); currentQuests.Remove(questId); } while (newQuests.Count < limit && !currentQuests.Empty()); // failsafe } if (newQuests.Empty()) { return; } // activate <limit> random quests do { ulong questId = newQuests.SelectRandom(); spawns.ActivateObject <Quest>(questId, poolId); PoolObject tempObj = new PoolObject(questId, 0.0f); Spawn1Object(tempObj); newQuests.Remove(questId); --limit; } while (limit != 0 && !newQuests.Empty()); // if we are here it means the pool is initialized at startup and did not have previous saved state if (triggerFrom == 0) { Global.PoolMgr.SaveQuestsToDB(); } }
void ReSpawn1Object(PoolObject obj) { // GameObject/Creature is still on map, nothing to do }