public FlyingBehavior(GameWorld world, GameActor actor, AnimalActor carry) : base(world, actor) { sprite = (FlyingSprite)actor; this.carry = carry; if (sprite.plannedPath != null) { path = sprite.plannedPath.GetEnumerator(); path.MoveNext(); = new Vector2(path.Current.x, path.Current.y); } }
public void expandUnits() { IEnumerator <AnimalActor> enu = storage.GetEnumerator(); Tile current = world.getTileAt(units.First.Value.position); LinkedList <Tile> tiles = new LinkedList <Tile>(); tiles.AddFirst(current); AnimalActor currentActor = null; while (tiles.Count != 0 && (currentActor != null || enu.MoveNext())) { if (currentActor == null) { currentActor = enu.Current; } current = tiles.First.Value; tiles.RemoveFirst(); IEnumerator <Tile> tileEnu = current.adjacent.GetEnumerator(); while (tileEnu.MoveNext()) { if (tileEnu.Current != null) { tiles.AddLast(tileEnu.Current); } } AnimalActor a = world.getAnimalOnTile(current); if (a == null && current != null) { enu.Current.position = new Vector2(current.x, current.y); FlyingSprite sprite = new FlyingSprite(world, units.First.Value.position, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, 0, enu.Current.position, enu.Current); sprite.anim = enu.Current.anim; world.addActor(enu.Current); enu.Current.removeMe = false; enu.Current.changeTeam(team); world.addActor(sprite); //enu.Current.customDraw = AnimalActor.drawInvisible; currentActor = null; } } }
/* TODO: * What do these functions do? Why do they exist? * It would be very helpful if whoever wrote them also wrote comments. */ public void collapseUnits() { IEnumerator <AnimalActor> enu = units.GetEnumerator(); enu.MoveNext(); AnimalActor first = enu.Current; storage = new LinkedList <AnimalActor>(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { storage.AddFirst(enu.Current); } enu = storage.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { enu.Current.die(); FlyingSprite sprite = new FlyingSprite(world, enu.Current.position, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, 0, first.position, null); sprite.anim = enu.Current.anim; world.addActor(sprite); } }
/** * Attacks the target tile, if there is an actor on that tile fight it. */ public Boolean attackTile(Tile target) { AnimalActor animalTarget = world.getAnimalOnTile(target); if (canAttackActor(animalTarget)) { //If adjacent tiles contain the target tile if (findAttackTiles().Contains(target)) { if (this.attackRange > 1) { FlyingSprite sprite = new FlyingSprite(world, this.position, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, 0, new Vector2(target.x, target.y)); sprite.anim = new Animation(world.engine.resourceComponent, "Sprites/011_blob/"); world.addActor(sprite); animalTarget.fight(this); } else if (this.movementType.Equals(animalTarget.movementType) || this.movementType.Equals(TileCost.Air)) { List <Tile> hittingAnim = new List <Tile>(); hittingAnim.Add(target); hittingAnim.Add(curTile); FlyingSprite sprite = new FlyingSprite(world, this.position, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, 0, new Vector2(curTile.x, curTile.y), this, hittingAnim); sprite.anim = this.anim; world.addActor(sprite); this.customDraw = AnimalActor.drawInvisible; animalTarget.fight(this); } canAct = false; return(true); } } return(false); }
/** * Move to the target tile, if there is another animal there do not move there. */ public Boolean moveTile(Tile target) { if (canMoveTo(target)) { Tile currentTile = world.getTileAt(position); canMove = false; pathsFromCurrentTile = null; // Real tile index-offset= array index in move costs array. int offsetx = currentTile.xIndex - (moveRange); int offsety = currentTile.yIndex - (moveRange); int costX = target.xIndex - offsetx; int costY = target.yIndex - offsety; //Starting backwards from target tile, find cheapest path back to current tile using previously calculated movement cost array. List <Tile> movePath = new List <Tile>(); movePath.Add(target); Tile currentVisit = target; while (currentVisit != currentTile) { int low = int.MaxValue; int lowX = -1; int lowY = -1; if (costX - 1 > -1 && pathCost[costX - 1, costY] != -1) { low = pathCost[costX - 1, costY]; lowX = costX - 1; lowY = costY; } if (costY - 1 > -1) { if (pathCost[costX, costY - 1] < low && pathCost[costX, costY - 1] != -1) { low = pathCost[costX, costY - 1]; lowX = costX; lowY = costY - 1; } } if (costX + 1 < pathCost.GetLength(0)) { if (pathCost[costX + 1, costY] < low && pathCost[costX + 1, costY] != -1) { low = pathCost[costX + 1, costY]; lowX = costX + 1; lowY = costY; } } if (costY + 1 < pathCost.GetLength(1)) { if (pathCost[costX, costY + 1] < low && pathCost[costX, costY + 1] != -1) { low = pathCost[costX, costY + 1]; lowX = costX; lowY = costY + 1; } } currentVisit = world.getTile(lowX + offsetx, lowY + offsety); movePath.Add(currentVisit); costX = lowX; costY = lowY; } movePath.Reverse(); FlyingSprite sprite = new FlyingSprite(world, this.position, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, 0, new Vector2(target.x, target.y), this, movePath); this.position = new Vector2(target.x, target.y); sprite.anim = this.anim; world.addActor(sprite); this.customDraw = AnimalActor.drawInvisible; return(true); } return(false); }