private Point3D GetWorldCenterMass(Body body)
            ConvexBody3D bodyCast = body as ConvexBody3D;
            if (bodyCast == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't cast body as a ConvexBody3D: " + body.ToString());

            //TODO:  Put this in a property off of convexbody

            //// Get the center of mass in model coords
            //Point3D centerMass = bodyCast.CenterOfMass;
            //Vector3D retVal = new Vector3D(centerMass.X, centerMass.Y, centerMass.Z);

            //// Transform that into world coords

            return body.VisualMatrix.Transform(bodyCast.CenterOfMass);

            // Exit Function
            //return retVal;
        private void Cube_ApplyForce(Body sender, BodyForceEventArgs e)
            if (_shouldRandomizeVelocities)
                #region Set Velocities

                _didRandomizeVelocities = true;

                Vector3D newVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(MAXRANDVELOCITY * _randVelMultiplier);

                //sender.Velocity.X = newVelocity.X;
                //sender.Velocity.Y = newVelocity.Y;
                //sender.Velocity.Z = newVelocity.Z;

                e.AddImpulse(newVelocity, sender.CenterOfMass.ToVector());


            #region Do Gravity

            // Calculate force between the two
            //TODO:  Calculate these forces in one place and remember the results

            Point3D blueCenterWorld = GetWorldCenterMass(_blueCube);
            Point3D redCenterWorld = GetWorldCenterMass(_redCube);

            Vector3D gravityLink = blueCenterWorld - redCenterWorld;

            double force = GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT * (_blueCube.Mass * _redCube.Mass) / gravityLink.LengthSquared;

            gravityLink = Vector3D.Multiply(force, gravityLink);

            // Apply the force
            if (sender == _blueCube)
                e.AddForce(Vector3D.Multiply(-1d, gravityLink));
            else if (sender == _redCube)
                MessageBox.Show("Unknown Sender: " + sender.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
