Пример #1
        private static BezierSegment3D[] TestAxeSimple2_Segments(Curves_AxeSimple2 arg)
            Point3D[] points = arg.GetAllPoints();

            // Top
            BezierSegment3D top = new BezierSegment3D(arg.IndexTL, arg.IndexTR, null, points);

            // Edge
            Point3D controlTR = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndTR, arg.EndBR, arg.EndBL_1, true, arg.EdgeAngleT, arg.EdgePercentT);
            Point3D controlBR = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndBR, arg.EndTR, arg.EndTL, true, arg.EdgeAngleB, arg.EdgePercentB);
            BezierSegment3D edge = new BezierSegment3D(arg.IndexTR, arg.IndexBR, new[] { controlTR, controlBR }, points);

            // Bottom (right portion)
            BezierSegment3D bottomRight = null;
            if (arg.EndBL_2 == null)
                Point3D controlR = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndBR, arg.EndBL_1, arg.EndTR, false, arg.B1AngleR, arg.B1PercentR);
                Point3D controlL = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndBL_1, arg.EndBR, arg.EndTR, false, arg.B1AngleL, arg.B1PercentL);
                bottomRight = new BezierSegment3D(arg.IndexBR, arg.IndexBL_1, new[] { controlR, controlL }, points);
                bottomRight = new BezierSegment3D(arg.IndexBR, arg.IndexBL_1, null, points);

            // Bottom (left portion)
            BezierSegment3D bottomLeft = null;
            if (arg.EndBL_2 != null)
                Point3D controlR = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndBL_1, arg.EndBL_2.Value, arg.EndTR, false, arg.B2AngleR, arg.B2PercentR);
                Point3D controlL = BezierUtil.GetControlPoint_End(arg.EndBL_2.Value, arg.EndBL_1, arg.EndTR, false, arg.B2AngleL, arg.B2PercentL);
                bottomLeft = new BezierSegment3D(arg.IndexBL_1, arg.IndexBL_2, new[] { controlR, controlL }, points);

            return UtilityCore.Iterate<BezierSegment3D>(top, edge, bottomRight, bottomLeft).ToArray();
Пример #2
        private void TestAxeSimple2(Curves_AxeSimple2 arg)
            BezierSegment3D[][] segmentSets = new BezierSegment3D[5][];

            Curves_AxeSimple2[] argLevels = new Curves_AxeSimple2[5];

            argLevels[2] = arg;     // Edge
            #region Middle

            argLevels[1] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

            // Right
            argLevels[1].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X * .8, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y * .9, .15);

            Vector3D offsetTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y, 0) - arg.EndTR;
            Quaternion angleTR = Math3D.GetRotation((arg.EndTL - arg.EndTR), offsetTR);

            Vector3D rotated = (arg.EndBL_1 - arg.EndBR).ToUnit() * offsetTR.Length;
            rotated = rotated.GetRotatedVector(angleTR.Axis, angleTR.Angle * -1.3);

            argLevels[1].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X + rotated.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y + rotated.Y, .15);      // can't just use percents of coordinates.  Instead use the same offset angle,distance that top left had

            // Left
            argLevels[1].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTL.X, argLevels[1].EndTL.Y * .95, .3);

            if (argLevels[1].EndBL_2 == null)
                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y * .9, .3);
                Vector3D offsetBL1 = arg.EndBR - arg.EndBL_1;
                double lengthBL1 = (new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y, 0) - arg.EndBR).Length;
                offsetBL1 = offsetBL1.ToUnit() * (offsetBL1.Length - lengthBL1);

                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = argLevels[1].EndBR - offsetBL1;
                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y, .18);

                argLevels[1].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .9, .3);

            argLevels[3] = argLevels[1].CloneNegateZ();

            #region Far

            argLevels[0] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

            argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .4);

            argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, .25);

            if (argLevels[0].EndBL_2 == null)
                argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y * .6, .25);
                argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_1.Y * .6, .4);
                // Bottom Right
                Vector3D offset = (argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1) * .5;
                Point3D startPoint = argLevels[1].EndBL_1 + offset;     // midway along bottom edge

                offset = argLevels[1].EndTR - startPoint;

                argLevels[0].EndBR = startPoint + (offset * .15);       // from midway point toward upper right point
                argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y, .25);      // fix z

                // Left of bottom right (where the circle cutout ends)
                offset = argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1;
                argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(argLevels[0].EndBR, offset, argLevels[0].EndBL_1);

                offset *= .05;
                Point3D minBL1 = argLevels[0].EndBR - offset;
                Vector3D testOffset = argLevels[0].EndBL_1 - argLevels[0].EndBR;
                if (Vector3D.DotProduct(testOffset, offset) < 0 || testOffset.LengthSquared < offset.LengthSquared)
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = minBL1;

                // Bottom Left
                argLevels[0].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .6, .4);

                // Reduce the curve a bit
                argLevels[0].B2AngleL = argLevels[0].B2AngleL * .9;
                argLevels[0].B2PercentL = argLevels[0].B2PercentL * .95;

                argLevels[0].B2AngleR = argLevels[0].B2AngleR * .85;
                argLevels[0].B2PercentR = argLevels[0].B2PercentR * .95;

            argLevels[4] = argLevels[0].CloneNegateZ();



            #region Lines

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 5; cntr++)
                if (!chkAxe3D.IsChecked.Value && cntr != 2)

                Curves_AxeSimple2 argCurrent = argLevels[cntr];

                BezierSegment3D[] segments = TestAxeSimple2_Segments(argCurrent);
                segmentSets[cntr] = segments;

                DrawBezierLines(segments, chkAxeLine.IsChecked.Value, chkAxeControl.IsChecked.Value, chkAxeEnd.IsChecked.Value);

            #region Plates

            if (chkAxe3D.IsChecked.Value)
                Color edgeColor = Colors.GhostWhite;
                Color middleColor = Colors.DimGray;

                int numSegments = segmentSets[0].Length;

                int squareCount = 20;

                // Z to Z
                DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, segmentSets[0], segmentSets[1], middleColor, false);

                if (numSegments == 3)
                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][0], segmentSets[1][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][2] }, middleColor, false);
                    DrawBezierPlate(squareCount, segmentSets[1][1], segmentSets[2][1], edgeColor, true);

                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][0], segmentSets[3][2] }, middleColor, false);
                    DrawBezierPlate(squareCount, segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[3][1], edgeColor, true);
                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][0], segmentSets[1][3] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][3] }, middleColor, false);
                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][1], segmentSets[1][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[2][2] }, edgeColor, true);

                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][3] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][0], segmentSets[3][3] }, middleColor, false);
                    DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[2][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][1], segmentSets[3][2] }, edgeColor, true);

                DrawBezierPlates(squareCount, segmentSets[3], segmentSets[4], middleColor, false);

                // End cap plates
                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 2; cntr++)
                    int index = cntr == 0 ? 0 : 4;

                    // Turn the end cap into a polygon, then triangulate it
                    Point3D[] endCapPoly = BezierUtil.GetPath(squareCount, segmentSets[index].Select(o => new[] { o }).ToArray());       // Call the jagged array overload so that the individual bezier end points don't get smoothed out

                    TriangleIndexed[] endCapTriangles = Math2D.GetTrianglesFromConcavePoly3D(endCapPoly);
                    if (cntr == 0)
                        endCapTriangles = endCapTriangles.Select(o => new TriangleIndexed(o.Index0, o.Index2, o.Index1, o.AllPoints)).ToArray();        // need to do this so the normals point in the proper direction

                    DrawPolyPlate(endCapTriangles, middleColor, false);

                    //AddLines(endCapTriangles.Select(o => Tuple.Create(o.GetCenterPoint(), o.GetCenterPoint() + o.Normal)), _controlLineC, 2);

Пример #3
        private void btnAvgPlane_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                Curves_AxeSimple2 arg = new Curves_AxeSimple2(false);
                Curves_AxeSimple2[] argLevels = new Curves_AxeSimple2[5];

                argLevels[2] = arg;     // Edge
                #region Middle

                argLevels[1] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

                // Right
                argLevels[1].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X * .8, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y * .9, .15);

                Vector3D offsetTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y, 0) - arg.EndTR;
                Quaternion angleTR = Math3D.GetRotation((arg.EndTL - arg.EndTR), offsetTR);

                Vector3D rotated = (arg.EndBL_1 - arg.EndBR).ToUnit() * offsetTR.Length;
                rotated = rotated.GetRotatedVector(angleTR.Axis, angleTR.Angle * -1.3);

                argLevels[1].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X + rotated.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y + rotated.Y, .15);      // can't just use percents of coordinates.  Instead use the same offset angle,distance that top left had

                // Left
                argLevels[1].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTL.X, argLevels[1].EndTL.Y * .95, .3);

                if (argLevels[1].EndBL_2 == null)
                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y * .9, .3);
                    Vector3D offsetBL1 = arg.EndBR - arg.EndBL_1;
                    double lengthBL1 = (new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y, 0) - arg.EndBR).Length;
                    offsetBL1 = offsetBL1.ToUnit() * (offsetBL1.Length - lengthBL1);

                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = argLevels[1].EndBR - offsetBL1;
                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y, .18);

                    argLevels[1].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .9, .3);

                argLevels[3] = argLevels[1].CloneNegateZ();

                #region Far

                argLevels[0] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

                //argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .4);
                argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .5);

                //argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, .25);
                argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, -.25);

                if (argLevels[0].EndBL_2 == null)
                    argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y * .6, .25);
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_1.Y * .6, .4);
                    // Bottom Right
                    Vector3D offset = (argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1) * .5;
                    Point3D startPoint = argLevels[1].EndBL_1 + offset;     // midway along bottom edge

                    offset = argLevels[1].EndTR - startPoint;

                    argLevels[0].EndBR = startPoint + (offset * .15);       // from midway point toward upper right point
                    argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y, .25);      // fix z

                    // Left of bottom right (where the circle cutout ends)
                    offset = argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1;
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(argLevels[0].EndBR, offset, argLevels[0].EndBL_1);

                    offset *= .05;
                    Point3D minBL1 = argLevels[0].EndBR - offset;
                    Vector3D testOffset = argLevels[0].EndBL_1 - argLevels[0].EndBR;
                    if (Vector3D.DotProduct(testOffset, offset) < 0 || testOffset.LengthSquared < offset.LengthSquared)
                        argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = minBL1;

                    // Bottom Left
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .6, .4);

                    // Reduce the curve a bit
                    argLevels[0].B2AngleL = argLevels[0].B2AngleL * .9;
                    argLevels[0].B2PercentL = argLevels[0].B2PercentL * .95;

                    argLevels[0].B2AngleR = argLevels[0].B2AngleR * .85;
                    argLevels[0].B2PercentR = argLevels[0].B2PercentR * .95;

                argLevels[4] = argLevels[0].CloneNegateZ();


                #region Get polygon points

                BezierSegment3D[] segments = TestAxeSimple2_Segments(argLevels[0]);

                List<Point3D> pointsDupes = new List<Point3D>();

                foreach (BezierSegment3D bezier in segments)
                    pointsDupes.AddRange(BezierUtil.GetPoints(5, bezier));

                List<Point3D> points = new List<Point3D>();
                for (int cntr = 1; cntr < pointsDupes.Count; cntr++)
                    if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(pointsDupes[cntr], pointsDupes[cntr - 1]))


                //ITriangle plane = AveragePlaneTests.GetAveragePlane(points.ToArray());
                ITriangle plane = Math2D.GetPlane_Average(points.ToArray());


                foreach (Point3D point in points)
                    AddDot(point, _endPointC, .0125);

                    AddLine(point, Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Plane_Point(plane, point), _controlPointC, 2);


                //List<Point3D> upPoints = new List<Point3D>();

                //upPoints.AddRange(AveragePlaneTests.GetAveragePlane_UpVectors(points.ToArray()).Select(o => upPoints[0] + o/*.ToUnit()*/));

                //AddLines(Enumerable.Range(1, upPoints.Count - 1).Select(o => Tuple.Create(0, o)), upPoints.ToArray(), _otherLineC);


                //var ups = AveragePlaneTests.TestAveragePlane_UpVectors(points.ToArray());
                //Point3D center = Math3D.GetCenter(points);

                //AddLine(center, center + ups.Item1, _controlLineC, 2);
                //AddLine(center, center + ups.Item2, _controlLineC, 2);


                AddPlane(plane, UtilityWPF.ColorFromHex("20A0A0A0"), 25);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #4
        private void btnAvgPlane2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                Curves_AxeSimple2 arg = new Curves_AxeSimple2(false);
                Curves_AxeSimple2[] argLevels = new Curves_AxeSimple2[5];

                argLevels[2] = arg;     // Edge
                #region Middle

                argLevels[1] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

                // Right
                argLevels[1].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X * .8, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y * .9, .15);

                Vector3D offsetTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y, 0) - arg.EndTR;
                Quaternion angleTR = Math3D.GetRotation((arg.EndTL - arg.EndTR), offsetTR);

                Vector3D rotated = (arg.EndBL_1 - arg.EndBR).ToUnit() * offsetTR.Length;
                rotated = rotated.GetRotatedVector(angleTR.Axis, angleTR.Angle * -1.3);

                argLevels[1].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X + rotated.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y + rotated.Y, .15);      // can't just use percents of coordinates.  Instead use the same offset angle,distance that top left had

                // Left
                argLevels[1].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTL.X, argLevels[1].EndTL.Y * .95, .3);

                if (argLevels[1].EndBL_2 == null)
                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y * .9, .3);
                    Vector3D offsetBL1 = arg.EndBR - arg.EndBL_1;
                    double lengthBL1 = (new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y, 0) - arg.EndBR).Length;
                    offsetBL1 = offsetBL1.ToUnit() * (offsetBL1.Length - lengthBL1);

                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = argLevels[1].EndBR - offsetBL1;
                    argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y, .18);

                    argLevels[1].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .9, .3);

                argLevels[3] = argLevels[1].CloneNegateZ();

                #region Far

                argLevels[0] = UtilityCore.Clone(arg);

                //argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .4);
                argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .5);

                //argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, .25);
                argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, -.25);

                if (argLevels[0].EndBL_2 == null)
                    argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y * .6, .25);
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_1.Y * .6, .4);
                    // Bottom Right
                    Vector3D offset = (argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1) * .5;
                    Point3D startPoint = argLevels[1].EndBL_1 + offset;     // midway along bottom edge

                    offset = argLevels[1].EndTR - startPoint;

                    argLevels[0].EndBR = startPoint + (offset * .15);       // from midway point toward upper right point
                    argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y, .25);      // fix z

                    // Left of bottom right (where the circle cutout ends)
                    offset = argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1;
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(argLevels[0].EndBR, offset, argLevels[0].EndBL_1);

                    offset *= .05;
                    Point3D minBL1 = argLevels[0].EndBR - offset;
                    Vector3D testOffset = argLevels[0].EndBL_1 - argLevels[0].EndBR;
                    if (Vector3D.DotProduct(testOffset, offset) < 0 || testOffset.LengthSquared < offset.LengthSquared)
                        argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = minBL1;

                    // Bottom Left
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .6, .4);

                    // Reduce the curve a bit
                    argLevels[0].B2AngleL = argLevels[0].B2AngleL * .9;
                    argLevels[0].B2PercentL = argLevels[0].B2PercentL * .95;

                    argLevels[0].B2AngleR = argLevels[0].B2AngleR * .85;
                    argLevels[0].B2PercentR = argLevels[0].B2PercentR * .95;

                argLevels[4] = argLevels[0].CloneNegateZ();


                #region Get polygon points

                BezierSegment3D[] segments = TestAxeSimple2_Segments(argLevels[0]);

                List<Point3D> pointsDupes = new List<Point3D>();

                foreach (BezierSegment3D bezier in segments)
                    pointsDupes.AddRange(BezierUtil.GetPoints(5, bezier));

                List<Point3D> points = new List<Point3D>();
                for (int cntr = 1; cntr < pointsDupes.Count; cntr++)
                    if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(pointsDupes[cntr], pointsDupes[cntr - 1]))


                TriangleIndexed[] triangles = Math2D.GetTrianglesFromConcavePoly3D(points.ToArray());


                foreach (Point3D point in points)
                    AddDot(point, _endPointC, .0125);

                foreach (ITriangle triangle in triangles)
                    DrawTrianglePlate(triangle.Point0, triangle.Point1, triangle.Point2, UtilityWPF.GetRandomColor(128, 64, 192), false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #5
        private void btnAxeSimple2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                _savedAxe = new Curves_AxeSimple2(false);

                Axe_Checked(this, new RoutedEventArgs());
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);