Пример #1
        private static AlbumDto ConfigureAlbumTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Create the root album if necessary.
            var rootAlbumDto = (from a in ctx.Albums where a.FKGalleryId == galleryId && a.AlbumParentId == 0 select a).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rootAlbumDto == null)
                rootAlbumDto = new AlbumDto
                    FKGalleryId            = galleryId,
                    AlbumParentId          = 0,
                    Title                  = "All albums",
                    DirectoryName          = String.Empty,
                    Summary                = "Welcome to Gallery Server Pro!",
                    ThumbnailMediaObjectId = 0,
                    Seq              = 0,
                    DateAdded        = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedBy        = "System",
                    LastModifiedBy   = "System",
                    DateLastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    OwnedBy          = String.Empty,
                    OwnerRoleName    = String.Empty,
                    IsPrivate        = false


Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the data schema version of the database. May return null. Examples: "2.3.3421", "2.4.1"
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="string"/> containing the database version.</returns>
 internal static string GetDataSchemaVersionString()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return((from a in ctx.AppSettings where a.SettingName == "DataSchemaVersion" select a.SettingValue).FirstOrDefault());
Пример #3
        private static void ConfigureMimeTypeGalleryTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Create a new set of gallery MIME types (do nothing if already present).
            bool mimeTypeGalleryTableHasRecords = ((from mtg in ctx.MimeTypeGalleries where mtg.FKGalleryId == galleryId select mtg).Count() > 0);

            string sql = @"
	INSERT INTO [gs_MimeTypeGallery] (FKGalleryId, FKMimeTypeId, IsEnabled)
	SELECT @GalleryId, mt.MimeTypeId, 0
	FROM [gs_MimeType] mt
	WHERE mt.MimeTypeId NOT IN
		(SELECT mtg.FKMimeTypeId FROM [gs_MimeTypeGallery] mtg
		 WHERE mtg.FKGalleryId = {0});
".Replace("@GalleryId", galleryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, galleryId);

            if (!mimeTypeGalleryTableHasRecords)
                // The gs_MimeTypeGallery table was empty when we started. We inserted records in the previous SQL, and now we want
                // to enable the .jpg and .jpeg file types. (By default, users can upload these types in a gallery.)
                sql = @"
UPDATE [gs_MimeTypeGallery]
SET IsEnabled = 1
WHERE FKGalleryId = {0} AND FKMimeTypeId IN (SELECT MimeTypeId FROM [gs_MimeType] WHERE FileExtension IN ('.jpg', '.jpeg'));";

                ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, galleryId);
Пример #4
        private static void ConfigureSyncTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            var syncDto = ctx.Synchronizes.Find(galleryId);

            if (syncDto == null)
                // No sync record exists. Create one.
                syncDto = new SynchronizeDto
                    FKGalleryId      = galleryId,
                    SynchId          = String.Empty,
                    SynchState       = 1,
                    TotalFiles       = 0,
                    CurrentFileIndex = 0

                // Update the existing sync record to default values.
                syncDto.SynchId          = String.Empty;
                syncDto.SynchState       = 1;
                syncDto.TotalFiles       = 0;
                syncDto.CurrentFileIndex = 0;

Пример #5
        private static AlbumDto ConfigureAlbumTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Create the root album if necessary.
            var rootAlbumDto = (from a in ctx.Albums where a.FKGalleryId == galleryId && a.AlbumParentId == 0 select a).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rootAlbumDto == null)
                rootAlbumDto = new AlbumDto
                               		FKGalleryId = galleryId,
                               		AlbumParentId = 0,
                               		Title = "All albums",
                               		DirectoryName = String.Empty,
                               		Summary = "Welcome to Gallery Server Pro!",
                               		ThumbnailMediaObjectId = 0,
                               		Seq = 0,
                               		DateAdded = DateTime.Now,
                               		CreatedBy = "System",
                               		LastModifiedBy = "System",
                               		DateLastModified = DateTime.Now,
                               		OwnedBy = String.Empty,
                               		OwnerRoleName = String.Empty,
                               		IsPrivate = false


            return rootAlbumDto;
Пример #6
        private static void ConfigureRoleAlbumTable(int rootAlbumId, GspContext ctx)
            // For each role with AllowAdministerSite permission, add a corresponding record in gs_Role_Album giving it
            // access to the root album.
            string sql = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"
INSERT INTO [gs_Role_Album] (FKRoleName, FKAlbumId)
SELECT R.RoleName, {0}
FROM [gs_Role] R LEFT JOIN [gs_Role_Album] RA ON R.RoleName = RA.FKRoleName
WHERE R.AllowAdministerSite = 1 AND RA.FKRoleName IS NULL;
", rootAlbumId);

Пример #7
        private static void ConfigureGallerySettingsTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Create a new set of gallery settings by copying the template settings (do nothing if already present).
            string sql = @"
INSERT INTO [gs_GallerySetting] (FKGalleryId, IsTemplate, SettingName, SettingValue)
SELECT @GalleryId, 0, t.SettingName, t.SettingValue
FROM [gs_GallerySetting] t
WHERE t.IsTemplate = 1
	AND t.SettingName NOT IN 
		(SELECT g.SettingName FROM [gs_GallerySetting] g
		 WHERE g.FKGalleryId = {0});
".Replace("@GalleryId", galleryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, galleryId);
Пример #8
        private static void ConfigureGallerySettingsTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Create a new set of gallery settings by copying the template settings (do nothing if already present).
            string sql = @"
            INSERT INTO [gs_GallerySetting] (FKGalleryId, IsTemplate, SettingName, SettingValue)
            SELECT @GalleryId, 0, t.SettingName, t.SettingValue
            FROM [gs_GallerySetting] t
            WHERE t.IsTemplate = 1
            AND t.SettingName NOT IN
            (SELECT g.SettingName FROM [gs_GallerySetting] g
             WHERE g.FKGalleryId = {0});
            ".Replace("@GalleryId", galleryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, galleryId);
Пример #9
        private static void ConfigureGalleryTable(int galleryId, GspContext ctx)
            // Insert a gallery record (do nothing if already present).
            var galleryDto = ctx.Galleries.Find(galleryId);

            if (galleryDto == null)
                catch (SqlCeException ex)
                    // Log error but otherwise swallow, since the reason for the error could be that the gallery was
                    // just created by another thread.
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the gallery with the specified <paramref name="galleryId"/> by verifying that a default set of
        /// records exist in the supporting tables (gs_Album, gs_GallerySetting, gs_MimeTypeGallery, gs_Synchronize, gs_Role_Album).
        /// No changes are made to the file system as part of this operation. This method does not overwrite existing data, but it
        /// does insert missing data. This function can be used during application initialization to validate the data integrity for
        /// a gallery. For example, if the user has added a record to the MIME types or template gallery settings tables, this method
        /// will ensure that the new records are associated with the gallery identified in <paramref name="galleryId"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID of the gallery to configure.</param>
        internal static void Configure(int galleryId)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                // Step 1: Insert a gallery record (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureGalleryTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 2: Create a new set of gallery settings by copying the template settings (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureGallerySettingsTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 3: Create a new set of gallery MIME types (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureMimeTypeGalleryTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 4: Create the root album if necessary.
                AlbumDto rootAlbumDto = ConfigureAlbumTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 5: For each role with AllowAdministerSite permission, add a corresponding record in gs_Role_Album giving it
                // access to the root album.
                ConfigureRoleAlbumTable(rootAlbumDto.AlbumId, ctx);

                // Step 6: Update the sync table.
                ConfigureSyncTable(galleryId, ctx);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the gallery with the specified <paramref name="galleryId"/> by verifying that a default set of
        /// records exist in the supporting tables (gs_Album, gs_GallerySetting, gs_MimeTypeGallery, gs_Synchronize, gs_Role_Album).
        /// No changes are made to the file system as part of this operation. This method does not overwrite existing data, but it
        /// does insert missing data. This function can be used during application initialization to validate the data integrity for
        /// a gallery. For example, if the user has added a record to the MIME types or template gallery settings tables, this method
        /// will ensure that the new records are associated with the gallery identified in <paramref name="galleryId"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID of the gallery to configure.</param>
        internal static void Configure(int galleryId)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                // Step 1: Insert a gallery record (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureGalleryTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 2: Create a new set of gallery settings by copying the template settings (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureGallerySettingsTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 3: Create a new set of gallery MIME types (do nothing if already present).
                ConfigureMimeTypeGalleryTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 4: Create the root album if necessary.
                AlbumDto rootAlbumDto = ConfigureAlbumTable(galleryId, ctx);

                // Step 5: For each role with AllowAdministerSite permission, add a corresponding record in gs_Role_Album giving it
                // access to the root album.
                ConfigureRoleAlbumTable(rootAlbumDto.AlbumId, ctx);

                // Step 6: Update the sync table.
                ConfigureSyncTable(galleryId, ctx);
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the current gallery settings to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gallerySettings">An instance of <see cref="IGallerySettings"/> to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="gallerySettings" /> is null.</exception>		/// 
        public override void GallerySetting_Save(IGallerySettings gallerySettings)
            if (gallerySettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gallerySettings");

            Type gsType = gallerySettings.GetType();
            string boolType = typeof(bool).ToString();
            string intType = typeof(int).ToString();
            string stringType = typeof(string).ToString();
            string stringArrayType = typeof(string[]).ToString();
            string floatType = typeof(float).ToString();
            string dateTimeType = typeof(DateTime).ToString();
            string usersType = typeof(IUserAccountCollection).ToString();
            string metadataDefType = typeof(IMetadataDefinitionCollection).ToString();

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())

                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in gsType.GetProperties())
                    if ((prop == null) || (prop.PropertyType.FullName == null))

                    string propValue;

                    if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(boolType))
                        propValue = Convert.ToBoolean(prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(intType))
                        propValue = Convert.ToInt32(prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(stringType))
                        propValue = Convert.ToString(prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(stringArrayType))
                        propValue = String.Join(",", (string[])prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null));
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(floatType))
                        propValue = Convert.ToSingle(prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(dateTimeType))
                        propValue = Convert.ToDateTime(prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("O", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(usersType))
                        propValue = String.Join(",", ((IUserAccountCollection)prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null)).GetUserNames());
                    else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(metadataDefType))
                        propValue = ((IMetadataDefinitionCollection)prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null)).Serialize();
                        propValue = prop.GetValue(gallerySettings, null).ToString();

                    // Find the gallery setting in the DB and update it.
                    PropertyInfo propLocal = prop;
                    var gallerySettingDto = (from i in ctx.GallerySettings.Local where i.FKGalleryId == gallerySettings.GalleryId && i.SettingName == propLocal.Name select i).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (gallerySettingDto != null)
                        gallerySettingDto.SettingValue = propValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Persist each each metadata item that has HasChanges = true to the data store. If all items are marked for updating
        /// (mediaObject.RegenerateMetadataOnSave = true), then all metadata items are deleted from the data store and then inserted based
        /// on the current metadata items. If one or more items has HasChanges = false, then each item with HasChanges = true is
        /// processed according to the following rules: (1) If the metadata value is null or an empty string, it is deleted from the
        /// data store and removed from the MetadataItems collection. (2) If the item's MediaObjectMetadataId = int.MinValue, the
        /// item is assumed to be new and is inserted. (3) Any item not falling into the previous two categories, but HasChanges = true,
        /// is assumed to be pre-existing and an update stored procedure is executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaObject">The media object for which to update metadata items in the data store.</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">A database context.</param>
        private static void UpdateMetadataItems(IGalleryObject mediaObject, GspContext ctx)
            if (mediaObject.ExtractMetadataOnSave)
                // User wants to replace all metadata items. Delete them all from the data store, then insert the ones we have.
                DeleteMetadataItems(mediaObject, ctx);

                InsertMetadataItems(mediaObject, ctx);
                IGalleryObjectMetadataItemCollection metadataItemsToSave = mediaObject.MetadataItems.GetItemsToSave();
                if (metadataItemsToSave.Count == 0)
                    return; // Nothing to save

                // There is at least one item to persist to the data store.
                foreach (IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem in metadataItemsToSave)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(metaDataItem.Value))
                        // There is no value, so let's delete this item.
                        DeleteMetadataItem(metaDataItem, ctx);

                        // Remove it from the collection.
                    else if (metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId == int.MinValue)
                        // Insert the item.
                        MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto = new MediaObjectMetadataDto
                                                                                            FKMediaObjectId = mediaObject.Id,
                                                                                            MetadataNameIdentifier = (int)metaDataItem.MetadataItemName,
                                                                                            Description = metaDataItem.Description,
                                                                                            Value = metaDataItem.Value

                        // Note: The newly assigned ID is not assigned back to metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId, but that should be
                        // OK because we'll be reloading the items from the DB after the save.
                        // Update the item.
                        MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto = ctx.MediaObjectMetadatas.Find(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);

                        if (mDto != null)
                            mDto.MetadataNameIdentifier = (int)metaDataItem.MetadataItemName;
                            mDto.Description = metaDataItem.Description;
                            mDto.Value = metaDataItem.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the most recent synchronization information from the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        /// <param name="factory">An instance of <see cref="IFactory"/>. It is used to instantiate a <see cref="ISynchronizationStatus"/> object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an <see cref="ISynchronizationStatus"/> object with the most recent synchronization information from the data store.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="factory" /> is null.</exception>
        public override ISynchronizationStatus Synchronize_RetrieveStatus(int galleryId, IFactory factory)
            if (factory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");

            ISynchronizationStatus updatedSynchStatus = null;

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                SynchronizeDto sDto = ctx.Synchronizes.Find(galleryId);

                if (sDto != null)
                    SynchronizationState synchState = (SynchronizationState)Enum.Parse(typeof(SynchronizationState), sDto.SynchState.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    updatedSynchStatus = factory.CreateSynchronizationStatus(galleryId, sDto.SynchId, synchState, sDto.TotalFiles, String.Empty, sDto.CurrentFileIndex, String.Empty);

            if (updatedSynchStatus == null)
                // The gs_Synchronize table didn't have a record for this gallery. Configure the gallery, which will
                // insert the missing record, then call this method again.
                IGallery gallery = Gallery_GetGalleries(factory.CreateGalleryCollection()).FindById(galleryId);
                if (gallery != null)
                    throw new ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.InvalidGalleryException(galleryId);

                return Synchronize_RetrieveStatus(galleryId, factory);

            return updatedSynchStatus;
 private static void DeleteMetadataItems(IGalleryObject mediaObject, GspContext ctx)
     foreach (MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto in (from m in ctx.MediaObjectMetadatas where m.FKMediaObjectId == mediaObject.Id select m))
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the specified gallery to the data store. Return the ID of the gallery.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gallery">An instance of <see cref="IGallery"/> to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Return the ID of the gallery. If this is a new gallery and a new ID has been
        /// assigned, then this value has also been assigned to the <see cref="IGallery.GalleryId"/> property.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="gallery" /> is null.</exception>		/// 
        public override int Gallery_Save(IGallery gallery)
            if (gallery == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gallery");

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                if (gallery.IsNew)
                    GalleryDto galleryDto = new GalleryDto { Description = gallery.Description, DateAdded = gallery.CreationDate };


                    // Assign newly created gallery ID.
                    gallery.GalleryId = galleryDto.GalleryId;
                    var galleryDto = ctx.Galleries.Find(gallery.GalleryId);

                    if (galleryDto != null)
                        galleryDto.Description = gallery.Description;
                        throw new DataException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Cannot save gallery: No existing gallery with Gallery ID {0} was found in the database.", gallery.GalleryId));

            return gallery.GalleryId;
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the data schema version of the database. May return null. Examples: "2.3.3421", "2.4.1"
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="string"/> containing the database version.</returns>
 internal static string GetDataSchemaVersionString()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return (from a in ctx.AppSettings where a.SettingName == "DataSchemaVersion" select a.SettingValue).FirstOrDefault();
        /// <summary>
        /// Permanently delete all errors from the data store that are system-wide (that is, not associated with a specific gallery) and also
        /// those errors belonging to the specified <paramref name="galleryId"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        public override void AppError_ClearLog(int galleryId)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                var aeDtos = (from ae in ctx.AppErrors where ae.FKGalleryId == galleryId || ae.FKGalleryId == int.MinValue select ae);
                foreach (var aeDto in aeDtos)

        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the application error from the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appErrorId">The value that uniquely identifies this application error (<see cref="IAppError.AppErrorId"/>).</param>
        public override void AppError_Delete(int appErrorId)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                AppErrorDto aeDto = (from ae in ctx.AppErrors where ae.AppErrorId == appErrorId select ae).FirstOrDefault();

                if (aeDto != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a collection representing the child media objects contained within the album specified by
 /// <paramref name="albumId"/> parameter. If no matching objects are found in the data store, an empty collection is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="albumId">The ID that uniquely identifies the desired album.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns a collection of all media objects directly within the album represented by <paramref name="albumId"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public override IEnumerable<MediaObjectDto> Album_GetChildMediaObjectsById(int albumId)
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return (from mo in ctx.MediaObjects where mo.FKAlbumId == albumId select mo).ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the specified album to the data store. Return the ID of the album.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="album">An instance of <see cref="IAlbum"/> to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Return the ID of the album. If this is a new album and a new ID has been
        /// assigned, then this value has also been assigned to the ID property of the object.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="album" /> is null.</exception>
        public override int Album_Save(IAlbum album)
            if (album == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("album");

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                if (album.IsNew)
                    AlbumDto aDto = new AlbumDto
                                                            FKGalleryId = album.GalleryId,
                                                            AlbumParentId = album.Parent.Id,
                                                            Title = album.Title,
                                                            DirectoryName = album.DirectoryName,
                                                            Summary = album.Summary,
                                                            ThumbnailMediaObjectId = album.Thumbnail.MediaObjectId,
                                                            Seq = album.Sequence,
                                                            DateStart = (album.DateStart > DateTime.MinValue ? album.DateStart : (DateTime?)null),
                                                            DateEnd = (album.DateEnd > DateTime.MinValue ? album.DateEnd : (DateTime?)null),
                                                            CreatedBy = album.CreatedByUserName,
                                                            DateAdded = album.DateAdded,
                                                            LastModifiedBy = album.LastModifiedByUserName,
                                                            DateLastModified = album.DateLastModified,
                                                            OwnedBy = album.OwnerUserName,
                                                            OwnerRoleName = album.OwnerRoleName,
                                                            IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate


                    if (album.Id != aDto.AlbumId)
                        album.Id = aDto.AlbumId;

                    // Return newly created album ID.
                    return aDto.AlbumId;
                    AlbumDto aDto = ctx.Albums.Find(album.Id);

                    if (aDto != null)
                        aDto.FKGalleryId = album.GalleryId;
                        aDto.AlbumParentId = album.Parent.Id;
                        aDto.Title = album.Title;
                        aDto.DirectoryName = album.DirectoryName;
                        aDto.Summary = album.Summary;
                        aDto.ThumbnailMediaObjectId = album.ThumbnailMediaObjectId;
                        aDto.Seq = album.Sequence;
                        aDto.DateStart = (album.DateStart > DateTime.MinValue ? album.DateStart : (DateTime?)null);
                        aDto.DateEnd = (album.DateEnd > DateTime.MinValue ? album.DateEnd : (DateTime?)null);
                        aDto.LastModifiedBy = album.LastModifiedByUserName;
                        aDto.DateLastModified = album.DateLastModified;
                        aDto.OwnedBy = album.OwnerUserName;
                        aDto.OwnerRoleName = album.OwnerRoleName;
                        aDto.IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate;


                    return album.Id;
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a collection of album IDs that are immediate children of the album represented by <paramref name="albumId"/>.
 /// If no matching objects are found in the data store, an empty collection is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="albumId">The ID that uniquely identifies the album for which to return the child albums
 /// contained within.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns a collection of all album IDs directly within the album represented by <paramref name="albumId"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public override IEnumerable<int> Album_GetChildAlbumIdsById(int albumId)
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return (from a in ctx.Albums where a.AlbumParentId == albumId select a.AlbumId).ToList();
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the album for the specified <paramref name="albumId"/>. Returns null if no matching object
 /// is found in the data store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="albumId">The ID that uniquely identifies the desired album.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns an instance of <see cref="AlbumDto"/>, or null if no matching object is found.
 /// </returns>
 public override AlbumDto Album_GetAlbumById(int albumId)
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return ctx.Albums.Find(albumId);
 /// <summary>
 /// Verify various tables have required records. For example, the album table must have a root album for each gallery, the gallery 
 /// settings table must have a set of gallery settings, the MIME type gallery table must have a set of MIME types for each
 /// gallery, and the synch table has a record for each gallery and its values are reset to default values. Also propogate any new 
 /// gallery settings or MIME types to all galleries. This function works by iterating through each gallery and calling the 
 /// CreateGallery routine.
 /// </summary>
 private static void ValidateDataIntegrity()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         foreach (GalleryDto gallery in (from g in ctx.Galleries where g.GalleryId > int.MinValue select g))
        /// <summary>
        /// Permanently delete the specified gallery from the data store, including all related records. This action cannot
        /// be undone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gallery">The <see cref="IGallery"/> to delete from the data store.</param>
        public override void Gallery_Delete(IGallery gallery)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                // Delete gallery. Cascade delete rules in DB will delete related records.
                GalleryDto galleryDto = (from g in ctx.Galleries where g.GalleryId == gallery.GalleryId select g).FirstOrDefault();

                if (galleryDto != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the list of root album IDs to the data store. The table gs_Role_Album contains one record for each role/album
        /// relationship. This procedure adds and deletes records as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="role">The gallery server role containing the list of root Album IDs to persist to the data store.</param>
        private static void PersistRoleAlbumRelationshipsToDataStore(IGalleryServerRole role)
            // Step 1: Copy the list of root album IDs to a new list. We'll be removing items from the list as we process them,
            // so we don't want to mess with the actual list attached to the object.
            List<int> roleAlbumRelationshipsToPersist = new List<int>();
            foreach (int albumId in role.RootAlbumIds)

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                // Step 2: Get a list of all root album IDs in the data store for this role.
                List<int> roleAlbumRelationshipsToDelete = new List<int>();
                foreach (int albumId in (from ra in ctx.RoleAlbums where ra.FKRoleName == role.RoleName select ra.FKAlbumId))
                    // Step 3: Iterate through each role/album relationship that is stored in the data store. If it is in our list, then
                    // remove it from the list (see step 5 why). If not, the user must have unchecked it so add it to a list of
                    // relationships to be deleted.
                    if (roleAlbumRelationshipsToPersist.Contains(albumId))

                // Step 4: Delete the records we accumulated in our list.
                var roleAlbumDtos = from ra in ctx.RoleAlbums where roleAlbumRelationshipsToDelete.Contains(ra.FKAlbumId) select ra;

                foreach (RoleAlbumDto roleAlbumDto in roleAlbumDtos)

                // Step 5: Any items still left in the roleAlbumRelationshipsToPersist list must be new ones checked by the user. Add them.
                foreach (int albumid in roleAlbumRelationshipsToPersist)
                    ctx.RoleAlbums.Add(new RoleAlbumDto { FKAlbumId = albumid, FKRoleName = role.RoleName });

        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the <paramref name="emptyCollection"/> with all the galleries in the current application. The return value is the same reference
        /// as the parameter. The template gallery is not included (that is, the one where the gallery ID = <see cref="Int32.MinValue"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emptyCollection">An empty <see cref="IGalleryCollection"/> object to populate with the list of galleries in the current
        /// application. This parameter is required because the library that implements this interface does not have
        /// the ability to directly instantiate any object that implements <see cref="IGalleryCollection"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an <see cref="IGalleryCollection"/> representing the galleries in the current application. The returned object is the
        /// same object in memory as the <paramref name="emptyCollection"/> parameter.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="emptyCollection" /> is null.</exception>		/// 
        public override IGalleryCollection Gallery_GetGalleries(IGalleryCollection emptyCollection)
            if (emptyCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("emptyCollection");

            if (emptyCollection.Count > 0)

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                var galleries = from i in ctx.Galleries where i.GalleryId > int.MinValue select i;

                foreach (GalleryDto gallery in galleries)
                    IGallery g = emptyCollection.CreateEmptyGalleryInstance();

                    g.GalleryId = gallery.GalleryId;
                    g.Description = gallery.Description;
                    g.CreationDate = gallery.DateAdded;
                    g.Albums = FlattenGallery(gallery.GalleryId);


            return emptyCollection;
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the specified application error to the data store. Return the ID of the error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appError">The application error to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Return the ID of the error. If this is a new error object and a new ID has been
        /// assigned, then this value has also been assigned to the ID property of the object.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="appError" /> is null.</exception>
        public override int AppError_Save(IAppError appError)
            if (appError == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appError");

            AppErrorDto aeDto = new AppErrorDto
                                                            FKGalleryId = appError.GalleryId,
                                                            TimeStamp = appError.Timestamp,
                                                            ExceptionType = appError.ExceptionType,
                                                            Message = appError.Message,
                                                            Source = appError.Source,
                                                            TargetSite = appError.TargetSite,
                                                            StackTrace = appError.StackTrace,
                                                            ExceptionData = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.ExceptionData),
                                                            InnerExType = appError.InnerExType,
                                                            InnerExMessage = appError.InnerExMessage,
                                                            InnerExSource = appError.InnerExSource,
                                                            InnerExTargetSite = appError.InnerExTargetSite,
                                                            InnerExStackTrace = appError.InnerExStackTrace,
                                                            InnerExData = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.InnerExData),
                                                            Url = appError.Url,
                                                            FormVariables = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.FormVariables),
                                                            Cookies = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.Cookies),
                                                            SessionVariables = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.SessionVariables),
                                                            ServerVariables = ErrorHandler.Error.Serialize(appError.ServerVariables)

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())

                appError.AppErrorId = aeDto.AppErrorId;

                return appError.AppErrorId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert all metadata items from the data store for the specified media object. Assumes no existing metadata record exists
        /// that matches the MediaObjectMetadataId value of each metadata item. Each metadata item is inserted and the newly
        /// assigned MediaObjectMetadataId value is assigned to the item's MediaObjectMetadataId property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaObject">The media object for which to insert all metadata items to the data store.</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">A database context.</param>
        private static void InsertMetadataItems(IGalleryObject mediaObject, GspContext ctx)
            // Insert meta data items, if any, into MediaObjectMetadata table.
            if (mediaObject.MetadataItems.Count > 0)
                foreach (IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem in mediaObject.MetadataItems)
                    MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto = new MediaObjectMetadataDto
                                                                                        FKMediaObjectId = mediaObject.Id,
                                                                                        MetadataNameIdentifier = (int)metaDataItem.MetadataItemName,
                                                                                        Description = metaDataItem.Description,
                                                                                        Value = metaDataItem.Value

                    // Note: The newly assigned ID is not assigned back to metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId, but that should be
                    // OK because we'll be reloading the items from the DB after the save.
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a collection representing the application settings in the data store.
 /// If no records are found in the data store, an empty collection is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns a collection containing the application settings in the data store.
 /// </returns>
 public override IEnumerable<AppSettingDto> AppSetting_GetAppSettings()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return ctx.AppSettings.ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Flatten the gallery into a dictionary of album IDs (key) and the flattened list of all albums each album
        /// contains (value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of Dictionary&lt;int, List&lt;int&gt;&gt;.</returns>
        private static Dictionary<int, List<int>> FlattenGallery(int galleryId)
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> flatIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

            ILookup<int, AlbumTuple> albums;
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                albums = (from a in ctx.Albums
                                    where a.FKGalleryId == galleryId
                                    select new AlbumTuple
                                                        AlbumId = a.AlbumId,
                                                        AlbumParentId = a.AlbumParentId
                                                    }).ToLookup(a => a.AlbumParentId, v => v);

            const int rootAlbumParentId = 0;

            // Get a reference to the root album
            AlbumTuple rootAlbum = albums[rootAlbumParentId].First();

            // Add the root album to our flat list and set up the child list
            flatIds.Add(rootAlbum.AlbumId, new List<int> { rootAlbum.AlbumId });

            // Now add the children of the root album
            foreach (AlbumTuple albumTuple in albums[rootAlbum.AlbumId])
                FlattenAlbum(albumTuple, albums, flatIds, new List<int> { rootAlbum.AlbumId });

            return flatIds;
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the current application settings to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appSetting">An instance of <see cref="IAppSetting"/> to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="appSetting" /> is null.</exception>
        public override void AppSetting_Save(IAppSetting appSetting)
            if (appSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appSetting");

            Type asType = appSetting.GetType();

            // Specify the list of properties we want to save.
            string[] propertiesToSave = new[] { "MediaObjectDownloadBufferSize", "EncryptMediaObjectUrlOnClient", "EncryptionKey",
                                                                                                "JQueryScriptPath", "JQueryUiScriptPath", "MembershipProviderName", "RoleProviderName", "ProductKey", "EnableCache",
                                                                                                "AllowGalleryAdminToManageUsersAndRoles", "AllowGalleryAdminToViewAllUsersAndRoles", "MaxNumberErrorItems" };

            string boolType = typeof(bool).ToString();
            string intType = typeof(int).ToString();
            string stringType = typeof(string).ToString();

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())

                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in asType.GetProperties())
                    if ((prop == null) || (prop.PropertyType.FullName == null))

                    if (Array.IndexOf(propertiesToSave, prop.Name) >= 0)
                        // This is one of the properties we want to save.
                        string propValue;

                        if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(boolType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToBoolean(prop.GetValue(appSetting, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(intType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToInt32(prop.GetValue(appSetting, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(stringType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToString(prop.GetValue(appSetting, null), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            propValue = prop.GetValue(appSetting, null).ToString();

                        // Find the app setting in the DB and update it.
                        var appSettingDto = (from i in ctx.AppSettings.Local where i.SettingName == prop.Name select i).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (appSettingDto != null)
                            appSettingDto.SettingValue = propValue;
                            throw new DataException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Cannot update application setting. No record was found in gs_AppSetting with SettingName='{0}'.", prop.Name));

        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">A database context.</param>
        private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem, GspContext ctx)
            MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto = ctx.MediaObjectMetadatas.Find(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);

            if (mDto != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the current gallery control settings to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryControlSettings">An instance of <see cref="IGalleryControlSettings"/> to persist to the data store.</param>
        public override void GalleryControlSetting_Save(IGalleryControlSettings galleryControlSettings)
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                string[] propertiesToExclude = new[] { "GalleryControlSettingId", "ControlId" };

                Type gsType = galleryControlSettings.GetType();
                string viewModeType = typeof(ViewMode).ToString();

                string boolType = typeof(bool).ToString();
                string boolNullableType = typeof(bool?).ToString();
                string intType = typeof(int).ToString();
                string intNullableType = typeof(int?).ToString();
                string stringType = typeof(string).ToString();


                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in gsType.GetProperties())
                    if (Array.IndexOf(propertiesToExclude, prop.Name) >= 0)
                        continue; // Skip this one.

                    // Get a reference to the database record (won't exist for new items).
                    string propName = prop.Name;
                    GalleryControlSettingDto gcsDto = (from g in ctx.GalleryControlSettings.Local
                                                                                         where g.ControlId == galleryControlSettings.ControlId && g.SettingName == propName
                                                                                         select g).FirstOrDefault();

                    object objPropValue = prop.GetValue(galleryControlSettings, null);

                    if (objPropValue != null)
                        string propValue;

                        if (prop.PropertyType.FullName == null)

                        if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(boolType) || prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(boolNullableType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToBoolean(objPropValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(intType) || prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(intNullableType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToInt32(objPropValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(stringType))
                            propValue = Convert.ToString(objPropValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.Equals(viewModeType))
                            // Only save ViewMode if it has a non-default value.
                            ViewMode viewMode = (ViewMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(ViewMode), prop.GetValue(galleryControlSettings, null).ToString(), true);

                            if (viewMode == ViewMode.NotSet)
                                // Property not assigned. Delete the record.
                                if (gcsDto != null)

                                continue; // We're done with this property, so let's move on to the next one.

                            propValue = viewMode.ToString();
                            propValue = prop.GetValue(galleryControlSettings, null).ToString();

                        // Insert or update the item.
                        if (gcsDto == null)
                            gcsDto = new GalleryControlSettingDto { ControlId = galleryControlSettings.ControlId, SettingName = propName, SettingValue = propValue };
                            gcsDto.SettingValue = propValue;
                        // Property not assigned. Delete the record.
                        if (gcsDto != null)

                        // Include this only for debug purposes.
                        //System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true);
                        //string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Deleted Gallery Control Setting \"{0}\". Stack trace: {1}", prop.Name, st);

        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the synchronization information to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="synchStatus">An <see cref="ISynchronizationStatus"/> object containing the synchronization information
        /// to persist to the data store.</param>
        /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.SynchronizationInProgressException">Thrown when the data
        /// store indicates another synchronization is already in progress for this gallery.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="synchStatus" /> is null.</exception>
        public override void Synchronize_SaveStatus(ISynchronizationStatus synchStatus)
            if (synchStatus == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("synchStatus");

            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                SynchronizeDto sDto = ctx.Synchronizes.Find(synchStatus.GalleryId);

                if (sDto != null)
                    if ((sDto.SynchId != synchStatus.SynchId) && ((sDto.SynchState == (int)SynchronizationState.SynchronizingFiles) || (sDto.SynchState == (int)SynchronizationState.PersistingToDataStore)))
                        throw new ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.SynchronizationInProgressException();
                        sDto.SynchId = synchStatus.SynchId;
                        sDto.SynchState = (int)synchStatus.Status;
                        sDto.TotalFiles = synchStatus.TotalFileCount;
                        sDto.CurrentFileIndex = synchStatus.CurrentFileIndex;
                    sDto = new SynchronizeDto
                                        SynchId = synchStatus.SynchId,
                                        FKGalleryId = synchStatus.GalleryId,
                                        SynchState = (int)synchStatus.Status,
                                        TotalFiles = synchStatus.TotalFileCount,
                                        CurrentFileIndex = synchStatus.CurrentFileIndex


 /// <summary>
 /// Return a collection representing all the gallery settings in the data store.
 /// If no records are found in the data store, an empty collection is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns a collection containing all the gallery settings in the data store.
 /// </returns>
 public override IEnumerable<GallerySettingDto> GallerySetting_GetGallerySettings()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return ctx.GallerySettings.OrderBy(g => g.FKGalleryId).ToList();
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a collection representing the application errors. If no objects are found
 /// in the data store, an empty collection is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns a collection object with all application error fields.
 /// </returns>
 public override IEnumerable<AppErrorDto> AppError_GetAppErrors()
     using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
         return ctx.AppErrors.ToList();
        private static void PersistRoleToDataStore(IGalleryServerRole role)
            // Update the existing role or insert if it doesn't exist.
            using (GspContext ctx = new GspContext())
                RoleDto roleDto = ctx.Roles.Find(role.RoleName);

                if (roleDto == null)
                    roleDto = new RoleDto
                                                RoleName = role.RoleName,
                                                AllowViewAlbumsAndObjects = role.AllowViewAlbumOrMediaObject,
                                                AllowViewOriginalImage = role.AllowViewOriginalImage,
                                                AllowAddChildAlbum = role.AllowAddChildAlbum,
                                                AllowAddMediaObject = role.AllowAddMediaObject,
                                                AllowEditAlbum = role.AllowEditAlbum,
                                                AllowEditMediaObject = role.AllowEditMediaObject,
                                                AllowDeleteChildAlbum = role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum,
                                                AllowDeleteMediaObject = role.AllowDeleteMediaObject,
                                                AllowSynchronize = role.AllowSynchronize,
                                                HideWatermark = role.HideWatermark,
                                                AllowAdministerGallery = role.AllowAdministerGallery,
                                                AllowAdministerSite = role.AllowAdministerSite

                    roleDto.AllowViewAlbumsAndObjects = role.AllowViewAlbumOrMediaObject;
                    roleDto.AllowViewOriginalImage = role.AllowViewOriginalImage;
                    roleDto.AllowAddChildAlbum = role.AllowAddChildAlbum;
                    roleDto.AllowAddMediaObject = role.AllowAddMediaObject;
                    roleDto.AllowEditAlbum = role.AllowEditAlbum;
                    roleDto.AllowEditMediaObject = role.AllowEditMediaObject;
                    roleDto.AllowDeleteChildAlbum = role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum;
                    roleDto.AllowDeleteMediaObject = role.AllowDeleteMediaObject;
                    roleDto.AllowSynchronize = role.AllowSynchronize;
                    roleDto.HideWatermark = role.HideWatermark;
                    roleDto.AllowAdministerGallery = role.AllowAdministerGallery;
                    roleDto.AllowAdministerSite = role.AllowAdministerSite;
