public FogSystemManager(MCamera pCam, GameObject pTarget) : base(false) { _lightAlpha = new Bitmap("data/player_light_grid_map.png"); _lightSprite = new Sprite("data/player_light_grid_map.png", false, false); _brushes = new Brush[4]; SetBrushes(HatchStyle.Cross); _bg = new EasyDraw(game.width, game.height); pCam.AddChild(_bg); _bg.SetOriginToCenter(); _bg.Clear(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Black)); _cam = pCam; _mainTarget = pTarget; string[] hatchesStrs = new string[51]; for (int i = 0; i < 51; i++) { var hatchStyle = (HatchStyle)i; hatchesStrs[i] = hatchStyle.ToString(); } hatchesStrs = hatchesStrs.OrderBy(h => h).ToArray(); _hatchStyles = new HatchStyle[51]; for (int i = 0; i < _hatchStyles.Length; i++) { var hatchStyle = Enum.Parse(typeof(HatchStyle), hatchesStrs[i]); _hatchStyles[i] = (HatchStyle)hatchStyle; } Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {string.Join("\r\n", _hatchStyles)}"); }
public HudSlider(int width, int height, float startValue = 1.0f, bool addCollider = true) : base(width, height, addCollider) { Clear(Color.DarkGray); _fore = new EasyDraw(width - 4, height - 4, false); _fore.SetOrigin(0, -_fore.height / 2f); _fore.Clear(Color.LightGray); AddChild(_fore); _fore.x = 2; _fore.y = -_fore.height * 0.5f + 2; _thumb = new EasyDraw(10, height, false); _thumb.Clear(Color.Aqua); _thumb.Fill(Color.White); _thumb.Stroke(Color.Black); _thumb.ShapeAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min); _thumb.Rect(0, 0, _thumb.width - 1, height - 1); AddChild(_thumb); _thumb.x = 0; _thumb.y = 0; _thumb.SetOrigin(_thumb.width * 0.5f, 0); }
public HUD() { //Font PFC = new PrivateFontCollection(); PFC.AddFontFile(@"kenyan_coffee_rg.ttf"); _ownFontClock = new Font(PFC.Families[0], 32); _ownFontText = new Font(PFC.Families[0], 32); //Proximity information _rectProximityInfo = new EasyDraw(1920, 1080, addCollider: false); _rectProximityInfo.alpha = 0.9f; _rectProximityInfo.color = 0x262626; AddChild(_rectProximityInfo); _proximityInfo = new EasyDraw(1920, 1080, addCollider: false); _proximityInfo.color = 0x56b25d; _proximityInfo.TextFont(_ownFontText); _textOnceAdded = false; //Clock Background _clockBackground = new Sprite("timeBackground.png"); _clockBackground.SetXY(5, 15); AddChild(_clockBackground); //Clock _clock = new EasyDraw(1920, 1080, addCollider: false); _clock.color = 0x56b25d; _clock.TextFont(_ownFontClock); AddChild(_clock); //Shopping list _shoppingList = new Sprite("List.png"); _shoppingList.scale = 0.65f; _shoppingList.SetXY(_shoppingList.width / 2.5f, 300); _shoppingList.SetOrigin(_shoppingList.width / 2, _shoppingList.height / 2); AddChild(_shoppingList); //Settings button _settingsButton = new Sprite("settingsButton.png"); _settingsButton.SetXY(225, 13); AddChild(_settingsButton); //Chatbox _chatBox = new Sprite("chatBox.png"); _chatBox.SetOrigin(_chatBox.width / 2, _chatBox.height / 2); _chatBox.SetXY(game.width / 2, game.height - 50); AddChild(_chatBox); //Sound _backgroundMusic = new Sound("backgroundSounds.mp3", true, true); _backgroundSC = _backgroundMusic.Play(); _backgroundSC.Volume = 0.35f; //Tutorial tutorial = new Sprite("Tutorial.png"); tutorial.SetOrigin(tutorial.width / 2, tutorial.height / 2); tutorial.SetXY(game.width / 2, game.height / 2); AddChild(tutorial); }
UICanvas() { healthBarSpriteSheet = new AnimationSprite("HealthSpriteSheet.png", 1, 3); healthBarSpriteSheet.SetXY(game.width - 250, 50); AddChild(healthBarSpriteSheet); uiEasyDraw = new EasyDraw(150, 60); AddChild(uiEasyDraw); }
public HudTextBoard(string pText, float px, float py, int width, int height, int textSize, CenterMode hor = CenterMode.Min, CenterMode ver = CenterMode.Min) { this.x = px; this.y = py; this._text = pText; _easyDraw = new EasyDraw(width, height, false); _easyDraw.TextFont("data/Gaiatype.ttf", 12); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pText)) { _easyDraw.TextSize(textSize); _easyDraw.TextDimensions(_text, out var w, out var h); var wr = Mathf.Round(w); var hr = Mathf.Round(h); if (wr <= 0) { wr = 10; } if (hr <= 0) { hr = 10; } _easyDraw = new EasyDraw(wr, hr, false); } _easyDraw.TextFont("data/Gaiatype.ttf", 12); _easyDraw.TextSize(textSize); _easyDraw.TextAlign(hor, ver); AddChild(_easyDraw); if (hor == CenterMode.Center) { _textX = _easyDraw.width * 0.5f; } else if (hor == CenterMode.Max) { _textX = _easyDraw.width; } if (ver == CenterMode.Center) { _textY = _easyDraw.height * 0.5f; } else if (ver == CenterMode.Max) { _textY = _easyDraw.height; } SetText(_text); }
private void CreateBlankScreen() { var blankScreen = new EasyDraw(Game.main.width, Game.main.height); blankScreen.NoStroke(); blankScreen.Fill(Color.Black); blankScreen.ShapeAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min); blankScreen.Rect(0, 0, blankScreen.width, blankScreen.height); AddChild(blankScreen); }
public Menu(string type, Color bgColor) { bg = new EasyDraw(game.width, game.height, false); bg.ShapeAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min); bg.Fill(bgColor); bg.Rect(0, 0, bg.width, bg.height); AddChild(bg); this.type = type; SetType(type); }
void InititalizeText(string text) //For text to overlay over the HUD { if (text == null) { return; } textContainer = new EasyDraw(ElementTexture.width, ElementTexture.height, false); textContainer.TextAlign(CenterMode.Center, CenterMode.Center); UpdateString(text); AddChild(textContainer); }
public HudScore(string filename) : base(filename, false, false) { //Hud score text //"VAGRundschriftD" _scoreLabelEasyDraw = new EasyDraw(350, 40, false); AddChild(_scoreLabelEasyDraw); //78 115 _scoreLabelEasyDraw.SetXY(60, 70); _scoreLabelEasyDraw.Clear(Color.FromArgb(1, 1, 1, 1)); _scoreLabelEasyDraw.TextFont($"data/VAGRundschriftD.ttf", 32); _scoreLabelEasyDraw.Fill(Color.White); _scoreLabelEasyDraw.TextAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min); _scoreLabelEasyDraw.Text($"{_score:00000000000000}", 0, 0); //"00000000000000" 14 digits }
private IEnumerator Anim(EasyDraw fore) { int time = 0; while (true) { float scaleX = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, time % 800, 0.01f, 1f, 800); fore.SetScaleXY(scaleX, 1); time += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } }
public void ToogleDebug() { _debugColl = game.GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(g => == "Debug_Coll") as EasyDraw; if (_debugColl == null) { _debugColl = new EasyDraw(2, 2, false) { name = "Debug_Coll" }; _debugColl.CentralizeOrigin(); _debugColl.Clear(Color.GreenYellow); game.AddChild(_debugColl); } else { _debugColl?.Destroy(); } _debugPOI = game.GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(g => == "Debug_POI") as EasyDraw; if (_debugPOI == null) { _debugPOI = new EasyDraw(9, 9, false) { name = "Debug_POI" }; _debugPOI.CentralizeOrigin(); _debugPOI.Clear(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Red)); game.AddChild(_debugPOI); } else { _debugPOI?.Destroy(); } _debugNormalPOI = game.GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(g => == "Debug_Normal_POI") as Arrow; if (_debugNormalPOI == null) { _debugNormalPOI = new Arrow(,, 100, (uint)Color.HotPink.ToArgb()) { name = "Debug_Normal_POI" }; game.AddChild(_debugNormalPOI); } else { _debugNormalPOI?.Destroy(); } }
public HudPointsPopUp() : base("+100", 0, 0, 50, 50, 18, CenterMode.Center, CenterMode.Center) { EasyDraw.TextFont("data/Chantal W00 Medium.ttf", 18); _shadowText = new HudTextBoard("+100", -1, -1, 50, 50, 18, CenterMode.Center, CenterMode.Center); _shadowText.EasyDraw.TextFont("data/Chantal W00 Medium.ttf", 18); _shadowText.SetClearColor(Color.FromArgb(0, 1, 1, 1)); ((IHasColor)_shadowText).MainColor = GlobalVars.Skim; AddChild(_shadowText); _clearColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 1, 1, 1); ((IHasColor)this).MainColor = Color.DimGray; visible = false; }
public MeatStand(float givenX, float givenY, float givenRotation) : base(givenX, givenY, "MeatStand.png", givenRotation) { _buyMenu = new Sprite("buyScreen.png"); _buyMenu2 = new Sprite("buyScreen2.png"); _exitButton = new Sprite("exitCross.png"); _buyMenu.SetOrigin(_buyMenu.width / 2, _buyMenu.height / 2); _buyMenu.SetXY(game.width - _buyMenu.width + 150, game.height - _buyMenu.height + 150); _buyMenu2.SetOrigin(_buyMenu.width / 2, _buyMenu.height / 2); _buyMenu2.SetXY(game.width - _buyMenu.width + 150, game.height - _buyMenu.height + 150); _exitButton.SetXY(_buyMenu.x + 500, _buyMenu.y - 325); _menuShown = false; scale = 0.85f; _boughtItem = new EasyDraw(1920, 1080); _boughtItem.TextSize(16); _boughtItem.SetColor(0, 0, 0); }
public HunterGameObject(float pX, float pY, float pWidth, float pHeight, float pSightSpeed = 200) : base("data/Hunter.png", 1, 1, -1, false, false) { _scanEnemyRange = pWidth; _sightSpeed = pSightSpeed; _hunterBehaviorListeners = new IHunterBehaviorListener[0]; SetOrigin(0, height); x = pX + pWidth * 0.5f; y = pY - pHeight * 0.5f; SetOrigin(width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f); _crossHair = new HunterCrossHairGameObject(this); AddChild(_crossHair); _crossHair.SetXY(0, 0); _crossHair.alpha = 0; _hunterFollowRangeCone = new HunterFollowRangeCone(this); _hunterFollowRangeCone.SetColor(0.9f, 0.9f, 0); _hunterFollowRangeCone.alpha = 0; AddChild(_hunterFollowRangeCone); _easyDrawDebug = new EasyDraw(200, 80, false); _easyDrawDebug.SetOrigin(0, _easyDrawDebug.height * 0.5f); //_easyDrawDebug.Clear(Color.Black); AddChild(_easyDrawDebug); _easyDrawDebug.TextFont("data/Gaiatype.ttf", 8); _easyDrawDebug.x = 0; _easyDrawDebug.y = -40; CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(WaitForEnemySet(), this); }
public DroneGameObject(float pX, float pY, float pWidth, float pHeight, float pSpeed = 200, float pRotation = 0) : base( "data/Drone spritesheet small.png", 2, 2, 4, false, true) { _id = ++IdCounter; name = $"{this}_{_id}"; _customColliderBounds = new Rectangle(-27, -24, 53, 50); _maxSpeed = pSpeed; float originalWidth = width; float originalHeight = height; SetOrigin(0, height); float lScaleX = pWidth / width; float lScaleY = pHeight / height; SetScaleXY(lScaleX, lScaleY); x = pX; // + width / 2; y = pY; // - height + height / 2f; SetOrigin(originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); Turn(pRotation); x = pX + Mathf.Cos(rotation.DegToRad()) * width * 0.5f; y = pY + Mathf.Sin(rotation.DegToRad()) * width * 0.5f; var pos = new Vector2(x - pX, y - pY); var perp = new Vector2(pos.y, -pos.x).Normalized; pos = perp * height * 0.5f; SetScaleXY(1, 1); x += pos.x; y += pos.y; _startPosition = new Vector2(x, y); _ledSprite = new AnimationSprite("data/Drone White Led.png", 1, 1, -1, false, false); _ledSprite.SetOrigin(width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f); _ledOffSprite = new AnimationSprite("data/Drone Gray Led.png", 1, 1, -1, false, false); _ledOffSprite.SetOrigin(width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f); _ledSprite.SetColor(0, 1f, 0); AddChild(_ledOffSprite); AddChild(_ledSprite); _droneFollowRangeCone = new DroneFollowRangeCone(this); _droneFollowRangeCone.SetColor(0.9f, 0.9f, 0); _droneFollowRangeCone.alpha = 0; AddChild(_droneFollowRangeCone); _easyDrawDebug = new EasyDraw(200, 80, false); _easyDrawDebug.SetOrigin(0, _easyDrawDebug.height * 0.5f); _easyDrawDebug.Clear(Color.Black); AddChild(_easyDrawDebug); _easyDrawDebug.TextFont("data/Gaiatype.ttf", 8); _easyDrawDebug.x = 0; _easyDrawDebug.y = -40; CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(WaitForEnemyLoad(), this); }