Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read DLMS Data from the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If access is denied return null.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="data">Data to send.</param>
        /// <returns>Received data.</returns>
        public void ReadDLMSPacket(byte[] data, int tryCount, GXReplyData reply)
            if (data == null)
            object eop = (byte)0x7E;

            //In network connection terminator is not used.
            if (client.InterfaceType == InterfaceType.WRAPPER && media is GXNet && !parent.UseRemoteSerial)
                eop = null;
            int  pos       = 0;
            bool succeeded = false;
            ReceiveParameters <byte[]> p = new ReceiveParameters <byte[]>()
                AllData  = false,
                Eop      = eop,
                Count    = 5,
                WaitTime = parent.WaitTime * 1000,

            lock (media.Synchronous)
                if (data != null)
                    media.Send(data, null);
                while (!succeeded && pos != 3)
                    succeeded = media.Receive(p);
                    if (!succeeded)
                        //Try to read again...
                        if (++pos != tryCount)
                            //If Eop is not set read one byte at time.
                            if (p.Eop == null)
                                p.Count = 1;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Data send failed. Try to resend " + pos.ToString() + "/3");
                            media.Send(data, null);
                        string err = "Failed to receive reply from the device in given time.";
                        GXLogWriter.WriteLog(err, p.Reply);
                        throw new Exception(err);
                    //Loop until whole COSEM packet is received.
                    while (!client.GetData(p.Reply, reply))
                        //If Eop is not set read one byte at time.
                        if (p.Eop == null)
                            p.Count = 1;
                        if (!media.Receive(p))
                            //Try to read again...
                            if (++pos != tryCount)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Data send failed. Try to resend " + pos.ToString() + "/3");
                            string err = "Failed to receive reply from the device in given time.";
                            GXLogWriter.WriteLog(err, p.Reply);
                            throw new Exception(err);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GXLogWriter.WriteLog("Received data:", p.Reply);
                    throw ex;
            GXLogWriter.WriteLog(null, p.Reply);
            if (parent.OnTrace != null)
                parent.OnTrace(parent, "-> " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), p.Reply);
            if (reply.Error != 0)
                if (reply.Error == (int)ErrorCode.Rejected)
                    ReadDLMSPacket(data, tryCount, reply);
                    throw new GXDLMSException(reply.Error);